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A one-dimensional waveguide photonic structure—specifically, a photonic crystal with a controllable frequency characteristic—is designed. The central frequency of the spectral window of the photonic crystal can be tuned by choosing the parameters of disturbance of periodicity in the photonic crystal, whereas the transmission coefficient at a particular frequency can be controlled by varying the voltage at a p-i-n diode. It is shown that the possibility exists of using the waveguide photonic crystal to design a microwave device operating in the 3-cm-wavelength region, with a transmission band of 70 MHz at a level 3 dB and the transmission coefficient controllable in the range from −1.5 to −25 dB under variations in the forward voltage bias at the p-i-n diode from zero to 700 mV.  相似文献   

Ba+Yb double-filled n-type skutterudites with a modest degree of charge compensation by Fe on the Co lattice have been synthesized and compacted by spark-plasma sintering, and their thermoelectric properties evaluated at temperatures up to 800 K. Although this approach to making n-type skutterudites seems counterintuitive, the presence of Fe leads to a reduction in the thermal conductivity while it preserves a robust Seebeck coefficient. Consequently, a high ZT in excess of 1.3 was achieved at 800 K in these Fe-containing n-type skutterudite compounds.  相似文献   

Mainly driven by space applications, mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) focal-plane arrays (FPAs) have been successfully developed for very long wavelengths (λ CO > 14 μm at 55 K). For this purpose, the standard n-on-p technology based on MCT grown by liquid-phase epitaxy (LPE) and involving vacancy doping has been modified to extrinsic doping by a monovalent acceptor. Due to the planar diode geometry obtained by ion implantation, most of the carrier generation volume is located in the p-type region with a thickness of approximately 8 μm. According to our understanding, the Shockley–Read centers connected with the Hg vacancies are thus significantly reduced. This situation should lead to longer minority-carrier lifetimes and smaller generation rates under equilibrium conditions, therefore yielding lower dark current. We indeed observe a reduction by a factor of approximately 15 by using extrinsic doping. Recent dark current data obtained in the temperature range from 55 K to 85 K on 288 × 384 FPAs with λ CO(60 K) = 12 μm, either intrinsically or extrinsically doped, corroborate this finding. These data, new results on a 112 × 112 pixel demonstrator array with λ CO(55 K) = 14.4 μm, and earlier measurements are compared with Tennant’s Rule 07 established for p-on-n technology.  相似文献   

The current-voltage characteristic of the p-Ge-n-GaAs heterojunction is experimentally studied under hydrostatic pressure as high as 8 GPa and temperature of 300 K. The baric coefficient of the edge of the valence band of Ge is calculated using the experimental results.  相似文献   

Luminescent characteristics of asymmetric p-InAs/AlSb/InAsSb/AlSb/p-GaSb type II heterostructures with deep quantum wells at the heterointerface are studied. The heterostructures were grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy. Intense positive and negative luminescence was observed in the range of photon energies of 0.3–0.4 eV with a forward and reverse bias, respectively. Dependences of the spectra and intensities for positive and negative luminescence on the pumping current and on the temperature are studied in the range of 77–380 K. It is established that, at a temperature higher than 75°C, intensity of negative luminescence surpasses that of positive luminescence by 60%. The suggested heterostructures can be used as lightemitting diodes (photodiodes) with switched positive and negative luminescence in the mid-IR spectral range of 3–4 μm.  相似文献   

A technique is developed for calculating the electrodynamic characteristics of a filter of H 0n modes in the case of various configurations of the filter and various combinations of its mechanical and electric parameters. In numerical computations, the complete set of the filter parameters is taken into account. It is shown that the number of absorbing elements in the filter can be reduced from three to two and that, simultaneously, the quality characteristics of the filter can be improved.  相似文献   

A new technology of chemical surface deposition is developed, and thin CdS films (35–100 nm) on the p-CdTe substrates are obtained. Electrical and photoelectric properties of n-CdS/p-CdTe heterojunctions are studied, and it is shown that the developed method provides high efficiency of photoconversion in the range restricted by the CdTe and CdS band gaps. It is shown that the method of chemical surface deposition of CdS can be used in the design of thin-film n-CdS/p-CdTe.  相似文献   

