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Dieser Artikel beschreibt einige Erfahrungen und typische Problemstellungen mit Textmining in der Medizin und gibt einen Einblick in aktuelle und zukünftige Herausforderungen in Forschung & Entwicklung. Interessant ist n?mlich, dass auch im ,,Multimedia-Zeitalter“ die meiste Information immer noch als ,,Text“ vorliegt. Mithilfe von statistischen und linguistischen Verfahren wird mit sogenannter ,,Textmining-Software“ versucht, aus Freitexten Information ,,heraus zu schürfen“ (deshalb ,,Textmining“). Allerdings ist es damit noch nicht genug. Der n?chste Schritt besteht darin, die Information sowohl nutzbar als auch brauchbar zu machen. Die jeweiligen End-Benutzerinnen und End-Benutzer müssen in die Lage versetzt werden, auf der Basis der gewonnenen Information deren Wissen zu erweitern. In unserem konkreten Fall sollen damit Entscheidungen im Rahmen ?rztlichen Handelns unterstützt werden. Probleml?sungen in diesem Bereich erfordern eine holistische Sicht- und Herangehensweise. Daher wird es immer wichtiger, Erkenntnisse aus Informatik und Psychologie zusammenflie?en zu lassen und auf systemischer Ebene technologisch umzusetzen.  相似文献   

Informationsextraktion   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Standards and techniques relevant to information systems integration are arranged using the development phases conceptual specification, design specification and implementation. Core concepts like XML, SOAP, Schema Matching, EAI and the work of councils to develop reference models for business integration are discussed. Methodical aspects of information systems integration are systematically organized by an integration framework.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung Eingegangen am 28.03.1996, in überarbeiteter Form am 14.08.1996  相似文献   

Service compositions are used to implement business processes in a variety of application domains. A quality of service (QoS)-aware selection of the service to be composed involves multiple, usually conflicting and possibly uncertain QoS attributes. A multi-criteria solution approach is desired to generate a set of alternative service selections. In addition, the uncertainty of QoS-attributes is neglected in existing solution approaches. Hence, the need for service reconfigurations is imposed to avoid the violation of QoS restrictions. The researched problem is NP-hard. This article presents a heuristic multi-criteria service selection approach that is designed to determine a Pareto frontier of alternative service selections in a reasonable amount of time. Taking into account the uncertainty of response times, the obtained service selections are robust with respect to the constrained execution time. The proposed solution approach is based on the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA)-II extended by heuristics that exploit problem specific characteristics of the QoS-aware service selection. The applicability of the solution approach is demonstrated by a simulation study.  相似文献   

Measuring information systems (IS) success is of great interest to both researchers and practitioners. This article examines multidimensional approaches to measuring IS success and explores the current state of IS success research through a literature review and by classifying articles published between 2003 and 2007. Based on a total of 41 academic journal and conference publications, the relevant research carried out is identified, while the research results are categorized, consolidated, and discussed. The results show that the dominant empirical research analyzes the individual impact of a certain type of information system by ascertaining users’ evaluation of it by means of surveys and then applying structural equation modeling. The DeLone and McLean Information Systems Success Model is the main theoretical basis of the reviewed empirical studies. This article provides researchers with a comprehensive review and structuring of IS success research. Furthermore, opportunities for additional development are identified and future research directions suggested.  相似文献   

In this contribution a literature review is conducted to illustrate how national culture influences phases of the design of information systems. For this purpose, we review the literature in order to identify reliable and commonly approved findings as well as still open remaining questions. Fundamentally, our literature review is a comprehensive framework that sets typical dimensions of system design as well as main types of cultural research in relation to each other. The existing research results in the area of national culture are classified along the levels of system design and attributed to typical phases of the design of information systems. It thus becomes apparent that in the domain of culture and information system design it is often only the design subject or the design object that is addressed. Contributions that connect both levels rarely exist. In our review, only a limited number of publications could be identified that covered concrete phases of the development providing system design, implementation, as well as verification and validation. From a theoretical perspective, there is an obvious dominance of Hofstede??s cultural dimensions that well address single topics of the design, such as user interface and inter cultural problems in development teams. Other domains, however (e.g., technology and architecture), are inadequately explained. Further, a predominantly phenomenological focus becomes obvious. The observed cultural phenomena and the connected interpretations are usable in a limited way for concrete development initiatives. The contribution ends with the vision of a theory for the culturally sensitive design of socio technical information systems that absorbs current scientific knowledge and unites it in a structured approach.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  In der ersten Folge dieses Beitrags (vgl. IT-Sicherheit & Datenschutz 9/2007) hatten wir die wesentlichen Gründe für den übergang zur elektronischen Datenhaltung im Gesundheitswesen er?rtert und die wesentlichen Anforderungen an ein solches Archiv beschrieben. Im abschlie?enden zweiten Teil wollen wir zeigen, wie sich diese umsetzen lassen  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Im Zeitalter der EDV-gestützten Erstellung, Verarbeitung und Archivierung von Dokumenten stellt sich h?ufig die Frage nach der Beweissicherheit elektronischer Dokumente. Am Beispiel eines Arztbriefes zeigen wir m?gliche Szenarien auf und diskutieren insbesondere die Beweissicherung aus informationstechnischer Sicht. Prof. Dr. Norbert Pohlmann ist Gesch?ftsführender Direktor des Instituts für Internet-Sicherheit der Fachhochschule Gelsenkirchen.  相似文献   

