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目的 海量图像检索技术是计算机视觉领域研究热点之一,一个基本的思路是对数据库中所有图像提取特征,然后定义特征相似性度量,进行近邻检索。海量图像检索技术,关键的是设计满足存储需求和效率的近邻检索算法。为了提高图像视觉特征的近似表示精度和降低图像视觉特征的存储空间需求,提出了一种多索引加法量化方法。方法 由于线性搜索算法复杂度高,而且为了满足检索的实时性,需把图像描述符存储在内存中,不能满足大规模检索系统的需求。基于非线性检索的优越性,本文对非穷尽搜索的多索引结构和量化编码进行了探索新研究。利用多索引结构将原始数据空间划分成多个子空间,把每个子空间数据项分配到不同的倒排列表中,然后使用压缩编码的加法量化方法编码倒排列表中的残差数据项,进一步减少对原始空间的量化损失。在近邻检索时采用非穷尽搜索的策略,只在少数倒排列表中检索近邻项,可以大大减少检索时间成本,而且检索过程中不用存储原始数据,只需存储数据集中每个数据项在加法量化码书中的码字索引,大大减少内存消耗。结果 为了验证算法的有效性,在3个数据集SIFT、GIST、MNIST上进行测试,召回率相比近几年算法提升4%~15%,平均查准率提高12%左右,检索时间与最快的算法持平。结论 本文提出的多索引加法量化编码算法,有效改善了图像视觉特征的近似表示精度和存储空间需求,并提升了在大规模数据集的检索准确率和召回率。本文算法主要针对特征进行近邻检索,适用于海量图像以及其他多媒体数据的近邻检索。  相似文献   

An image representation method using vector quantization (VQ) on color and texture is proposed in this paper. The proposed method is also used to retrieve similar images from database systems. The basic idea is a transformation from the raw pixel data to a small set of image regions, which are coherent in color and texture space. A scheme is provided for object-based image retrieval. Features for image retrieval are the three color features (hue, saturation, and value) from the HSV color model and five textural features (ASM, contrast, correlation, variance, and entropy) from the gray-level co-occurrence matrices. Once the features are extracted from an image, eight-dimensional feature vectors represent each pixel in the image. The VQ algorithm is used to rapidly cluster those feature vectors into groups. A representative feature table based on the dominant groups is obtained and used to retrieve similar images according to the object within the image. This method can retrieve similar images even in cases where objects are translated, scaled, and rotated.  相似文献   

针对由图像灰度空间产生的传统词袋模型SIFT特征无法体现图像的颜色信息的问题,提出了一种融合颜色特征的视觉词汇树来对图像进行描述。提取SIFT特征并建立词汇树,获取图像的SIFT表示向量。利用K-means方法对图像库中的所有图像的HSV值进行聚类,获得基于HSV空间的颜色词袋表示向量,避免了传统颜色直方图方法所带来的量化误差。将SIFT特征与颜色词袋特征进行融合,完成了图像的全局特征和局部特征的融合。然后,计算融合特征的相似度,将相似度从高到低排序,完成图像检索。为了验证本方法的有效性,选择Corel图像库对算法性能进行实验分析,从主观评价和客观评价标准分别进行评价,并与传统方法进行了对比。结果表明,特征融合的检索性能与单一特征方法相比有较大提高。特征融合方法的平均检索查准率和查全率-查准率等评价指标,对比传统方法均有不同程度提高。  相似文献   

基于黎曼流形稀疏编码的图像检索算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对视觉词袋(Bag-of-visual-words,BOVW)模型直方图量化误差大的缺点,提出基于稀疏编码的图像检索算法.由于大多数图像特征属于非线性流形结构,传统稀疏编码使用向量空间对其度量必然导致不准确的稀疏表示.考虑到图像特征空间的流形结构,选择对称正定矩阵作为特征描述子,构建黎曼流形空间.利用核技术将黎曼流形结构映射到再生核希尔伯特空间,非线性流形转换为线性稀疏编码,获得图像更准确的稀疏表示.实验在Corel1000和Caltech101两个数据集上进行,与已有的图像检索算法对比,提出的图像检索算法不仅提高了检索准确率,而且获得了更好的检索性能.  相似文献   

目的 图像检索是计算机视觉领域的一项基础任务,大多采用卷积神经网络和对称式学习策略,导致所需训练数据量大、模型训练时间长、监督信息利用不充分。针对上述问题,本文提出一种Transformer与非对称学习策略相结合的图像检索方法。方法 对于查询图像,使用Transformer生成图像的哈希表示,利用哈希损失学习哈希函数,使图像的哈希表示更加真实。对于待检索图像,采用非对称式学习策略,直接得到图像的哈希表示,并将哈希损失与分类损失相结合,充分利用监督信息,提高训练速度。在哈希空间通过计算汉明距离实现相似图像的快速检索。结果 在CIFAR-10和NUS-WIDE两个数据集上,将本文方法与主流的5种对称式方法和性能最优的两种非对称式方法进行比较,本文方法的mAP(mean average precision)比当前最优方法分别提升了5.06%和4.17%。结论 本文方法利用Transformer提取图像特征,并将哈希损失与分类损失相结合,在不增加训练数据量的前提下,减少了模型训练时间。所提方法性能优于当前同类方法,能够有效完成图像检索任务。  相似文献   

