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As the quality of sensors increases, systematic discrepancies between measurements and model outputs become more apparent Applying regression type analysis in these cases leads to autocorrelated residuals, biased parameter estimates, and underestimation of uncertainty. This paper examines how parameter estimates are affected by model structure uncertainty for an application from wastewater treatment. A Monod model is fitted to synthetic data generated by a reference system exhibiting predefined Tessier kinetics and a known error process. A range of methods are suggested to test if the resulting residuals fulfill the IID (independent and identically distributed)-requirement visual examination of time series, autocorrelation, and partial autocorrelation functions, the Jarque-Bera normality test, the Runs test for independence, and the BDS test for IID. The tests are shown to perform well at low measurement noise but not at higher levels of noise where transferring the parameter estimates gained from a batch system leads to erroneous estimation of steady state concentrations in a completely stirred tank reactor. Additional diagnostics are suggested which include second order autocorrelation functions of the residuals in the case of a single experiment and examination of moving averages of residuals in the case of multiple experiments.  相似文献   

Groundwater transport models that accurately describe spreading of nonreactive solutes in an aquifer can poorly predict concentrations of reactive solutes. The dispersive term in the advection-dispersion equation can overpredict pore-scale mixing, and thereby overpredict homogeneous chemical reaction. We quantified this experimentally by imaging instantaneous colorimetric reactions between solutions of aqueous CuSO4 and EDTA4- within a 30-cm long translucent chamber packed with cryolite sand that closely matched the optical index of refraction of water. A charge-coupled device camera was used to quantify concentrations of blue CuEDTA2- within the chamber as it was produced by mixing of the two reactants at different flow rates. We compared these experimental results with a new analytic solution for instantaneous bimolecular reaction coupled with advection and dispersion of the product and reactants. For all flow rates, the concentrations of CuEDTA2- recorded in the experiments were about 20% less than predicted by the analytic solution, thereby demonstrating that models assuming complete mixing at the pore scale can overpredict reaction during transport.  相似文献   

The flavor and taste of coffee are the most important criteria for evaluating its quality and they are influenced by environmental as well as genetic factors. Because of these factors, including soil, climate and species, diverse components of coffee have been developed. To observe the variation of coffee components by region, a metabolomic approach was applied. In this study, 21 coffee samples of different origin were analyzed by various measuring devices. The acquired data was then integrated and processed by principal component analysis (PCA) using SAS 9.1 software. We found that we could successfully identify the origins of the coffee, dividing the samples in the regions of Asia, South America, and Africa, using the integrated metabolomic approach of combining diverse analytical data with multivariate analysis. In particular, the enhancement of subtle differences by combining data from several instruments resulted in the accurate discrimination of coffee origins.  相似文献   

Mass balance models of chemical fate and transport can be applied in ecological risk assessments for quantitative estimation of concentrations in air, water, soil, and sediment. These concentrations can, in turn, be used to estimate organism exposures and ultimately internal tissue concentrations that can be compared to mode-of-action-based critical body residues that induce toxic effects. From this comparison, risks to the exposed organism can be evaluated. To demonstrate the use of fate models in ecological risk assessment, we combine the EQuilibrium Criterion (EQC) environmental fate model with a simple screening level biouptake model for three representative organisms: a bird, a mammal, and a fish. This effort yields estimates of internal body concentrations that can be compared with levels known to elicit toxic effects. As an illustration, we present an analysis of 24 hydrocarbon components of gasoline that differ in properties but are assumed to elicit toxicity by a common narcotic mode of action. Results demonstrate that differences in chemical properties and mode of entry into the environment lead to profound differences in the efficiency of transport from emission to target biota. We discussthe implications of these results and draw attention to the insights gained about regional fate and ecological risks associated with gasoline. This approach is suitable for assessing single chemicals or mixtures that have similar modes of action. We conclude that the model-based methodologies presented are widely applicable for screening level ecological risk assessments that support effective chemicals management.  相似文献   

