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Weyrauch T  Vorontsov MA 《Applied optics》2005,44(30):6388-6401
Wavefront control experiments in strong scintillation conditions (scintillation index, approximately equal to 1) over a 2.33 km, near-horizontal, atmospheric propagation path are presented. The adaptive-optics system used comprises a tracking and a fast-beam-steering mirror as well as a 132-actuator, microelectromechanical-system, piston-type deformable mirror with a VLSI controller that implements stochastic parallel gradient descent control optimization of a system performance metric. The experiments demonstrate mitigation of atmospheric distortions with a speckle beacon typical for directed energy and free-space laser communication applications.  相似文献   

Toyoshima M  Araki K 《Applied optics》2000,39(12):1911-1919
Temporal natures for a variance of turbulence-induced log-intensity fluctuations are obtained. The variance of the optical fluctuation is reduced when the optical signals are integrated in a photodetector, and we express the index of reduction (called the time-averaging factor) by using an autocovariance function of the optical fluctuation. The optical fluctuations for a ground-to-satellite path are caused by both atmospheric turbulence and the beam-pointing jitter error of the optical transmitter. The turbulence-induced optical scintillation can be discriminated from the fluctuation that is due to the beam-pointing jitter error. The compared result from the probability density function of the optical signal reveals good agreement. The temporal autocovariance functions of optical scintillation are obtained and used to calculate the time-averaging factor. The analytically expected effects of time averaging are verified by the experimental results. The estimations contribute to the link budget design for the optical tracking channel through atmospheric turbulence.  相似文献   

We study the propagation of the two lowest-order Gaussian laser beams with different wavelengths in weak atmospheric turbulence. Using the Rytov approximation and assuming a slow detector, we calculate the longitudinal and radial components of the scintillation index for a typical free-space laser communication setup. We find the optimal configuration of the two laser beams with respect to the longitudinal scintillation index. We show that the value of the longitudinal scintillation for the optimal two-beam configuration is smaller by more than 50% compared with the value for a single lowest-order Gaussian beam with the same total power. Furthermore, the radial scintillation for the optimal two-beam system is smaller by 35%-40% compared with the radial scintillation in the single-beam case. Further insight into the reduction of intensity fluctuations is gained by analyzing the self- and cross-intensity contributions to the scintillation index.  相似文献   

Experimental studies have shown that a ‘bump’ occurs in the atmospheric spectrum just prior to turbulence cell dissipation. In weak optical turbulence, this bump affects calculated scintillation. The purpose of this study was to determine if a simpler non-bump atmospheric power spectrum can be used to model scintillation for plane waves and spherical waves in moderate to strong optical turbulence regimes. Scintillation expressions were developed from an ‘effective’ von Karman spectrum using an approach similar to that used by Andrews et al. in developing expressions from an effective modified (bump) spectrum. The effective spectrum extends the Rytov approximation into all optical turbulence regimes using filter functions to eliminate mid-range turbulent cell size effects to the scintillation index. Filter cutoffs were established by matching to known weak and saturated scintillation results. The resulting new expressions track those derived from the effective bump spectrum fairly closely. In extremely strong turbulence, differences are minimal.  相似文献   

Wave-front sensing and deformable-mirror control in strong scintillation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent studies of coherent wave propagation through turbulence have shown that under conditions where scintillation is significant a continuous phase function does not in general exist, owing to the presence of branch points in the complex optical field. Because of branch points and the associated branch cuts, least-squares approaches to wave-front reconstruction and deformable-mirror control can have large errors. Branch-point reconstructors are known to provide superior performance to least-squares reconstructors, but they require that branch points be explicitly detected. Detecting branch points is a significant practical impediment owing to spatial sampling and measurement noise in real wave-front sensors. Branch points are associated with real zeros in an optical field, and hence information about the phase of the field is encoded in the amplitude of the wave. We present a new wave-front-sensor processing algorithm that exploits this observation in the wave-front-reconstruction and deformable-mirror-control process. This algorithm jointly processes three intensity measurements by using light from the beacon field to develop a set of deformable-mirror actuator commands that are maximally consistent with three intensity measurements: (1) the entire wave-front-sensor image, (2) a pupil intensity image, and (3) a conventional image. Owing to the nonlinear nature of the resulting algorithm, we have used a simulation to evaluate performance. We find that in a focused laser beam projection paradigm that uses a point-source beacon, the new algorithm provides significantly improved performance over that of conventional Hartmann sensor least-squares deformable-mirror control based on centroid processing of wave-front-sensor outputs. The performance of the new algorithm approaches, the performance of an idealized branch-point reconstructor that requires pointwise phase differences for operation.  相似文献   

