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采用Box-Behnken中心组合响应面试验,研究黑豆干酪的最佳工艺条件,建立氯化钙添加量、凝乳酶添加量以及凝乳温度对凝乳效果影响的二次多项回归模型,并验证模型的有效性.结果表明,黑豆干酪的最佳工艺条件:氯化钙添加量0.06%、凝乳酶添加量0.025%、凝乳温度32℃.此时模型预测凝乳效果评分为88.5,验证实验结果为88.0,与理论预测值基本吻合.  相似文献   

响应面法优化Camembert干酪加工工艺   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在氯化钙添加量、凝乳酶添加量、凝乳温度、排乳时间等单因素实验的基础上,根据Box-Behnken中心组合实验设计原理,采用4因素3水平响应曲面分析法,以凝乳效果为响应值建立二次多项回归模型,并验证模型的有效性。实验结果表明:Camembert干酪最佳制作工艺为氯化钙添加量为0.06%,凝乳酶添加量为0.02%,凝乳温度为32℃,排乳时间为30min。在此条件下,理论凝乳效果得分为89.63,验证值为89.50。  相似文献   

以黑芝麻戚风蛋糕的基本配方为基础。以蛋白调制时间、烘烤温度、烘烤时间3个因素为影响因素,感官评分为响应值,在单因素试验基础上,利用Box-Behnken试验设计方法,对黑芝麻戚风蛋糕的制作工艺进行优化。结果表明,黑芝麻戚风蛋糕的最佳工艺参数为蛋黄面糊调制时间9 min、蛋白调制时间2.25 min、烘烤温度130℃、烘烤时间20 min,在此条件下制得的产品色香味俱佳,感官评分可达90.17分。  相似文献   

为开发一款风味好、出品率高的蚕豆罐头,本文以干蚕豆为试验样品,以感官评价为指标,通过单因素试验确定了蚕豆罐头的最佳工艺参数。在此基础上以浸泡水的p H值、浸泡时间和复合磷酸盐添加量为自变量,蚕豆的出品率为因变量,通过响应面法进一步优化蚕豆罐头制作工艺。结果表明,蚕豆罐头的最佳制作工艺为蚕豆在p H值为7.53的水中浸泡47.18 h,罐装时添加0.31%复合磷酸盐,此时蚕豆罐头不仅风味好且出品率高。  相似文献   

以鲜牛乳、干酪粉为主要原料,探究干酪风味发酵乳的发酵工艺。以感官评分为响应值,在单因素实验的基础上,利用响应面Box-Behnken试验法进行分析,确定了白砂糖添加量、稳定剂添加量、发酵剂接种量和干酪粉添加量,并对发酵乳成品进行理化及微生物指标检测。结果表明:干酪风味发酵乳的最优发酵工艺条件为白砂糖添加量为8.2% 、稳定剂添加量为0.3%、发酵剂接种量为3.3%和干酪粉添加量为5.1%,在此优化条件下,成品感官评分为94.15。理化及微生物指标检测结果:蛋白质含量为2.98 g/100 g,酸度为79.2 oT,乳酸菌总数为9.16×107 CFU/mL,未检出大肠菌群,以上结果均符合《食品安全国家标准发酵乳》的规定,且成品质构特性接近于市售主流搅拌型风味发酵乳。  相似文献   

以娟姗牛奶为原料乳,制作Mozzarella干酪,采用组合赋权法综合评价娟姗牛奶Mozzarella干酪的质量品质,并通过响应面分析法优化娟姗牛奶Mozzarella干酪的制作工艺。结果表明,Mozzarella干酪的色泽、风味、质构、特征结构的组合权重分别为0.052、0.427、0.351、0.170,质构指标中的硬度、弹性、凝聚性的组合权重分别为0.742、0.095、0.163,特征结构指标中的拉伸性、融化性、油脂析出性的组合权重分别为0.372、0.334、0.294。响应面分析法优化发现娟姗牛奶Mozzarella干酪的最佳工艺参数为:发酵剂添加量0.020%,拉伸温度76℃,拉伸时间3min,在此条件下娟姗牛奶Mozzarella干酪的理论综合值为15.97,实验验证综合值为15.99,模型拟合程度较高。   相似文献   

选用中筋小麦粉为主要原料制作小麦发面饼,以感官评分、比容、质构特性和色度为指标,采用单因素试验研究水添加量、高活性干酵母添加量、发酵时间、烤制温度和烤制时间对小麦发面饼品质的影响,并以感官评分为响应值设计响应面试验,优化小麦发面饼的制作工艺。结果表明:小麦发面饼的最佳制作工艺条件为水添加量52%、高活性干酵母添加量1.4%、发酵时间85 min、烤制温度210℃和烤制时间14 min。在此工艺条件下,小麦发面饼色泽金黄、香味浓郁、松软可口,综合感官评分为91.50分。该制作工艺易于调控,可应用于实际生产中。  相似文献   

