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Refeeding a diet initially given shortly after weaning results in a different adaptive change in the in vitro intestinal uptake of sugars and lipids than if the diet is given for the first time at a later age. This study was undertaken in rats to test the hypothesis that changes in nutrient uptake associated with refeeding diets containing beef tallow (S), beef tallow plus 1% cholesterol (Sc), fish oil (F), or fish oil plus cholesterol (Fc) are associated with changes in the brush border membrane (BBM) phospholipids and phospholipid fatty acids. Weanling Sprague-Dawley rats were fed ad libitum one of the four diets. At 35 d of age (about 2 wk after weaning), the rats were maintained on either the same diet used at weaning, or were switched to one of the other semisynthetic diets which were then fed for a further 7 wk. At week nine (2+7) the rats were either continued on the same diet or were switched back to the original diet for 2 wk (2+7+2). The groups of animals which were compared included SSSc vs. ScSSc; ScScS vs. SScS; FFFc vs. FcFFc; and FcFcF vs. FFcF. Refeeding S, Sc, F, or Fc had no effect on food consumption or on body weight gain. Refeeding Fc resulted in increased ileal BBM total phospholipids, whereas rechallenge with F resulted in a decline in the jejunal BBM ratio of phospholipid/cholesterol. Refeeding Sc resulted in a decrease in the ileal BBM phosphatidylcholine (PC). In rats rechallenged with Fc, there was increased ileal BBM sphingomyelin (SM), increased ileal BBM phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), decreased ileal BBM PC/PE, and an increased ileal BBM SM/PC. Refeeding had no effect on the fatty acyl constituents of the jejunal or ileal BBM PC or PE. These results suggest that there are late effects of the early introduction of dietary cholesterol on intestinal BBM phospholipid content and composition that may contribute to the previously reported changes in intestinal nutrient absorption.  相似文献   

The phospholipid composition of rat urinary transitional epithelium (TE) and the fatty acid composition of microsomal, mitochondrial, cytosolic, and plasma membrane (PM) subcellular fractions were investigated. PM marker enzymes and electron microscopy analysis were used to characterize the PM fraction, which showed a distinctive lipid composition compared to the general profile of PM from different sources. The levels of cholesterol and sphingomyelin were not enriched in the PM fraction; on the other hand, the increased amounts of glycosphingolipids and phosphatidylserine, and the decreased level of phosphatidylcholine followed the general features of a PM profile. This differential PM lipid composition may reflect the unique morphology of this mammal TE, consisting of concave plaques with an asymmetrical membrane unit. The distribution of the double bond across the PM indicated a higher unsaturation of the inner relative to the outer part of the PM hemileaflet. In addition, the presence of 20∶3n−9 nonessential fatty acid in a normal TE may represent a characteristic fatty acid metabolism of this epithelium. The authors wish to dedicate this work to the memory of the late Professors Benito Monis, who participated in the generation of this research and whose working hypothesis remains a source of fruitful inspiration.  相似文献   

Lipid extracts from normal cat, chicken, and beef sciatic nerve were fractionated into their components by combinations of silicic acid, Florisil, DEAE-cellulose, or silicic acid-silicate column chromatography. The constitutent fatty acids of total lipid extracts and of individual lipid classes were qualitatively and quantitatively determined as their methyl esters by gas chromatography. These methods were also applied to lipid extracts from cat sciatic nerve undergoing Wallerian degeneration at 8, 16, 32, and 96 days after section and to chicken sciatic nerve undergoing demyelination due to organophosphate poisoning. All fatty acids were markedly decreased in the total lipids of cat sciatic nerve at 96 days after section and most of these were decreased at 32 days. As early as 8 days after section 16:0, 16:1, 18:2, 20:0, and 20:4 showed decreases, while 18:0, 18:1, 22:1, 22:5, 22:6, and 24:1 did not begin to show decreases until 16 days after section. The decreases in fatty acids were considered to be due to increased catabolism, decreased synthesis, or increased removal of fatty acids from nervous tissue. The fatty acid content of the total lipids of chicken nerve undergoing demyelination resembled that of cat sciatic nerve between 16 and 32 days after section. Myelin lipids, sphingomyelin, cerebrosides, and phosphatidyl ethanolamine (PE) began to decrease as early as 8 days after section in cat sciatic nerve. Phosphatidyl serine (PS) also decreased at this time. Cholesterol, lecithin, and ethanolamine plasmalogen did not begin to decrease until 16 days after section and phosphatidyl inositol (PI) did not decrease until 32 days after section. Triglycerides decreased markedly at 8 days after section gradually returning to normal by 96 days. This was accompanied by a transient increase in free fatty acids and monoglycerides. Cholesterol esters and lysolecithin increased markedly at 8 days after section and were higher than normal levels even at 96 days after section. In chicken sciatic nerve undergoing demyelination after organophosphate poisoning, cerebroside was the only myelin lipid which decreased in amt, while cholesterol esters and diglycerides increased. Sphingomyelin and cerebrosides containing 16:0, 18:0, 18:1, 18:2, 20:0, 22:0, 23:0, 24:0, 24:1 seemed to be most susceptible to degradation or interference in synthesis in degenerating nerve. For the most part, these fatty acids were observed to increase in cholesterol esters, free fatty acids, and, in some instances, triglycerides. The changes in various lipid classes and their constituent fatty acids are discussed in relation to various cellular changes which accompany degeneration.  相似文献   

