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李若兰  丁杰  霍正齐 《制冷》2013,(3):76-81
本文介绍管壳式换热器的传热节能元件-换热管的强化传热技术,指出传热技术发展新途径。简述典型强化换热管的构造、性能,分析换热管强化传热机理。  相似文献   

在船用制冷空调领域,制冷机组通常用海水作为冷却水冷却冷凝器中的制冷介质.为了提高冷凝换热管的抗海水腐蚀性能,船用冷凝器的管材常常采用Cu-Ni合金(如B10、B30等)或铝黄铜,这些材料往往导热性能较差[1,2].本文通过Cu-Ni合金冷凝管的凝结换热性能测试和试验分析,指出低导热系数材料对凝结换热效果的影响不仅仅表现为管壁热阻,还弱化了强化管管外的凝结换热,通过影响换热性能的机理分析,提出了采用复合管技术进一步提高低导热材料冷凝管换热效果的设想.  相似文献   

单一金属高螺纹翅片管换热器的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对管壳式换热器几种常见翅片管的结构特点、换热性能和制造经济性进行分析比较和研究,研制出传热效率更高、结构更紧凑、制造成本更低廉的新型换热元件——单一金属轧制的高螺纹翅片管;提出了传热学意义上最佳翅片截面轮廓线的通用解析式。通过生产实践与不断改进,形成了一组高螺纹翅片管系列产品,并成功地应用于为透平压缩机配套的大中型管壳式换热器。  相似文献   

冰箱钢丝管冷凝器的辐射换热特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于制冷空调工程中典型的网状自然对流换热元件——钢丝管冷凝器几何结构的复杂性,其辐射换热尚没有准确、简便的计算方法,本文作者通过实验——真空辐射法确定了钢丝管式冷凝器的系统黑度,其试验范围覆盖了一般制冷空调工程应用范围,可供工程设计实践中参考。  相似文献   

R22饱和蒸汽在C-S水平管外凝结换热的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以R22为工质在套管式冷凝器中对C-S水平管在饱和蒸汽状态下冷凝传热的性能进行实验研究,得出凝结换热系数与表面张力及蒸汽流速之间的关系,并拟合出其实验关系式。  相似文献   

对制冷工质R22在针翅管外凝结换热进行实验研究。使用2根不同几何参数的针翅管进行凝结换热实验,得到总换热系数与管内流速、管外冷凝换热系数与管内流速的关系的曲线,并拟合出管外冷凝换热系数与热流密度的关系式。实验结果表明:管内水流速0.4~2.0m/s范围内,两根冷凝管中2撑管换热性能较好。  相似文献   

微肋管结构对管内冷凝换热影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
相对于光管,微肋管的结构参数相对较多,这些结构参数的变化会不同程度地影响微肋管的换热能力,国内外的很多学者进行了研究,但结论相差较大,甚至完全相反。因此本文对这些研究成果进行一定的分析和回顾,希望能为铜管生产厂商以及空调设计工程师提供相关的参考,也为今后的研究工作提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

采用特殊形状和表面的管子是最为常用、有效的强化换热手段。本文基于滴形管换热器回收天然气锅炉排烟余热,提出了烟气侧的换热系数实验关联式。通过改变换热管间的排列间距,在不同烟气流量下,对圆管和滴形管的换热性能及影响因素进行了分析。与实验数据比较,验证了实验关联式可正确反映凝结换热的特性。结果表明:不同烟气量通过滴形换热管的压损小于圆管,约为圆管的0.33~0.38倍;烟气温度降大于圆管;冷却水通过滴形管的温升高于圆管;换热系数滴形管比圆管的提高约7%,表明滴形管的换热性能优于圆管。因此对于有凝结换热过程发生时,滴形换热管具有强化换热的作用。  相似文献   

