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M. M. I. Hammouda A. S. Fayed H. E. M. Sallam 《International Journal of Fatigue》2002,24(12):1210-1222
The effect of crack surface friction on mode II stress intensity factor (SIF) of a central slant crack in a plate uniformly loaded in uniaxial compression is quantified. A previously developed two-dimensional finite element analysis was utilised after its modification to accommodate the friction between the crack surfaces. The plane strain state was assumed. A new numerical technique was devised to avoid the iteration procedures, which had to be employed due to the existence of frictional forces.
The crack inclination angle varied between zero and 75° measured from the horizontal direction. The coefficient of friction of the crack surfaces changed from zero to 1. In case of relatively sliding crack surfaces, mode II SIF existed. As is well known, the resulting mode II SIF decreased with increasing the coefficient of friction of the crack surfaces. Further, mode II SIF increased with increasing crack line inclination angle and then decreased after reaching a maximum value. The angle corresponding to that maximum SIF increased as the coefficient of friction of the crack surfaces increased. 相似文献
Weiming Lan Xiaomin Deng Michael A. Sutton Ching-Shan Cheng 《International Journal of Fracture》2006,141(3-4):469-496
Slant fracture is widely observed during crack growth in thin sheet specimens made of ductile materials, providing a good case for investigating three-dimensional criteria for mixed-mode ductile fracture. To gain an understanding of slant fracture events and to provide insight for establishing a slant fracture criterion, stable tearing fracture experiments on combined tension-torsion (nominal mixed-mode I/III) specimens and nominal Mode I Arcan specimens made of Al 2024-T3 are analyzed using the finite element method under three-dimensional conditions. Two types of finite element models are considered for the study of slant fracture: (a) combined tension-torsion specimens containing stationary, flat and slant cracks subject to loads corresponding to the onset of crack growth, and (b) stable tearing crack growth with slanting in a nominal Mode I Arcan specimen. Analysis results reveal that there exists a strong correlation between certain features of the crack-front effective plastic strain field and the orientation of the slant fracture surface. In particular, it is observed that (a) at the onset of crack growth in the combined tension-torsion experiments, the angular position of the maximum effective plastic strain around the crack front serves as a good indicator for the slant fracture surface orientation during subsequent crack growth; and (b) during stable tearing crack growth in the Mode I Arcan specimen, which experiences a flat-to-slant fracture surface transition, the crack growth path on each section plane through the thickness of the specimen coincides with the angular position of the maximum effective plastic strain around the crack front. 相似文献
New results on the crack-tip fields in an elastic power-law hardening material under plane stress mode I loading are presented.
Using a generalized asymptotic expansion of the stress function, higher-order terms are found which have newly-discovered
characteristics. A series solution is obtained for the elastic-plastic crack-tip fields. The expansion of stress fields contains
both the
terms where ti is real and tk is complex; the terms σ(i)
pq(θti) and σ(k)
rsθtk) are real and complex functions of θ respectively. Comparing the results with that for the plane strain mode I loading shows
that: (1) the effect of higher-order solutions on the crack-tip fields is much smaller; and (2) the path-independent integral
J also controls the second-order or third-order term in the asymptotic solutions of the crack-tip fields for most of the engineering
materials (1 < n < 11) in plane stress, while the J-integral does not control the second and the third-order terms for the
plane strain mode I case for n > 3. These theoretical results imply that the crack-tip fields can be well characterized by
the J-integral, and can be used as a criterion for fracture initiation under plane stress mode I loading. This is in agreement
with existing full-field solutions and experimental data that J at crack growth initiation is essentially independent of in-plane
specimen geometry. The comparison confirms the theoretical asymptotic solutions developed in this study.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Detailed full-field three-dimensional (3D) finite element analyses have been conducted to study the out-of-plane stress constraint factor Tz around a quarter-elliptical corner crack embedded in an isotropic elastic plate subjected to uniform tension loading. The distributions of Tz are studied in the forward section (0° ? θ ? 90°) of the corner cracks with aspect ratios a/c of 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0. In the normal plane of the crack front line, Tz drops radially from Poisson’s ratio at the crack tip to zero beyond certain radial distances. Strong 3D zones (Tz > 0) exist within a radial distance r/a of about 4.6-0.7 for a/c = 0.2-1.0 along the crack front, despite the stress-free boundary conditions far away. At the same radial distance along the crack front in the 3D zones, Tz increases from zero on one free surface to a peak value in the interior, and then decreases to zero on another free surface. The distributions of Tz near the corner points are also discussed. Empirical formulae describing the 3D distributions of Tz are obtained by fitting the numerical results, which prevail with a sufficient accuracy in the valid range of 0.2 ? a/c ? 1.0 and 0° ? θ ? 90° except very near the free surfaces where Tz is extremely low. Combined with the K-T solution, the transition of approximate plane-stress state near the surfaces to plane-strain state in the interior can be characterized more accurately. 相似文献
Engineering structures experience impulsive loads during the time of natural disasters like earthquakes, cyclones and collisions.
