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CdMoO4 powders with well-controlled shapes, including sphere, cake, cubic sugar, flake, and floccule have been successfully synthesized by a low-temperature (≤90°C) hydrothermal method. The effects of pH, reaction time, and temperature on the crystalline size and shape were explored by using X-ray powder diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. Room-temperature photoluminescence spectra of the as-synthesized CdMoO4 crystallites were also investigated, which showed that their optical properties obviously relied on the particle size and morphology of CdMoO4 powders.  相似文献   

Cadmium tungstate (CdWO4) nanorods were successfully synthesized by a hydrothermal process at as low a temperature as 70°C. The products were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and photoluminescent spectra techniques. The results showed that the morphology of nanocrystallites significantly varied with the reaction temperature, and CdWO4 nanorods exhibited a better luminescent property than nanofibers.  相似文献   

ZnAl2O4-seeded CoAl2O4, with a core-shell structure, has been prepared under hydrothermal conditions when the Co2+ salt solution is substituted by 10% Zn2+ as a precursor. The ZnAl2O4 seed is generated during the synthesis process. The seeding process can decrease the synthesis temperature from 245° to 230°C and the particle size from 67 to 20 nm. The process can economize the consumption of Co2+ and control the particle size effectively.  相似文献   

Nickel ferrite (NiFe2O4) nanoparticles were successfully synthesized via a hydrothermal process and characterized by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscope techniques. The effects of reaction temperature, holding time, and RH ratio (isopropyl alcohol/water) were discussed. The NiFe2O4 nanoparticles could be obtained at 60°C within 3 h. The crystallization of the spinel ferrites was promoted by the increase in reaction temperature, holding time, and RH ratio.  相似文献   

The conditions necessary for synthesizing Al4SiC4 from mixtures of aluminum, silicon, and carbon and kaolin, aluminum, and carbon, as starting materials, were examined in the present study. The standard Gibbs energy of formation for the thermodynamic reaction SiC( s ) + Al4C3( s ) = Al4SiC4( s ) changed from positive to negative at 1106°C. SiC and Al4C3 formed as intermediate products when the mixture of aluminum, silicon, and carbon was heated in argon gas, and Al4SiC4 then formed by reaction of the SiC and Al4C3 at >1200°C. Al4C3, SiO2, Al2O3, SiC, and Al4O4C formed as intermediate products when the mixture of kaolin, aluminum, and carbon was heated under vacuum, and Al4SiC4 formed from a reaction of those intermediate products at >1600°C.  相似文献   

Tetragonal ZrO2 (t-ZrO2) nanoparticles (diameter: ca. 10 nm; BET-specific surface area: 100 m2/g) are hydrothermally prepared via crystallization of 1,12-diaminododecane (DADD)-hydrous zirconia gels at 230°C for 3 days. The volume content of monoclinic phase is ca. 0.1. The surface-adsorbed hydrocarbon layer (ca. 3 wt%) is observed by FTIR and TGA. They account for the formation of our t-ZrO2 nanoparticles with high-phase purity.  相似文献   

BiFeO3 (BFO) nanoparticles were successfully synthesized by a hydrothermal method assisted by a mineralizer at as low a temperature as 200°C. The products were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction, transmission electron microscope, and physical property measurement system. It was found that KNO3 as a mineralizer played an important role in the formation of BFO nanoparticles, and the as-synthesized BFO nanoparticles showed an enhanced ferromagnetism at room temperature.  相似文献   

Complex perovskite-type compounds with the general formula Pb(B+1/4B5+3/4)O3, where B+= Li+ and B5+= Nb5+ or Ta5+, were synthesized using a high-pressure technique and studied by X-ray powder diffraction. The X-ray patterns were indexed on the basis of a cubic cell with a 0= 4.071 Å for Pb(Li1/4 Nb3/4)O3 and a 0= 4.052 Å for Pb(Li1/4Ta3/4)O3. Electrical properties of the new perovskites were also studied.  相似文献   

High-energy ball milling initiates a solid-state reaction in an equimolar mixture of TiO2 and ZrO2. The first stage of ball milling induced the transformation of anatase TiO2 to high-pressure phase TiO2 (II), isostructural with ZrTiO4. The formation of solid solutions monoclinic ZrO2/TiO2 and TiO2 (II)/ZrO2 was observed in the intermediate stage. Afterward, a nanosized ZrTiO4 phase was formed in the milled product from the TiO2 (II)/ZrO2 solid solution. The sintering of the milled product at a temperature <1100°C was examined in situ by Raman spectroscopy. The full solid-state reaction toward ZrTiO4 ceramic is completed at a temperature considerably lower than reported in the literature.  相似文献   

We report for the first time the synthesis of Li4SiO4 by the modified combustion method, a rapid chemical process that takes 5 min for completion. This method uses nonoxidizer compounds instead of nitrate mixtures, which are not always commercially available.
The effects of the following parameters on the production of Li4SiO4 were studied: (1) different lithium hydroxide:silicic acid:urea (LiOH:H2SiO3:CH4N2O) molar ratios; (2) the presence of air flow in the furnace chamber; and (3) the furnace heating temperature. It was found that LiOH:H2SiO3:CH4N2O molar ratios 6:1:3 heated at 1100°C in the presence of additional air in the muffle chamber formed the best precursors to produce Li4SiO4.  相似文献   