R134a在水平强化管外凝结换热的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对氟利昂R134a在水平单管外的凝结换热性能进行了试验研究,试验管为光管和三根强化管,采用热阻分离法得到蒸气侧凝结换热系数。试验结果表明:光管管外Nusselt理论值与实验数据偏差小于10%。强化管No.1-3的传热性能均好于光管,当Re=40000时,No.1-4管的总传热系数分别为:5295,5818,5904,1502W/m2.K。在相同热流密度条件下,No.1-3管的管外换热系数分别是光管的7.0-8.8倍,9.0-10.8倍,9.9-12.0倍。管外强化后,管内外的换热系数已比较接近。  相似文献   

混合工质水平管内流动凝结换热研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从实验和模型两个方面,综述了国外对混合工质在水平光管和强化管内流动凝结换热的研究。对多种公开发表的混合工质凝结换热关联式的适用性和准确性进行了讨论。同时,指出了现有研究方法和研究内容的不足,以及应进一步深入研究之处。  相似文献   

重点介绍垂直管内低过热度下沸腾传热性能的测试装置和方法、数据处理及相关计算方法。实验装置采用套管换热器模型,以蒸汽为热源,整体构成一逆流换热空间。通过测取蒸发速度、温度等相关参数,得到在不同蒸汽压力、温度下的总传热系数、沸腾传热系数与热流密度、蒸汽侧压力的关系曲线,从而得出单管在何种状态下沸腾传热性能,并对两试件(光管和高通量管)进行性能对比实验研究,比较其传热性能。  相似文献   

Experimental investigations on the effects of biofouling on air-side heat transfer and pressure drop for three biofouled finned tube heat exchangers and one clean finned tube heat exchanger were performed. Artificial accelerated method of microorganism growth on the fin surface was used for simulating the biofouled finned tube heat exchangers. Experimental results indicate that the effects of biofouling on the air-side heat transfer coefficient decreases 7.2% at 2.0 m/s when the biofouled area ratio is 10%, while it decreases 15.9% at 2.0 m/s when the biofouled area ratio is 60%, and biofouling causes a 21.8%  41.3% increase in pressure drop when the air velocity is between 0.5 and 2.0 m/s. The increase of inlet air velocity is helpful to improve the long-term performance of finned tube heat exchanger. Biofouling makes the hydrophilic coating failure, and the condensation water easily converges on the fin surface where biofouling grows.  相似文献   

采用实验方法,对比分析采用7mm的内螺纹管和光管冷凝器对冷冻系统整机性能的影响。测试结果表明,采用内螺纹管的冷凝器,冷凝温度降低1K,压损增大30%,功率减小1.5%,换热量增大2.5%,能效比增加3.3%。  相似文献   

通过仿真与实验的方式,研究声波影响管道外部的流动和换热特性。在仿真中,对输入声压级相同时,不同频率的声流速度进行研究,结果表明频率对管壁处平均声压级的影响较小,但对管壁周围切向速度的影响较大。基于声波对流场分布的影响,在实验中研究不同声压级和频率对单根钢管换热的影响,结果表明声压级不变,频率越低,钢管换热效果越好;频率不变,声压级越大,钢管换热效果越好。仿真与实验结果表明:管道周围的换热效果与声流速度的大小成正比,而声流大小与频率和激励速度直接相关,激励速度越大,频率越低,钢管附近声流运动越剧烈,采用低频高声压级的声波能够加速钢管的换热过程,该研究为声波影响管道换热特性提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

A mathematical model has been developed which describes the various physical processes of an intumescent system by considering mass and energy control volumes. Expansion is explicitly accounted for by assuming it to be a function of mass loss. Thermodynamic data from thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimeter characterizes the chemical constituents of the coating. A computer program has been written to solve the system of equations, with appropriate boundary conditions, as a function of time. Model predictions are compared against experimental data.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide is again becoming an important refrigerant. While the thermophysical properties are well known there is a lack of data on its heat transfer characteristics.