根据Box-Behnken中心组合实验设计原理,采用4因素3水平响应曲面分析法,以凝乳效果为响应值建立二次多项回归模型,并验证模型的有效性。实验结果表明:双蛋白干酪最佳制作工艺为豆乳添加量为20%(V/V),氯化钙添加量0.04%,凝乳酶添加量为0.02%,凝乳温度为32℃。在此条件下,理论凝乳效果得分为87.67,验证值为88.00。  相似文献   

响应面法优化副干酪乳杆菌发酵沙棘酸奶工艺   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以新鲜沙棘为原料,副干酪乳杆菌(Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei)M5L为发酵剂制备凝固型沙棘酸奶,并以酸奶感官评分为响应值,采用响应面法对其发酵工艺进行优化。结果表明,凝固型沙棘酸奶的最佳生产工艺为沙棘汁添加量12%,白砂糖添加量8%,发酵剂添加量1%。在此最优条件下得到的凝固型沙棘酸奶呈淡黄色,具有沙棘和酸奶清香味,酸甜适中,组织细腻,稳定性好、无乳清析出,感官评分最高为91.33分,乳酸菌活菌数为1.4×107 CFU/mL,大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)和致病菌未检出,酸度值为83.0 °T,蛋白质含量为3.6%,脂肪含量为2.9%,均符合国家标准GB 19302—2010《发酵乳》的要求。  相似文献   

响应面法优化Pizza干酪加工关键工艺参数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用四因素五水平二次回归正交旋转组合试验设计,研究Pizza干酪的最佳优化工艺条件,选择预酸化pH、热收缩温度、拉伸温度和拉伸时间进行试验,建立回归模型,并验证回归模型的显著性.结果表明,Pizza干酪的最佳工艺条件:预酸化pH值6.45,热收缩温度40.56℃,拉伸温度79.70℃,拉伸时间7.62 min.该条件下模型预测感官评分值为48.71,验证实验结果为48.50,与模型预测值基本一致.  相似文献   

以玛咖和苦荞为主要原料加工复合茶饮料,通过响应面优化实验,对玛咖苦荞复合茶饮料加工过程中玛咖粉、苦荞茶及稳定剂添加量进行优化,提高产品品质。研究结果显示最优产品配方为:玛咖粉添加量2.1%,苦荞茶添加量1.6%,果葡糖浆添加量5.7%,三个因素的作用大小依次为:果葡糖浆>玛咖粉>苦荞茶。最优稳定剂配方为:CMC-Na添加量0.07%,黄原胶添加量0.07%,海藻酸钠添加量0.03%。三个因素的作用大小依次为:CMC-Na>果胶>海藻酸钠。最终产品感官评分平均值达95.4±0.6,透光率为90.5±0.6%。本研究为玛咖和苦荞产品的开发提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to compare selected properties (hardness, cohesiveness, adhesiveness, characteristics of fat globules, pH, meltability and sensory characteristics – homogeneity, rigidity and flavour) of processed cheeses (dry matter content 40 g/100 g; fat in dry matter content 50 g/100 g) made with traditional emulsifying salts (sodium salts of phosphates) and products in which the traditional emulsifying salts were replaced with 1 g/100 g κ-carrageenan. The development of the above-mentioned properties was studied in dependence on the maturity level of cheese (raw material; 1–16 weeks' maturity). The samples made without the use of traditional emulsifying salts were nearly five times as hard as the products with phosphates regardless of the maturity level of cheese. In both types of samples, hardness was decreasing and adhesiveness was rising with the increasing maturity level of cheese. Meltability of the samples without traditional emulsifying salts was very low and remained practically unchanged with the increasing maturity level of cheese. On the other hand, in the processed cheeses with phosphates, meltability was increasing with the rising maturity level of cheese.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of selected phosphate emulsifying salts (Na3PO4, Na2HPO4, Na4P2O7, Na2H2P2O7, Na5P3O10, sodium polyphosphate) and their selected mixtures (sodium polyphosphate + Na2HPO4; sodium polyphosphate + Na4P2O7) on the viscoelastic properties of model processed cheese (dry matter - 40 g/100 g; fat in dry matter - 50 g/100 g). Viscoelastic properties of model samples stored at 6 ± 2 °C were investigated by dynamic oscillation rheometry (plate-plate geometry; frequency range 0.1-50.0 Hz; temperature 20 °C). Processed cheese manufactured with different phosphates showed various pH values and different viscoelastic properties. The firmness of samples increased due to use of particular types of tested phosphates. Their influence on cheese firmness increased in the following order: orthophosphate < polyphosphate < diphosphate < triphosphate. The increasing content of polyphosphate (up to 50%) in the binary mixture of polyphosphate and orthophosphate or polyphosphate and diphosphate caused the increase of firmness of model samples. The content of polyphosphates above 50% in the binary mixture led to decrease of firmness of model processed cheese.  相似文献   