Testes of quaking mice (sterile mutants) and of controls were analyzed for major lipid classes and fatty acid composition. Of the main lipid classes, only cholesterol esters differed significantly in concentration between the two groups (1.01 for quakers vs 0.69 mg/g wet wt of tissue for controls). The concentration of triglycerides was 4.5–5.0, that of total phosphatides 18–19, and that of free cholesterol 1.9–2.0 mg/g for mutants and controls. The concentrations of phosphatidyl ethanolamine and of sphingomyelin were both lower in quaking than in normal mice, but only the change in the former was statistically significant. Phosphatidyl choline was the major phosphatide (43–45% of total phosphatides) followed by phosphatidyl ethanolamine (24–26%) and sphingomyelin, phosphatidyl serine, and phosphatidyl inositol (all ca. 7% of total phosphatides). Minor differences between the mutants and controls were observed in concentrations of fatty acids of major lipid classes. The mutants, sterile because of faulty spermatid differentiation, had normal quantities of 22∶6 w3 and 22∶5 w6. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that the 22-carbon polyenes are associated with the formation of spermatids, rather than with their final differentiation into spermatozoa.  相似文献   

We examined the initial transport of a long-chain unsaturated fatty acid, linoleic acid, by brush border membrane vesicles isolated from rabbit small intestine. This preparation allowed us to examine the transport of linoleic acid across the brush border membrane without the effect of the unstirred water layer or cytosol binding proteins. Linoleic acid was solubilized in a 2 mM taurocholate solution which did not compromise the functional integrity of the vesicles. Linoleic acid uptake in the range of 1 to 100 μM followed passive diffusion kinetics. Time course study showed that linoleic acid uptake reached maximal levels during the initial 15 seconds. Although the amount of linoleic acid accumulated in the vesicles diminished over the next 30 minutes, the molar quantity was still twentyfold higher than that of D-glucose (6.5 vs 0.33 nmol/mg protein). Uptake of D-glucose by the vesicles demonstrated typical osmotic responsiveness. We found no osmotic effect on linoleic acid uptake. Hypotonic lysis of membrane vesicles loaded with linoleic acid released 40% of the fatty acid. We concluded that a major portion of the accumulated fatty acid was bound to or incorporated into the membrane itself while ca. 40% did traverse the membrane and accumulated in the intravesicular space as nonmicellar aggregates. The known inhibitors of anion transport, diisothiocyanatostilbene and isothiocyanatostilbene did not change the transport of linoleic acid. We conclude that, in the absence of an unstirred layer or cytosol proteins, linoleic acid transport at up to 100 μM concentration is passive with rapid accumulation both by the cell membrane and the lumen of vesicles.  相似文献   

The lipid content and the composition pattern of the lipid class including fatty acid composition in the eggs of two different Indian silurid cat fishes Ompok pabda and Wallagu attu have been examined. The lipid content of O. pabda and W. attu (on dry basis) are about 14.7% and 17.8% respectively. The major lipid classes are phospolipid (PL) and triacylglycerol (TAG). The O. pabda egg lipid contains more PL while the W. attu egg lipid contains more TAG. Phosphatidylcholine (PC) constitutes the major phospholipid followed by phosphatidylinositol (PI). PI represents in about 31.7% and 21.3% of total PC in O. pabda and W. attu respectively while phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) (about 28.0%) is significantly higher in the egg of W. attu than O. pabda (9.6%). Cholesterol content in egg of O. pabda is also higher (about 9.6%) than W. attu (4.1%). The lipids are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and they are mainly concentrated in the respective PL fractions. Among PUFAs the arachidonic acid (20:4 n-6 AA) is present at about 9.3% in both egg PL. Eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5 n-3 EPA) is significantly lower in egg lipids of both W. attu (1.8%) and O. pabda (3.2%), whereas docosahexaenoic acid (22:6 n-3 DHA) is predominantly higher (14.6% and 18.1% in W. attu and O. pabda respectively) in their PL fractions.  相似文献   

