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以特级焦宝石和硅线石为主要原料,并加入少量添加剂,采用4级配料,共磨细粉等工艺,研制出气孔率13.5%、0.2MPa荷重(1250℃×50h)蠕变率0.3~0.6%、0.2MPa荷重软化温度(KD)为1470℃优质热风炉粘土砖。该粘土砖具有较好的高温体积稳定性、蜗变性和耐磨性。  相似文献   

A new method for true flotation and entrainment evaluation is proposed and compared with three renowned methods. Therefore, reverse froth flotation tests were conducted in a laboratory Denver cell with a kaolinitic ore. The evaluation of entrainment and true flotation was based on the recoveries of iron, titanium, and manganese oxides (FeO, TiO2, and MnO), and the contributions of each oxide on kaolin minerals determined by electronic microprobe. The effect of particle size in the flotation process was analyzed by particle size distributions of four fractions (<25 µm; +25–45 µm, +45–63 µm; and >63 µm). The contribution of entrainment is similar for the three oxides and the degree of entrainment decreases with increasing particle size; however, the recovery by true flotation is different because of its discriminatory effect on minerals. MnO has the greatest recovery, as a consequence of the major contribution of its hydrophobic minerals, while FeO has the lowest recovery values. The results of the proposed method, developed for fully liberated feeds, are coherent with those obtained by the other three methods, despite the slightly overestimated contribution of entrainment in the case of fraction greater than 63 µm.  相似文献   

严立新 《工业炉》2009,31(3):49-52
根据轧钢加热炉炉衬材料的工作特点以及我国耐火原材料的具体特性,合理地进行耐火材料的选择,并对膨胀缝进行合理的设计,达到轧钢加热炉长寿、高性价比及节能的要求。  相似文献   

用后钢包浇注料的再生利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简述了国内外对用后耐火材料再生利用的情况及发展趋势。重点介绍对用后钢包浇注料的回收工艺及回收物料在高炉铁口炮泥中的应用。  相似文献   

The production of super clean steel has put in clear evidence the importance of the refractory in influencing the degree on internal cleanliness of steel. In fact chemical species transfer from the refractory to the steel bath. To reduce the steel contamination caused by the refractory it is necessary to know the interaction between the refractory and the steel. A mathematical model of the modifications of the refractory surface in contact with the steel has been developed. The work is focused on magnesia‐carbon refractory (taking into account the presence of reducing agents too, as Al, Si and Mg) and carbon steel. The model calculates the new phases formed when liquid steel and refractory are in contact. The model is based on the following mechanism of reactions: (i) Magnesia reacts with graphite forming gaseous CO and Mg. (ii) The other oxides present in the refractory (mainly CaO and SiO2 which constitutes a glassy phase) pass into the steel, giving dissolved elements and dispersed oxides. (iii) Gaseous Mg reacts at the interface refractory/steel with oxygen dissolved in the steel forming solid MgO. (iv) The MgO generated and the oxides originating from the glassy phase form the new oxide system. The newly formed phase can potentially be transferred to the bath through the steel flow against the refractory walls. The results of the model simulations have been validated by experimental tests.  相似文献   

垃圾焚烧炉用耐火材料的研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张丽 《工业炉》2009,31(6):40-44
介绍了目前国外垃圾焚烧炉的种类和特点,较系统地阐述了目前垃圾焚烧炉用耐火材料的研究现状。重点介绍了无铬耐火材料的研究现状并指出了焚烧炉用耐火材料今后的发展方向.  相似文献   

李法欣 《甘肃冶金》2017,39(2):95-97
对限制济钢板坯中包降低耐材成本的各个环节进行研究分析,并结合济钢炼钢厂的实际工艺过程,在板坯中包用耐火材料、耐材施工工艺及使用方法方面进行系统研究优化,实施后取得良好效果,降低了济钢炼钢厂铸机耐材成本。  相似文献   

The silicon pick-up of interstitial-free steel (IF steel) from resin bonded MgO-SiC refractories is studied via a medium frequency induction furnace. Samples of IF steel were heated in MgO-SiC crucibles with mould flux cover at 1 600 ℃ for 180 min. The silicon contents of IF steel samples taken from the molten steel in every 30 min were examined and the refractories after heating were investigated by electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) with energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS). The silicon content of steel rapidly increased in the first 90 min of beating, and then decreased because of the formation of liquid layer on the refractory. Liquid layer separated the liquid steel from the bulk refractory and stopped the pick-up of silicon. At the same time, desilication via oxygen through the liquid layer and flux started to reduce the silicon content of the liquid steel  相似文献   

本文运用XRD、SEM等方法对稀土锆莫来石耐火材料的显微结构,物相变化,以及稀土的作用机制进行了研究。  相似文献   

 采用静滴法研究了2种情况下转炉渣与炉衬耐火材料的润湿性。当转炉渣与耐火材料直接接触时,转炉渣不熔化,当用刚玉坩埚将两者隔开时,界面处发生反应性润湿,动态接触角随温度升高而单调减小,铺展面积随时间成线性增加。渣中FeO含量由于镁碳砖基板表面的碳及中间产物CO的还原而降低,导致炉渣熔化性温度升高而未熔化。液态熔渣沿镁碳砖表面的气孔和裂纹向基体内扩散、渗透,渣中铁氧化物与镁碳砖机体内的MgO反应生成含高熔点相的黄色渗透层,起到保护炉衬的作用,从而解释了炉渣与耐火材料的粘附机制,为优化溅渣护炉工艺,合理调整炉渣成分和选择耐火材料等工艺操作提供理论依据。  相似文献   

