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对十八胺 (ODA)对强酸性苯乙烯系阳离子交换树脂的污染状况及复苏方法进行了研究 .通过一系列试验 ,研究了不同浓度的ODA对阳树脂的污染程度及复苏后的效果 .结果表明 :在一定浓度范围内 ,ODA浓度 (0 .0 1~2 .0 ppm)越大 ,浸泡污染时间越长 ,污染越严重 ,阳树脂工作交换容量越小 ,出水水质越差 .十八胺污染的阳树脂经复苏后 ,效果不稳定  相似文献   

谈谈如何加强油务监督管理工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对近年来大量超高压、高参数和大容量电力设备投入运行。对电力用油运行维护要求越来越高,许多运行年久的电力设备面临绝缘老化等问题。从油务监督管理的主要依据和环节、新油购买和验收、运行油质量监督、新技术开发与应用以及油务监督技术管理等方面。阐述了如何加强油务监督管理工作.并提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

1变压器差动保护的基本原理 变压器差动保护是按照循环电流原理构成的,图1是双绕组变压器差动保护单相原理接线图.正常运行或外部故障时,差动继电器中的电流等于两侧TA的二次电流之差,如图1(a).欲使这种情况下流过继电器的电流为零,则应恰当选择两侧TA的变比.  相似文献   

本文总结了作者多年在审计工作所遇到的风险及分析其成因,并针对审计风险提出控制及防范措施。  相似文献   

Capponi  A. 《Potentials, IEEE》2004,23(4):37-39
This paper describes the two-party communication complexity model. Each message is a string of bits and carried out according to some fixed protocol. Cost of information transfer associated with a given distributed computation is focused in this paper. This paper also presents an overview of basic algebraic and combinatorial tools that has been used in this theory.  相似文献   

The need for continuing miniaturization of the structures on microchips has always resulted in new challenges concerning material properties. One important issue is the necessity to use insulating materials with a dielectric constant below 2.5 and even below 2 in future chip generations. This article describes the basic requirements for the next generation of on-chip insulating materials (called interlayer dielectrics, ILD, or intermetal dielectrics, IMD) as well as the general approaches to adjust the material properties available for materials deposited from the gas phase and from solution.  相似文献   

祁峰 《广东电力》2006,19(7):73-74
深圳能源总公司妈湾发电总厂输煤系统的减速机采用液力偶合器连接传动轴。检修时,经常需要把液力偶合器从传动轴拆卸下来。制造厂家提供的拆卸螺杆在使用中经常发生螺纹损坏而导致失效。针对这种情况,分析了拆卸螺杆上螺纹发生损坏的原因,自行设计制作了新的拆卸套具及空心螺杆,取得了很好的效果。  相似文献   

本文介绍了220kV金砂变电站Ⅱ期扩建工程投运中220kV母差保护出现的问题及处理过程,指出了继电保护 设计、安装、调试、维护工作的重要性,对每个环节都需要认真处理。  相似文献   

《Potentials, IEEE》2002,21(2):40-42
Discusses how an employee should deal with a grievance with management. Aspects of workplace bullying are considered as is the role of Human Resources. The paper gives practical advice about how to approach the problem together with pros and cons of different actions  相似文献   

The need for continuing miniaturization of the structures on microchips has always resulted in new challenges concerning materials properties. A large variety of polymers have been proposed for this application, as organic materials are among those with the lowest dielectric constants known. The chemical structures and selected properties of these polymers are discussed in this review. Polymides; heteroaromatic polymers; polyaryl ethers; fluoropolymers, polyarylenes, and other hydrocarbon polymers without any polar groups; films deposited from the gas phase by chemical vapor deposition (CVD); plasma-enhanced CVD (PECVD); and other techniques are included. Based on the properties described and the requirements for application as intermetal dielectric (IMD) material, conclusions regarding the possibilities for further developments are draw. This article focuses on the structure, synthesis, and properties of the polymers studied as ILD/IMD materials.  相似文献   