Cattle that are not pregnant to first fixed-time artificial insemination (TAI) may be resynchronized for a second TAI if they are found nonpregnant at pregnancy diagnosis. The specific interval between first and second TAI ranges from 4 to 8 wk. The selected interval depends on the available method of pregnancy diagnosis and the efficiency of the resynchronization program. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate a pregnancy diagnosis and resynchronization system that achieved a 21-d interval between TAI. This 21-d interval approximates the natural return-to-service interval. It also enables resynchronization to be implemented within the same estrous cycle in which cattle are first inseminated. Holstein heifers were randomly assigned to a 21-d resynchronization program (21d_resynch; n = 40) or a control group in which estrus was observed for the purpose of re-insemination (control; n = 29). The 21d_resynch heifers were diagnosed for pregnancy on d 18 after a TAI (d 0) by using predetermined cut-off values for 2′-5′ oligoadenylate synthetase 1 (Oas1) gene expression in leukocytes and plasma progesterone concentration. Heifers that were not pregnant to first TAI had greater expression of Oas1 at the time of PGF (d −3) than pregnant heifers, but this relationship was reversed on d 18 after TAI: the heifers that were pregnant to first TAI had almost 5-fold greater expression of Oas1 compared with nonpregnant heifers. Nonpregnant heifers in the 21d_resynch group were injected with a luteolytic dose of PGF on d 19 and were injected with GnRH on d 21 and submitted to TAI. The pregnancy per AI after first insemination was similar for 21d_resynch (50.0%; pregnancy diagnosis on d 18) and control (51.7%; pregnancy diagnosis on d 27). Likewise, no difference was detected in second insemination pregnancy per AI for 21d_resynch (36.8%; nonpregnant heifers TAI on d 21) and control (35.7%; nonpregnant heifers inseminated at return to estrus or after nonpregnant diagnosis on d 27). The interval between first and second insemination was shorter for 21d_resynch compared with control (21.0 ± 0 and 27.5 ± 2.1 d). The conclusion is that a TAI resynchronization can be programmed within 21 d of previous TAI when a d 18 pregnancy test and a rapid resynchronization are used.  相似文献   

Some lactobacilli strains had beneficial effects on human beings due to their antioxidant activities. In this study lactobacilli strains stored in our laboratory were screened for potential antioxidant activities by investigating their 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl free radical scavenging activity, oxygen radical absorbance capacity, resistance to H2O2, and hydroxyl free radical scavenging activity; then the antioxidant activities of the screened strains were evaluated by cellular antioxidant assay and protection for HT-29 cells against H2O2 injury assay. The results showed that Lactobacillus plantarum Y44 could scavenge oxygen free radicals, inhibit the production of intracellular reactive oxygen species without creating obvious cytotoxic effects, and protect HT-29 cells against H2O2 injury evidenced by the significant decrease of the Bcl-2-associated X protein (Bax)/B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2) ratio and heat shock protein 70 expression, increase of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase activities, and decrease of malondialdehyde level of HT-29 cells damaged by H2O2. It was speculated that L. plantarum Y44 protect HT-29 cells against oxygen radical injury through scavenging reactive oxygen species and activating intracellular antioxidant enzymes. A significant correlation was observed among the results of the hydroxyl radical scavenging assay, protection assay for HT-29 cells against H2O2 injury, and the cellular antioxidant assay. The findings indicated that L. plantarum Y44 could be a probiotic candidate with antioxidant properties and combining several chemical antioxidant methods and antioxidant cellular models could be an effective procedure to screen lactobacilli strains with antioxidant activity.  相似文献   