Energy partitioning, composition of lipids and fatty acids, and their utilization by embryos were determined in the lecithotrophic shrimp Macrobrachium borellii during seven development stages. The biochemical composition at stage I is represented by lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates, with 29.3, 28.7, and 0.2% dry weight, respectively. The former two were identified as the major energy-providing components, contributing 131 and 60 cal/100 mg egg, dry weight, respectively. The overall conversion efficiency (CE) was 45.0% (calculated as percentage of vitelline energy transformed into embryonic tissues). Lipids were the most important energy reserve (CE 39.3%), followed by proteins (CE 57.1%), both being simultaneously utilized during development while carbohydrates were synthesized de novo (CE 587.5%). Variation in the lipid class composition of embryos and vitellus showed an accumulation of triacylglycerols (TAG) and phospholipids (PL) up to stage IV, a more active accumulation and selective utilization phase (stages V and VI), and a consumption and de novo synthesis period until hatching. Structural lipids (PL and cholesterol) and pigment astaxanthin were selectively conserved in embryos, but TAG, hydrocarbons, and esterified sterols were preferentially depleted. Monounsaturated fatty acids (FA) were the major group in TAG, whereas polyunsaturated FA (PUFA) were the major group in PL after organogenesis. Certain PUFA such as 22∶6n−3 and 20∶5n−3 were selectively accumulated in PL.  相似文献   

Diets in which both the lipid content and composition (polyunsaturated to saturated fatty acid ratio) were varied were fed to rats for 20 weeks, and the effects on the tissue lipid profiles were determined. The fatty acid profile of the plasma lipids, and the phospholipid fatty acids of the mitochondrial and microsomal fractions of liver, heart, kidney and brain, as well as erythrocyte membranes were determined. Despite large differences in the level and type of lipid present in the experimental diets and in the proportion of saturated fatty acids in the plasma lipids in response to the various diets, there was little effect on the proportion of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids in the phospholipids of the various membranes examined. The major effect of altering the dietary level of polyunsaturated to saturated fatty acids was on the ratio of the ω6/ω3 series of unsaturated fatty acids in the membrane lipids. This change occurred in all tissues except the brain, in which only a small response to altered dietary lipid intake was observed. The ω6/ω3 ratio was elevated upon feeding a diet rich in ω6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, but decreased when a diet rich in saturated fatty acids was fed. The failure to significantly alter membrane lipid saturation/unsaturation in the tissues examined would suggest that a homeostatic mechanism is operative in biological membranes and may act to buffer membranes from the effects of changes in the nature of the dietary lipid intake.  相似文献   

