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贯穿项目在高职Java语言程序设计课程的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在项目教学中,贯穿整个课程的综合项目要优于由多个零散的、彼此无关的小型项目组成的项目集。文章分析高职Java语言程序设计课程的定位和特点,阐述贯穿项目的设计原则,通过一个贯穿项目介绍教学实施环节的特色。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种基于外接同心圆结构提取贯穿特征码的自由手写体数字的神经网络识别。该方法是用自由手写体数字的外接同心圆来提取其贯穿持征码,将获得的模式特征训练改进的BP神经网络分类器,从而达到快速分类的目的。将其应用于邮政编码识别系统,单字的识别率达到97%以上,整信的识别率可达到92%以上,得到了令人满意的结果。  相似文献   

ABC-S2C:一种面向贯穿特性的构件化软件关注点分离技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
梅宏  曹东刚 《计算机学报》2005,28(12):2036-2044
描述了一种在基于构件的软件开发中系统化支持面向贯穿特性的关注点分离技术.基于构件的软件开发强调通过组装可复用构件支持软件复用,在目标应用有多个关注点、存在贯穿特性的情况下,如何在构件组装时模块化封装各关注点的实现逻辑并将其组织成有机整体是一个重要的问题.文章以基于构件、面向体系结构的软件开发方法ABC为基础,提出通过构件运行支撑平台的支持,在运行时刻动态组织各贯穿特性的方法ABC-S2C.其机制是首先引入面向Aspect的软件开发中的概念Advice,用Advice对贯穿特性进行建模和模块化封装;其次是将连接子结构化和实体化,通过连接子将各Aspect和构件代码关联在一起,由连接子在运行时刻截获对构件的服务请求,按照配置动态调用各贯穿特性的处理逻辑Advice.这样的一套以连接子为核心的动态机制支持对黑盒构件的复用,在构件化软件生命周期主要阶段提供了对“贯穿特性”的系统化的模块化支持技术及机制.  相似文献   

针对Java Web程序设计教学的现状和问题,提出贯穿式案例教学法,全面讨论案例的设计和实施。案例以任务驱动的模式贯穿整个教学过程,通过不断地完善案例的功能将多个知识点连成一线,充分调动学生的积极性,培养学生开发企业级项目的综合能力。  相似文献   

本文基于赛灵思的Artix7开发板,简明扼要地阐述了如何构建ARM Cortex-M0 DS IP核,以及在此平台上如何用C语言或汇编语言编程等问题;并介绍了一个实例,通过项目快速地跑起来,从而提高学生进行贯穿式学习的兴趣,低成本、少资源也是搭建系统可靠的物质保障.同时,也为进一步理解系统结构和框架、后续开展一系列课程...  相似文献   

分析微机接口技术课程的课堂教学模式,提出基于"问题驱动、实例贯穿"的教学模式,说明该模式在课堂教学中的应用并总结实效。  相似文献   

本文围绕"教师方便教,学生容易学"的主题,总结出多年的探索与实践经验,树立了"夯实基础,实例贯穿,重在实践,易教易学"的教学思想。该教学思想在实践中取得了很好的效果。  相似文献   

该文根据计算机课程和实际应用联系十分密切的特点,提出了“任务贯穿法”教学方法,这种方法的核心就是设计一门课程的整体任务,在具体的教学过程中,让学生逐步实现任务的分解模块。利用这种教学方法,不但能让学生深刻理解课程,而且能提高学生的动手能力和兴趣。  相似文献   

计算机程序设计课程中计算思维能力的培养   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
如何在计算机程序设计课程教学中培养学生的计算思维能力,是计算机基础教学的基本目标之一。针对计算机程序设计课程的语法结构和案例分散现象,本文提出"项目贯穿、循序渐进、思维训练"的指导思想,介绍培养学生计算思维能力的教学方法和教学手段。  相似文献   

杨丰玉  陈英  杨柳  苏曦 《计算机教育》2010,(18):77-80,83
针对目前高校计算机类课程传统教学模式中存在的问题,及通常所用案例教学法中存在的不足,提出采用企业案例贯穿整个课程教学的方式来辅助教学。这不仅可以让学生充分认识、理解并掌握课程的理论知识,还能激发学生学习兴趣、积累实践经验、拓展专业视野。  相似文献   

Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering focuses on the identification and modularisation of crosscutting concerns at early stages. There are different approaches in the requirements engineering community to deal with crosscutting concerns, introducing the benefits of the application of aspect-oriented approaches at these early stages of development. However, most of these approaches rely on the use of Natural Language Processing techniques for aspect identification in textual documents and thus, they lack a unified process that generalises its application to other requirements artefacts such as use case diagrams or viewpoints. In this paper, we propose a process for mining early aspects, i.e. identifying crosscutting concerns at the requirements level. This process is based on a crosscutting pattern where two different domains are related. These two different domains may represent different artefacts of the requirements analysis such as text and use cases or concerns and use cases. The process uses syntactical and dependency based analyses to automatically identify crosscutting concerns at the requirements level. Validation of the process is illustrated by applying it to several systems and showing a comparison with other early aspects tools. A set of aspect-oriented metrics is also used to show this validation.  相似文献   

