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Histologically differentiated adenocarcinoma satisfies one of the criteria for limited surgery for mucosal carcinoma of the stomach: however, the histology of the endoscopic biopsy specimen is often different from that of the resected specimen. The medical records of 1018 early gastric carcinomas were retrospectively analyzed to investigate the relation between the histologies of biopsy and resected specimens. Regression analysis showed that the histologies of biopsy specimens were significantly related to those of resected specimens (r = 0.677, n = 5, p = 0.0288) for the mucosal carcinomas, but their relation was not significant for the submucosal carcinomas (r = 0.677, n = 5, p = 0.2091). By analyzing the 344 differentiated mucosal carcinomas, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinomas were seen to be frequently less differentiated at resection. The histology of the biopsy specimens from mucosal carcinoma of the stomach grossly satisfies one of the criteria for limited surgery, but moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma may not be suitable for this treatment.  相似文献   

We have isolated a cytokinin up-regulated cDNA clone, H13, from an early stage of cultured tobacco mesophyll protoplasts by a differential display method. The expression of this gene was specifically induced by natural and synthetic cytokinins including N-(2-chloro-4-pyridyl)-N'-phenylurea (4PU30), a diphenylurea-type cytokinin, although the simultaneous presence of auxin was also required. It seems that the preceding treatment of the tobacco mesophyll protoplasts by auxin is necessary for the gene to respond to cytokinin. The addition of a cytokinin antagonist, compound 182, which suppressed the induction of cell division in tobacco mesophyll protoplasts, completely abolished the expression of this gene. Though the predicted gene product of H13 did not suggest us any sequences of defined functions, two domains of the predicted sequence had significant homology to several reported sequences in the data base. The gene product of H13 is proposed to have a role in regenerating cell wall in cultured protoplasts, since a cDNA clone E6, from cotton fiber cells, which has the most closely related structure to H13, has been isolated from cells which showed active cellulose synthesis. This supposition is supported by the evidence that in the absence of cytokinin, cell wall regeneration was significantly suppressed, resulting in failure of the induction of cell division. Thus, the gene product of H13 is supposed to have a role in regenerating cell walls and facilitating the progression of the cell cycle, resulting in the sustained cell division of tobacco mesophyll protoplasts.  相似文献   

Endoscopic therapy of gastric cancer has been mainly performed to early cancer of nonresectable cases, for example patients having severe complications, high aged group and patients refusing the operation. Recently, endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) made it possible to do radical resection for small gastric cancer of resectable cases. 112 patients of small cancers which diagnosed as a cancer limited to the mucosa were investigated. Indication to perform EMR instead of surgery were determined pathologically as follows, 1. depressed type of cancer not accompanying with converging folds measuring 1 cm or less in size, 2. elevated type of cancer measuring 2 cm or less in size, 3. differentiated type of carcinomas. According to those indications, 112 cases with 129 lesions of early gastric cancer were resected. The incision procedure consisted in EMR using two-channel fiberscope, a large chating forceps and a snare, the tissue being ablated with a high frequency electrical current. 2-6 ml of phisocal saline was locally infused at the submucosal level before resection to do it safely. Results: Relationship between the prognosis and the histological distance from the edge of the specimen to the margin of the cancer were discussed. All of 81 cases having the distance more than 2 mm, it's called 'complete radical resection', were not recurrent, on the other hand 4 of 24 cases having the distance less than 2 mm, called 'incomplete radical resection', were recurrent at the site of resection and 12 of 24 cases obviously cancer spread to the edge of the specimen, called 'non-radical resection', were recognized the recurrence. conclusion, 1) On endoscopical resection for small gastric cancer, the distance more than 2 mm between the edge of the specimen and the margin of the cancer was necessary to get a complete radical resection. 2) Technical and mechanical problems still remained at the case of the cancer located in the angular region and gastric body.  相似文献   