S. Burdick  M. Keelan  A. B. R. Thomson 《Lipids》1993,28(12):1063-1067
The rate of uptake of stearic acid and cholesterol solubilized in taurocholic acid (TC) was examined in rabbit jejunal brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV). For stearic acid (18∶0) or cholesterol there was an initial rapid rate of uptake, which reached a plateau within approximately 1 min and remained stable thereafter. At low concentrations of 18∶0 and 20 mM, but not 2 mM, TC, there was a curvilinear relationship between the concentration of 18∶0 and uptake, whereas the relationship between cholesterol uptake and concentration was linear over a wide range of values. When the concentration of TC was held constant at increasing concentrations of 18∶0 or cholesterol, there was a linear increase in the rate of uptake. When the concentration of 18∶0 or cholesterol was held constant and the concentration of TC was increased from 2 to 20 mM, the uptake of 18∶0 declined, but the rate of uptake of cholesterol increased. When the concentrations of 18∶0 plus TC, or cholesterol plus TC, were both increased in unison and their ratio was held constant, their rate of uptake increased. Thus, (i) BBMV may be used to assess the rate of uptake of lipids; (ii) the partitioning of cholesterol from bile acid micelles into the BBMV appears to be by way of “collision” of the cholesterol with the membrane. In contrast, the uptake of 18∶0 from the micelle into the membrane vesicles may be by both the collision and the aqueous/dissociation models; and (iii) 18∶0 uptake may be mediated by both a concentration-dependent and a concentration-independent component. Thus, stearic acid and cholesterol seem to be taken up from bile acid micelles into rabbit BBMV by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Streptozotocin diabetes in the rat diminishes the synthesis of both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Rat liver microsomal fatty acid composition and fatty acid desaturation were studied in the streptozotocin diabetic rat. The major alterations in fatty acid composition found in the diabetic rat were decreased proportions of palmitoleic, oleic and arachidonic acids and an increased proportion of linoleic and docosahexaeneoic acids. These findings, other than the increased docosahexaeneoic acid, probably result from the diminished liver microscomal δ9 and δ6 desaturase activities found in these animals. These changes are not due to the diminished weight gain of the diabetic animals since restricting food intake of control animals to achieve a similar weight gain failed to reproduce either the changes in fatty acid composition or the decrease in fatty acid desaturation. The increased food intake of the diabetic animal may contribute to the altered proportions of linleic and arachidonic acids since limiting food intake in diabetic animals to that of normal controls diminished the magnitude of these changes. Insulin therapy for 2 days not only reverses and overcorrects the diminished desaturase activities, but likewise reverses and overcorrects the altered fatty acid composition, with the exception of the diminished arachidonic aicd levels which are further decreased following insulin therapy. These findings strongly suggest that most of the changes in fatty acid composition in the diabetic rat are indeed caused by the diminished fatty acid desaturase activities.  相似文献   

The effect of subacute toxicity levels of dietary cyclopropenoid fatty acids upon several physiological parameters was determined in the rat. Diets containing 2% corn oil, 2%Sterculia foetida oil or 2% hydrogenatedSterculia foetida oil were fed.Sterculia foetida oil (50% cyclopropenoid fatty acids) fed rats exhibited retarded growth, elevated organ to body wt ratios, increased saturation of tissue lipid, and abnormal histopathology when compared to corn oil and hydrogenatedSterculia foetida oil fed rats. Growth was retarded 50%, liver/body wt doubled, and the percentage of saturated fatty acids in adipose tissue increased 2.5-fold forSterculia foetida oil vs. corn oil comparisons. Three membrane systems were examined in corn oil andSterculia foetida oil fed rats. Erythrocyte hemolysis rate in 0.3 M glycerol was increased by 30%; induction of mitochondrial swelling by reduced glutathione was inhibited completely and microsomal codeine demethylase activity was depressed nearly 50% inSterculia foetida oil fed rats. The ability of cyclopropenoid fatty acids to inhibit fatty acyl desaturase and influence tissue and membrane lipid composition is discussed. Most of the detrimental effects observed in cyclopropenoid fatty acids fed rats may be associated with alteration of normal lipid metabolism and membrane function.  相似文献   

Total lipid and phospholipid contents of liver, skin and depot fat from yearling hen turkeys have been studied. Liver lipid averaged 88.5 mg/g wet tissue; skin, 385.0 and depot fat, 753.5. Phospholipids comprised 32.05% of total lipid of liver, but only 0.81% of skin and 0.46% of depot fat. Fatty acids of liver differed from those of skin or depot fat by larger amounts of 16∶0, 18∶0, 20∶4, 22∶0 and 24∶0, and smaller amounts of 16∶1, 18∶1, 18∶2, 18∶3 and 20∶0. Similarity existed between skin and depot fat. Journal Paper No. J-6473 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa. Project No. 1696.  相似文献   

Glucose uptake into jejunal brush border membrane (BBM) varies along the crypt-villus axis (CVA). In the present study, the question was addressed whether uptake of the essential long-chain fatty acid linoleic acid also varies along the CVA. Using agitation techniques, five jejunal enterocyte fractions were sequentially isolated from female New Zealand white rabbits. A sixth and final fraction of lower-villus/crypt cells was obtained by the scraping of the remaining jejunal mucosa. Cell fraction along the CVA was proven histologically, by noting decreasing alkaline phosphatase activities in sequentially isolated fractions, and by demonstrating [3H-methyl]thymidine uptake mainly in the final fraction of the lower villus/crypt cells. BBM vesicles were prepared from the upper-, mid- and lower-villus/crypt enterocyte fractions, using differential centrifugation and divalent ion precipitation.d-Glucose uptake into each fraction showed an Na+-gradient dependent time-course “overshoot” with linear uptake to 15 s and a subsequent decline to a steady-state plateau. Varying D-glucose concentrations from 50–1000 μM demonstrated saturation kinetics of uptake, with maximal transport rates (Vmax) and Michaelis affinity constants (Km) varying between fractions; the Km and Vmax were both lowest in the upper-villus fraction. A linear relationship existed between linoleic acid concentration (25–200 μM) and uptake in each fraction. Linoleic acid uptake was equivalent in all fractions when expressed per mg protein, but when expressed in terms of the estimated minimal BBM, vesicle surface area uptake was greater in the upper- than in the lower-villus/crypt fractions. Thus, BBM vesicle uptake of both linoleic acid and glucose vary along the crypt-villus axis of the rabbit jejunum.  相似文献   

