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The attraction ofS. lineatus to live baits comprisingS. lineatus feeding onVicia faba (L.) was studied in a field experiment in the early spring. There was clear evidence that maleS. lineatus produced an aggregation pheromone which attracted approximately equal numbers of both sexes from overwintering sites. No evidence was obtained for the production, in the spring, of any semiochemical by female weevils.Coleoptera: Curculionidae. 相似文献
ES Jensen 《Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems》1986,10(3):193-202
The influence of nitrate N supply on dry matter production, N content and symbiotic nitrogen fixation in soil-grown pea (Pisum sativum L.) was studied in a pot experiment by means of15N fertilizer dilution. In pea receiving no fertilizer N symbiotic nitrogen fixation, soil and seed-borne N contributed with 82, 13 and 5% of total plant N, respectively. The supply of low rates of nitrate fertilizer at sowing (starter N) increased the vegetative dry matter production, but not the seed yield significantly. Nitrogen fixation was not significantly decreased by the lower rates of nitrate but higher rates supplied at sowing reduced the nitrogen fixation considerably. Applying nitrate N at the flat pod growth stage increased the yield of seed dry matter and N about 30% compared to pea receiving no nitrate fertilizer. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation was reduced only about 11%, compared with unfertilized pea, by the lowest rate of nitrate at this application time. The pea very efficiently took up and assimilated the nitrate N supplied. The average fertilizer N recovery was 82%. The later the N was supplied the more efficiently it was recovered. When nitrate was supplied at the flat pod growth stage 88% was recovered, and 90% of this N was located in the seeds. 相似文献
D. L. Faustini W. L. Giese J. K. Phillips W. E. Burkholder 《Journal of chemical ecology》1982,8(4):679-687
Evidence for a male-produced aggregation pheromone inSitophilus granarius is reported. Hexane extracts of Tenax®-trapped volatiles from males held on wheat were attractive to both sexes in a multiple-choice olfactometer and pitfall bioassay chamber. A quantitative relationship existed between days of insect exposure on disks and degree of responsiveness. The maximum response was to 35 insect-day-equivalents. Diel-related activity showed both sexes responsive during photophase and nonresponsive during scotophase.Coleoptera: Curculionidae.Contribution to Regional Research Project NC151, Marketing and Delivery of Quality Cereals and Oilseeds in Domestic and Foreign Markets.Mention of a commercial or proprietary product does not constitute an endorsement by the USDA. 相似文献
Grain weevil,Sitophilus granarius (L.): Antennal and behavioral responses to male-produced volatiles
John Chambers Claudius B. Van Wyk Peter R. White Carolyn M. Gerrard Kenji Mori 《Journal of chemical ecology》1996,22(9):1639-1654
Coupled GC-EAG techniques have been applied to the study of volatiles from the grain weevil,Sitophilus granarius. for the first time. The size of EAG response was independent of the sex of the responding insect but was consistently larger to extracts of males than those of females. This difference was reflected in a behavioral preference for the male extracts by mated adults of both sexes tested together and virgin adults of both sexes tested separately. The GC-EAG results provide evidence for two materials that are released specifically by the males. Using circular dichroism. one has been found to be identical stereochemically with the (2S,3R)-sitophilate reported by others as the aggregation pheromone in a different strain. This enhances the prospects for the development of a single pheromone lure that would be generally applicable whatever the origin of the strain. The small amount of sitophilate found in the males suggests that it is not stored in large amounts. The other material, present in such a small amount that it has yet to be fully characterized, elicits a higher antennal activity than sitophilate and may have a significant role to play in enhancing the trap catch of this economically important pest. 相似文献
C. Wall 《Journal of chemical ecology》1988,14(10):1857-1866
