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超光滑表面加工方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
超光滑表面的一个最直接的评价参数就是表面粗糙度,它要求Ra≤1 nm.在这样高的要求下,传统抛光由于磨料的存在限制了表面粗糙度进一步减小,传统的机械加工已经满足不了要求.文中着重阐述了现有的超光滑表面的加工方法,对于各种方法都做了原理性的介绍及评价.  相似文献   

超光滑光学表面加工技术   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:14  
现代科学技术的发展,在许多领域中提出了加工超光滑表面的要求。这种表面不仅要具备较高的面形精度和极低的表面粗糙度,同时要具有完整的表面晶格排布,消除加工损伤层。近年来国际出现了不少成功的超光滑表面加工技术,可以实现表面粗糙度小于1nm,面形精度优于30nm.本文介绍了超光滑表面的主要应用领域;从去除机理的角度讨论了BFP抛光、Teflon抛光、离子束加工、PACE加工、浮法抛光、延展性磨削等六种有代表性的超光滑表面加工技术;并对国内情况作了简单分析。  相似文献   

针对超光滑表面的需求,提出了一种基于流体二维振动的超光滑表面加工方法。该方法用流体代替传统的抛光盘,并附加二维振动作为抛光作用力对工件进行抛光,工件在流体中的缓慢复杂平面运动与流体的相对振动产生“冲击研磨”效应,通过实验证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

文中介绍了蓝宝石基片的主要抛光方法,包括浮法抛光、机械化学抛光、化学机械抛光和水合抛光等,对它们的工作原理、特点作了分析和总结。  相似文献   

针对化学气相沉积碳化硅平面反射镜的材料特性与技术要求,制定了"传统研抛 离子束抛光"的工艺方法,并在一块口径为100mm的试件上进行了验证。首先基于加工效率和亚表面损伤选择合理的工艺参数,并采用磁流变抛光斑点法测量各道工序的亚表面损伤,并以此为依据规划下一道工序的材料去除量;然后分析抛光表面粗糙度的影响因素,在此基础上对抛光工艺参数进行优化,获得表面粗糙度均方根方差值为0.584nm的超光滑表面,并控制工件的面形误差;最后采用离子束抛光进行精度提升,使工件的低频和中频误差均大幅下降,最终工件的面形精度均方根方差值达到0.007λ(λ=632.8nm),表面粗糙度均方根方差值为0.659nm。  相似文献   

亚纳米量级光滑表面的超精密抛光   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
软X射线光学的发展,对光学元件表面提出超光滑要求,为此我们开展了使用锡磨盘的超精密抛光方法研究。本文介绍锡磨盘磨削的实验装置及主要结果。利用这种方法已加工出表面粗糙度优于0.3nm的超光滑表面  相似文献   

大气等离子体抛光技术在超光滑硅表面加工中的应用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
张巨帆  王波  董申 《光学精密工程》2007,15(11):1749-1755
发展了大气等离子体抛光方法,并用于超光滑表面加工。该技术基于低温等离子体化学反应来实现原子级的材料去除,避免了表层和亚表层损伤。运用原子发射光谱法证明了活性反应原子的有效激发,进而揭示了特定激发态原子对应的电子跃迁轨道。在针对单晶硅片的加工实验中,应用有限元分析法在理论上对加工过程中的空间气体流场分布和样品表面温度分布进行了定性分析。后续的温度检测实验证实了样品表面温度梯度的形成,并表明样品表面最高温度仅为90 ℃。材料去除轮廓检测结果符合空间流场的理论分布模型,加工速率约为32 mm3/min。利用原子力显微镜对表面粗糙度进行测量,证实了加工后样品表面在一定范围内表面粗糙度Ra=0.6 nm。最后,利用X射线光电子谱法研究了该方法对加工后表面材料化学成分的影响。实验和检测结果均表明,该抛光方法可以进行常压条件下的超光滑表面无损抛光加工,实现了高质量光学表面的无损抛光加工。  相似文献   

超精加工技术的不断发展,对光滑表面粗糙度检测精度要求越来越高.采用显微相移干涉技术,设计软件算法实现超光滑表面任意横向或纵向截面线粗糙度以及面粗糙度在线检测与三维动态显示,初步实验表明,该系统测量精度达纳米量级,满足超光滑表面粗糙度检测性能要求.  相似文献   