The analysis of generalized tonic clonic seizures is usually difficult with scalp EEG due to muscle artifact. We applied Gabor Transform to evaluate 20 seizures from 8 consecutive patients admitted for video-EEG monitoring. We studied the relative intensity ratios of alpha, theta and delta bands over time. In 14/20 events we found a significant decremental activity in the delta band at the onset of the seizure indicating that this is dominated by theta and alpha bands. We conclude that GT is a useful auxiliary tool in the analysis of ictal activity that sheds light on the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms.  相似文献   

Recurrence data from a series of 1,315 colorectal cancer patients managed by one surgeon with potentially curative resection are presented. Complete follow-up information was available on 1,287 (98%) patients. At the time of the last recurrences, 164 and 232 months for rectal and colonic tumours respectively, the long-time recurrence rate was significantly (P = 0.001) higher for rectal tumours (42%) than for colonic (33%). Although local recurrences tended to be more common in rectal than in colonic tumours (18% compared to 15%), only those in contiguity with the operative area were significantly (P less than 0.005) more common in rectal tumours. Systemic recurrences were also significantly (P less than 0.025) commoner for rectal tumours. The greater recurrence rates in rectal tumours were associated with significantly (P less than 0.001) higher incidence of stage C tumours shorter recurrence-free survival in rectal stage C tumours (P = 0.001) and higher incidence of pulmonary metastases (P less than 0.001).  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Adenosine has been proposed to be a locally produced regulator of blood flow in skeletal muscle. However, the fundamental questions of to what extent adenosine is formed in skeletal muscle tissue of humans, whether it is present in the interstitium, and where it exerts its vasodilatory effect remain unanswered. METHODS AND RESULTS: The interstitial adenosine concentration was determined in the vastus lateralis muscle of healthy humans via dialysis probes inserted in the muscle. The probes were perfused with buffer, and the dialysate samples were collected at rest and during graded knee extensor exercise. At rest, the interstitial concentration of adenosine was 220+/-100 nmol/L and femoral arterial blood flow (FaBF) was 0.19+/-0.02 L/min. When the subjects exercised lightly, at a work rate of 10 W, there was a markedly higher (1140+/-540 nmol/L; P<0.05) interstitial adenosine concentration and a higher FaBF (2.22+/-0.18 L/min; P<0.05) compared with at rest. When exercise was performed at 20, 30, 40, or 50 W, the concentration of adenosine was moderately greater for each increment, as was the level of leg blood flow. The interstitial concentrations of ATP, ADP, and AMP increased from rest (0.13+/-0.03, 0.07+/-0.03, and 0.07+/-0.02 micromol/L, respectively) to exercise (10 W; 2.00+/-1.32, 2.08+/-1.23, and 1.65+/-0.50 micromol/L, respectively; P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The present study provides, for the first time, interstitial adenosine concentrations in human skeletal muscle and demonstrates that adenosine and its precursors increase in the exercising muscle interstitium, at a rate associated with intensity of muscle contraction and the magnitude of muscle blood flow.  相似文献   