The use of sex attractants to monitor the pea moth,Cydia nigricana (F.) in the United Kingdom is decribed. Two systems are currently available: one for use in combining (dry-harvested) peas for human consumption or seed, and one for use in vining peas for freezing or canning. The development and details of both systems are reviewed and their commercial application discussed. 相似文献
Hiromi Yoshida Yuka Tomiyama Masayuki Saiki Yoshiyuki Mizushina 《Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society》2007,84(11):1031-1038
The positional distribution of fatty acids (FA) of triacylglycerols (TAG) and major phospholipids (PL) prepared from four
cultivars of peas (Pisum sativum L.) were investigated as well as their tocopherol contents. The lipids extracted from these peas were separated by thin-layer
chromatography (TLC) into seven fractions. The major lipid components were PL (52.2–61.3%) and TAG (31.2–40.3%), while the
other components were also present in minor proportions (5.6–9.2%). γ-Tocopherol was present in the highest concentration,
and α- and δ-tocopherols were very small amounts. The main PL components isolated from the four cultivars were phosphatidylcholine
(42.3–49.2%), followed by phosphatidylinositol (23.3–25.2%) and then phosphatidylethanolamine (17.7–20.5%). Small but significant
differences (P < 0.05) in FA distribution existed when different pea cultivars were determined. However, the principal characteristics of
the FA distribution in the TAG and the three PL were evident among the four cultivars; unsaturated FA were predominantly located
in the sn-2 position, and saturated FA primary occupied the sn-1 or sn-3 position in the oils of the peas. These results suggest that the regional distribution of tocopherols and fatty acids in
peas is not dependent on the climatic conditions and the soil characteristics of the cultivation areas during the growing
season. 相似文献
Alice L. Perez Gerhard Gries Regine Gries Robin M. Giblin-Davis A. Cameron Oehlschlager 《Journal of chemical ecology》1994,20(10):2653-2671
There are four stereoisomers of both 3-methyl-octan-4-ol, the aggregation pheromone of the African palm weevil,Rhynchophorus phoenicis (F.) and 5-methyl-octan-4-ol, the aggregation pheromone of the palmetto weevil,Rhynchophorus cruentatus (F.). Synthetic stereoisomers of 3-methyl-octan-4-ol and 5-methyl-octan-4-ol were baseline-separated on a Cyclodex-B fused silica column. Use of this column in gas chromatographic-electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) and GC-mass spectrometric (GC-MS) analyses revealed that only one stereoisomer, (3S,4S)-3-methyl-octan-4-ol and (4S,5S)-5-methyl-octan-4-ol, is produced by maleR. phoenicis and maleR. cruentatus, respectively, and elicits good antennal responses by conspecific male and female weevils. In field trapping experiments, withR. phoenicis in Côte d'Ivoire andR. cruentatus in Florida, (3S,4S)-3-methyl-octan-4-ol and (4S,5S)-5-methyl-octan-4-ol strongly enhanced attraction of fresh palm tissue, whereas other stereoisomers were behaviorally benign. Stereoisomeric 3-methyl-octan-4-ol and 5-methyl-octan-4-ol may be utilized to monitor and/or manage populations of these two palm weevils. 相似文献
T. J. Weissling R. M. Giblin-Davis G. Gries R. Gries A. L. Perez H. D. Pierce Jr. A. C. Oehlschlager 《Journal of chemical ecology》1994,20(3):505-515
5-Methyl-4-octanol is the major aggregation pheromone of the palmetto weevil,Rhynchophorus cruentatus (F.). The pheromone (cruentol) was identified by coupled gas chromatographic-electroantennographic (GC-EAD) analysis of male-produced volatiles, coupled GC-mass spectrometry (MS) in electron impact and chemical ionization mode, and coupled GC-high resolution MS. In laboratory and field assays, a diastereomeric mixture of synthetic cruentol greatly enhanced attraction of weevils to cabbage palmetto,Sabal palmetto (Walter), stem tissue, indicating that cruentol and host volatiles are synergistically attractive. An attractive lure in combination with efficient traps should facilitate development of semiochemical-based management forR. cruentatus. 相似文献
Didier Rochat Ariel V. González Dominique Mariau Alexander G. Villanueva Pierre Zagatti 《Journal of chemical ecology》1991,17(6):1221-1230