When images are described with visual words based on vector quantization of low-level color, texture, and edge-related visual features of image regions, it is usually referred as “bag-of-visual words (BoVW)”-based presentation. Although it has proved to be effective for image representation similar to document representation in text retrieval, the hard image encoding approach based on one-to-one mapping of regions to visual words is not expressive enough to characterize the image contents with higher level semantics and prone to quantization error. Each word is considered independent of all the words in this model. However, it is found that the words are related and their similarity of occurrence in documents can reflect the underlying semantic relations between them. To consider this, a soft image representation scheme is proposed by spreading each region’s membership values through a local fuzzy membership function in a neighborhood to all the words in a codebook generated by self-organizing map (SOM). The topology preserving property of the SOM map is exploited to generate a local membership function. A systematic evaluation of retrieval results of the proposed soft representation on two different image (natural photographic and medical) collections has shown significant improvement in precision at different recall levels when compared to different low-level and “BoVW”-based feature that consider only probability of occurrence (or presence/absence) of a word.  相似文献   

采用位平面直方图特征向量的图像检索方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
首先将图像分解为8个位平面,选择前4个重要位平面,求出其灰度码表示,根据每个灰度码位平面的颜色直方图,计算均值、标准偏差、偏斜度、能量、熵;综合这些特征构成名为位平面直方图特征向量的组合特征,进行图像检索。实验中采用Tonimoto相似度量函数计算图像间的相似度。该方法计算速度快,避免了图像量化造成的误检。实验结果显示了该方法的检索性能。  相似文献   

Finger vein image retrieval is a biometric identification technology that has recently attracted a lot of attention. It has the potential to reduce the search space and has attracted a considerable amount of research effort recently. It is a challenging problem owing to the large number of images in biometric databases and the lack of efficient retrieval schemes. We apply a hierarchical vocabulary tree modelbased image retrieval approach because of its good scalability and high efficiency.However, there is a large accumulative quantization error in the vocabulary tree (VT)model thatmay degrade the retrieval precision. To solve this problem, we improve the vector quantization coding in the VT model by introducing a non-negative locality-constrained constraint: the non-negative locality-constrained vocabulary tree-based image retrieval model. The proposed method can effectively improve coding performance and the discriminative power of local features. Extensive experiments on a large fused finger vein database demonstrate the superiority of our encoding method. Experimental results also show that our retrieval strategy achieves better performance than other state-of-theart methods, while maintaining low time complexity.  相似文献   

目的 图像检索是计算机视觉的一项重要任务。图像检索的关键是图像的内容描述,复杂图像的内容描述很具有挑战性。传统的方法用固定长度的向量描述图像内容,为此提出一种变长序列描述模型,目的是丰富特征编码的信息表达能力,提高检索精度。方法 本文提出序列描述模型,用可变长度特征序列描述图像。序列描述模型首先用CNN(convolutional neural network)提取底层特征,然后用中间层LSTM(long short-term memory)产生局部特征的相关性表示,最后用视觉注意LSTM(attention LSTM)产生一组向量描述一幅图像。通过匈牙利算法计算图像之间的相似性完成图像检索任务。模型采用标签级别的triplet loss函数进行端对端的训练。结果 在MIRFLICKR-25K和NUS-WIDE数据集上进行图像检索实验,并和相关算法进行比较。相对于其他方法,本文模型检索精度提高了512个百分点。相对于定长的图像描述方式,本文模型在多标签数据集上能够显著改善检索效果。结论 本文提出了新的图像序列描述模型,可以显著改善检索效果,适用于多标签图像的检索任务。  相似文献   

宋立新  徐军 《信息与控制》2020,(2):188-194,202
针对网络图像数据的迅速增多导致传统图像检索的效果不能满足当前需求的问题,提出了一种基于深度置信网络(deep belief network,DBN)和迭代量化(iterative quantization,ITQ)的无监督学习图像检索的方法.首先,构造深度置信网络的模型,此模型是由3层受限玻尔兹曼机堆叠而成;然后,用此深度置信网络模型对原始图像的高维特征进行中维特征提取,再采用迭代量化的哈希方法,对提取图像中维特征进行二值编码;最后,针对MNIST、CIFAR-10和Corel-1000数据集对模型进行实验验证并评估.结果表明,所提出的方法与现在的几种主流方法相比检索性能更好.除此之外,本方法对乳腺数据集DDSM和肺结节CT图像数据集LIDC-IDRI中的检索也取得了较好的效果.  相似文献   

