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为提高生理期女性使用卫生巾状态下下体着装的舒适合体度,收集了98名20~28岁处于生理期(使用卫生巾状态下)和非生理女性的臀裆部位数据,通过主成分分析和相关分析选定臀凸角作为聚类指标;采用K均值聚类法将生理期女性臀裆部位形态分为3类,臀凸角分别为7.2°、9.5°、13.9°;使用Cinema 4D软件对样本数占比最大的类别建立女性生理期和非生理期人体模型,使用Cloudcompare软件提取出裆部曲线并分析变化特征;最后修正生理期裤装原型并与贴体裤装原型比较。结果表明:生理期修正裤装的后上裆倾斜角为7.2°,卫生巾使用会使裤装后上裆倾斜角减小6.3°,生理期和非生理期前裆长和后裆长分别相差1.4和1.8 cm。研究结果可为生理期女性裤装版型修正和专用内裤设计提供依据。 相似文献
从女性服装中裤子产生和发展的角度阐述了裤子对于女性性格、生活方式以及社会地位的影响,论述了裤子在女性着装史上与女性社会地位变化的关联性。 相似文献
为解决新疆地区特殊体型裤装合体性问题,分析590名40~55岁的新疆地区中老年男性人体数据。首先针对新疆中老年男性各体型占比与全国和中西部地区各体型占比对比分析。新疆中老年男性中C体型占比为33.1%,而全国和中西部地区中老年男性体型中C体型占比均小于10%,说明新疆中老年男性体型偏胖。其次对新疆中老年男性中C体型和胸腰差小于2 cm的D体型进行判别,增加腰腹差分析并将其分为3类:腰腹上凸体、腰腹同体、腰腹下凸体;最后对腹凸特体着衣疵病进行分析,以便修正裤装样板,借助CLO3D软件进行虚拟试衣。将修正的裤装样板在CLO3D软件中进行拟合并观察压力图等,结果表明修正后的裤装样板符合新疆中老年男性腹凸体型。 相似文献
青年女性体型分析及合体裤结构参数的调整 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
选取在校女大学生作为研究对象,通过接触式手工测量方法测量数据,并对数据进行统计分析,获得青年女性体型特征.在此基础上对青年女性合体裤进行了参数调整,得出舍体裤结构变化的一般规律. 相似文献
如何实现准确的体型分析是满足消费者对服装合体性要求的关键问题。为提高服装臀部的合体性,本文着重探讨与人体臀部体型密切相关的截面曲线的变化,借助数理统计方法对女性臀部体型进行细分。以三维人体测量为基础,选择了300名年龄在20-24岁之间的在校女青年测量其臀部数据;对获取的28个臀部测量项目进行聚类分析,根据典型指标的算法,提取了能全面反映臀部特征信息的6个典型指标;依据典型指标,通过方差分析,将臀部体型细分为5类;通过对比臀部截面曲线特征,最终验证了5类臀部体型细分的合理性。 相似文献
Google和Levi’s联手打造的智能外套能够通过识别用户在织物上的手势,远程控制手机、电脑等电子产品。该技术基于Google先进技术和项目部门(ATAP)所主导研发的Project Jacquard技术,即把看似普通的纺织品变成多点触控感应的平面。文章由此入手,分析了Google Project Jacquard的专利技术和专利布局。 相似文献
侯会方 《北京印刷学院学报》2017,25(4)
李白《静夜思》这首诗深受广大读者喜爱,传播非常广泛。但是,通行本刊印的并非李白原作,明清学者在编印唐诗选编时做了改动,以讹传讹,造成了混乱局面。本文对李白诗文集的刊印过程作了梳理,通过不同历史时期的文本对照,恢复了这首诗的本来面目。对诗中几个富有争议的字词作了新的解释,进而对整首诗的意境作了全新的解读。 相似文献
不同颜色玛咖营养成分分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用国标方法对白色、黄色、紫色3种云南产玛咖的主要营养成分进行了分析。试验结果表明,3种颜色玛咖含多种营养成分,相同的营养成分含量存在一定的差异,为不同颜色玛咖产品的进一步开发利用提供依据。 相似文献
臀部是评判人体美的重要部位,关系到下装设计的舒适性和美观性。通过利用Excel和SPSS软件对三维人体测量获得的有关臀部数据进行整理分析来研究臀部高度特征。通过分析臀位高与腰高的关系得出三者成正态相关关系,臀身比(即臀部高度与身高的比值)均值为0.499,得到臀部可作为人体美的评判基础;进一步分析得出臀位高度与身高成线性关系;臀胯高差与腰胯高差比值均值是0.285,所以在结构设计时要想获得最佳的舒适性、美观性,须增加测量臀高位置;通过线性相关分析得出臀胯高差与身高、腰位高的线性关系公式;最后参照国家号型标准中身高以5cm分档,利用分裂聚类分析法将全部数据分为5类,分析得出臀位高以3cm分档。 相似文献
Sarah J. Meale Frederique Chaucheyras-Durand Harma Berends Le Luo Guan Michael A. Steele 《Journal of dairy science》2017,100(7):5984-5995
The ruminant gastrointestinal tract (GIT) faces the challenge of protecting the host from luminal contents and pathogens, while supporting the absorption and metabolism of nutrients for growth and maintenance. The GIT of the calf in early life undergoes some of the most rapid microbial and structural changes documented in nature, and these adaptations in GIT function make the young calf susceptible to GIT diseases and disorders. Despite these challenges, the calf's GIT has a certain degree of plasticity and can sense nutrient supply and respond to bioactive ingredients. Calf GIT research has historically focused on the transition during weaning and characterizing ruminal papillae development using microscopy and digesta metabolite responses. Through the use of new molecular-based approaches, we have recently shown that delaying the age of weaning and providing a step-down weaning protocol is associated with a more gradual shift in ruminal microbiota to a postweaned state. In addition to ruminal adaptations during weaning, nutrient flow to the lower gut changes dramatically during weaning, coinciding with a wide array of structural and microbiological changes. Structural and gene expression changes suggest that the lower gut of the dairy calf undergoes alterations that may reduce barrier function when solid feeds are consumed. More recently, in vivo data revealed that the weaning transition increases total gut permeability of the calf. Interestingly, the lower gut may be able to communicate with the forestomach, meaning that a nutrient can be sensed in the lower gut and cause subsequent adaptations in the forestomach. An improved understanding of how diet, microbiota, and functional ingredients interact to affect growth and barrier function of the intestinal tract would greatly benefit the dairy calf industry. A mechanistic understanding of such adaptations would also aid in the formulation of specific management regimens and provision of functional ingredients required to characterize and enhance gut function in young calves. 相似文献
The physical and chemical characteristics of the butter and ghee of goat's and sheep's milk were studied. The saponification numbers of both butter and ghee samples prepared from goat's and sheep's milk were slightly high but showed low iodine and Reichert-Meissl values. Fatty acid composition revealed a relatively high degree of saturation (63·6–74·1%) with C16:0 (27·6–30·5%) and C18:1 (19·6–30·1%) being the predominant saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, respectively. The effect of heat on butter during its processing into ghee was minimal with no major differences being observed in the chemical and physical characteristics of either butter or ghee samples prepared from it. 相似文献