Objective: The aim of this study was to identify the correlation between the clinicopathological characteristics and recurrence in early gastric cancer (EGC), what's more, we attempt to look for a predictive biomarker to predict and treat for recurrence of EGC. Methods: This study retrospectively analyzed 178 early gastric cancer patients who had the complete postoperative and follow-up medical records in the First Affiliated Hospital of Yangtze University (China) between January 1995 to December 2005. All of them were followed-up to December 2009 regularly. Computer tomography (CT), endoscopy, and single photon emission computed tomography (SPET-CT) were used to diagnose for recurrence of EGC. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) were used for the detection of cerbB2. Chi-square test was applied to this study for statistics analysis. Results: Fourteen patients had recurrence. Eighteen patients were cerbB2-positive, including twelve recurrence patients and six norecurrence patients. Sex, tumor depth, and lymph node metastasis were related to the recurrence of EGC. Also, cerbB2-positive patients had the higher recurrence rate compared to the cerbB2-negative patients.Conclusion: Recurrence of EGC after curative resection can be predicted by using some clinicopathological characteristics.CerbB2 can be used as a predictive biomarker for recurrence of EGC.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIM: Late local recurrence after radiotherapy for tongue and early glottic carcinoma is rarely discussed. In the head and neck cancer, approximately 90% of local recurrence occurred within 2 years after radiotherapy. However, we found that late local recurrence after radiotherapy for glottic cancer was not rare. Our aim was to evaluate the late local recurrence after radiotherapy for early glottic and tongue cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS: From 1967 through 1982, 633 patients with tongue carcinoma and 330 patients with early (T1T2N0) glottic carcinomas were treated at the Department of Radiology, Osaka University Hospital. Of these 821 patients, 329 patients with tongue carcinoma and 221 patients with early glottic carcinoma survived at 5 years after radiotherapy without local recurrence. For tongue carcinoma, patients were divided by T category. For early glottic carcinoma, patients were divided by the tumor response at 40 Gy. RESULTS: Late local recurrence occurred in 23 of 329 patients (7%) with tongue carcinoma, and in 9 of 221 (4%) with early glottic carcinoma. For tongue carcinoma, late recurrence occurred in 19 of 249 patients (8%) in stage I and II, and 4 of 80 patients (5%) in stage III and IV. For glottic carcinoma, late recurrence occurred in 8 of 137 patients (6%) with tumor clearance at 40 Gy and 1 of 63 patients (2%) with tumor persistence at 40 Gy. The incidence of double cancer was also evaluated. Of 329 5-year survivors with tongue carcinoma, 39 patients (12%) had another malignancy, and 26 patients of 221 5-year survivors with early glottic carcinoma (12%) had also another malignancy. Of 39 double primaries of tongue carcinoma, 10 patients (26%) had head and neck malignancies, and none of 26 double primaries of early glottic carcinoma. CONCLUSION: Late local recurrence was not rare in tongue and early glottic cancer. Poor prognostic group showed lower incidence of late recurrence than good prognostic group. This result suggests that secondary tumor at the same site of primary tumor is late local recurrence.  相似文献   

We evaluated the long-term angiographic outcome of balloon angioplasty by comparing original and follow-up target coronary narrowing. Rather than using restenosis to determine outcome, as in most angioplasty studies, we took an unusual approach and analyzed outcome in terms that are commonly used in progression and regression studies after medical interventions. Quantitative angiographic measurements were undertaken in 315 narrowings with an initial diameter stenosis <90% before and after angioplasty and at follow-up. Angiographic deterioration (>10% increase in follow-up diameter stenosis) was identified in 44 (14%) narrowings. Angiographic deterioration was not influenced by age, sex, risk factors, lipid profile, or the indication for angioplasty. Deterioration was also not predicted by the severity, length, or the location of the narrowing. The deteriorating narrowings had a higher recoil after dilatation compared with narrowings with angiographic improvement (21% +/- 31% vs 12% +/- 17%, p = 0.006); the residual stenosis after angioplasty was therefore higher. The late loss was also significantly increased compared with narrowings with angiographic improvement (65% +/- 26% vs 8% +/- 24%, p < 0.001). We conclude that the incidence of angiographic deterioration of coronary disease as a result of restenosis is uncommon but not negligible. Interventional cardiologists should resist the temptation to dilate mild, silent coronary narrowings because the procedure might have an unfavorable angiographic (and probably clinical) effect.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We attempted to determine the relationship between tumor volume and extent of localized prostate cancer, as well as the interrelationships of tumor volume with prostate specific antigen (PSA) level, grade and stage. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Serial whole mount sections from 128 patients who underwent radical prostatectomy were analyzed using a computer assisted volumetric program. Statistical evaluations were performed using logistic and simple regression analyses. RESULTS: The median tumor volume for patients with organ confined disease was significantly lower than for those with extraprostatic extension (1.25 versus 2.94 cc, p < 0.001). A significant incidence (32%) of small volume cancers (0.51 to 1.5 cc) exhibited extraprostatic extension while that of extraprostatic disease increased to 66% for patients with tumor volumes greater than 1.5 cc (p < 0.001). Of men with clinically significant (greater than 0.5 cc, or Gleason score 7 or more) pathological stage B disease 31% had a serum PSA value of 4 ng./ml. or less. Multivariate regression analysis of tumor volume as a function of PSA, grade and stage demonstrated that log PSA had the strongest association with tumor volume. Goodness-of-fit analysis (coefficient of determination) revealed that only 40 to 50% of the PSA levels are explained by tumor volume. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that the window of curability for prostate cancer decreases significantly once the tumor grows to a volume greater than 1.5 cc, and that grade and tumor volume are more significantly related to stage than PSA.  相似文献   