A novel approach to clustering for image segmentation and a new object-based image retrieval method are proposed. The clustering is achieved using the Fisher discriminant as an objective function. The objective function is improved by adding a spatial constraint that encourages neighboring pixels to take on the same class label. A six-dimensional feature vector is used for clustering by way of the combination of color and busyness features for each pixel. After clustering, the dominant segments in each class are chosen based on area and used to extract features for image retrieval. The color content is represented using a histogram, and Haar wavelets are used to represent the texture feature of each segment. The image retrieval is segment-based; the user can select a query segment to perform the retrieval and assign weights to the image features. The distance between two images is calculated using the distance between features of the constituent segments. Each image is ranked based on this distance with respect to the query image segment. The algorithm is applied to a pilot database of natural images and is shown to improve upon the conventional classification and retrieval methods. The proposed segmentation leads to a higher number of relevant images retrieved, 83.5% on average compared to 72.8 and 68.7% for the k-means clustering and the global retrieval methods, respectively.  相似文献   

Feature grouping and local soft match for mobile visual search   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
More powerful mobile devices stimulate mobile visual search to become a popular and unique image retrieval application. A number of challenges come up with such application, resulting from appearance variations in mobile images. Performance of state-of-the-art image retrieval systems is improved using bag-of-words approaches. However, for visual search by mobile images with large variations, there are at least two critical issues unsolved: (1) the loss of features discriminative power due to quantization; and (2) the underuse of spatial relationships among visual words. To address both issues, this paper presents a novel visual search method based on feature grouping and local soft match, which considers properties of mobile images and couples visual and spatial information consistently. First features of the query image are grouped using both matched visual features and their spatial relationships; and then grouped features are softly matched to alleviate quantization loss. An efficient score scheme is devised to utilize inverted file index and compared with vocabulary-guided pyramid kernels. Finally experiments on Stanford mobile visual search database and a collected database with more than one million images show that the proposed method achieves promising improvement over the approach with a vocabulary tree, especially when large variations exist in query images.  相似文献   

基于空间特征的图像检索   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
史婷婷  李岩 《计算机应用》2008,28(9):2292-2296
提出一种新的基于空间特征的图像特征描述子SCH,利用基于颜色向量角和欧几里得距离的MCVAE算法共同检测原始彩色图像边缘,同时利用一种新的“最大最小分量颜色不变量模型”对原始图像量化,对边缘像素建立边缘相关矩阵;对非边缘像素使用颜色直方图描述局部颜色分布信息;然后,利用新的sin相似性度量法则衡量图像特征间的相似度。实验采用VC++6.0开发了基于内容的图像检索原型系统“SttImageRetrieval”,基于Oracle 9i数据库建立了一个综合型图像数据库“IMAGEDB”。实验分析结果证明,利用SCH描述子的检索准确度明显高于仅基于颜色统计特征的检索结果。  相似文献   

基于模糊支持向量机的面向语义图像检索算法*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了缩减图像低层特征和高层语义之间的“语义鸿沟”,本文提出一种基于模糊支持向量机的面向语义图像检索(SBIR-FSVM)算法。在提取图像的低层特征的基础上,本文将最小隶属度模糊支持向量机引入到图像检索技术中,获取图像语义信息及消除传统支持向量机(SVM)在多类分类中产生的不可分区域,从而实现面向语义的图像检索。实验结果表明,本文提出的SBIR-FSVM算法与基于SVM的图像检索算法及综合多特征的基于内容的图像检索算法相比均有了显著的改进。  相似文献   

目的视觉目标的形状特征表示和识别是图像领域中的重要问题。在实际应用中,视角、形变、遮挡和噪声等干扰因素造成识别精度较低,且大数据场景需要算法具有较高的学习效率。针对这些问题,本文提出一种全尺度可视化形状表示方法。方法在尺度空间的所有尺度上对形状轮廓提取形状的不变量特征,获得形状的全尺度特征。将获得的全部特征紧凑地表示为单幅彩色图像,得到形状特征的可视化表示。将表示形状特征的彩色图像输入双路卷积网络模型,完成形状分类和检索任务。结果通过对原始形状加入旋转、遮挡和噪声等不同干扰的定性实验,验证了本文方法具有旋转和缩放不变性,以及对铰接变换、遮挡和噪声等干扰的鲁棒性。在通用数据集上进行形状分类和形状检索的定量实验,所得准确率在不同数据集上均超过对比算法。在MPEG-7数据集上精度达到99.57%,对比算法的最好结果为98.84%。在铰接和射影变换数据集上皆达到100%的识别精度,而对比算法的最好结果分别为89.75%和95%。结论本文提出的全尺度可视化形状表示方法,通过一幅彩色图像紧凑地表达了全部形状信息。通过卷积模型既学习了轮廓点间的形状特征关系,又学习了不同尺度间的形状特征关系。本文方法...  相似文献   

在基于内容图像检索中,图像的底层视觉特征和高层语义概念之间存在着较大的语义间隔。使用机器学习方法学习图像特征,自动建立图像类的模型成为一种有效的方法。本文提出了一种用支持向量机(SVM)实现自然图像自动语义归类的方法,基于块划分聚类得到特征向量作为SVM训练样本,实现语义分类器。由于参与聚类的是某类图像所有块的特征,提取的特征更能反映某一类图像特征。实验证明这种方法是有效的。  相似文献   

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