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The stability of Bickley jet with particle laden flow is investigated numerically. The stability characteristics are calculated for various Stokes numbers and particle concentrations. The results confirm the author's early calculations, which also shows that the numerical program is reliable. It is further shown that there is a critical value for the effect of Stokes number, which is about 2. The most damped mode occurs when Stokes number is of order of 10 for different particle concentrations and depends weakly on the wave number. The difference in the eigenfunctions and its derivatives between the particle-laden flow and the clean gas flow is insignificant for fine particles, while the difference for coarse particles is significant. 相似文献
The two-phase flow structure and particle dispersion for a dilute particle-laden jet in crossflow(JICF) were experimentally investigated by means of Phase Doppler Anemometry(PDA) measurement.The two-phase flow experiments were conducted for different flow conditions and solid particle parameters,including the ratio of the jet velocity to crossflow velocity,the particle size and mass loading.The experimental results indicate that the fine particles with the size of 70 micron and the mass loading of 0.05% hav... 相似文献
Liu Shan jun Xu Wei lin Wang Wei Qu Jing xue State Key Hydraulics Laboratory of High Speed Flows Sichuan University Chengdu China 《水动力学研究与进展(B辑)》2002,14(3)
1 . INTRODUCTIONJetflowhasbeenextensivelyappliedforenergydissipation .Indesign ,however,becauseofthecom plexityofproblemandthediffic 相似文献
TIAN Zhong XU Wei-lin WANG Wei LIU Shan-jun DONG Jian-wei 《水动力学研究与进展(B辑)》2005,17(4):478-482
The characteristics of the impinging pressure at the jet equipment where the maximum jet velocity can reach 50m/s were studied. By comparing the impinging pressure with the one measured at the low velocity conditions, two conclusions of the scale effect are drawn: firstly, the velocity attenuation degree is smaller than that of low velocity jet, and secondly, the relative impinging width is narrower than that of low-velocity jet. The reasons of the scale effect of the impinging pressure were elucidated through numerical simulation. 相似文献
LIU Shi-he ZHAO Shi-lai LUO Qiu-shi 《水动力学研究与进展(B辑)》2007,19(5):653-660
Low concentration sediment-laden flow is usually involved in water conservancy, environmental protection, navigation and so on. In this article, a mathematical model for low-concentration sediment-laden flow was suggested based on the two-phase flow theory, and a solving scheme for the mathematical model in curvilinear grids was worked out. The observed data in the Zhang River in China was used for the verification of the model, and the calculated results of the water level, velocity and river bed deformation are in agreement with the observed ones. 相似文献
Chen Yuan Supervisor Prof.Lin Tong-ji E Xue-quan Institute of Mechanics Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing P.R.China 《水动力学研究与进展(B辑)》1993,(3)
It is of great practical and theoretical importance to study the properties and flowbehavior of laminar jet,because it tightly links the physical phenomena of nonlinerity such asflow stability and transition and so forth.However,many problems and differences exist in ba-sic concepts and in understanding of stable and transitional properties and flow patterns of ax-isymmetric laminar jet.Therefore,a further study on this subject is needed to evaluate the exist-ing understandings and to find out the mechanism governing the behavior of actual axisymmetriclaminar jet flow.In this thesis,the flow behavior of axisymmetric laminar jet issuing from nozzles of severaldiameters in the direction of gravity was studied experimentally using flow visualization tech-nique in the range of Reynolds number from tens to thousands.The unstable and transitionalprocesses in the laminar jet were observed.The influence on the jet flow of different geometrycontours of jet chamber boundary was investigated.Some new flow phenomena were discoveredwhich gave deeper understanding of flow patterns and their dependent factors in low Reynoldsnumber axisymmetric laminar jet.A theoretical model to describe the variation of the axisym-metric laminar jet length influenced by the weak density difference is proposed based on the ex-perimental observation,which will be helpful in recognizing the flow behavior of axisymmetriclaminar jet of low Reynolds numbers. 相似文献
LIU Zhen-hua GAO Yi-pu 《水动力学研究与进展(B辑)》2007,19(5):630-634
Flow patterns of liquid-gas two-phase flow were experimentally investigated. The experiments were carried out in both vertical and horizontal capillary tubes having inner diameters of 1.60 mm. The working liquid was the mixture of water and Sodium Dodecyl Benzoyl Sulfate (SDBS). The working gas was Nitrogen. For the water/SDBS mixture-gas flow in the vertical capillary tube, flow-pattern transitions occurred at lower flow velocities than those for the water-gas flow in the same tube. For the water/SDBS mixture-gas flow in the horizontal capillary tube, surface tension had little effect on the bubbly-intermittent transition and had only slight effect on the plug-slug and slug-annular transitions. However, surface tension had significant effect on the wavy stratified flow regime. The wavy stratified flow regime of water/SDBS mixture-gas flow expanded compared with that of water-gas. 相似文献
LIU Jie WEI Cai-xin HAN Feng-qin 《水动力学研究与进展(B辑)》2006,18(2):211-218
NOMENCLATURE Q —flow rate H— head Dref —diameter of pitch circle B —inner width of bucket ω —angular speed of runner QDH —unit discharge Sn —needle strokesn—relative needle stroke Dinj —diameter of injector inlet Dt —diameter of nozzle throat D 相似文献
基于扬压力实测资料的古田溪四级大坝稳定分析 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
针对古田溪四级大坝部分坝段坝基扬压力较大的问题,应用坝基总扬压力模型和概率法对坝基扬压力性态和可能极值进行了分析,由此进一步分析了典型坝段的稳定状况。 相似文献
Liu Xiao-bing 《水动力学研究与进展(B辑)》1996,(2)
