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沈绍贵 《电视技术》2023,(3):122-125
以新媒体技术在电视直播中的应用为研究重点,介绍5G、流媒体、人工智能、大数据等新媒体技术,全面分析新媒体技术在电视直播中的应用,为电视媒体单位开展大小屏联动直播、慢直播、多地联动直播提供参考。  相似文献   

朱俊磊 《电视技术》2023,(5):163-165+170
详细分析5G直播技术、流媒体直播技术、P2P直播技术以及虚拟现实(Virtual Reality,VR)技术等新媒体直播技术,探讨新媒体直播技术在电视直播中的具体应用,以期推动媒体行业的改革创新,提升电视直播的质量。  相似文献   

牛荭 《电视技术》2021,45(3):1-4,9
基于专业生产内容(Professional Generated Content,PGC)模式的电视新媒体直播,是一种将传统电视直播优势与数字技术、网络技术及移动技术进行充分融合的新直播方式.结合实际运用经验,探讨融媒时代下电视新媒体直播技术平台系统的设计原则、系统搭建流程、具体应用指标及关键技术.  相似文献   

在媒体融合的时代浪潮中,互联网技术日新月异,新媒体直播已成为最流行的信息获得方式之一。在媒体技术的不断革新和社会进步的推动下,新媒体直播的兴起,给传统媒体带来了巨大的冲击和改变。为迎合时代的发展,传统主流媒体越来越重视与新媒体的融合,借助新媒体技术的优势,来应对更多的机遇和挑战。本文分析探讨了在媒体融合背景下新媒体直播技术的特点和优势及其关键技术和应用方式,以期为未来的发展提供一些新思路。  相似文献   

新闻媒体人承担着新闻舆论监督的重要职责,电视舆论监督节目是实施舆论监督的主渠道。近些年来,在新媒体快速发展过程中,电视媒体原有的地位与作用受到冲击,影响了电视舆论监督节目的传播效果。面对这种情况,电视舆论监督节目一方面要强化自身的特有优势,不断提升节目的制作质量,另一方面要积极融合新媒体技术,促使舆论监督节目的传播效果得到增强。  相似文献   

陈艳 《电视技术》2023,(2):47-49
新媒体时代,短视频成为主流媒体与新媒体通俗化表达、分众化传播的重要工具,新媒体平台也成为主流媒体发布信息的重要途径。基于此,以新媒体时代非编软件在短视频制作中的应用为研究重点,介绍当前主流的非编软件,并对非编软件在短视频制作中的应用展开全面探讨,以不断提升短视频制作水平,充分运用新媒体语态,创作出更多具有亲和力、感染力和可接受性的短视频作品。  相似文献   

融合媒体的发展日新月异,其意义不仅仅是新媒体与旧媒体的简单叠加,更重要的意义在于融合.不同的传播技术与传播形式相互渗透、融合,由此生成了传播矩阵,带动了传播力量的提升.与电视、自媒体直播不同,广播直播系统更多地是声音的传播.如何使广播的传播与其他传播形势融合,使广播迸发出更强的传播力,巩固广播作为权威媒体的优势,是每个...  相似文献   

随着信息传播技术的不断革新,主流媒体需要对其固有传播形式、传播效果做出新的思考,从而提升话语权和影响力.泛众化时代和5G时代的到来催生了新媒体大军的蓬勃发展,新媒体在一定程度上已经改写了传统媒体延续几十年的"游戏规则",改变了传统媒体的业态格局.新媒体大军的崛起无疑是对传统主流媒体的一大考验.为了在复杂的新媒体时代站稳...  相似文献   

随着科技的进步,媒介融合发展成为必然趋势.作为传统媒体的典型代表,电视媒体要在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出,必须不断深化电视直播的新媒体转型.如何在电视直播中巧用新媒体技术,打造备受群众青睐的电视直播形式,值得进一步思考.基于此,概述融媒体语境下的电视直播转型,剖析新媒体技术在融媒体电视直播中的应用,探索电视新媒体直播的有效途径.  相似文献   

当前,互联网正加速重构媒体格局和舆论生态,主流媒体面临的竞争更为激烈,融合发展的任务更为紧迫。互联网给传统主流媒体带来挑战的同时,也带来了发展机遇。媒体融合背景下,为地方广播电视台加强国际传播能力建设,从而“讲好中国故事,传播好中国声音”打开了想象空间、书写了生动实践。近年来,丽水市广播电视总台以当地特色文化IP——丽水国际摄影文化节为突破口,通过海内外联动的新媒体直播方式,有力地提升了国际传播能力。  相似文献   

随着信息社会的来临,各种新媒体不断涌现,使我们几乎淹没在形形色色媒体的汪洋大海之中。但细究起来,不少读者对媒体的概念还有些朦胧。作者试图通过本文使读者对各种媒体有一个较为清晰的了解。  相似文献   

