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土工织物作为反滤材料在土石坝,堤防等工程是到广泛应用,但土工织物的渗透特性测试对目前为止尚无合适的仪器,比较多家自制土工织物义的特点后,设计了一套土工织物渗透仪,结合某工程进行了多种型号的土工织物渗透试验,得到了土工织物渗透系数随法向和变化的规律及织物对水泥的隔离性试验成果。  相似文献   

采用单位面积质量为 200,300,400 g/m2 的无纺土工织物开展了一系列垂直渗透试验,分析了各组试验结果的差异,并探讨了试样单位面积质量和层数对试验结果的影响。结果表明:流速与水头差成线性关系,并随着试样层数的增加而减小;透水率随着单位面积质量和试样层数的增加逐渐下降;各组试样的垂直渗透系数值在同一数量级,相同单位面积质量的试样垂直渗透系数随层数的变化无明显规律;相同层数试样的垂直渗透系数随着单位面积质量的增加而减小。  相似文献   

土工织物滤层的P~K与淤堵试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

土工织物的淤堵判定标准至今倘未有一致公认的准则,本文通过实际工程分析和渗透准则的分析,认为用G_R~t和K_R~t作为淤堵的判定标准是比较合理的.作者在P~K试验的基础上,分析了水的压赛作用和垂压作用所产生的土的稳定反滤结构的影响,认为k_'g值取与被保护土接触的织物滤层淤堵后的渗透系数是适宜的,当k_'g/ks≥0.6时,可满足滤层工作的要求.  相似文献   

土工织物坝系由固定的钢筋混凝土桩柱与活动的,可装拆的土工织物坝面色构成,为半永勺性柔性结构,吉林省梅河口市高韩拦河坝,双阳县奢岭拦河坝,羊圈顶拦河坝均采用了这种坝型。经监测,运行良好,土工织物拦河坝结构简单,柔性大,对不均匀沉陷及冻胀适应性强,且三材用量少,工程造价低,便于维修,拆装。  相似文献   

王俊林  张天航  戚晓鸽  侯琳 《人民黄河》2007,29(7):61-62,64
从土粒的微观结构入手分析了在砂土与黏土中埋入土工织物后,土工织物抗拔力的作用机理。并在土工织物拉拔试验的基础上,分析了拟摩擦系数与抗拔力的主要影响因素,结果表明,拟摩擦系数随正应力的增大而减小,抗拔力与土工织物拉应变的关系可用幂函数来近似拟合。  相似文献   

The flow performances of water, white oil and Hydrolyzing Polyacrylamide (HPAM) solution in fused quartz channels and the effect of wettability on the microscale flow shave been studied respectively in this paper. The adaptability of classical fluid mechanics in channels with different sizes has been discussed. The results show that water flows in channels of 2μm diameter also have few size effects and white oil flow accord with classical fluid mechanics theory in channels of 25μm diameter too, but polymer solution appears an obvious size effect as diameters of channels decrease to 16μm. The wettability does not produce any influences on the water or white oil flows in channels of 25μm or 50μm diameter. The experimental technology of microscale flows has been first applied for studying the flow performances of pores in low permeability reservoir. This study found a base for deep investigating the percolation mechanism in low permeability reservoirs.  相似文献   

南京太阳宫广场人防地下室深基坑施工中的监测工作,包括内支撑钢筋应力、基坑侧壁深层水平位移、地表沉降和位移等,由于实行信息化施工,尽管基坑侧壁发生了大的位移,在及时采取了正确的减载措施后,使得工程得以顺利完工。文章介绍监测结果和监测工作中的一些体会。  相似文献   

在提出粉喷桩新型固化剂基础上 ,进行混合料加固土的抗剪强度室内试验 ,分析影响混合料加固土抗剪强度的主要因素 ,并讨论了水泥加固土室内抗剪强度试验的方法。  相似文献   

An experiment is carried out to investigate the effects of wave direction and rolling motion on deck wetness nnd on the relative motion for a large last container ship. The experimental results of regular waves and irregular waves are presented. It is concluded from this experiment that, evidently the wave directions and rolling motion have a considerable influence on the relative motion at midship.  相似文献   

1. INTRODUCTIONThe choice of computational scheme for the convection term is the most difficult problem in numerical simulation of flow. Due to the development of modern numerical methods and practical needs for more efficient simulation, higher order sch…  相似文献   

A new numerical method for groundwater flow analysis was introduced to estimate simultaneously velocity vectors and water pressure head. The method could be employed to handle the vertical flow under variably saturated conditions and for horizontal flow as well. The method allows for better estimation of velocities at the element nodes which can be used as direct input to transport models. The advection-dispersion process was treated by the Eulerian-Lagrangian approach with particle tracking technique using the velocities at FEM nodes. The method was verified with the classical one dimensional model and applied to simulate contaminant transport process through a slurry wall as a barrier to prevent leachate pollution from a sanitary landfill.  相似文献   

A new numerical method for groundwater flow analysis was introduced to estimate simultaneously velocity vectors and water pressure head. The method could be employed to handle the vertical flow under variably saturated conditions and for horizontal flow as well. The method allows for better estimation of velocities at the element nodes which can be used as direct input to transport models. The advection-dispersion process was treated by the Eulerian-Lagrangian approach with particle tracking technique using the velocities at FEM nodes. The method was verified with the classical one dimensional model and applied to simulate contaminant transport process through a slurry wall as a barrier to prevent leachate pollution from a sanitary landfill.  相似文献   

A new kind of open type breakwaters was proposed based on the concept of wave energy conversion. The excellent feature of the structure is that it can absorb and utilize the wave energy to dissipate waves. The effects of some factors, such as the configuration insides, the geometrical parameters and the relative width (the ratio of the width to the wave length), on the performance of the breakwater were discussed based on a series of regular wave tests in the wave flume. The hydrodynamic characteristics of the new open type breakwater were analyzed in detail, and the structure was optimized to improve the performance of the breakwater to effectively dissipate the waves with long period. The variation of the coefficients of wave transmission and reflection along with attenuation with respect to relative width was examined. The results of the physical model tests indicate that the transmission coefficient significantly decreases by about twenty percent at the range of relative width from 0. 1 to 0.2, compared with the traditional open type breakwaters.  相似文献   

The horseshoe vortex generated around the sail-body junction of a submarine has an important influence on the uniformity of the submarine wake at the propeller disc. In this article, the horseshoe vortex is simulated by the Detached Eddy Simulation (DES) method, and a new method to control the horseshoe vortex by vortex control baffler is proposed. The numerical simulation shows that a kind of attached vortex, with the rotation direction opposite to that of horseshoe vortex, is generated by the vortex control baffler. With the attached vortex, the strength of the horseshoe vortex is significantly reduced. The wind tunnel experiment on a submarine model is carried out, and the axial velocities at the propeller disc of the submarine with and without vortex control baffler are measured by a hot wire anemometer system. It is shown from the experimental results that the vortex control baffler can enhance the uniformity of the wake at the propeller disc, which helps to improve the propeller performance. The engineering applicability of the vortex control baffler is discussed.  相似文献   

1. INTRODUCTION Discharge tunnel ,specially , deep-water one , is a sort of usual flood discharge structure with pressure flows in the inlet section,followed pres- sure flows or free flows ,and is used in flood dis- charge or emptying a reservoir , and/or washing sands .For deep-water tunnels ,the designs were u- sually adopted of the manners of the shaft ,of the inclined sectionin the inlet or in the outlet ,called visually as “Dragon up one’s head”or “Dragon down one’s tail”in Chi…  相似文献   

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