Between January 1983 and December 1995, 31 patients with gastric remnant carcinoma were operated on 6-45 years after a Billroth II resection for peptic ulcer disease. Total gastrectomy with Roux-en-Y reconstruction was performed in all cases. In 16 patients (52%) extended resection with removal of one or more adjacent organs was necessary for oncological reasons. In this elderly population with a high incidence of pre-operative risk factors (55%), most tumours were classified as stage III or IV (45%). Although total gastrectomy should be the surgical option of first choice for gastric remnant carcinoma, it resulted in high levels of post-operative mortality and morbidity (13% and 35%, respectively), especially in patients with stage III and IV tumours who underwent resection of an adjacent organ. Despite extended surgery, if necessary, the recurrence rate after 'curative' surgery is high (8/20 patients) and the cumulative disease-free 5-year survival rate was 48%. Detection of the tumour at an earlier stage not only limits the extent of resection and lowers the complication rate, but also improves survival.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The pathological findings of the resected stomach after endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) for early gastric cancer were reviewed. EMR was indicated when a lesion consisting of well or moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma had a diameter of less than 2 cm. METHODS: Of 39 patients with early gastric cancer were treated with EMR between 1990 and 1995, 11 required additional surgery. RESULTS: Malignant tissue in the gastric wall was completely removed in four patients, while cancer cells remained in the mucosa adjacent to the scar in five and infiltrated into the submucosa in two. Most of these residual cancers were characterized by a lesion with a diameter exceeding 15 mm and by the location in the body or cardia of the stomach. Lymph node metastases were observed in one patient whose carcinoma invaded the deeper submucosal layer. Assessment of the depth of entire invasion from the endoscopically-resected specimen was correct for six of 11 patients. CONCLUSION: Gastric carcinomas to be resected by EMR should be smaller, especially if located in the body or cardia. Accurate diagnosis of the width and depth of invasion is indispensable before proceeding to EMR. Surgery may be the treatment of choice when there is submucosal invasion.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity in a group of Escherichia coli strains belonging to serogroup O6 but expressing different H antigens was investigated by random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Isolates of serotypes H16, H1, H31, and non-motile (NM) strains were typed using a set of 3 primers with different G + C contents. The amplified band arrays allowed the identification of 3 main clonal clusters corresponding to each O:H serotype analyzed. Based on their RAPD profiles NM strains could be assigned to either H1 or H31 serotypes. The results indicate that the flagellar antigen and the RAPD fingerprint represent reliable clonal markers in this E. coli group.  相似文献   

A prospective study was performed analyzing the bronchial resection boundaries of 120 patients operated on for lung carcinoma. The resection boundary, maximum tumor diameter, distance between tumor and resection boundary, and lymph-node stage were analyzed by serial sections of the surgical specimens (lobes and lungs). The following results were obtained: 20/120 cases (17%) displayed microscopic tumor invasion of the resection boundary (R1 status), most frequently adenocarcinoma (21%). The R1 status was closely associated with the distance between tumor and resection boundary and postsurgical lymph-node state (pN stage): all 8 tumors excised at distance 1 mm or less from the bronchial resection boundary revealed bronchial submucous tumor growth, whereas none of the tumors located more than 20 mm from the resection boundary was found to display tumor invasion of the bronchial boundary. Curative resection was noted in all 40 tumors operated at pNO stage and in only 11 cases (69%) of tumors with distant lymph-node metastases (pN3 stage). No relationship between tumor infiltration of the resection boundary and type of resection was seen. The data indicate that a) intra-operative control of bronchial resection boundaries is necessary in all lung-carcinoma patients with central tumor localization less than 20 mm from the proposed resection boundary; b) a "safety distance" between resection boundary and tumor boundary is of specific importance in bronchial carcinoma with lymph-node metastases.  相似文献   