Advanced water treatment of secondary treated effluent requires stringent quality control to achieve a water quality suitable for augmenting drinking water supplies. The removal of micropollutants such as pesticides, industrial chemicals, endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC), pharmaceuticals, and personal care products (PPCP) is paramount. As the concentrations of individual contaminants are typically low, frequent analytical screening is both laborious and costly. We propose and validate an approach for continuous monitoring by applying passive sampling with Empore disks in vessels that were designed to slow down the water flow, and thus uptake kinetics, and ensure that the uptake is only marginally dependent on the chemicals' physicochemical properties over a relatively narrow molecular size range. This design not only assured integrative sampling over 27 days for a broad range of chemicals but also permitted the use of a suite of bioanalytical tools as sum parameters, representative of mixtures of chemicals with a common mode of toxic action. Bioassays proved to be more sensitive than chemical analysis to assess the removal of organic micropollutants by reverse osmosis, followed by UV/H?O? treatment, as many individual compounds fell below the quantification limit of chemical analysis, yet still contributed to the observed mixture toxicity. Nonetheless in several cases, the responses in the bioassays were also below their quantification limits and therefore only three bioassays were evaluated here, representing nonspecific toxicity and two specific end points for estrogenicity and photosynthesis inhibition. Chemical analytical techniques were able to quantify 32 pesticides, 62 PCPPs, and 12 EDCs in reverse osmosis concentrate. However, these chemicals could explain only 1% of the nonspecific toxicity in the Microtox assay in the reverse osmosis concentrate and 0.0025% in the treated water. Likewise only 1% of the estrogenic effect in the E-SCREEN could be explained by the quantified EDCs after reverse osmosis. In comparison, >50% of the estrogenic effect can typically be explained in sewage. Herbicidal activity could be fully explained by chemical analysis as the sampling period coincided with an illegal discharge and two herbicides dominated the mixture effect. The mass balance of the reverse osmosis process matched theoretical expectations for both chemical analysis and bioanalytical tools. Overall the investigated treatment train removed >97% estrogenicity, >99% herbicidal activity, and >96% baseline toxicity, confirming the suitability of the treatment train for polishing water for indirect potable reuse. The product water was indistinguishable from local tap water in all three bioassays. This study demonstrates the suitability and robustness of passive sampling linked with bioanalytical tools for semicontinuous monitoring of advanced water treatment with respect to micropollutant removal.  相似文献   

This study compared genetic evaluations from 3 test-day (TD) models with different assumptions about the environmental covariance structure for TD records and genetic evaluations from 305-d lactation records for dairy cows. Estimates of genetic values of 12,071 first-lactation Holstein cows were obtained with the 3 TD models using 106,472 TD records. The compound symmetry (CS) model was a simple test-day repeatability animal model with compound symmetry covariance structure for TD environmental effects. The ARs and ARe models also used TD records but with a first-order autoregressive covariance structure among short-term environmental effects or residuals, respectively. Estimates of genetic values with the TD models were also compared with those from a model using 305-d lactation records. Animals were genetically evaluated for milk, fat, and protein yields, and somatic cell score (SCS). The largest average estimates of accuracy of predicted breeding values were obtained with the ARs model and the smallest were with the 305-d model. The 305-d model resulted in smaller estimates of correlations between average predicted breeding values of the parents and lactation records of their daughters for milk and protein yields and SCS than did the CS and ARe models. Predicted breeding values with the 3 TD models were highly correlated (0.98 to 1.00). Predicted breeding values with 305-d lactation records were moderately correlated with those with TD models (0.71 to 0.87 for sires and 0.80 to 0.87 for cows). More genetic improvement can be achieved by using TD models to select for animals for higher milk, fat, and protein yields, and lower SCS than by using models with 305-d lactation records.  相似文献   

At contaminated field sites where active remediation measures are not feasible, monitored natural attenuation is sometimes the only alternative for surface water or groundwater decontamination. However, due to slow degradation rates of some contaminants under natural conditions, attenuation processes and their performance assessment can take several years to decades to complete. Here, we apply quantum chemical calculations to predict contaminant persistence in the aqueous phase. For the test compound hexamethylphosphoramide (HMPA), P-N bond hydrolysis is the only thermodynamically favorable reaction that may lead to its degradation under reducing conditions. Through calculation of aqueous Gibbs free energies of activation for all potential reaction mechanisms, it is predicted that HMPA hydrolyzes via an acid-catalyzed mechanism at pH < 8.2, and an uncatalyzed mechanism at pH 8.2-8.5. The estimated half-lives of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years over the groundwater-typical pH range of 6.0 to 8.5 indicate that HMPA will be persistent in the absence of suitable oxidants. At pH 0, where the hydrolysis reaction is rapid enough to enable measurement, the experimentally determined rate constant and half-life are in excellent agreement with the predicted values. Since the quantum chemical methodology described herein can be applied to virtually any contaminant or reaction of interest, it is especially valuable for the prediction of persistence when slow reaction rates impede experimental investigations and appropriate QSARs are unavailable.  相似文献   