CT饱和引起变压器差动保护误动的分析与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对电流互感器(CT)饱和后变压器差动保护误动机理进行了分析,并在对各种传统的防治CT饱和措施分析的基础上,提出采用Rogowski线圈作传感头解决CT饱和的新方法。基于Rogowski线圈的电子式电流互感器以其线性度好、无磁饱和、频带宽、高精度和高可靠性等特点,成为传统差动保护用CT的理想替代品。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the use of a continuous wavelet transform (CWT) to distinguish faults in a busbar protection zone from those outside the zone. The Morlet wavelets are used as the wavelet basis function. They are more efficient in monitoring fault signals as time varies. The differential current as the operating quantity and the sum of the current magnitudes as the stabilizing signal are computed. The magnitudes of the CWT of these currents are derived to obtain the operational and restraint signals. The CWT coefficient plots are given to precisely determine the scale of analysis. The proposed wavelet transform approach based on Morlet basis function is found to be an excellent discriminant for identifying the fault signals during the CT saturation and ratio mismatch. ATP simulations are used to test and validate the proposed CWT approach for model power system faults.  相似文献   

A low-cost approach to provide ride-through capability for critical loads has been explored. The approach provides continuous power to the load under two operational modes. Normal mode allows the load to be connected directly from the utility power supply, as long as it remains undisturbed. Once a voltage sag appears, the load is transferred to an inverter that provides the ride-through mode. The output of the inverter is synchronized with the utility input and is regulated by keeping the DC-link voltage regulated, too. An external energy source can be incorporated in the DC-link to provide ride-through during short-term power interruptions. Results show that the detection of the disturbance is quick, and the transfer between operational modes is seamless, causing no evident problems to the load. High efficiency is only achieved by applying the ride-through operational mode during the disturbance duration. Reduced size and low cost are additional characteristics of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

介绍了因接地方式混淆,导致哈里斯程控交换机故障的修复过程和该机的特殊接地规则,以有利于对该机的按装、扩容和维护。  相似文献   

一、2008年进出口分析据海关统计.2008年,电器工业进出口总额1059.88亿美元,比上年增长18.8%,低于机械工业增速(20.91%)2.11个百分点。其中出口630.41亿美元,增长26.43%;进口429.46亿美元,增长9.13%(以上均按中国机械工业联合会统计)。实现贸易顺差200.95亿美元.比上年顺差(105.12亿美元)增加95.83亿美元。  相似文献   

35 kV变电站原Y,d11接线变压器更换为Y,y12接线变压器,变压器原微机保护装置未更换,通过对变压器差动保护CT接线进行分析,得出了Y,y12接线CT差动二次接线的调整方式和保护定值整定的方法,并对CT接线测试方法进行了阐述.  相似文献   

剩磁对保护型电磁式电流互感器误差影响的仿真研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在现场的电磁式电流互感器,所测得的三相短路电流波形会出现非常严重的畸变,误差也极大,且分散性很大,与因铁心饱和造成的波形畸变又不相同。利用电磁暂态程序EMTP进行机理分析的结果认为:短路电流起始相位的随机性以及互感器铁心剩磁方向的随机性会导致上述现象的出现。  相似文献   

CT变比和极性的测定是变压器保护检验工作的重要组成部分。该文介绍了常用的CT变比和极性测定方法并指出了存在的问题,提出了用短路试验法测定变压器间隔的CT变比和极性,解决了传统测定方法不能测定变压器套管CT变比和极性的问题,并结合实际介绍了测定过程,指出了短路试验过程中需要注意的问题。  相似文献   

590C互感器校验仪检定方法探讨   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
陆文骏  王鑫 《电测与仪表》2000,37(7):14-15,21
分析了590C互感器校验仪,并由此提出了对该仪器的校验方法。  相似文献   

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