超光滑表面的加工、表征和功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李丽伟  董申  程凯 《工具技术》2002,36(8):15-18
超精密加工的目标是通过表面质量控制获得预定的表面功能。一定的加工过程产生相应的表面特征 ,而表面特征在很大程度上又决定着表面的实际功能。为了通过预先设计及加工控制获得要求的功能表面 ,必须对超光滑表面的加工、表征、功能及其相互关系进行全面而深入的研究  相似文献   

针对激光陀螺反射镜常用材料微晶玻璃的加工技术,介绍了一种较为成熟的超光滑表面加工方法-定偏心浸液式抛光.分析了微晶玻璃的性能和微观结构,得出实现其超光滑表面加工所必须的技术条件.系统论述了提出的超光滑表面抛光方法的基本原理及其抛光工艺过程.通过多次工艺实验,稳定地获得了埃量级的超光滑表面.最后,采用Hilbert-Huang变换(HHT)非线性平稳信号的时域分析法,通过超光滑表面粗糙度分布曲线到Hilbert谱的一系列数学变换,得出主要抛光工艺参数与表面粗糙度之间的影响关系,对实际加工工艺过程与抛光结果进行有效反馈和指导.基于HHT的超光滑表面抛光方法可以稳定地获得Ra优于0.35 nm的微晶玻璃超光滑表面,目前最好结果为Ra=0.3 nm.  相似文献   

The new bonding technologies utilizing intermolecular bonding forces have been developed and attracting attention recently. Cu is known to be a suitable material for the bonding substrate due to its excellent physical properties. And an ultra flatness and an ultra smoothness over a relatively large area are strongly required for the Cu substrate surface.Chemical–mechanical planarization/polishing (CMP) with abrasives is widely adopted for planarizing and smoothing Cu surfaces. But this method has serious problems resulting from abrasives in CMP slurry. Hence, we have developed an abrasive-free polishing (AFP) method that utilizes vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) light in the previous study and an ultra-smooth Cu surface was achieved. However, the problems about a low removal rate and a small finished area remained.To overcome the problem, a new manufacturing process, namely, the process of combining CMP with abrasives and the AFP method was newly developed. First, an ultra-flat surface is achieved using CMP with abrasives. Next, the AFP method is applied for the final polishing step in order to achieve an ultra-smooth surface. As a result, utilizing VUV in situ irradiation and electrolyzed reduced water in the AFP process, the ultra-flat and the ultra-smooth surface produced has a roughness average of <1 nm with a peak value of <10 nm over a relatively large area of 700 μm × 500 μm.  相似文献   

数控非接触式超光滑光学元件加工机床的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于数控技术,提出了一种非接触式光学元件表面超光滑液体抛光方法.通过磨头中心孔为抛光表面提供抛光液,抛光液在磨头自转的带动下与光学元件表面相互作用,实现光学元件表面材料的微量去除,利用计算机控制抛光磨头的运动轨迹完成对光学元件表面的抛光.根据上述原理,设计和研制了数控非接触表面超光滑光学元件加工机床样机,样机直线运动轴最低进给速度为0.000 1 m/s,定位精度为0.008 mm;摆动轴最低转速为0.002 8 r/min,定位精度为15″.抛光实验结果表明,经过20 min的超光滑加工,熔石英材质光学元件上两点的表面粗糙度Ra值分别由加工前的1.03 nm和0.92 nm提高到加工后的0.48 nm和0.44 nm,显著提高了加工精度.  相似文献   

In this paper, the status quo and recent progress in the research on tribo-electrochemistry in aqueous and non-aqueous media, respectively, are reviewed. Much more attention has been paid to the tribo-electrochemical mechanisms for the control of friction and wear. Based on a summary of the conventional polishing principles of hard and brittle materials, the tribo-electrochemical polishing method is proposed. The results of the preliminary test show that tribo-electrochemical polishing is promising to become a critical technology in the high efficient polishing and planarization of microelectronic materials. __________ Translated from Tribology, 2006, 26(1): 159–162 [译自 摩擦学学报]  相似文献   