In a low permeability reservoir, the existence of a moving boundary is considered in the study of the transient porous flow with threshold pressure gradient. The transmission of the moving boundary directly indicates the size of the drainage area as well as the apparent influences on the pressure behavior. The nonlinear transient flow mathematical model in which the threshold pressure gradient and the moving boundary are incorporated is solved by advanced mathematical methods. This paper presents some new analytical solutions describing the pressure distribution at a constant rate and the production decline in a constant pressure production with the boundary propagation. It is shown that the greater the threshold pressure gradient, the slower the transmission of the moving boundary, the larger the pressure loss will be, and there is no radial flow in the middle and later phases of the wellface pressure for a well at a constant rate. We have the the maximum moving boundary at a specific drawdown pressure for a low permeability reservoir. The greater the threshold pressure gradient, the smaller the maximum moving boundary distance, the quicker the production decline for a well in a constant pressure production will be. The type curve charts for the modern well test analysis and the rate transient analysis with a moving boundary are obtained and the field test and the production data are interpreted as examples to illustrate how to use our new results. 相似文献
Lu Yu-lin 《水动力学研究与进展(B辑)》1994,(1)
SOLUTIONOFRELATIVEPERMEABILITYOFTWO-PHASEFLOWINPOROUSMEDIUMLuYu-lin(InstituofEngineeringMechanics,DalianUniversityofTechnolog... 相似文献
LI Yu-cheng LU Lin 《水动力学研究与进展(B辑)》2005,17(4):404-411
A two dimensional vertical mathematical model is proposed in this paper for simulating the equilibrium profile of local scour around submarine pipelines. The current model is composed of a new k-ε turbulence model, fitting moving boundary with pre-meshed grid lines and incipient criterion of shear stress for sediments. Employing the proposed model, an instance is carried out numerically and compared with experiments. The calculation results agree well with the experiments. It shows that the improved two equation turbulence model, adopted in this paper is appropriate to simulating the turbulent flow ficld around submarine pipelines, fitting moving boundary with pre-mcshed grid lines method is efficient for moving boundary problems in a multiply connected domain and the stability evaluation method for seabed with critical shear stress based on log-wall law is a reliable choice. 相似文献
Lin Jian-zhong Zhou Ze-xuanDepartment of Mechanics State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power Transmission Control Zhejiang University Hangzhou P. R. China) 《水动力学研究与进展(B辑)》1996,(2)
This paper is concerned with theoretical and experimental study on theconical swirling water jet flow.Based upon the theoretical analysis,the experiment on thestructural characteristics of swirling water jet flow including the velocity and pressure dis-tribution laws,on which the parameters of the jet,nozzle and directional blades havemore or less influence,was carried out in CSSRC by using a 3-D LDV in order to optimizea new high-efficiency jet instead of swirling drilling bit for rock-breaking and continuouslydrilling,and to meet the demand of radial horizontal drilling technology.Meanwhile basedon the experimental results,the numerical simulation was conducted for the conicalswirling water jet in the immersed well-bottom flow by solving the RANS equations in the3-D body-fitted coordinate system with the k-ε turbulence model.The numerical resultsare consistent with the experimental data,and lead to some conclusions which are impor-tant for applying the conical swirling water jet to the petroleum drill 相似文献
Liu Shi he Ye Qing Wuhan University of Hydraulic Electric Engineering Wuhan P.R.China 《水动力学研究与进展(B辑)》2000,12(1):49-56
1 . INTRODUCTIONJetflowwidelyexistsinengineering ,thencethestudyofthiskindofflowisveryim portantintheoryandpractice ,andmuchworkhasbeendoneforthecharacteristics ,numeri calmodelsaswellasthecontrolofthejetflow [1 ] .Yetuntilnowmuchattentionhasbeenpaidtotheje… 相似文献
XU Rong-qing CHEN Xia SHEN Zhong-hua LU Jian NI Xiao-wu 《水动力学研究与进展(B辑)》2005,17(6):724-729
1.INTRODUCTION Theinterestincavitationbubblesinliquids mainlyarosefromtheirdestructiveactiononsolid surfaces,whichwasfirstreportedonshippropel lersinthelastcentury.Ingeneral,cavitationcan beinitiatedbyeithersettingupatensioninaliquid orbydepositingenergyintoit[1,2].Tensionappears influidflows,suchaswithshippropellers,hydro foils,pipesandpumps.Italsooccursinsound fieldsintheunder pressurecycleofsoundwaves,e.g.,inshockwavelithotripsyandsonochemis try.Localdepositionofenergyisbroughtbyheattr… 相似文献
Tao Ming-de Zhang Wen Tang JiongDepartment of Applied Mechanics Fudan University Shanghai P. R. China 《水动力学研究与进展(B辑)》1994,(3)
The dynamic stability of a high-spinning liquid-filled rotor with both internal and external damping effects involved in is investigated in this paper. First, in the case of the rotor subjected to a transverse harmonic motion, the dynamic pressure of the liquid acting on the rotor is extracted throuhg a planar flow analysis. Then the equation of perturbed motion for the liquid-filled rotor is derived. The analytical stability criteria as well as the stability boundaries are given. The results are extensions of those given by previous literature. 相似文献
1.INTRODUCTIONBymakingcomprehensivesurveyofallkindsofrecentfloatingstructureinocean,wecandrawtheconclusionthatallthemhaveIIbottomnandbuoyancytofloatonthesea-Inthispaper,wepresentanewtypeofoceanstructurewhichisdifferentfromaconventionalone.Openbottomplatformdiscussedinthispaperconsistsofanupperdeck,fourcolumnswithopenbottomandtrussesconnectinganytwoadjacentcolumns.Everycolumnisahol-1owcylinderwithoutbottom,buthasawater-tightpressurebulkheadinstalledatacertaindistancefromtheopenend.Whenthe… 相似文献