The design of structures resistant to such natural disasters requires an understanding of the deformation and fracture behaviour
of the materials constituting the structure under impulsive loading conditions. In this paper the various aspects of dynamic
plastic deformation and fracture of common engineering materials are reviewed and contrasted with their behaviour under static
loading conditions. 相似文献
Local stress and deformation fields for an elliptical crack embedded in an infinite elastic body subjected to normal, shear and mixed loads are considered. Particular emphasis is placed on the direction of propagation of points along the crack border. A confocal curvilinear coordinate system related to a fundamental ellipsoid, and a local spherical coordinate system attached to the crack border are adopted. Using asymptotic analysis, this paper obtains the stress and displacement fields in a plane inclined to the 3D crack front. Results show that the present solutions are independent of the curvature of the ellipse, and different from those given by Sih (1991). Based on two different fracture criteria, crack growth analysis shows that a 3D crack would propagate in the direction of the normal plane along the crack front. As a result, the fracture initiation and propagation of a 3D flat crack can be analyzed in the plane normal to the crack front, and the local fields in the normal plane are the linear superposition of the plane strain mode-I, mode-II, and mode-III crack-tip fields. 相似文献
Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) provide thermal insulation to high temperature superalloys. Residual stresses develop in TBCs during cool down from processing temperatures and subsequent thermal cyclic loading due to the thermal expansion mismatch between the different layers (substrate, bond coat, and TBC). These residual stresses can initiate microcracks at the bond coat/TBC interface and can lead to debonding at the bond coat/TBC interface. The highest residual stresses occur at the interfaces. The effect of voids or crack like flaws at the interface can be responsible for initiating debonding and accelerate the oxidation process. The effect of interfacial microcracks has been investigated using the fracture mechanics approach. In particular, J-integral and the energy release rate G, for both mode I and mode II using the virtual crack extension method were evaluated. Two types of specimens were studied. The specimens were cooled down from processing temperature of 1000°C to 0°C. The variation of the properties as a function of temperature were used for the analysis. It was found that the use of temperature dependent properties in contrast to constant properties provide significantly different values of J-integral and G. For the stepped-disc specimen with an edge crack, crack growth is only due to mode II, while for the cylinder specimen with an internal crack, crack growth is due to mixed-mode loading. An important implication of this result is that edge delaminations in a disk specimen may only grow due to mode II conditions under pure thermal loading. Shear fracture characteristics of interfacial crack thus become important in the failure of the TBC. 相似文献
Exact solutions for elastic T-stress of a flat elliptical crack in an infinite body under tension and bending are obtained in this paper. Many papers have been devoted to the problems for elliptical cracks in an elastic medium, but all their attention has been concentrated on the determination of stress intensity factors. In the current paper, elastic T-stress solutions are derived by means of the potential method and a specific collection of harmonic functions. The formulas of the elastic T-stress for a penny-shaped crack [Wang X. Elastic T-stress solutions for penny-shaped cracks under tension and bending. Engng Fract Mech 2004;71:2283-98] follow from the present results as a special case. It is obtained that under tension loading, the elastic T-stress is always compressive along the elliptical crack front. In both tension and bending cases, T-stress essentially depends on the Poisson’s ratio of the material, a parametric angle and semi-axes of the ellipse. 相似文献
Antunes Ferreira Branco & Byrne 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》2000,23(1):81-90