现代媒体与传统媒体比较研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王会霞  胡定华 《信息技术》2005,29(12):136-137
把现代媒体和传统媒体进行系统比较,从而树立正确的媒体观,找到关于现代媒体和传统媒体科学的平衡点,对教育改革和发展有着重大的意义。  相似文献   

王宇 《电声技术》2017,41(6):101-105
随着媒体技术的飞速发展,传统媒体与新兴媒体的融合方式也在不断地发生变化。以中央人民广播电台近期改造项目为例,从媒体融合的必要性、音频系统的发展、未来媒体融合发展趋势几个角度,对电台传统媒体与新兴媒体融合发展进行了分析,提出媒体之间的相互融合不仅仅是生产技术上的融合,更重要的是"用户"思维之间的融合。在电台新旧媒体融合发展的道路上,应当依托自身优势,丰富并完善多媒体的技术制作手段,不断创新思维,主动迎接媒体融合所带来的机遇和挑战。  相似文献   

Social media usage among organizations is growing tremendously. Organizations are now building and maintaining social media public pages to improve their social network salience, enhance interest in their organizations, and build relationships with the online public. The majority of the studies on social media usage are based on the individual perspective while some are from the organizational perspective. However, not many studies have investigated the actual impact of social media usage on organizational performance. Therefore, using the qualitative approach, this study investigates the various purposes of social media usage and its impact on organizational performance. This study however, focuses only on the social media managers’ views. The senior managers of six organizations that are using social media are interviewed from which we find that social media is used for various purposes in organizations, such as advertising and promotion, branding, information search, building customer relations and many more. The results also show that social media has a greater impact on the performance of organizations in terms of enhancement in customer relations and customer service activities, improvement in information accessibility and cost reduction in terms of marketing and customer service.  相似文献   

In the last three decades the emergence and development of community media across Europe has been mainly characterised by the political and social contexts at the national levels and, consequently, the sector is shaped by a range of opportunities and challenges that depend on the status of current policy, legislation and funding regimes in each country. Where at the pan-European level, since the 1970s, the Council of Europe has been supporting community media as a means for pluralism and diversity in the media, as well as a tool to promote social cohesion, in the European Union audiovisual and media policies, community media have been largely overlooked. In 2008 the Culture and Education Committee of the European Parliament promoted a report to support community media in the Union, signalling a new development pursuing to influence media policy discussion in the member states. This article aims to trace the contours of community media’s route across European media policies to assess how its practice has been shaped so far and discuss the emerging issues that are likely to influence its near future.  相似文献   

This work presents a new viewpoint to study polarization transformations. This concept is more convenient when dealing with polarization transformation problems in multiple layers. The anisotropic medium and the chiral medium can be regarded as circuit elements. Specifically, we show that anisotropic media can be seen as transformers and chiral media as transmission lines. Once the equivalent circuits are determined, the microwave network theory can be used to investigate the polarization transformation. An example is used to demonstrate the transformation from the horizontally polarized wave to the circularly polarized wave employing the equivalent circuit concept.  相似文献   

Observations, intuitions, and advice are offered to help those who seek the scientific proof of the telecommunications requirements of people and how they might be addressed with technology. The need for multimedia systems is discussed. It is argued that high-performance network technology is in its infancy, and the problems addressed are the mechanics of telecommunications, principally at the machine level as data. The ways in which humans use information to obtain, support, sustain, and grow the relationships that are meaningful or useful to them are described. The ways in which multimedia systems will affect organizational learning and organizational change are also discussed  相似文献   

Contextual media aesthetics as the basis for media literacy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The essay is an attempt to build a theoretical base that will help us understand what media literacy is and how it functions. The major argument is that contextual media aesthetics is the necessary foundation of media literacy and that we need to know how the basic aesthetic building blocks are used to create and shape our cognitive and affective mental maps. The media literacy model proffered here attempts to show the hierarchical relationship of four levels: (a) the basic aesthetic image elements and their aesthetic fields, (b) how they are structured for specific purposes, how we perceive them and how they affect us, and (d) how they fit into the various intellectual and cultural frameworks for media analysis.  相似文献   

媒体服务器的体系结构与性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了几种流行的媒体服务器体系结构,在此基础上详细分析了衡量媒体服务器的I/O性能,存储性能、可靠性、可扩展性,可用性,安全性等因素,对于多媒体通信系统中媒体服务器的选型具有重要的指导性意义。  相似文献   

以太网媒体转换器的设计与实现   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
介绍了100Mb/s和10Mb·s-1/100Mb·s-1两种以太网自适应媒体转换器的工作原理及特点,并以TP112和KS8993两款芯片为核心,设计并实现了上述两种以太网媒体转换器。  相似文献   

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