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In the present study, the initiation and evolution of the interphase damage and their influences on the global stress-strain relation of composite laminates are predicted by finite element analysis on a micromechanical unit cell model. A thin layer of interphase elements is introduced and its stress-strain relation is derived based on a cohesive law which describes both normal and tangential separations at the interface between the fiber and matrix. In addition, a viscous term is added to the cohesive law to overcome the convergence difficulty induced by the so-called snap-back instability in the numerical analysis. The matrix behavior is described by a recently developed nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive model. As application examples, glass fiber/epoxy unidirectional laminates under off-axis loadings are analyzed. One-quarter of the unit cell is used in the analysis accounting for the geometrical symmetry of the model, and the corresponding periodic boundary conditions for combined global shear and normal loading are derived. Results show that the initiation and evolution of the interphase damage can be well simulated and the predicted global stress-strain responses are in good agreement with the experimental results. 相似文献
In this work, the stress analysis of isotropic and ortotropic laminae both with a hole and without a hole and laminated both with a hole and without a hole composite plates have been examined using the finite element method. In order to solve the problem, a computer program has been written by using characteristics of eight-node isoparametric plane element. The calculations have been tested on various composite and steel materials by this program. The results have been shown in diagrams and tables and compared with literature. It was observed that the stress distributions in the plate with a hole was totally different from the plate without a hole. The analyses have showed that, the elastic stresses have been gradually reduced as moving from the first layer to the second. 相似文献
爆炸荷载作用下钢筋混凝土梁非线性有限元分析 总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8
利用大型通用有限无软件ANSYS对钢筋混凝土梁在爆炸荷载作用下的动力响应进行数值模拟 ,其中混凝土采用ANSYS软件中特有的SOLID65单元类型和专门的材料模型CONCRETE ,钢筋采用LINK8杆单元和随动硬化双线性弹塑性 (KinematicHardeningBilinearPlasticity)模型来实现 ,并与Suidan和Schnobrich[1] 的方法进行比较 ,计算结果与Suidan和Schnobrich预示的响应十分吻合。 相似文献
含分层复合材料层板的压缩性能 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
使用商用有限元软件建立了含分层复合材料层板的有限元模型,采用Hashin失效准则对层板内单元进行损伤判断,并编写程序对失效单元进行刚度折减,使用cohesive单元模拟层间区域,并对缺陷区域进行弱化处理,利用应力失效判据和能量释放准则判断层板内起始分层与分层的扩展。对完好以及含分层缺陷复合材料单向层板试验件进行压缩实验研究,实验结果给出了分层位置和尺寸及对材料压缩性能的影响。研究表明,有限元模拟结果与实验结果具有良好的一致性。 相似文献
考虑了损伤累积、刚度退化和破坏准则,研究了带孔洞复合材料层合板受面内载荷作用的失效过程.应力分析建立在三维有限元模型基础上,借助有限元商业软件ANSYS中的参数化设计语言APDL,考虑材料损伤累积和刚度退化,采用迭代算法,实现了层合板机械连接处的破坏过程模拟.为验证三维有限元模型的有效性,将模拟计算得到的孔边应力分布与文献中的结果进行了比较,两者十分吻合.进一步计算了层合板的位移一挠度曲线,并与实验结果进行了比较,验证了数值模拟的正确性. 相似文献
工程结构中的复合材料的几何参数往往具有随机性质,如何研究随机参数非线性系统的随机响应及统计特性,对结构的可靠性设计和优化设计有着非常重要的意义.应用摄动法、随机中心差分法和线化和校正法,建立了复合材料非线性系统的振动方程和计算模型,采用样条有限元法研究了复合材料层合板具有随机参数的非线性系统在确定性荷载下的随机响应,数值算例说明了本算法的正确性. 相似文献
基于有限元分析理论,利用MSC.Patran/Nastran对某MW级风力发电机组复合材料机舱罩的结构强度进行分析。通过比较多种壳单元特点确定以shell单元为机舱罩的建模单元。对特殊结构板的铺层方法进行了研究,有孔板采取先补单元再铺层的方法,多曲率板采取更改铺层起始点或划分区域铺层的方法。对机舱罩有限元模型的边界约束和施加的载荷进行了研究,并进行了静强度和模态分析。计算结果表明机舱罩不会发生分层破坏,固有频率远离激振频率,不会发生共振破坏。 相似文献
In this article, the static and free vibration analysis of three-layer composite shells is performed by radial basis functions collocation, according to a new layerwise theory that considers independent layer rotations, accounting for through-the-thickness deformation by considering a linear evolution of all displacements with each layer thickness coordinate. The equations of motion and the boundary conditions are obtained by the Carrera’s Unified Formulation, and further interpolated by collocation with radial basis functions. 相似文献