In this study, heat transfer coefficients for nucleate boiling of carbon dioxide are determined using a standard apparatus for the investigation of pool boiling based on a set-up from Karlsruhe [D. Gorenflo, J. Goetz, K. Bier. Vorschlag für eine Standard-Apparatur zur Messung des Wärmeübergangs beim Blasensieden. Wärme-und Stoffübertragung 16 (1982), 69–78; J. Goetz, Entwicklung und Erprobung einer Normapparatur zur Messung des Wärmeübergangs beim Blasensieden. Dissertation Universität Karlsruhe (1980).] and built at our institute. Electrically heated horizontal cylinders with an outer diameter of 16 mm and a length of 100 mm are used as heating elements. Measurements with constant heat flux are performed for different wall materials and surface roughnesses. The heat transfer is investigated within the pressure range of 0.53≤ p ≤1.43 MPa (0.072≤ p/pc ≤0.190) and a temperature range of −56≤ t ≤−30 °C, respectively. Heat fluxes of up to 80,000 W m−2 are applied.

The influences of wall material and roughness on the heat transfer coefficient are evaluated separately. The obtained coefficients are compared to generally accepted correlations and to experimental results of other authors, who used similar configurations with copper tubes and carbon dioxide. These are the only previous experimental data, which could be found. Results for copper, stainless steel and aluminium as wall materials are presented.  相似文献   

通过试验对降膜式蒸发器用高效传热管的换热性能进行研究,并将其与之相对应的池沸腾换热性能进行比较.由比较数据可知:样管池沸腾换热性能均随热流密度的增大而增强,降膜蒸发性能在一定热流密度下随喷淋流量的增大而增强;在恒定热流密度和恒定喷淋流量下,光管降膜燕发性能低于池沸腾性能,强化管降膜蒸发性能高于池沸腾性能;池沸腾性能高的强化管降膜蒸发性能也强.  相似文献   

A thermal model of the contact heat transfer between rough surfaces is considered, taking into account curvature of the current lines in the gaps. Theoretical relations determining the contact thermal resistance at small pressures are obtained.Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 441–449, March, 1980.  相似文献   

A new way to assess the performance of refrigeration system models is presented in this paper, based on the estimation of cycle parameters, such as the evaporation temperature which will determine the validity of the method. This paper is the first of a series which will also study the influence of the heat transfer coefficient models on the estimation of the refrigeration cycle parameters. It focuses on fin and tube evaporators and includes the dehumidification process of humid air. The flow through the heat exchanger is considered to be steady and the refrigerant flow inside the tubes is considered one-dimensional. The evaporator model is discretised in cells where 1D mass, momentum and energy conservation equations are solved by using an iterative procedure called SEWTLE. This procedure is based on decoupling the calculation of the fluid flows from each other assuming that the tube temperature field is known at each fluid iteration. Special attention is paid to the correlations utilised for the evaluation of heat transfer coefficients as well as the friction factor on the air and on the refrigerant side. A comparison between calculated values and measured results is made on the basis of the evaporation temperature. The experimental results used in this work correspond to an air-to-water heat pump and have been obtained by using R-22 and R-290 as refrigerants.  相似文献   

This is the second paper of a series that assesses the performance of a refrigeration system model by means of cycle parameters. In this case, the condensation temperature is the parameter to study and it is focused on fin and tube condensers. It also studies the influence of the heat transfer models on the estimation of this refrigeration cycle parameter and different correlations for the heat transfer coefficients have been implemented in order to characterise the heat transfer in the heat exchangers. The flow inside the heat exchangers is considered one-dimensional as in previous works. In the cycle definition, other submodels for all the cycle component have been taken into account to complete the system of equations that characterises the behaviour of the refrigeration cycle. This global system is solved by means of a Newton–Raphson algorithm and a known technique called SEWTLE is used to model the heat exchangers. Some experimental results are employed to compare the condensation temperatures provided by the numerical procedure and to evaluate the performance of each heat transfer coefficient. These experimental results correspond to an air-to-water heat pump and are obtained by using R-22 and R-290 as refrigerants.  相似文献   

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