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This article describes basic principles, criteria and methods of hygienic standard-setting for different environmental factors. It deals with hygienic standards for chemical pollutants in atmospheric air, water and soil, for bacterial and viral contamination, as well as for physical environmental factors with regard to their respective specificity. The article demonstrates the necessity of further development of methodology.  相似文献   

Some results of eutrophication studies in the U.S.S.R. are briefly reviewed. It is shown that eutrophication has been spread into many water bodies in the U.S.S.R. Especially strong eutrophication and as its consequence heavy bloom of Cyanophita occur in Dnieper-impounding reservoirs. The problems of eutrophication prediction are briefly discussed. Preliminary work on the recovery of algal biomass from eutrophic water and its utilization are reported.  相似文献   

The design of a spatial framework in multi-and interregional modelling is a crucial element of the research process. In this paper an attempt is made to present some empirical evidence with respect to two hypotheses, the scale hyothesis and the aggregation hypothesis. This will be achieved by estimating the parameters and testing the performance of a multiregional labour supply model for Austria. Five regionalisation approaches are specified for delineating (functional) labour market regions. The paper shows that it is by no means admissible to ignore possible effects of the spatial representation choice. The fundamental question of which regionalisation should be chosen should be decided on the basis of relevant evaluation criteria.  相似文献   

Agglomeration in U.S. manufacturing is more common than initially thought. This clustering arises from location natural advantages and spillovers. Extant studies on agglomeration do not distinguish the activities of U.S.-owned plants from those that are foreign owned. This distinction is crucial since policies seem to have differential impacts on both types of plants. I find that industry scale, resource intensity and urbanization economies have larger impacts on foreign plant agglomeration whereas knowledge intensity has a larger effect on domestic plant agglomeration. Received: September 2001/Accepted: April 2002 I would like to thank the UNO University Committee on Research for support of this project and Ke Yang for invaluable research assistance. The paper has benefited from the comments made by an anonymous referee. The usual caveats apply.  相似文献   

The peculiarities of disturbed landscapes which are formed when mining the sandy-gravel materials in Byelorussia are examined. The most efficient ways for their recultivation are grounded.  相似文献   

2009年6月,美国消防协会(NFPA)发布专题报告《高层建筑火灾》,全面介绍了美国高层建筑火灾的起数、人员伤亡、直接财产损失以及起火原因、起火部位,分析了办公楼、宾馆、公寓和医疗机构等4类高层建筑的火灾风险和建筑耐火结构、自动消防设施在防控火灾方面的作用。  相似文献   

本刊荣幸地邀请到美国《屋面承包商》杂志主编达马托先生为本刊2006年第1期国外防水技术专栏撰文介绍美国单层屋面的情况。达马托先生1974年步入屋面行业,过去20年在亚特兰大一家屋面材料和建筑产品批发商JGA公司工作,任业务部门经理。从1984年起为屋面工业杂志撰稿,1999—2000任《屋面承包商》杂志编辑,2000年后任主编。达马托先生在文中全面地介绍了美国单层屋面卷材的情况,包括单层卷材屋面系统的历史和现状、产品种类、相关的行业组织以及今后的发展趋向。  相似文献   

罗刚 《浙江建筑》2010,27(12):12-16,19
对中国《钢结构设计规范(GB 50017-2003)》、美国钢结构设计规范AISC 360-05中的LRFD-2005以及ASD 89三本规范中的轴心受拉、轴心受压、受弯构件、压弯构件等基本构件强度或稳定性的安全度差异进行了计算分析和比较,获得了中美钢结构设计规范安全度水平差异的定量数据,可供我国钢结构设计人员参考。  相似文献   

This report is reprinted in part fromSprinkler Quarterly, Vol. 77, with permission of the National Fire Sprinkler Association, Inc.  相似文献   

标准根据"NRCA 2007—08陡坡屋面材料指南",美国市场上有129种沥青油毡瓦产品,来自9个制造厂。与沥青油毡瓦有关的标准有许多,它们是区别和正确选择各种油毡瓦产品的有效手段。  相似文献   

当今,在美国屋面行业中最热门的话题之一就是“冷”屋面。在适当的气候条件下,尤其是在温暖气候地区使用“冷”屋面,可以使建筑业主、屋面承包商直接从中获得经济效益,因此推动了这种屋面的应用。另一方面,由于美国联邦政府、州政府出于节能的考虑,采取了一种积极的鼓励政策和其他一些经济刺激措施,例如加利福尼亚州就有退税计划,也推动了这类屋面的使用。1“冷”屋面的定义什么是“冷”屋面,至今尚没有明确的定义。根据与“冷”屋面有关的法规(见表1),可以将“冷”屋面定义为反射率(Albedo)大于0.65和热辐射系数大于0.75的屋面。一般来说,…  相似文献   

Sources of burnable material within U.S. cities are analyzed. Based on a detailed evaluation of construction practices, storage of burnable contents, building function and layout, and density of buildings in city districts, we derive urban fuel load densities in terms of land use type and geographic location. Residential building fuel loads vary regionally from 123 to 150 kg m–2; non-residential building classes have loads from 39 to 273 kg m–2. The results indicate that average U.S. urban area fuel loads range from 14 to 21 kg m–2.  相似文献   

竺荣 《中国电梯》2012,(15):20-23,25
GB16899-2011《自动扶梯和自动人行道的制造与安装安全规范》对公共交通型自动扶梯或自动人行道的定义是:“适用于下列情况之一的自动扶梯或自动人行道:a)是公共交通系统包括出口和入口处的组成部分;b)高强度的使用,即每周运行时间约140h,且在任何3h的间隔内,其载荷达100%制动载荷的持续时间不少于0.5h.”  相似文献   

The U.S. Census Bureau has now recognized micropolitan places, which are sometimes called emerging metropolitan areas or mini-metros. After the 1990 census, a total of 581 different non-metropolitan counties, forming 496 consolidated micropolitan areas, were assigned to this new settlement category. The first half of the paper analyzes the evolving geographic distribution and the shifting employment attributes (emphasizing job specialization) of these places during 1980–2000. Changes in the U.S. micropolitan landscape, reflecting the impressive growth of these places during the late 20th century, mirror other well-known national demographic and economic trends. The second half of the paper analyzes simultaneous population and employment change in micropolitan counties, using a series of partial adjustment models that control for various demographic, economic, and geographic factors. Evidently (initial and adjusted) population levels have induced both employment and population change in these places, but employment levels have failed to have the same impact.
Alexander C. ViasEmail:

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