Companies are increasingly confronted with the question of whether or not the adoption of information technologies (IT) turns out to be a profitable venture. Thus, there is a great need for methods which allow for both the analysis and evaluation of the economic value of IT investments. In this paper we introduce the concept of potentials modeling which integrates a value-oriented perspective into information modeling. More specifically, we set out to explore the economic value of service-oriented architectures (SOA). The practicability of our approach is illustrated on the basis of a simplified application example. It is hoped that this paper will make a contribution to the ongoing discussion on IT value and stimulates further research in the field of value-oriented information systems (IS) research.  相似文献   

An extension of process modeling languages is designed which allows representing the semantics of model element labels which are formulated in natural language by using concepts of a formal ontology. This combination of semiformal models with formal ontologies will be characterized as semantic process modeling. The approach is exemplarily applied to the languages EPC (Event-driven Process Chain), BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation) and OWL (Web Ontology Language) and is generalized by means of an information model. The proposed formalization of the semantics of individual model elements in conjunction with the usage of inference engines allows the improvement of query functionalities in modeling tools and enables new possibilities of model validation. The integration of the approach in the IT-based work environments of modelers is demonstrated by a system architecture and a prototypical implementation. Evidently, advantages in the areas of modeling, model management, business/IT alignment, and compliance can be achieved by the application of modeling tools augmented with semantic technologies.  相似文献   

继成功举办2005年Sun JAVA中国开发者大会之后,Sun一年一度全球规模的开发者大会——2006Sun科技日又分别于今年9月23~24日和27~28日相继在中国上海和北京两大都市举行“。Java之父”James Gosling再次来到中国,与中国的开发者讨论软件开发者所关心的问题,讲述Sun的软件发展策略、介绍Solaris10操作系统的独特的特性和新的Java开发工具、展望Java技术发展前景,特别是阐明Sun实施Java技术开源的策略。Sun科技日是Sun公司最重要的全球开发者的大会,它针对Java技术、Solaris10OS、NetBeans、OpenSolaris、开源技术、开发工具和Web…  相似文献   

2006年2月28日,网络安全及电源管理芯片供应商凹凸科技(O2Micro)向中国用户隆重推介凹凸科技在网络安全领域的独特理念和全新方案.此举标志着凹凸科技已正式进军网络安全领域.特别在ASIC防火墙和SSL VPN技术和产品的竞争中,凹凸科技已经担负了不可或缺的重要角色.而其在模拟与数字集成电路方面拥有的强大设计和制造能力,无疑将为其最终成为全球网络安全领域的主要供应商增加关键筹码.凹凸科技在评述中国安全市场发展趋势的同时,还将携两款最具代表性的成熟产品--ASIC防火墙SifoWorks和SSL VPN产品Succendo一起亮相.  相似文献   

2006年3月15日,“陕西省第一届国防科工系统内网信息安全建设专题研讨会”在西安市隆重召开。此次会议的议题是,在当前的信息安全形势下,陕西省国防科工系统内网面临的信息安全问题,以及如何采取有效的解决方案进一步提高国家机要部门内部网络的安全保护等级,以适应形势发展的需要。此次会议由陕西省国防科工委主办,陕西省国防科工委信息中心和北京榕基网安科技有限公司、北京理工先河科技发展有限公司、陕西金叶西工大共同承办,国家保密局和陕西省国防科工委的有关领导出席会议并发表了重要讲话。在为期两天的会议中,共有100多名国防科工系…  相似文献   

2006年8月8日CPSecure(China)公司在北京成立,这是CPSecure公司第一次在中国市场正式登台亮相。作为一个在业内具有领先技术的专业安全厂商,CPSecure拥有全球最顶尖的信息安全专家,一直致力于内容安全网关产品的研发、生产、销售、服务和咨询。此次登陆中国市场的CPSecure公司将通过自己强大的研发、销售和技术支持队伍,为中国用户提供最适和的产品和最快捷的技术支持。顶尖的技术造就领先的CPSecureCPSecure成立于2002年,由前趋势执行副总裁DavidLu(吕鸿武)和研发总监ShuangJi(季爽)共同创立。公司总部位于美国加州,在欧洲、中国…  相似文献   

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