Imbs AB  Demina OA  Demidkova DA 《Lipids》2006,41(7):721-725
Total lipid, phospholipid, and FA composition and distribution of FA between polar lipids (PL) and neutral lipids (NL) were investigated in the boreal soft coral Gersemia rubiformis from the Bering Sea. The total lipids were mostly hydrocarbons and waxes (33.7%) and PL (33.1%). The content of monoalkyldiacylglycerols (9.7%) exceeded the content of TAG (6.7%). PC and PE constituted 31.4% and 25.6% of total phospholipids, respectively. Principal FA were 16∶0, 16∶1n−7, 18∶0, 18∶1n−9, 18∶1n−7, 20∶1n−7, 20∶4n−6, 20∶4n−3, 20∶5n−3 22∶5n−3, 22∶6n−3, 24∶5n−6, and 24∶6n−3. Most n−6 PUFA (52% of total FA) were associated with the PL fraction; this was especially true for arachidonic and tetracosapentaenoic acids. The NL were enriched with mono-, di-, trienoic, and n−3 PUFA. The variation in EPA levels in both NL and PL suggests an origin of this acid from lipids of diatoms consumed by the corals.  相似文献   

C. G. Rogers 《Lipids》1977,12(12):1043-1049
Erucic acid (Δ13-docosenoic acid) was added to fetal calf serum, then fed to rat liver epithelial cells in culture, and uptake measured at intervals over 24 hr. During the first 6 hr. of incubation, uptake of the docosenoic acid was 21 nmoles/hr/mg protein in 7-day cells, and 15 mmoles/hr/mg protein in 14-day cells. Of14C-labeled erucic acid taken up by the cells in 24 hr, radioactivity measurements showed 60% of the total lipid14C activity derived from [1-14C] 22∶1 in neutral lipid (NL) and 40% in phospholipid (PL); whereas 55% of lipid14C activity was in NL and 45% in PL when the substrate was [14-14C] 22∶1. Within the NL fraction, 75% of14C activity derived from [1-14C] 22∶1 was in triglyceride (TG) and 11% in cholesterol (CHL), while 79% was in TG and 6.5% in CHL when the substrate was [14-14C] 22∶1. Triglycerides and cholesteryl esters accumulated in the cells during incubation with erucic acid. Among phospholipids separated by thin layer chromatography, 75% of14C activity was in lecithin (PC), 10% in phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), 5% in sphingomyelin (SPH), and 1% or less in cardiolipin (DPG). The highest specific activity (SA) was in PC, followed by SPH and PE. Incubation with erucic acid altered fatty acid composition of PC, PE, and SPH, although amounts of phospholipids were unaffected. Gas liquid chromatography analyses detected 18% erucic acid in PC, 2% in PE, and 4–5% in SPH.  相似文献   

Tissue phospholipid fatty acid compositions in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats were studied. The major changes in liver, plasma, erythrocyte and heart were increased proportions of linoleic and dihomo-γ-linolenic acids and a decreased proportion of aracchidonic acid. The latter was not significantly changed in phospholipids of kidney, adrenal gland and testis. Skin fatty acids in diabetic rats showed an increase in the proportion of arachidonic acid and a reduction in the proportion of linoleic acid. The fatty acid desaturating activity in diabetes may be regulated differently in different tissues.  相似文献   