Field trapping of the American palm weevil (APW),Rhynchophorus palmarum, showed that the combination of caged male APWs and palm stem was much more attractive to APWs of both sexes than palm stem alone. Caged female APWs did not enhance the attractiveness of the palm. Caged APWs without palm stem were not attractive. Virgin laboratory-bred males were highly attractive to APWs of both sexes in a two-choice pitfall olfactometer, whereas virgin laboratory-bred females were not. Adsorbenttrapped volatiles from virgin laboratory-bred males reproduced the effect of living males, giving evidence for a male-produced aggregation pheromone in this species. Wild-mated APWs of both sexes were as responsive to the aggregation pheromone as virgin laboratory-bred APWs. This is the first record of chemical communication in this species. These results have prompted investigations into the chemical identification of the aggregation pheromone. 相似文献
Several cottonGossypium spp. race stocks have been identified that possess resistance to the boll weevilAnthonomus grandis Boh. because oviposition is decreased. In this work, a number of known cotton constituents that influence stimulation of feeding and attractancy for this insect were found to have little or no influence on oviposition. These include gossypol, -bis-abolol, caryophyllene, some fatty acids and their methyl esters, some wax esters, flavonoids, condensed tannins, and chrysanthemin. Analysis of cotton bud surfaces showed that the content of volatile terpenoids was generally higher in resistant lines, but bioassays did not show decreased oviposition in the presence of the terpenoids. The sugars (glucose, fructose, and sucrose) found in anthers, uniformly stimulated oviposition in the bioassay, and their content was higher in susceptible lines. These results suggest that a major basis of resistance to boll weevils as related to oviposition may be the decreased content of sugars in resistant lines. The analysis of free sugars in the anthers, and perhaps also the analysis of bud surface terpenoids, may provide a basis for selection or genetic production of cotton lines resistant to the boll weevil. 相似文献
6-Methoxy-benzoxazolin-2(3H)-one (MBOA) inhibited the germination of cress (Lepidium sativum L.) seeds at concentrations greater than 0.03 mM. Inhibition was overcome by sucrose, suggesting that MBOA may inhibit sugar metabolism in cress seeds. Induction of α-amylase activity in seeds was also inhibited by MBOA at concentrations greater than 0.03 mM. Inhibition of both germination and induction of α-amylase activity increased with increasing concentrations of MBOA, and the extent of germination correlated positively with the activity of α-amylase in the seeds. MBOA added to a reaction mixture for α-amylase assay did not affect enzyme activity, indicating that MBOA does not inhibit in vitro α-amylase activity. Cress seeds germinated approximately 16 hr after incubation, and inhibition of α-amylase by MBOA occurred within 6 hr after incubation. These results suggest that MBOA may inhibit the germination of cress seeds by inhibiting the induction of α-amylase activity, because α-amylase plays a key role in the conversion of reserve carbohydrate into soluble sugars, a prerequisite for seed germination. 相似文献
Takanori Tsuda Toshihiko Osawa Tsutomu Nakayama Shunro Kawakishi Katsumi Ohshima 《Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society》1993,70(9):909-913
Antioxidative activity of pea bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) extract was evaluated by using a linoleic acid system, and the methanol extract exhibited strong antioxidative activity
as measured by the thiocyanate method. The crude methanol extract was partitioned between then-butanol phase (BP) and the water phase (WP). Then, the antioxidative activity of the BP and the WP was determined by using
a linoleic acid system. The WP showed strong antioxidative activity, while BP showed only weak activity as measured by the
thiocyanate method. Next, the synergistic antioxidative action of WP with α-tocopherol was examined by using linoleic acid
and liposome systems. The WP had a synergistic effect with α-tocopherol in both the food model and liposome systems. For purification
and isolation of the antioxidative substances of the pea bean, preparative high-performance liquid chromatography was carried
out with an octadecylsilyl column. Five fractions were collected, and antioxidative activity was determined in a linoleic
acid system. Although fraction 1 had strong activity by the thiocyanate method, the purification of this active fraction was
difficult; therefore, the partly characterized active fraction was investigated. The contents of total phenolics and sugars
were 0.31±0.01 mg/g of fraction 1 and 406.1±0.1 mg/g, respectively. The ninhydrin chromogenic reaction was positive, and the