In a subset of patients with early gastric cancer, there were recurrences of the disease after a curative resection had been done. Direct evidence of tumor seeding in distant organs at the time of surgery for gastric cancer is not available. An immunocytochemical assay for epithelial cytokeratin protein may fill this gap because it is a feature of epithelial cells that would not normally be present in bone marrow. From 1994-1997, the bone marrow of 45 patients with early gastric cancer was examined for tumor cells, using immunocytochemical techniques and an antibody reacting with cytokeratin, a component of the intracytoplasmic network of intermediate filaments. Intratumoral microvessels were stained with anti-CD31 monoclonal antibody. Clinicopathological characteristics were determined for subjects with cytokeratin-positive cells in the bone marrow. Of these 45 patients, 9 (20.0%) had cytokeratin-positive cells in the bone marrow at the time of primary surgery. These positive findings were not related to tumor advance-related factors of lymph node metastasis and distinct lymphatic and vascular invasion. Microvessel density in the primary tumor exceeded 2-fold in cytokeratin-positive cells, compared with findings in negative cells (P < 0.05). Tumor cells in bone marrow are indicative of the general disseminative metastasis in patients with early gastric cancer, and the metastatic potential was closely related to angiogenesis in the primary tumor.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Pulmonary metastasis is the commonest site of extrahepatic spread from hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of surgical management in patients with solitary pulmonary metastases from HCC. METHODS: This was a retrospective study of patients with HCC admitted for hepatectomy from July 1972 to June 1995. The records of patients who had a pulmonary resection for histologically proven pulmonary recurrence after curative hepatectomy were selected for analysis. RESULTS: In the study interval, 380 patients with HCC underwent hepatectomy. Some 48 patients (12.6 per cent) developed pulmonary metastases documented pathologically or radiologically. Nine (seven men and two women) were suitable for curative pulmonary resection. The median disease-free survival between hepatectomy and appearance of the lung metastasis was 21 months. The median survival after pulmonary resection was 42 months, and the 1-, 2- and 5-year survival rates were 100, 78 and 67 per cent respectively. CONCLUSION: Pulmonary resection for metastases from HCC resulted in long-term survival in these highly selected patients.  相似文献   

A total of 277 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) underwent hepatic resection over a 20-year period. Twelve of 36 patients with recurrence confined to extrahepatic organs underwent surgical resection. There were no complications but one patient died in hospital from secondary intrahepatic recurrence. The 1-, 2- and 5-year survival rates for these 12 patients after hepatic resection were 92, 52 and 26 per cent respectively and were better than those of 24 patients who did not undergo resection for recurrence. The mean survival following resection for recurrent disease was 19.7 months and the longest survival time was nearly 8 years. Secondary recurrence after resection of metastases developed more commonly in the liver than in extrahepatic organs. Among the eight patients who survived for more than 4 months after the second operation, secondary recurrence developed in the liver and extrahepatic organs in eight and four patients respectively. In selected patients with isolated extrahepatic recurrence of HCC, surgery is effective in controlling extrahepatic disease and offers the only chance of long-term survival.  相似文献   

The results of simple closure were compared with those of partial resection in the treatment of perforated peptic ulcer. The investigation was carried out 7-13 years after the primary operation on 126 patients who had been allotted to one of the two treatment methods on the basis of an almost randomized schedule. Better late results were obtained with partial resection than with simple closure in patients in the age range 50-59 years at operation, with short duration of perforation and with a long history of symptoms before perforation. None of the patients treated with partial resection later underwent surgical treatment for recurrence of symptoms. In the simple closure group 27.3 per cent needed further surgery at 3 months to 10 years after perforation.  相似文献   

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