The desired principle of separation of concerns in software development can be jeopardized by the so-called crosscutting concerns, which tend to be scattered over (and tangled with) the functionality of the modular units of a system. The correct identification of such concerns (and their encapsulation into separate artifacts) is thereby considered a way to improve software understanding and evolution. Pursuing a proper management of concerns from the requirements engineering stage can greatly benefit the entire software life-cycle. In this paper, we propose conceptual guidelines on how to perform the identification of crosscutting concerns in the process of building requirements specifications. We argue that the identification must be carried out in an incremental way, to encapsulate apart the crosscutting concerns even if they have not emerged completely yet.
Yolanda Blanco-FernándezEmail:

面向方面编程技术研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
面向方面编程是一项允许编程人员模块化横切关注点的新的编程技术,它引入了“方面”这一概念,“方面”把影响多个模块的行为封装到一个单独的可重用模块中,利用Xerox PARC发行的AspeetJ,Java开发者可以很方便地进行面向方面编程。本文介绍了AOP、AspeetJ的基本概念并举例说明了AOP在仓储管理系统中的应用。  相似文献   

横切关注引起的代码散布和代码交织现象是面向对象编程技术自身的局限性造成的,面向方面的编程(AOP)技术有望成为解决该问题的有效途径。本文以改善程序代码的横切现象为目标,把面向对象遗产系统中的方法作为实例,方法问的直接调用关系作为实例的特征,使用概念格技术挖掘候选Aspect集。候选Aspect集较好地反映了遗产系统中横切关注点的行为结构,为Aspect重构提供有用的帮助。本文使用一个银行应用系统的实际例子进行了实验.说明了概念格方法的可用性。  相似文献   

AOP 是一种编程范式,是软件工程的一种革新性思考.它通过引进Aspect,将影响多个类的行为模块化,从而开发出更健壮、更易于理解和扩展的系统.首先阐述了AOP的基本思想,给出AOP的实现机制,然后简单介绍了AOP的具体实现AspectJ,并结合实际用例展示了怎样用AOP对系统扩展,最后总结了OOP与AOP的关系以及AOP目前还需要解决的问题.  相似文献   

基于AOP的EJB访问控制功能的实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前EJB规范实现访问控制功能的机制具有不可定制性的缺点,而AOP技术具有成功的模块化"横切关注点"的功能,通过将AOP技术与EJB容器相结合可以弥补EJB规范的缺点,改进EJB的访问控制机制.  相似文献   



Maintainability has become one of the most essential attributes of software quality, as software maintenance has shown to be one of the most costly and time-consuming tasks of software development. Many studies reveal that maintainability is not often a major consideration in requirements and design stages, and software maintenance costs may be reduced by a more controlled design early in the software life cycle. Several problem factors have been identified as harmful for software maintainability, such as lack of upfront consideration of proper modularity choices. In that sense, the presence of crosscutting concerns is one of such modularity anomalies that possibly exert negative effects on software maintainability. However, to the date there is little or no knowledge about how characteristics of crosscutting concerns, observable in early artefacts, are correlated with maintainability.


In this setting, this paper introduces an empirical analysis where the correlation between crosscutting properties and two ISO/IEC 9126 maintainability attributes, namely changeability and stability, is presented.


This correlation is based on the utilization of a set of concern metrics that allows the quantification of crosscutting, scattering and tangling.


Our study confirms that a change in a crosscutting concern is more difficult to be accomplished and that artefacts addressing crosscutting concerns are found to be less stable later as the system evolves. Moreover, our empirical analysis reveals that crosscutting properties introduce non-syntactic dependencies between software artefacts, thereby decreasing the quality of software in terms of changeability and stability as well. These subtle dependencies cannot be easily detected without the use of concern metrics.


The correlation provides evidence that the presence of certain crosscutting properties negatively affects to changeability and stability. The whole analysis is performed using as target cases three software product lines, where maintainability properties are of upmost importance not only for individual products but also for the core architecture of the product line.  相似文献   

AOP自1990年萌芽以后,取得了很多成就,已经开发出许多的AOP工具。AOP中Aspect Weaver(可以翻译为AOP引擎)的设计无论在Java中还是在.Net中都划分为动态引擎和静态引擎两类。下面以.Net平台为基础,介绍AOP思想在.Net Framework中的应用。  相似文献   

AOP在HMIS系统管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医院管理信息系统(HMIS)中的系统管理功能是横跨各子系统的功能模块,而AOP(面向方面编程)是一种允许设计人员模块化横切关注点的新的编程技术,结合医院管理信息系统中系统管理的开发应用,分析了采用OOP技术处理横切关注点引发的问题和困难,介绍了在此情况下采用AOP技术的解决方案,给出了AOP技术在HMIS的系统管理开发中具体的应用示例,并在此基础上讨论了AOP技术的优越性.  相似文献   

夏榆滨  龚良波 《微计算机信息》2007,23(28):247-248,260
针对现有的构件模型的公共行为与业务行为的交织的问题,结合面向方面编程(AOP)的动态织入的动态代理技术,构造一种基于动态代理构件模型。该构件模型明确区分并定义了各种构件,并应用动态代理技术解耦了各类构件之间的相互调用,提高了系统的可维护性和扩展性。  相似文献   

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