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计及运行工况影响的电力设备检修策略分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
电力设备在运行中不可避免地受老化、磨损和天气等运行工况的影响,故障率随时间增长具有累积效应,而不同等级的计划检修能不同程度地延缓电力设备可靠性恶化过程。基于电力设备故障率的时间累积效应和考虑计划检修对电力设备可靠性改善作用的役龄回退模型,以设备平均无效度为基础,得到系统可靠性/经济性指标解析表达式。针对以系统可靠性最优、系统检修费用最少和系统检修成本与系统停电成本之和最小为目标的三类检修决策问题,提出基于灵敏度和差分公式的协调优化算法。最后通过RBTS、IEEE-RTS79系统验证算法的有效性,并就几个不同检修方案从可靠性和经济性角度进行了对比分析。  相似文献   

We describe a procedure for optimizing the long-and short-term operating conditions of the equipment at thermal power stations that is based on a multicriterial approach and takes into account the factors of economic efficiency, reliability, and maneuverability  相似文献   

Structural and parameteric synthesis of an automatic control system for gas-turbine power stations complicated by the complexity, nonlinearity, and multimodality of the control object, which is both the gas-turbine power station itself and the associated electric-power system, is conducted using the simplest possible mathematical models. The development of simulation models of the electric-power systems of various structures and element compositions and analysis of the functioning of the latter when reproducing a given list of external and internal disturbances are a topical task. The conditions of a test stand offer the possibility of combining the stages of computer-aided tests, i.e., simulation of the automatic control system, and semirealistic tests, i.e., tests of mockups and experimental and pilot prototypes, using a computer model of the electric-power system. The development of program modules for simulation of the electric-power system is considered. The modules are integrated into a subsystem for testing power-generating plants. The use of the Java language facilitates the cross-platform properties and universality. The computation of the dynamic modes is represented as a sequential computation of the static modes in every sampling step. Models of the elements of the electric-power system have been developed.  相似文献   

A procedure is proposed for optimizing the operating conditions of cogeneration stations equipped with combined-cycle plants to solve the problem of optimally distributing the electric and thermal loads among the units of a unit-type cogeneration station with selecting the composition of equipment and its operating conditions. Results of applying an algorithm developed on the basis of this procedure to the equipment of Mosenergo’s cogeneration station TETs-27 are presented.  相似文献   

A brief analysis of characteristics and specific features of foreign gas-turbine installations is presented. Prospects of introduction of combined-cycle and gas-turbine technologies in power engineering of Russia and main directions of using them are shown.  相似文献   

传统的变电站风险评估以主设备年平均故障率计算主接线可靠性,不能反映设备时变故障风险及其对负荷点供电的影响.将主设备的运行风险考虑为设备自身状态和外部运行气象环境方面因素的影响,以比例风险模型量化设备运行风险.考虑到基于故障树的设备状态评分的分散性较大,不同部件故障对设备故障停运的影响程度不一样,建立了基于层次分析法的设...  相似文献   

We present methodical principles and algorithms for solving the problem of optimally controlling the operating conditions of power stations generating thermal and electric energy in a combined manner to minimize the fuel component in the net cost of electricity generated taking into account the current technical and economic states of equipment.  相似文献   

We outline the main principles used to extend the terms specified in regulatory documents as the design service life of nuclear power stations.  相似文献   

A physicomathematical model describing the development of flaws in the equipment of ageing power stations is developed, and examples of its verification against the data from monitoring of some facilities are presented.  相似文献   

提出一种考虑风速随机特征的多工况电力系统稳定性分析方法。利用参数Weibull模型对短时间内条件风速趋势进行拟合预测,并将风速区间化,计算各区间的条件特征风速概率密度矩阵,再根据条件特征风速确定系统的运行工况。在此基础上,建立考虑风速随机特征的连续Markov多工况电力系统模型及其Lyapunov泛函,并在该泛函的弱无穷小算子中运用Dynkin引理,推导满足干扰衰减度γ的鲁棒随机稳定性的线性矩阵不等式(LMI),并将其转化为可行性问题,以判断系统是否稳定。IEEE 4机11节点系统和16机68节点系统时域仿真结果表明,所提方法无需获取系统运行轨迹即可对多工况电力系统进行稳定性判别,与传统时域仿真法相比,降低了计算量,提高了判别效率。  相似文献   

Typical problems related to optimizing the operating conditions of cogeneration power stations that can be solved when a power station is designed, operating, and subjected to modernization and retrofitting are considered. A procedure for solving these problems is described.  相似文献   

Principles of generating heat and electricity are considered according to which these kinds of energy are produced at independent thermal power stations built around the conventional engines operating on gaseous fuel obtained by subjecting wastes from woodworking and plant cultivation industries to pyrolysis. A procedure for calculating the required output capacity of a pyrolysis module is described using a 100-kVA mini thermal power station as an example. The advantages of a unified cycle for converting the energy of wet vegetable fuel feedstock into electrical and thermal energy, comprising the stage of its conversion into gaseous and liquid biofuel, are analyzed.  相似文献   

Information is given on the main areas of activity on modernizing turbine equipment at Russian nuclear power stations.  相似文献   

在电力系统可靠性评估中,建立精确的元件停运模型至关重要。传统模型忽视了设备老化与维修更新性的影响,导致评估误差随着元件运行时间增长而不断增大。针对这一严重不足之处,提出了计及设备老化与不完全预防性维修的元件时变停运概率模型。该模型采用虚拟年龄与改善因子表征预防性维修对故障率的降低效应,采用威布尔模型表征时间对故障率的增长效应。应用所提出的模型对改进的IEEE RTS-79系统进行了可靠性评估。通过改变部分系统元件的维修成本和预防性维修周期模拟实际维修,给出了新模型中不同维修策略的系统可靠性评估结果,并与传统方法进行了对比分析。结果表明提出的模型能更准确地反映实际维修效果,更精确地预测电力系统中长期可靠性水平。  相似文献   

A technique for evaluating the fuel efficiency of the combined generation of electricity and heat at a gas-turbine cogeneration station is presented. The effects the regeneration degree of the gas-turbine cycle and the temperature of gas upstream the turbine have on the fuel efficiency of a gas-turbine cogeneration station are estimated for different ratios between its thermal and electric outputs. It is shown that the use of a gas-turbine cogeneration station for generating energy allows the expenses for the fuel to be cut by as much as $2 million a month.  相似文献   

Experience gained for many years by process engineers of OAO All-Russia Thermal Engineering Institute with development of algorithms for control of equipment used in the turbine rooms of nuclear power units is described.  相似文献   

A software system is developed that allows the operating conditions of a cogeneration station to be optimized taking into account the actual state of main equipment estimated from the values of parameters measured at different points of the technological circuits of steam boilers and turbines.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new family of interphase power controllers (IPC) for which the useful portion of the Prsr characteristics are shifted as the power transfer level is increased. Thus, the power characteristics of a specific IPC application can be adapted to the operating conditions of the power network. The response of the IPC is compared to those of the two conventional technologies used in building it: the phase-angle regulator; and series compensation. It is shown how the natural response of the IPC regulates active power passively, without the need for control action. Also, reactive power can be controlled independently of active power slowing for better voltage control. The new IPC retains the inherent qualities of previous IPCs  相似文献   

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