Laser polishing is a technology of smoothening the surface of various materials with highly intense laser beams. When these beams impact on the material surface to be polished, the surface starts to be melted due to the high temperature. The melted material is then relocated from the ‘peaks to valleys’ under the multidirectional action of surface tension. By varying the process parameters such as beam intensity, energy density, spot diameter, and feed rate, different rates of surface roughness can be achieved. High precision polishing of surfaces can be done using laser process. Currently, laser polishing has extended its applications from photonics to molds as well as bio-medical sectors. Conventional polishing techniques have many drawbacks such as less capability of polishing freeform surfaces, environmental pollution, long processing time, and health hazards for the operators. Laser polishing on the other hand eliminates all the mentioned drawbacks and comes as a promising technology that can be relied for smoothening of initial topography of the surfaces irrespective of the complexity of the surface. Majority of the researchers performed laser polishing on materials such as steel, titanium, and its alloys because of its low cost and reliability. This article gives a detailed overview of the laser polishing mechanism by explaining various process parameters briefly to get a better understanding about the entire polishing process. The advantages and applications are also explained clearly to have a good knowledge about the importance of laser polishing in the future.  相似文献   

介绍了碳化硅质光学镜面的光学加工流程和加工手段,分析了碳化硅光学镜面的光学加工过程各个步骤中所应用的磨料和加工方法。利用自主研制的非球面数控加工中心,探索一种新型轮式研磨抛光技术,解决了中小口径非球面元件的数控加工问题,形成比较规范的中小口径碳化硅非球面元件加工方法,并应用到Ф124mm口径两面均为非球面的碳化硅元件的加工中,工件最终加工精度为第一面:0.761λ(PV)、0.059λ(RMS)(λ=0.6328μm);第二面:0.834λ(PV)、0.089λ(RMS)(λ=0.6328μm),满足了设计要求。  相似文献   

Polished surfaces are characterized by a geometric shape and a surface finish, the latter being defined by surface roughness (smoothness) and subsurface damage. In general, mechanically polished surfaces have a high geometric precision and are optically smooth, but they are subjected to surface and subsurface damage. Tribochemical polishing gives smooth surfaces and damage-free subsurfaces, but the surface geometric precision is often poor at the submicron level. Diamond is the hardest material known, and the standard polishing technique for such hard materials is mechanical polishing, causing surface and subsurface damage. In this paper a novel method of tribochemical polishing of natural and synthetic monocrystalline diamond at room temperature is described, which gives very smooth surfaces of, at least, (100) planes, free from surface and subsurface damage within the instrumental detection limits. Such diamond surfaces are van der Waals bondable to other materials. With this novel technology only low material removal rates can be achieved. Therefore, it is mostly adapted as a finishing technique. The described polishing technology can be applied to other (hard) materials as well.  相似文献   

The surface roughness is a variable used to describe the quality of polished surface. This article presents a surface roughness model based on abrasive cutting and probability theory, which considers the effects of abrasive grain shape, grit and distribution feature, pressure on surface roughness. The abrasive grain protrusion heights are thought to close to Gaussian distribution, and then the relationship between the indentation depth and the pressure based on Hertz contact theory is obtained. Surface roughness prediction model is established by calculating indentation depth of the abrasive grains on workpiece surface. The maximum surface profile height (Ry) is approximately equal to the maximum indentation depth of the abrasive grain. The arithmetic average surface roughness (Ra) is equal to the average indentation depth of the abrasive grain. The effects of process parameters such as pressure and grit on Ry and Ra were simulated and analyzed in detail.  相似文献   

一种中小口径非球面元件数控抛光技术   总被引:9,自引:9,他引:9  
基于自主设计研制的FSGJ-3型非球面数控加工中心,针对口径φ108 mm凸非球面透镜(曲率半径R=318 mm,k=-3),研究了非球面粗抛光工艺、精抛光工艺、抛光设备、磨料以及相关工艺参数,提出了规范的中小口径非球面加工的工艺方法和新型轮式抛光技术,实现了中小口径非球面元件的数控快速精密铣磨成型,且保证了光学零件具有较高的面形精度。抛光后元件面形精度达到0.306 λ(PV)、0.028λ(RMS) (λ=0.632 8μm)。满足了在光学系统中使用非球面零件,明显改善像质,提高光学特性,减少光学零件数目,从而简化系统结构,减小系统体积,减轻系统质量的目的。  相似文献   

表面粗糙度非接触式测量技术研究概况   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
表面粗糙度对工件表面质量有很大影响,采用非接触方法有利于实现表面粗糙度的快速、无损伤、在线检测。文中重点介绍了基于光学散射、光学干涉和图像处理技术的表面粗糙度非接触测量方法及其研究现状。  相似文献   

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