The effect of dietary fats on phospholipid class distribution and fatty acid composition was studied in rat fat cell plasma membrane. Three groups of male Wistar weanling rats were fed for 8 wk three diets differing in the amount and nature of the fats: 1.5% sunflower oil (low fat control; LFC), 10% sunflower oil (high fat, unsaturated; HFU), 1.5% sunflower oil+8.5% cocoa butter (high fat, saturated; HFS). Plasma membranes were prepared from epididymal adipocytes. The amount and type of dietary fat significantly altered membrane phospholipid distribution. Phospholipid content was lowered with HFU as compared to LFC or HFS diets, but no changes were observed for cholesterol. Phosphatidylinositol (PI) and phosphatidylserine (PS) were less affected by dietary changes than were other phospholipid classes. Major changes were detected for phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and sphingomyelin (SM) contents. No large changes in PC and PE fatty acid compositions were observed between the LFC and HFS groups, but the HFU diet induced several changes. Correlations with plasma membrane 5′-nucleotidase activities are discussed.  相似文献   

Studies are reported on the capacity of isolated rat renal papilla (inner medulla) to synthesize and release prostaglandin (PG) E from endogenous and exogenous precursor(s) during development of an essential fatty acid (EFA) deficiency in the rat. Weanling (21-day-old) male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed a fat-free diet supplemented with either 5% hydrogenated coconut oil (HCO) or 5% safflower oil (SO). At approximately 3, 6 and 7 weeks (6, 9 and 10 weeks of age), groups of animals fed each diet were killed for studies of PGE synthesis in the renal papillae. Differences in the fatty acid composition of the papillae lipids of the animals of each group were also determined. The in vitro production of PGE from endogenous precursor(s) was significantly reduced in the papillae from the 6-week-old rats fed the HCO diet compared to the control (SO) rats, and appeared to be near maximally depressed in the 10-week-old animals compared to that of animals fed an EFA deficient diet for over a year in an accessory experiment. Analyses of the fatty acids of the papillae lipids of the HCO groups showed that the levels of 18∶2 and 20∶4 were markedly reduced, and those of 16∶1, 18∶1 and 20∶3 were elevated compared to the controls even in the 6-week-old animals, typical of an EFA deficiency. The papillae lipids of the animals fed the HCO diet were also depleted of their stores of 22∶4ω6. A fatty acid believed to be derived by chain elongation of 20∶3ω9, 22∶3, was found in large concentrations in the papillae triglycerides of the EFA deficient rats. Incubations of exogenous arachidonic acid (20∶4) in homogenates and tissue slices of the papillae of the HCO dietary groups showed that the PG synthetase was not impaired by an EFA deficiency. The rate of PGE synthesis in the papillae of the EFA deficient animals was generally enhanced when exogenous 20∶4 was added, indicating that the concentration of available precursor(s) is a primary factor in the control of PGE synthesis in the papilla of the rat.  相似文献   

The fatty acid patterns of rat liver mitochondrial and microsomal phospholipids were analyzed from term fetuses, 1 and 4 days old, and adult rats. The main fatty acids of phosphatidylethanolamine and-choline were stearic and palmitic acids, although the patterns differed slightly. The fatty acid composition of corresponding phospholipids in mitochondria and microsomes was similar. The fatty acid pattern of cardiolipin was dominated by linoleic acid. The most consistent feature of the developmental changes in the fatty acid patterns of all phospholipids studied was a decrease in the relative amount of monounsaturated fatty acids. The percentages of saturated fatty acids in phosphatidyl-ethanolamine and-choline increased during neonatal development. It is suggested that the high levels of fetal monounsaturated fatty acids were due to low availability of polyunsaturated fatty acids.  相似文献   

The fatty acid composition of 11 species of fish caught off the northeast coast of Australia was determined. No fatty acid profiles have been previously published for fish from this area nor for nine of these species. Although the percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) was the same as the calculated average for Australian fish (42.3%), the percentage of n−3 fatty acids was lower (24.4±5.4% vs. 30.7±10.1%) and the n−6 fatty acids higher (16.5±4.5% vs. 11.2±5.9%), P<0.001 in each case. The major n−3 PUFA were docosahexaenoic (15.6 ±6.3%) and eicosapentaenoic acid (4.3±1.1%) while the major n−6 PUFA were arachidonic (8.3±3.2%) and n−6 docosatetraenoic acid (3.1±1.3%). The second-most abundant class of fatty acid was the saturates (31.6±3.5%) while the monounsaturates accounted for 17.4±4.3% of the total fatty acids. The monounsaturate with the highest concentration was octadecenoic acid (11.8±2.6%). There was a positive correlation between the total lipid content and saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids (r=0.675 and 0.567, respectively) and a negative correlation between the total lipid content and PUFA (r=0.774).  相似文献   

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