Barchers JD  Fried DL  Link DJ 《Applied optics》2002,41(6):1012-1021
A simulation study is presented that evaluates the performance of Hartmann wave-front sensors with measurements obtained with the Fried geometry and the Hutchin geometry. Performance is defined in terms of the Strehl ratio achieved when the estimate of the complex field obtained from reconstruction is used to correct the distorted wave front presented to the wave-front sensor. A series of evaluations is performed to identify the strengths and the weaknesses of Hartmann sensors used in each of the two geometries in the two-dimensional space of the Fried parameter r0 and the Rytov parameter. We found that the performance of Hartmann sensors degrades severely when the Rytov number exceeds 0.2 and the ratio l/r0 exceeds 1/4 (where l is the subaperture side length) because of the presence of branch points in the phase function and the effect of amplitude scintillation on the measurement values produced by the Hartmann sensor.  相似文献   

针对无线传感器网络(WSN)在实现机械振动同步采集过程中,采集节点应该同时触发采集命令,同步触发误差应在一个采样周期内的要求,设计了一种基于信标时序补偿思想的WSN同步触发协议STBTC_P(the Synchronization Trigger protocol based on Beacon Timing Compensation)。协议基于IEEE 802.15.4协议标准开发多跳树状网络,以信标负载方式传输采集命令,在利用集中关联信标分配法避免信标冲突并实现全网时钟同步后,采用基于信标时序补偿思想的同步触发方法实现机械振动采集命令的多跳同步触发,为最终提高机械振动同步采集精度创造使能条件。最后,在自研采集节点WSN-G2上运行STBTC_P协议,并验证了其有效性。  相似文献   

Reader J 《Applied spectroscopy》2004,58(12):1469-1474
Wavelengths of the individual fine-structure components of the n = 1-2 (Ly(alpha)), n = 1-3 (Ly(beta)), n = 1-4 (Ly(gamma)), n = 1-5 (Ly(delta)), n = 1-6 (Ly(epsilon)), n = 1-7 (Ly(zeta)), n = 2-3 (H(alpha)), n = 2-4 (H(beta)), n = 2-5 (H(gamma)), n = 2-6 (H(delta)), and n = 2-7 (H(epsilon)) transitions of H and D are determined from theoretical values for the binding energies. Theoretical line strengths are used to obtain recommended values for the peaks of unresolved blends of these components as likely to be observed with discharge light sources and spectrometers with low to moderate resolution.  相似文献   

多束部分相干光通过强湍流对光强闪烁的影响   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
在Rytov方差的基础上,利用Andrews的唯像闪烁模型,推导出部分相干光通过强大气湍流后其对数光强起伏方差的公式,并用此公式对部分相干光通过强湍流后给光强闪烁造成的影响进行了仿真。其结果表明,当光源的相干性变差,即变为部分相干光后,对数光强起伏方差变小;当采用多束部分相干光时,接收面上光强起伏方差得到明显改善,而且光束越多,改善越明显。  相似文献   

Kornilov V 《Applied optics》2011,50(20):3717-3724
Theoretical relations were obtained to calculate the correlation of stellar scintillation, when a star is measured simultaneously in two different photometric bands (channels). Differential color scintillation and the respective indices are proposed for practical evaluation of the correlation. Asymptotic dependence for the case of an infinitely small receiving aperture is derived and analyzed. The effect of atmospheric dispersion, which transforms the color differences into spatial differences, is examined. Additionally, the effect of the deviation of real optical turbulence from Kolmogorov turbulence is estimated. The obtained relations were compared with simultaneous measurements in three photometric bands and different receiving apertures in the range of 1 to 15 cm. It is shown that the measurements and calculated estimations of the color scintillation agree well.  相似文献   

Sedmak G 《Applied optics》2004,43(23):4527-4538
Fast-Fourier-transform-based simulations of single-layer atmospheric von Kármán phase screens and Kolmogorov scintillation screens up to hundreds of meters in size were implemented and tested for applications with percent range accuracy. The tests included the expected and the observed structure and pupil variance functions; for the phase, the tests also included the Fried turbulence parameter r0 measured by the seeing and by a simulated differential image motion monitor. The standard compensations used to correct the undersampling at low spatial frequencies were improved, and those needed for the high spatial frequencies were determined analytically. The limiting ratios of the screen sampling step to r0 and of the screen size to the pupil aperture were estimated by means of the simulated data. Sample results are shown that demonstrate the performances of the simulations for single-layer Kolmogorov and von Kármán phase screens up to 200 m in size and for Kolmogorov scintillation screens for pupils up to 50 m of aperture.  相似文献   

We have measured the xenon near infrared (NIR) scintillation yield in the wavelength range from about 700 to 850 nm for gas pressures from 0.3 to 1.5 atm. We have found the NIR yield to be nearly constant above 0.9 atm, increasing by about a factor of 4.5 as pressure is lowered to 0.3 atm. Measured in number of photons emitted we estimate that at 0.3 atm the NIR yield is 45% of the ultraviolet yield near 170 nm. The NIR yield may be sufficient to form the basis of detector systems utilizing low-pressure xenon gas.  相似文献   