ZnGa2O4 fine particles with a single phase of spinel were synthesized from a mixed solution of gallium sulfate and zinc sulfate in the presence of aqueous ammonia under hydrothermal conditions above 180°C. The effects of treatment temperature and ZnO/Ga2O3 molar ratio in the starting solution on the crystallite size, morphology, lattice parameter, and chemical composition of the ZnGa2O4 spinel particles were examined. Spinel with different morphologies, cubic nanoparticles, and elongated rodlike particles were thought to be formed based on the structure of amorphous gallium hydroxide and needlelike GaO(OH) particles, respectively. By treatment at a higher temperature, these particles with nonstoichiometric composition grew large and thick, and their composition approached ZnO/Ga2O3= 1. With an increase in the starting ZnO/Ga2O3 molar ratio, the lattice parameter of the synthesized ZnGa2O4 spinel approached the reported value for the stoichiometric composition and reached a = 0.8335 nm at ZnO/Ga2O3= 1.95 by treatment at 240°C for 50 h.  相似文献   

Equilibrium partial pressures of SiF4 were measured for the reactions 2SiO2( c )+2BeF2( d )⇋SiF4( g )+Be2SiO4( c ) (log P siF4(mm) = [8.790 - 7620/ T ] ±0.06(500°–640°C)) and Be2SiO4( c ) +2BeF2( d )⇋SiF4( g ) +4BeO( c )(log P siF4(mm) = [9.530–9400/T] ±0.04 (700°–780°C)), wherein BeF2 was present in solution with LiF as molten Li2BeF4. The solubility of SiF4 was low (∼0.04 mol kg-1 atm-1) in the melt. The results for the first equilibrium were combined with available thermochemical data to calculate improved Δ Hf and Δ Gf values for phenacite (–497.57 ±2.2 and –470.22±2.2 kcal, respectively, at 298°K). The few measurements above 700°C for the second equilibrium are consistent with the temperature of the subsolidus decomposition of phenacite to BeO and SiO2 and with the heat of this decomposition as determined by Holm and Kleppa. Below 700°C, the pressures of SiF4 generated showed an increasing positive deviation from the expression given for the equilibrium involving Be2SiO4 and BeO. This deviation might have been caused by the formation of an unidentified phase below 700°C which replaced the BeO; it more likely resulted from a metastable equilibrium involving BeO and SiO2.  相似文献   

In this paper, the microwave-assisted molten salt method (MAMSS) and molten salt method (MSS) were used to synthesize SrBi4Ti4O15 (SBT). The phase constitution was determined by powder X-ray diffraction and the microstructure of powder was examined by scanning electron microscopy. In contrast to the conventional MSS method, MAMSS produces more distinct plate-like grains and synthesizes both SBT and Bi4Ti3O12 (BTO) at 600°C with a 30-min soaking time. The increase of temperature and soaking time can make the plate-like grains of BTO more distinct.  相似文献   

Thermal decomposition of silicon diimide, Si(NH)2, in vacuum resulted in very-high-purity, fine-particle-size, amorphous Si3N4 powders. The amorphous powder was isothermally aged at 50° to 100° intervals from 1000° to 1500°C for phase identification. Examination of ir spectra and X-ray diffraction patterns indicated a slow and gradual transition from an amorphous material to a crystalline α-phase occurring at 1200°C for >4 h and/or 1300° to 1400°C for 2 h. As the temperature was increased to ≥1450°C for 2 h, the crystalline β-phase was observed. Phase nucleation and crystallite morphology in this system were studied by electron microscopy and electron diffraction combined with TG as functions of temperature for the inorganic polymer starting materials. Powders prepared in this manner with 4 wt% Mg3N2 added as a sintering aid were hot-pressed to high-density fine-grained bodies with uniform microstructures. The optimum hot-pressing condition was 1650°C for 1 h. Silicon concentration steadily increased as the hot-pressing temperature or time was increased. A method for chemical etching for high-density fine-grained Si3N4 is described. Electrical measurements between room temperature and ∼500°C indicated dielectric constant and tan δ values of 8.3±0.03 and 0.65±0.05×10−2, respectively.  相似文献   

As part of a study of materials potentially useful as fluid fuels for high-temperature reactors, equilibrium diagrams for the condensed systems UF4–ThF4 and LiF-UF4–ThF4 have been determined. Both thermal analysis and quenching techniques were used with phase identification accomplished by microscopic and X-ray dsraction analyses. A complete series of solid solutions without maximum or minimum is formed by UF4 and ThF4. Within the system LiF-UF4–ThF, there occur three invariant points and seven primary phases of which four are ternary solid solutions. Optical properties for all the solid solutions, fractionation paths for the ternary solid solutions, and compatibility triangles for the ternary invariant points have been determined.  相似文献   

Sintered monoclinic HfO2 bodies were fabricated below the transformation temperature from Hf metal and water by hydrothermal reaction-sintering. Sintering was observed above 900°C under 100 MPa for 3 h. Generally, both the bulk density and the crystallite size of the sintered bodies increased with increasing temperature. Bodies with the maximum relative density (0.98) were obtained by treatment above 1000°C.  相似文献   

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