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顾客满意度评价体系的建立及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了顾客满意度评价体系的构建,该体系包括评价指标的构成、权重确定、顾客对评价指标态度的量化等,采用主观赋权等方法确定各评价指标的权重,将顾客对评价指标态度分为五个等级,并通过多层加权方法,给各等级相应赋值。通过对莱钢某产品顾客满意度定量测评,说明该评价体系对挖掘顾客价值取向、指导企业经营改进、开拓市场等方面的作用,并对该评价体系的运用作了进一步的探讨与思考。  相似文献   

针对目前新农村住宅建设过程中多以住宅是否节能环保等因素来衡量其是否为绿色住宅的现状,提出人们应更多地从农民视角来建设农村住宅,并以农民满意度作为一个重要的评价指标来衡量农村住宅绿色节能改建是否合格的观点.选取16个影响农村住宅绿色改造农民满意度指标的因素,对陕西关中地区不同情况的110户农民进行了问卷调查,得到各评价指标的重要性得分.在构建农民满意度评价体系的过程中,运用因子分析法,对相关影响因素进行分类,并结合AHP的主观分析以及因子分析法的客观分析来确定各因素在每类中的权重,综合后得到最终的评价模型.  相似文献   

基于当前研究型课程评价的现状,遵循研究型课程评价的-般原则,建构研究型课程评价具体指标,对于全面落实新课程改革,实施素质教育具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

本文从大学生职业生涯测评、大学生素质教育评价和大学生素质教育活动体系构建三个方面,阐述了关于构建大学生素质教育活动评估体系的内容及原则.认为大学生素质教育活动评价体系是对高校整个教育资源的评估,是高校教学水平的一个反映方面,并结合河北大学的实践情况,提出开设素质教育学分和搭建数字评价平台的设想.  相似文献   

女儿在西雅图新家的门前有个小花坛,这个小花坛的边上有个邮箱架,上面镶嵌着附近邻居们的十多个邮箱。后来,我在这个社区里散步时发现,这样的邮箱架还真有不少,大体上都是十多户居民一个。美国邮局的投递员每天上午都会驾车来到邮箱架前,  相似文献   

本文阐述了构建物理化学实验课程考核评价体系应遵循的原则,提出了一种物理化学实验考核评价体系,并就其实践与效果进行了简要总结.  相似文献   

现代城市日益成为社会的主要经济中心、政治中心、文化中心、社会交往中心和消费中心,城市社区公共服务的提供也越来越面临着更为复杂的问题.然而中国的城市社区公共服务就其具体内容来说,与发达国家相比还存在一定的差距.对中美两国在社区教育服务、社区医疗卫生服务、社区志愿服务和社区养老服务等方面进行分析比较,有助于找出我国社区公共服务内容上的不足,并为进一步完善我国的社区公共服务供给提供可资借鉴的经验.  相似文献   

评价领域常用的英语词汇有三个:“evaluation”、“assessment”和“measurement”。“evaluation”一般翻译为“评价”,评价对象主要指课程、教学计划或与之相关的问题;“assessment”一般译为“评定”、“定级”,它评定的对象是指人,如对学生成绩的评定,  相似文献   

企业内部控制是现代企业制度的重要内容,并成为现代企业管理的重要手段,贯穿于企业经营活动的各个方面,发挥着企业生产经营管理活动的自我约束和自我调节作用.内部控制评价体系,可以保证内部控制制度得以落实和企业战略的顺利执行.因此,建立科学严格的内部控制评价体系,不仅是内部控制制度本身实施的要求,也是保证企业经营战略有效执行的基石.  相似文献   

阐述了顾客满意度测评系统在企业中的建立、实施和和具体应用。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To establish the grade of functional deterioration in older people and analyse associated factors. DESIGN: Cross sectional study. SETTING: City of Córdoba. PARTICIPANTS: The population over 60 years old on the Córdoba municipal roll (49,674) and living at home, from which a sample of 1,103 subjects was taken. INTERVENTIONS: The multidimensional OARS-MFAQ questionnaire was filled in. Calculation of the functional deterioration scores enabled five areas to be evaluated: physical health (PH), mental health (MH), economic resources (ER), social resources (SR) and capacity to perform daily activities (DA) autonomously. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Reply rate was 86.8%. The prevalence of serious/absolute deterioration in each of the areas was: 9.3% in SR, 8.5% in DA, 8.4% in ER, 6.9% in MH and 5.8% in PH. CONCLUSIONS: Both the prevalence of functional deterioration in the population group under study and the demand for institutional care are similar to other studies performed in our country, but higher than in Anglosaxon countries.  相似文献   