ultraviolet absorption spectral λ max value in distilled water was 264.0 nm, indicating that the water-soluble antioxidative
components from pea bean may be a new type of antioxidant. Isolation and identification are currently being investigated. 相似文献
David A. Tilles Hubertus H. Eidmann Berith Solbreck 《Journal of chemical ecology》1988,14(6):1495-1503
Factors eliciting copulatory behavior in mature maleHylobius abietis were studied in the laboratory. Dead female weevils were sexually attractive, while dead mature males and pentane-extracted female weevils were not. The sexual attractiveness of dead females declined with time after death. Pentane extracts of whole female weevils or of the anterior or posterior parts of their bodies elicited a copulatory response when applied to decoys. In contrast, extracts of hindgut or frass were inactive. Juvenile males were sexually attractive for about four weeks, after which their attractiveness gradually declined. The results indicate that the mating stimulant is present on the body surface of female and juvenile male weevils, and it can be extracted with pentane. 相似文献
Stephen F. Nottingham Ki -Cheol Son David D. Wilson Ray F. Severson Stanley J. Kays 《Journal of chemical ecology》1989,15(3):895-903
Cores from sweet potato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.] storage roots (Centennial, Jewel, Resisto, and Regal cultivars) were presented to sweet potato weevils [Cylas formicarius elegantulus (Summers) (Coleoptera; Curculionidae)] in multiple-choice, limited-choice, and no-choice bioassays. Centennial, a susceptible cultivar in field-plot experiments, was preferred for feeding and oviposition by female weevils in choice bioassays, and for ovi-position in no-choice bioassays, compared to three other cultivars. Analysis of root surface chemistry showed a tentatively identified triterpenol acetate in Centennial, which was not found in the more resistant cultivars; another root surface component was found in higher concentrations in the more resistant cultivars. 相似文献
After 20 days in a high-density culture containing many larvae, female sawtoothed grain beetles,Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.), laid half as many eggs in a 24-hr oviposition bioassay as females held for six days in the same culture, or for six or 20 days in a low-density culture. Oviposition by females held for six days in a high-density culture was reduced to a similar extent when they were exposed in the oviposition bioassay to an oat flake treated with an extract of Porapak Q-captured larval volatiles (equivalent to 5000 larval hours). A retained suppression of oviposition rate after prolonged exposure to larvae or an induced reduction caused by short-term exposure to larval volatiles both could be of adaptive advantage in reducing the risk of oviposition in an already densely populated habitat.Research supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Strategic Grant G0958 and Operating Grants A3881 and A3785. 相似文献
Toshihiro Imai Hisashi Kodama Tatsuji Chuman Masahiro Kohno 《Journal of chemical ecology》1990,16(4):1237-1247
Oviposition deterrents of the cigarette beetle,Lasioderma serricorne, were isolated from its adult body extract and found to be identical to (2S,3R,1'S)-2,3-dihydro-3,5-dimethyl-2-ethyl-6-(l-methyl-2-oxobutyl)-4H-pyran-4-one (-serricorone) and its lR-epimer (-serricorone) by spectroscopic evidence. Serricorone was previously found as one of the minor sex pheromone components of the same insect, and hence indicating bi-functional nature. The presence of two isomers in the body was proved by careful treatment. Each of them exhibited the same level of oviposition deterring activity, which was less potent than the crude body extract at an increased concentration. 相似文献