采用真空感应炉浸棒法,研究了高钙与低钙材料在真空动态条件下抗侵蚀性的差异。该法的实验条件是真空度5kPa、1650℃保温25min;观察与测量了实验后的试样,并用SEM与EDAX分析了侵蚀后试样的结构与组成。结果表明,在CaO-SiO2熔渣条件下,低碱度熔渣对镁钙试样有较强的侵蚀性,随熔渣碱度的升高其侵蚀作用明显缓解,当碱度R〉1.5时试样的抗侵蚀性恶化,低钙镁钙材料的抗侵蚀性优于高钙材料。在CaO-Al2O3熔渣条件下,2种材料的抗侵蚀性都很差。  相似文献   

The present paper addresses Marangoni‐convection and its influence on the appearance of refractory corrosion. Through the combination of experimental data collected over the past decade and of basic physical relationships a simple model is derived which is further on used to quantitatively describe the kinetics of corrosion for the systems glass/refractory, slag/refractory, and slag/metal/refractory.  相似文献   

太钢已有50多年的不锈钢生产历史,不锈钢生产的设备、工艺和技术在国内一直处于领先水平。简要介绍太钢不锈钢冶炼的主要工艺和设备情况,以及各设备(铁水预处理、电炉、K—OBM—S、AOD、VOD、连铸)所用耐火材料的现状及存在的问题和发展前景。  相似文献   

陶绍平  钟香崇 《钢铁》2007,42(5):33-36
利用大样电解、图像分析、扫描电镜和能谱分析等检测手段研究了82B钢种选用Al2O3-MgO、MgO-Al2O3和MgO-CaO炉衬在1450 ℃保持80 min后生成的夹杂物种类和变化.结果表明,采用Al2O3-MgO作内衬时冶炼后钢中夹杂物的数量增加了近50%,夹杂物的尺寸大(100~900 μm)且硬度很高,夹杂物的主要成分为SiO2和Al2O3;以MgO-Al2O3作内衬时夹杂物数量略有降低(30%),尺寸(80~450 μm)和硬度相对较小,其主要成分为SiO2、MnO、CaO和MgO;而MgO-CaO材料对去除钢中夹杂物(降低70%)和降低其尺寸(30~350 μm)有明显效果,且夹杂物的硬度很小,其主要成分为CaO、Al2O3、SiO2和FeO.采用MgO-CaO材料时夹杂物的尺寸最小、数量最少,对钢水洁净度的贡献最大.  相似文献   

本文阐述蓝晶石,粘土的性能,在不同温度下的相变化和特性,以及它们在耐火可塑料中的作用。蓝晶石颗粒加热至一定温度,会发生相转变,生产高温性能好的莫来石,同时析出游离SiO2;伴随加热过程发生膨胀,而容重却下降。粘土矿物在常温下可塑,在高温下收缩,同时发生相转变,生成耐高温的莫来石及方石英。以此两种矿物为主要原料,再加入辅助原料和复合添加剂配制成耐火可塑料,具有常温可塑,高温下微膨胀,抗热震、抗压抗折强度高等特性。  相似文献   

对大型高炉出铁沟用浇注料、捣打料、喷补料的性能进行了研究,分析了材料的性能、施工工艺与使用寿命的关系,认为适当的维护对于降低成本、提高寿命是有益的,铁厂需要合理的考虑使用寿命与材料的价格因素。  相似文献   

炼钢所用耐火材料主要涉及范围有转炉、钢包、连铸中间包、真空处理室等,对这几方面修砌的情况进行介绍,并对在修砌过程中的一些不正常操作状况,造成耐火材料的使用寿命受到影响进行分析;最后对炼钢用耐火材料的发展方向进行探讨。  相似文献   

选择氯化钙为添加剂,在一定条件下发生钙与钠、钾的铝硅酸盐同晶置换,使铷形成可溶于水的碱金属氯盐。通过焙烧单因素条件试验,在添加剂量为矿物质量的1倍、950℃焙烧1.5h的最优热解条件下,Rb_2O回收率高于98%。  相似文献   

介绍了国内外高炉大型化的建设状况,分析了影响高炉寿命的关键部位及对耐材的要求和合理配置,重点介绍了高炉用耐火材料的研究发展状况和取得的成就。  相似文献   

纳米炭黑对低碳镁碳耐火材料抗热震性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高低碳镁碳耐火材料的抗热震性,采用了不同种类的炭黑制备了w(C)=3%的低碳镁碳试样。通过浸渍1600 ℃钢液和风冷热循环实验,评价了试样的抗热震性,并与含16%石墨的传统镁碳试样进行了对比。结果发现,经5次热循环后,添加纳米炭黑N220的低碳镁碳试样具有与其传统镁碳试样相当的抗热震性。  相似文献   

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