将米糠置于不同温度下进行储藏实验,探讨在保质期内,不同储藏温度对米糠酸价(AV)和过氧化值(POV)影响,以温度-AV/POV之间的一级化学反应动力学模型为基础,建立温度与保质期的关系式,预测米糠在不同储藏温度下的保质期。结果表明:米糠保质期(t)与储藏温度(T)之间存在对数关系,对数方程为:lnt=-0.031 3T+4.959 2。根据对数方程,代入不同的温度T,可推算预测相应的米糠保质期。  相似文献   

The assessment of consumer exposure to pesticides is an important part of pesticide regulation. Probabilistic modelling allows analysis of uncertainty and variability in risk assessments. The output of any assessment will be influenced by the characteristics and uncertainty of the inputs, model structure and assumptions. While the use of probabilistic models is well established in the United States, in Europe problems of low acceptance, sparse data and lack of guidelines are slowing the development. The analyses in the current paper focused on the dietary pathway and the exposure of UK toddlers. Three single food, single pesticide case studies were used to parameterize a simple probabilistic model built in Crystal Ball™. Data on dietary consumption patterns were extracted from National Diet and Nutrition Surveys, and levels of pesticide active ingredients in foods were collected from Pesticide Residues Committee monitoring. The effect of uncertainty on the exposure estimate was analysed using scenarios, reflecting different assumptions related to sources of uncertainty. The most influential uncertainty issue was the distribution type used to represent input variables. Other sources that most affected model output were non-detects, unit-to-unit variability and processing. Specifying correlation between variables was found to have little effect on exposure estimates. The findings have important implications for how probabilistic modelling should be conducted, communicated and used by policy and decision makers as part of consumer risk assessment of pesticides.  相似文献   

Aquatic ecological risk assessment is primarily focused on aqueous exposure, but many hydrophobic contaminants bind to particulate material and accumulate in sediments. The risk posed by such contaminants is partially dependent on the importance of dietary exposure. Here, we describe the bioaccumulation of a highly hydrophobic compound (dioctadecyl-dimethyl ammonium chloride (DODMAC)) to four freshwater macroinvertebrates (i.e., Asellus aquaticus, Chironomus riparius, Gammarus pulex, Lumbriculus variegatus) and investigate the mechanistic basis for observed interspecific variation in bioaccumulation. Although more than 99.99% of DODMAC was sediment-bound, it was bioavailable to all four species via dietary exposure. Interspecific variation in bioaccumulation was apparent despite the lack of selective feeding and biotransformation potential and after normalization for body size and lipid content. Chironomus riparius had the highest lipid-normalized DODMAC concentration and L. variegatus had the lowest. Study species differed in factors affecting uptake (i.e., feeding rate) and absorption efficiency (i.e., gut passage time and gut surfactancy). Feeding rate did not explain interspecific variation in bioaccumulation, but bioaccumulation was enhanced by either high surfactancy and short gut passage time (e.g., G. pulex) or low surfactancy and long gut passage time (e.g., C. riparius). Risk assessment of hydrophobic contaminants should consider dietary exposure and the potential food chain effects of interspecific variation in bioaccumulation.  相似文献   

A chemical absorption-biological reduction integrated approach, which combines the advantages of both the chemical and biological technologies, is employed to achieve the removal of nitrogen monoxide (NO) from the simulated flue gas. The biological reduction of NO to nitrogen gas (N2) and regeneration of the absorbent Fe(II)EDTA (EDTA:ethylenediaminetetraacetate) take place under thermophilic conditions (50 +/- 0.5 degrees C). The performance of a laboratory-scale biofilter was investigated for treating NO(x) gas in this study. Shock loading studies were performed to ascertain the response of the biofilter to fluctuations of inlet loading rates (0.48 approximately 28.68 g NO m(-3) h(-1)). A maximum elimination capacity (18.78 g NO m(-3) h(-1)) was achieved at a loading rate of 28.68 g NO m(-3) h(-1) and maintained 5 h operation at the steady state. Additionally, the effect of certain gaseous compounds (e.g., O2 and SO2) on the NO removal was also investigated. A mathematical model was developed to describe the system performance. The model has been able to predict experimental results for different inlet NO concentrations. In summary, both theoretical prediction and experimental investigation confirm that biofilter can achieve high removal rate for NO in high inlet concentrations under both steady and transient states.  相似文献   