Nitrogen fixation (N2) by leguminous crops is a relatively low-cost alternative to N fertilizers for smallholder farmers in Africa. Nitrogen fixation in pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Markos) as affected by phosphorus (P) fertilization (0, 30 kg P ha−1) and inoculation (uninoculated and inoculated) in the semiarid conditions of Northern Ethiopia was studied using the 15N isotope dilution method and locally adapted barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Bureguda) as reference crop. The effect of pea fixed nitrogen (N2) on yield of the subsequent wheat crop (Triticum aestivum L.) was also assessed. Phosphorus and inoculation significantly influenced nodulation at the late flowering stage and also significantly increased P and N concentrations in shoots, and P concentration in roots, while P and N concentrations in nodules were not affected. Biomass, pods m−2 and grain yield responded positively to P and inoculation, while seeds pod−1 and seed weights were not significantly affected by these treatments. Phosphorus and inoculation enhanced the percentage of N derived from the atmosphere in the whole plant ranging from 53 to 70%, corresponding to the total amount of N2 fixed varying from 55 to 141 kg N ha−1. Soil N balance after pea ranged from − 9.2 to 19.3 kg N ha−1 relative to following barley, where barley extracted N on the average of 6.9 and 62.0 kg N ha−1 derived from fertilizer and soil, respectively. Beneficial effects of pea fixed N2 on yield of the following cereal crop were obtained, increasing the average grain and N yields of this crop by 1.06 Mg ha−1 and 33 kg ha−1, respectively, relative to the barley–wheat monocrop rotation. It can be concluded that pea can be grown as an alternative crop to fallow, benefiting farmers economically and increasing the soil fertility. 相似文献
Responses of threeHylastes species,Dryocoetes autographus, and twoHylobius species to terpenes and ethanol were studied in field experiments on clear-cut forest sites in Sweden using baited ground traps.-Pinene alone did not attract any of the six species. A terpene blend (spruce turpentine consisting mainly of-pinene,-pinene, and 3-carene) attractedHylastes cunicularius, H. brunneus, andHylobius abietis in some experiments, but not in others. The attractiveness of ethanol also varied; the only species consistently attracted wasH. abietis. Baits containing both terpenes and ethanol, particularly the combination of spruce turpentine and ethanol, were attractive to all species exceptHylobius pinastri. InH. abietis, the terpene plus ethanol/ ethanol catch ratios increased during early summer. Seasonal differences in catch levels were observed inH. cunicularius andH. abietis. The addition of-pinene reduced the attractiveness of the combination of spruce turpentine and ethanol toH. cunicularius, H. opacus, andD. autographus. The differences in response to the volatiles between species are probably related to differences in reproductive behavior and host preferences. 相似文献
B. S. Dwivedi Munna Ram B. P. Singh M. Das R. N. Prasad 《Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems》1992,31(3):257-262
A field experiment was conducted during 1986–87 on a sandy loam acid Alfisol of Barapani, Meghalaya, India to study the effect of liming on boron nutrition of pea and corn grown in a sequence. Lime and boron were applied to pea and their residual effect was studied on corn. Application of 1.5 kg B ha–1 significantly increased the pod and stover yield of pea. A sharp yield depression occurred at higher B rates. Liming accentuated B deficiency in the absence of B treatment and it cured toxicity arising from excess B supply. A combination of B at 1.5 kg ha–1 and lime at 3.0 t ha–1 was optimum for pea, but this level of B application was insufficient to meet B requirements of succeeding corn. With higher rates of B fertilization, the residual effect of B on corn yield was significant. Concentration of B in shoot, pod, grain and stover of crops increased with the rate of B application. With increasing liming rate, B concentration decreased. Addition of B increased the hot-water soluble B in soil. The availability of native and added B decreased sharply with increasing liming rate. 相似文献
C. Pavis C. Malusse P. H. Ducrot F. Howse K. Jaffe C. Descoins 《Journal of chemical ecology》1992,18(11):2055-2068
Since several species of predatory ants show some kind of repulsion towards the first-instar larvae (FIL) ofDiaprepes abbreviatus L., the predatory behavior ofSolenopsis geminata (F.), a common ant in the citrus groves in Guadeloupe, was studied. Different extracts of larvae were disposed on egg masses ofD. abbreviatus and presented as prey to the ants, both in the field and in the laboratory. The ants are repelled by the FIL extracts. The allelochemicals involved are produced in large amounts, from 5 to 20 ng per larva. Physiochemical analyses have led to the identification of two sesquiterpenes of molecular weight 218 and 234, secreted in the respective proportions of 65 and 35%. 相似文献