Current-voltage characteristics of the n-CdS/p-CdTe heterostructure are studied at different temperatures. It is established that the forward portion of the current-voltage characteristic of these structures at low voltages (as high as 0.5 V) is described by the exponential dependence, while at high voltages (as high as 2.6 V), there is a portion of sublinear growth of the current with voltage. Experimental results are interpreted based on the theory of the effect of injection depletion. It is shown that the product of mobility of majority carriers by the concentration of deep centers increases as the temperature is increased.  相似文献   

All current techniques for ZT measurement are carried out under a small temperature difference, despite the fact that thermoelectric devices are likely to operate under a relatively large temperature difference. In this paper, we describe a new technique which enables ZT measurement under a large temperature difference. The principle of measurement is presented, followed by a proof-of-concept study. The results of this study show that ZT values obtained under a large temperature difference differ significantly from those obtained under small temperature differences. The technique provides a more realistic evaluation of thermoelectric materials and devices.  相似文献   

It is shown that 9-μm-thick semi-insulating surface layers can be formed in moderately doped n-type silicon carbide (donor concentration 2 × 1016 cm–3) via the comparatively low-dose (7 × 1011 cm–2) implantation of high-energy (53 MeV) argon ions. The free-carrier removal rate is estimated at ~104 cm–1. The resistivity of the semi-insulator is no less than 7 × 1012 Ω cm. Analysis of the monopolar current of electron injection into the semi-insulator shows that the impurity-conductivity compensation is due to radiationinduced defects pinning the equilibrium Fermi level at a depth of 1.16 eV below the conduction-band bottom. The density of defect states at the Fermi level is 2.7 × 1016 cm2 eV–1.  相似文献   

The results of experiments with quantum wells on 3C-SiC/4H-SiC and 3C-SiC/6H-SiC heterojunctions obtained by various methods are reconsidered. Spontaneous polarizations, field strengths, and energies of local levels in quantum wells on 3C-SiC/NH-SiC heterojunctions were calculated within a unified model. The values obtained are in agreement with the results of all considered experiments. Heterojunction types are determined. Approximations for valence band offsets on heterojunctions between silicon carbide polytypes and the expression for calculating local levels in quantum wells on the 3C-SiC/NH-SiC heterojunction are presented. The spontaneous polarizations and field strengths induced by spontaneous polarization on 3C-SiC/4H-SiC and 3C-SiC/6H-SiC heterojunctions were calculated as 0.71 and 0.47 C/m2 and 0.825 and 0.55 MV/cm, respectively.  相似文献   

Morphological and optical studies (ellipsometry and reflectance spectroscopy in the ranges 400–750 nm and 1.4–25 μm) of thin GaSe films fabricated by thermal evaporation on the n-Si (111) single-crystal substrates are reported. The film thickness was 15–60 nm. It is established that, in the initial stage of growth, the growth of GaSe on the n-Si (111) substrates occurs via formation of islands (three-dimensional growth). It is shown that, as the thickness increases, the physical parameters of the film change and the films approach single crystals in crystalline and energy band structure. For films with a thickness of 60 nm, the reflectance band peak is attributed to indirect optical transitions enhanced by reflection from the film-substrate interface. From the results of optical studies, quantum effects in the surface region of the thin films are conjectured.  相似文献   

A recent report on poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene-tosylate) (PEDOT.Tos) suggested that the thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT) could be enhanced when the percentage oxidation was chemically altered. This invokes the question of whether the carrier density or the mobility was modified. In this work, we analyzed data reported by Bibnova et al. (Nat. Mater. 10, 429, 2011) and extracted the transport parameters using three-dimensional (3D) and two-dimensional (2D) models. Our results indicate that the increase in the power factor (S 2 σ) was due primarily to upward extension in the range of thermoelectric power. A changeover from lattice scattering to ionized impurity scattering in PEDOT.Tos allowed the equation governing the thermoelectric power to be valid at higher carrier densities, resulting in an increase in the power factor. ZT was also enhanced in PEDOT.Tos due to the low intrinsic thermal conductivity (~0.37 W/m K). The peak value of ZT (~0.3) was found close to the regime where the semiconductor turned “metallic,” beyond which ZT would decrease. We are of the opinion that charge-to-charge scattering (which normally would lower the power factor in highly doped semiconductors) remain subdued in PEDOT.Tos due potentially to electronic screening and a lack of long-range order. We used the reported data to compute the carrier density and mobility assuming ionized impurity scattering and found the peak power factor to occur for carrier density of ~1 × 1026 m−3 and mobility of ~5 × 10−4 m2/V s.  相似文献   