摘 要 目的:建立食品菌落总数测定的通用数学模型和测量不确定度的评定方法。方法:按照加权平均的算法对菌落总数计算公式进行推导,建立了菌落总数计数方法的通用数学模型。以某橙汁饮料菌落总数的测定过程为例,从三个方面分析并量化了各不确度的分量,分别为:不同稀释度平板上菌落数的分布(以同一稀释度上两个平板计数结果的相对相差表示),样品移取和稀释过程(以各量具的容量允差及稀释过程对稀释倍数贡献的相对不确度表示),数字修约(以修约间隔引入的粗大误差表示)。按照均方根法则,将各计数平板的测量不确度进行加和,即为总测量不确度。结果:本例中该橙汁饮料菌落总数的扩展不确度U=0.2×104 CFU/mL, k =2。结论:建立了简便准确的食品菌落数测量不确定度的评定方法。  相似文献   

To determine whether regional or seasonal variability in water temperatures might affect the bioaccumulation of metals by marine invertebrates, we used a biokinetic/bioenergetic approach to model metal bioaccumulation (Ag, Am, Cd, Co, Se, and Zn) from dietary and dissolved sources by blue mussels, Mytilus edulis, acclimated at 2 and 12 degrees C. Accumulation of metal from the aqueous phase was not affected by temperature. However, Ag, Am, and Zn from diet were respectively accumulated up to 5.7-fold, 5.3-fold, and 2-fold more effectively at 2 degrees C than at 12 degrees C, largely because these three metals were assimilated from food more effectively at the lower temperature. In contrast, bioaccumulation of Cd, Co, Se from diet was not substantially affected by temperature even though efflux constants for these metals were up to 4-fold lower at 2 degrees C than at 12 degrees C. Total bioaccumulation of Ag, Am, and Zn was up to 1.7-3.6-fold higher at 2 degrees C than at 12 degrees C, with the largest differences predicted for high food conditions. Temperature-related variability in bioaccumulation of metals should be considered when interpreting patterns in metal tissue concentrations and when adapting management strategies developed for temperate seas to polar areas.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(12):10983-10996
Nitrogen efficiency in dairy cows can be improved by more precisely supplying essential amino acids (EAA) relative to animal needs, which requires accurate estimates of the availability of individual EAA from feedstuffs. The objective of this study was to determine EAA availability for 7 feed ingredients. Seven heifers (258 ± 28 kg BW) were randomly chosen and assigned to 8 treatment sequences in a 7 × 8 incomplete Latin square design. Treatments were a basal diet (BD), and 10% (on a dry matter basis) of BD replaced by corn silage (CS), grass hay (GH), alfalfa hay (AH), dried distillers grain (DDGS), soybean hulls (SH), wet brewers grain (BG), or corn grain (CG). Total plasma AA entry rates were estimated for each EAA within each diet by fitting a 4-pool dynamic model to observed plasma, 13C AA enrichment resulting from a 2-h constant infusion of a 13C algal AA mixture. Individual EAA availability from each test ingredient was determined by regression of entry rates for that AA on crude protein intake for each ingredient. The derived plasma total EAA entry rates for corn silage, grass hay, alfalfa hay, dried distillers grain, soyhulls, brewers grain, and corn grain were 30.6 ± 3.4, 27.4 ± 3.2, 31.3 ± 3.4, 37.2 ± 3.2, 26.4 ± 3.2, 37.8 ± 3.2, and 33.5 ± 3.2% (±standard error) of EAA from each ingredient, respectively. Using the previous estimate of 8.27% EAA utilization by splanchnic tissues during first pass, total rumen-undegradable protein EAA absorbed from the gut lumen was 33.4, 29.9, 34.1, 40.6, 28.8, 41.2, and 36.5% of the EAA in each ingredient respectively.  相似文献   

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