A detailed investigation of the deformation mechanisms in tile-reinforced armored components was conducted to develop the most efficient modeling strategies for the structural analysis of large components of the Composite Armored Vehicle. The limitations of conventional finite elements with respect to the analysis of tile-reinforced structures were examined, and two complementary optimal modeling strategies were developed. These strategies are element layering and the use of a tile-adhesive superelement. Element layering is a technique that uses stacks of shear deformable shell elements to obtain the proper transverse shear distributions through the thickness of the laminate. The tile-adhesive superelement consists of a statically condensed substructure model designed to take advantage of periodicity in tile placement patterns to eliminate numerical redundancies in the analysis. Both approaches can be used simultaneously to create unusually efficient models that accurately predict the global response by incorporating the correct local deformation mechanisms. 相似文献
Biqin Dong Yuqing Liu Lei Qin Yaocheng Wang Yuan Fang Feng Xing 《Research in Nondestructive Evaluation》2013,24(4):216-229
ABSTRACTThe application of a novel cement-based piezoelectric (PZT) ceramic sensor to the in-situ stress-time history monitoring of a reinforced concrete frame structure is described in this article. Smart frame composite structures were produced and characterized by a range of experimental methods. ADINA, a finite element analysis program, was used to analyze the mechanical response of the concrete frame under static loading. The results show that the mechanical-electrical response of sensors embedded in a reinforced concrete frame structure follows a linear relationship under various loading conditions. The sensors are able to record the stress history of the frame under static loads. Moreover, the measured stress maxima agree well with the simulated results, and the smart structure is found to be capable of reliably monitoring the response of a frame structure during stress testing for different loading modes to real concrete structures. The study indicates that such cement-based PZT composites have a high feasibility and applicability to the in-situ stress-time history monitoring of reinforced concrete structures. 相似文献
The strength of unidirectional composites is often lower in compressionthan in tension, making compressive strength an especially importantdesign criterion. Compressive strength in the fiber direction depends onthe stiffness of the matrix material, which softens over time due toviscoelastic effects, and thus lowers the strength of the composite.This reduction must be accounted for in assessing the long-termdurability of composite structures.The dependence of compressive strength on time and temperature hasbeen investigated for a unidirectional carbon/epoxy composite material.Experimental results for strength versus time are compared withanalytical predictions based on a one-dimensional fiber microbucklingmodel and numerical results from finite element analysis. 相似文献
In this paper, the third-order shear deformation theory is employed to study static and dynamic deflection control of laminated composite plates. The effects of shear deformation and geometric nonlinearity (in the von Kármán sense) on the bending and transient response are investigated using the finite element method. Magnetostrictive material, Terfenol-D, layers are used to actively control the deflection via simple negative velocity feedback control in a closed loop. The effects of the lamination scheme, types of load, and boundary conditions on the deflection are investigated. 相似文献
本提出了配筋砼砌块剪力墙非线性动力分析有限元模型。采用Newmark和Newton-Raphson相结合的方法,利用编制的程序对配筋砌快剪力墙的非线性地震反应进行了分析。分析中考虑了不同地震波、不同填芯率和不同高宽比等因素的影响。研究发现,不同地震波引起地震反应不同;当其它参数一定时,适当提高填芯率将对结构抗震有利。 相似文献