We used regression analysis to model the influence of varying ratios of disodium hydrogenphosphate (DSP), tetrasodium diphosphate (TSPP) and sodium polyphosphate (POLY) upon the hardness, cohesiveness, and relative adhesiveness of processed cheese spread (dry matter – 40 g/100 g; fat in dry matter – 50 g/100 g) at total emulsifying salt levels of 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 g/100 g. Specific ratios of DSP to TSPP that rapidly increased hardness and decreased cohesiveness (1:1–3:4) and relative adhesiveness (1:1–1:2) were identified. The effect of the specific ratio of DSP:TSPP on textural parameters of samples was weakening with the rising amount of POLY in the ternary mixture. With the amount of POLY above 60%, the effect of the specific ratio of DSP:TSPP on textural parameters of samples was insignificant. With an increasing concentration of emulsifying salts, the values of hardness and cohesiveness were rising while the values of relative adhesiveness of the processed cheeses were falling. However, neither the concentration of emulsifying salts nor the adjustment of pH of the samples reaching the optimal range (5.69–5.84) affected the general trend of dependence of the observed textural parameters of model processed cheeses on the changing proportion of DSP, TSPP and POLY (P ≥ 0.05).  相似文献   

摘 要:目的 优化干酪风味褐色发酵乳的加工工艺及成品的风味物质研究。方法 采用单因素及响应面试验,对蔗糖添加量、干酪发酵剂添加量、发酵温度及稳定剂添加量进行工艺参数的优化。结果 蔗糖添加量6.5%、干酪发酵剂3%、发酵温度43℃及稳定剂添加量为0.99%为最佳工艺条件;对成品进行风味物质的检测,结果表明:成品中含有52种挥发性风味物质,其中以酸类、醇类的成分最多,芳香类、酯、醛和酮、烯烃、酚、烷类成分较少。结论 在此工艺条件下制作的干酪风味褐色发酵乳感官评价最高、焦糖风味及干酪风味明显。  相似文献   

Changes in the composition of volatile compounds during processing of cheese powders, made from Emmental and Danbo cheese were analysed by dynamic headspace gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Samples comprised cheese, melted cheese slurry, the slurry heat treated using three different time and temperature combinations, and the spray‐dried cheese powder. About 100 volatile compounds were identified. During melting of the cheese the level of some volatile compounds increased significantly; heat treatment mainly leads to a loss of compounds and spray drying leads to a substantial reduction of volatile compounds, with the exception of a range of aldehydes that increased. The final cheese powders could, however, be distinguished according to cheese type.  相似文献   

Ternary mixtures consisting of phosphate and citrate emulsifying salts were studied for their impact on selected textural properties (especially hardness) of processed cheese spreads over a 30 day storage period at 6 ± 2 °C. Two different groups of samples were manufactured, one with pH adjustment (target values within the interval of 5.60–5.80) and one without pH adjustment. When binary mixtures with trisodium citrate (TSC) and tetrasodium diphosphate (TSPP) were used (with zero content of the other salts tested in the ternary mixture), the products consisting of TSC and TSPP at a ratio of approximately 1:1 were the hardest. Increasing the content of TSC, TSPP and/or sodium salt of polyphosphate and decreasing that of disodium hydrogen phosphate (DSP) in ternary mixtures resulted in the increasing of the hardness of processed cheese. The absolute values of processed cheese hardness significantly changed as a result of pH adjustment.  相似文献   

Models capable of predicting the quality and yield of processed paneer have been developed using response surface methodology to determine the optimum processing conditions. Three and four-dimensional response surfaces were drawn and the individual contour plots of the different responses were superimposed, and regions meeting the maximum sensory score (29.50–30.75) and yield (9.50–10.50 g/100 g) were identified at 70.1±2.0 °C at 4.85±0.23 pH and 2.908±0.113 g/kg stabilizer concentration. These predicted values for optimum process conditions were in good agreement with experimental data.  相似文献   

以干辣椒和菜籽油为主要原料,制备风味独特的食用调味油,采用响应面法优化微波制备辣椒调味油的工艺参数,得出最佳工艺条件:微波功率为488.50 W、液料比(g/g)为2.00、微波加热时间为148.59 s。在该条件下做出的辣椒调味油颜色、香味、口感最好。  相似文献   

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