Contact angle studies of pure water droplets were carried out on thin diamond films. The films were deposited on a fresh Si 111 wafer by plasma assisted chemical vapour deposition (PACVD) and confirmed to be diamond by Raman spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Advancing and receding contact angles were measured as a function of droplet volume by using different incident wavelengths: red, green and violet. Large differences in the contact angles were observed, depending on the wavelength of the incident light. These differences are usually related to the existence of illumination-induced surface charges or electromagnetically active inhomogeneities in the diamond films. The results show that this technique is sufficiently sensitive to correlate changes in the contact angle with changes in the wavelength used.  相似文献   

The impact of finite-resolution deformable mirrors and wave-front sensors is evaluated as it applies to fullwave conjugation using two deformable mirrors. The first deformable mirror is fixed conjugate to the pupil, while the second deformable mirror is at a finite range. The control algorithm to determine the mirror commands for the two deformable mirrors is based on a modification of the sequential generalized projection algorithm. The modification of the algorithm allows the incorporation of Gaussian spatial filters into the optimization process to limit the spatial-frequency content applied to the two deformable mirrors. Simulation results are presented for imaging and energy projection scenarios that establish that the optimal spatial filter waist to be applied is equal to the subaperture side length in strong turbulence. The effect of varying the subaperture side length is examined, and it is found that to effect a significant degree of scintillation compensation, the subapertures, and corresponding spacing between actuators, must be much smaller than the coherence length of the input field.  相似文献   

The time evolution of experimental intensity fluctuation distributions of a laser beam propagating through atmospheric turbulence is discussed. Experimental data, collected under conditions ranging from low to strong scintillation, are compared with four theoretical probability-density functions by means of fractional moments.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation of propagation through atmospheric turbulence of an initially spherical wave is used to calculate irradiance variance σ(2)(I), variance of log irradiance σ(2)(ln I), and mean of log irradiance ?In I? for 13 values of l(0)/R(f) (i.e., of turbulence inner scale l(0) normalized by Fresnel scale R(F)) and 10 values of Rytov variance σ(2)(Rytov), which is the irradiance variance, including the inner-scale effect, predicted by perturbation methods; l(0)/R(f) was varied from 0 to 2.5 and σ(2)(Rytov) from 0.06 to 5.0. The irradiance probability distribution function (PDF) and, hence, σ(2)(I), σ(2)(In I), and ?ln I? are shown to depend on only two dimensionless parameters, such as l(o)/R(F) and σ(2)(Rytov). Thus the effects of the onset of strong scintillation on the three statistics are characterized completely. Excellent agreement is obtained with previous simulations that calculated σ(2)(I). We find that σ(2)(I), σ(2)(In I), and ?ln I? are larger than their weak-scintillation asymptotes (namely, σ(2)(Rytov), σ(2)(Rytov), and - σ(2)(Rytov)/2, respectively) for the onset of strong scintillation for all l(0)/R(f). An exception is that for the largest l(0)/R(f), the onset of strong scintillation causes σ(2)(ln I) to decrease relative to its weak-scintillation limit, σ(2)(Rytov). We determine the efficacy of each of the three statistics for measurement of l(0), taking into account the relative difficulties of measuring each statistic. We find that measuring σ(2)(I) is most advantageous, although it is not the most sensitive to l(0) of the three statistics. All three statistics and, hence, the PDF become insensitive to l(0) for roughly 1 < β0(2) < 3 (where β0(2) is σ (2)(Rytov) for l(0) = 0); this is a condition for which retrieval of l(0) is problematic.  相似文献   

A method of detecting heat-generating objects in atmospheric background by means of an infrared radar set with broad field of vision based on the difference in the brightness amplitudes of the radiation from a point heat-generating object and the cold atmospheric background is set forth. An algorithm of a two-dimensional spatial filter that may be implemented by a computer program in the video processor of an infrared radar set is developed.  相似文献   

Barchers JD  Fried DL  Link DJ 《Applied optics》2002,41(18):3674-3684
A simulation study is presented that evaluates the ability of a unit-shear, shearing interferometer to estimate a complex field resulting from propagation through extended turbulence. Performance is defined in terms of the Strehl ratio achieved when the estimate of the complex field obtained from reconstruction is used to correct the distorted wave front presented to the wave-front sensor. A series of evaluations is performed to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the shearing interferometer in the two-dimensional space of the Fried parameter r0 and the Rytov number. The performance of the shearing interferometer is compared with that of a Hartmann sensor in the Fried and Hutchin geometries. Although the effects of additive measurement noise (such as read noise, shot noise, amplifier noise) are neglected, the fundamental characteristics of the measurement process are shown to distinguish the performance of the various wave-front sensors. It is found that the performance of a shearing interferometer is superior to that of a Hartmann sensor when the Rytov number exceeds 0.2.  相似文献   

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