新的医改方案已经把社区医疗服务定位为老百姓的健康守门人.目前我国城市社区医疗服务机构存在数量少、基础设施投入不足、人员素质和服务水平低,以及管理不规范等问题,与此同时人们的医疗服务选择也受到消费理念变更的影响,因此建议引入大医院连锁经营模式,借助大医院的优势发展社区医疗服务体系.  相似文献   

接连发生的食品安全事件向各级政府敲响了警钟,使人们认识到解决食品安全问题,已不但是某个企业诚信自律问题或政府监管问题,更是一个建立食品安全预防机制,对食品安全风险及其危害程度进行科学研究与评估的系统工程问题[1].风险分析是当今食品安全管理最显著的进展之一,是国际社会目前普遍遵循的原则之一,<食品安全法>也已经将食品安全风险分析纳入法律的范畴.  相似文献   

Data concerning various aspects of female clerical workers' job satisfaction and group productivity were gathered from the employees of 300 catalog order establishments. Measures were also obtained of the prosperity, unemployment, slums, productive farming, and decrepitude of the communities in which the catalog order establishments were located. Analysis of these data indicated: (1) average satisfaction scores and group productivity were unrelated in general, (2) satisfaction scores were negatively related to community prosperity, and (3) pay satisfaction scores tended to be more negatively related to community prosperity than did other aspects of job satisfaction. An explanation of these findings in terms of frames of reference and alternatives available to the workers is offered. (17 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

运用协同理论,构建港口物流与城市经济协同度测度模型.基于构建模型对大连市港口物流与城市经济协同发展程度进行评价,结果验证了该模型的有效性.  相似文献   

A 70-year-old diabetic woman with sensory polyneuropathy presented with osteonecrosis of the toes and a plaque-like lesion on the dorsum of the ipsilateral foot. Histological diagnosis of eccrine syringofibroadenoma (ES) was made. A review of the literature reveals several cases of solitary ES of the foot in diabetic patients with peripheral neuropathy. This variant of ES seems to be an eccrine sweat duct hyperplasia during the restoration of skin structures damaged by traumas in a situation of peripheral neuropathy. Diabetes and polyneuropathy should be searched for in patients with ES, particularly in acral locations.  相似文献   

Using data collected from a Native Canadian community by Embree (1993), we examine the influence of personal and family background characteristics on satisfaction with spousal relationships, both legal marriages and cohabitations. Of special interest are the quality of relationships with parents while growing up, alcohol abuse by the parent(s), and the experience of sexual abuse during childhood. Personal traits such as age, sex, and gender role attitudes and the respondent's own drinking behavior are also considered. Path analytic techniques model both the direct effects of independent variables on relationship satisfaction as well as the role of personal consumption of alcohol as an intervening variable in level of satisfaction with a relationship. The results of the analysis indicate that personal consumption of alcohol and the experience of sexual abuse during childhood are the best direct predictors of level of satisfaction with the current relationship, with higher alcohol consumption and experience of sexual abuse related to lower satisfaction. Age also has a significant direct, though smaller, positive influence on relationship satisfaction. Sexual abuse and the respondent's sex are also linked to level of satisfaction through personal alcohol consumption. With personal alcohol use, both the respondent's sex and the experience of sexual abuse during childhood have a significant effect, with males and those sexually abused as children reporting higher levels of alcohol consumption. The socialization explanation of the intergenerational consequences of parental behavior argues that parental role models are primary to the future family formation behavior of children. Consistent with this hypothesis, the findings concerning sexual abuse, in particular, as a predictor of both personal alcohol use and relationship satisfaction seem to underscore the importance of antecedent family characteristics in influencing later adjustment to adult roles and responsibilities.  相似文献   

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