The effect of the vacuum annealing of p-CuI crystals on their resistivity, transmittance, temperature-dependent conductivity, and photoconductivity in the visible and ultraviolet spectral regions is studied. It is shown that the conductivity and transmittance of CuI increase at low annealing temperatures and decrease, as the temperature of vacuum annealing is increased over 60 min. It is established that these systematic features are connected with the formation of intrinsic donor or acceptor defects in the CuI crystal lattice.  相似文献   

The current-voltage characteristics and frequency dependences of the impedance of composite nanostructures fabricated on the basis of layered anisotropic semiconductor p-GaSe and ferroelectric KNO3 are studied. Multilayer nanostructures were obtained by introducing nanoscale pyramidal ferroelectric inclusions into a layered GaSe matrix. Hysteresis phenomena in current-voltage characteristics and abrupt changes in the conductance and capacitance in frequency dependences of the impedance are detected. These phenomena are associated with the collective effect of electric polarization switching in nanoscale 3D ferroelectric inclusions in the layered matrix, features of its local deformation, and polytype phase transitions in this matrix. X-ray, atomic-force microscopy, and impedance studies in a low (B < 400 mT) magnetic field show that the electrical characteristics of nanostructures are associated with the Maxwell-Wagner effect in nanostructures, the formation of quantum wells in GaSe during deformation of crystals in the region of nanoscale inclusion localization, and carrier tunneling in the structures.  相似文献   

The absorbed light spectral composition determines the type of carrier generation: interband generation or mixed generation that also includes the generation of electrons from levels of the valence-band tail. The generation type affects the value and temperature dependence of the electron recombination rate in a-Si:H layered films. This effect is caused by a variation in the occupation of the levels of silicon dangling bonds and the valence band tail with electrons upon a change in the carrier generation type. As a result, in the case of mixed carrier generation in the investigated films with a low concentration of native dangling bonds, electron recombination in the films is slow and recombination at the levels of the valence-band tail can prevail up to room temperature.  相似文献   

The electronic states of p- and n-type Ba8Ga16Ge30 (BGG) are studied by high-resolution x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. In BGG, three bands are resolved in the valence band region. Theoretical calculations show that the three band structures in the valence band are mainly constructed by the Ge/Ga 4s and 4p wavefunctions with little contribution from Ba 5s, 5p, and 5d. The valence band around the Fermi level region of n-type BGG is sensitive to temperature, while that of p-BGG is stable when the temperature changes. The data indicate that the endohedral Ba in p- and n-type BGG rattle with different modes due to the different hybridization with the orbitals of the framework polyhedra.  相似文献   

This work presents a novel scalable multiplication algorithm for a type-t Gaussian normal basis (GNB) of GF(2m). Utilizing the basic characteristics of MSD-first and LSD-first schemes with d-bit digit size, the GNB multiplication can be decomposed into n(n + 1) Hankel matrix-vector multiplications. where n = (mt + 1)/d. The proposed scalable architectures for computing GNB multiplication comprise of one d × d Hankel multiplier, four registers and one final reduction polynomial circuit. Using the relationship of the basis conversion from the GNB to the normal basis, we also present the modified scalable multiplier which requires only nk Hankel multiplications, where k = mt/2d if m is even or k = (mt − t + 2)/2d if m is odd. The developed scalable multipliers have the feature of scalability. It is shown that, as the selected digit size d ≥ 8, the proposed scalable architectures have significantly lower time-area complexity than existing digit-serial multipliers. Moreover, the proposed architectures have the features of regularity, modularity, and local interconnection ability. Accordingly, they are well suited for VLSI implementation.  相似文献   

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