Stress intensity factors (SIFs) presented in the literature for corner cracks are limited to ideal quarter-circular and quarter-elliptical crack shapes. This paper presents SIF solutions for corner cracks that exhibit tunnelling, extending the range of corner crack shapes illustrated in the literature. Solutions were developed in a parametric form, obtained by empirically fitting polynomials to numerical values of SIF obtained from the FEM. A parameter was defined to quantify the extent of tunnelling. It was observed that crack shape has a significant effect on the SIF, so the consideration of equivalent quarter-circular cracks can produce inaccurate results when significant tunnelling occurs. SIF solutions for quarter-circular cracks are also presented and compared with those quoted in the literature. 相似文献
A. A. KAMINSKY O. S. BOGDANOVA V. N. BASTUN 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》2011,34(5):345-355
The model of a crack with a process zone is considered and generalized to orthotropic materials. It is assumed that a material in the process zone satisfies a strength condition of arbitrary form. Based on the crack model, the fracture of an orthotropic cracked plate under biaxial loading is studied. The crack is directed along one of the anisotropy axes with external loads being applied in parallel and perpendicularly to it. The influence of the biaxiality of external loading on the critical state of the cracked plate is analysed within the framework of the critical crack opening displacement and critical J ‐integral criteria. Numerical solution is obtained using the Mises‐Hill and Gol’denblat‐Kopnov strength criteria. Theoretical results are compared with experimental data obtained by testing specimens made of structural metals. 相似文献
Numerical methods are mostly used in the field of fatigue to derive the stress intensity factor (SIF) or J-integral solutions to be employed in damage tolerance analysis of cracked components. In this frame, simple assumptions about material properties are taken into account.More refined approaches try to describe the plasticity-induced crack closure in order to account for retardation effects under variable amplitude loading. In these approaches, the cyclic plasticity is used and cyclic finite element analyses are carried out.In the present work, a novel strategy is presented for the calculation of the relevant parameters to the fatigue crack growth, based on the evaluation of local field parameters (J-integral, T-stress) and cyclic material properties. It is demonstrated that, in case of mild steels and under the assumption of a stress ratio R = −1, the global constraint factor αg widely employed in fatigue crack growth algorithms such as the strip-yield model, can be calculated in a closed-form on the basis of the expression of the crack-tip fields. Moreover, αg provides a reasonable explanation of the fatigue crack growth behaviour of the A1N steel for different geometrical and loading configurations. Further investigations carried out on different medium and high strength steel grades show that the plastic radius ahead of small and long cracks at their fatigue limits can be considered as a constant for the material. 相似文献
This paper is centred on the role of the T-stress during mode I fatigue crack growth. The effect of a T-stress is studied through its effect on plastic blunting at crack tip. As a matter of fact, fatigue crack growth is characterized by the presence of striations on the fracture surface, which implies that the crack grows by a mechanism of plastic blunting and re-sharpening (Laird C. The influence of metallurgical structure on the mechanisms of fatigue crack propagation. In: Fatigue crack propagation, STP 415. Philadelphia: ASTM; 1967. p. 131–68 [8]). In the present study, plastic blunting at crack tip is a global variable ρ, which is calculated using the finite element method. ρ is defined as the average value of the permanent displacement of the crack faces over the whole K-dominance area. The presence of a T-stress modifies significantly the evolution of plastic deformation within the crack tip plastic zone as a consequence of plastic blunting at crack tip. A yield stress intensity factor KY is defined for the cracked structure, as the stress intensity factor for which plastic blunting at crack tip exceeds a given value. The variation of the yield stress intensity factor was studied as a function of the T-stress. It is found that the T-stress modifies significantly the yield point of the cracked structure and that the yield surface in a (T, KI) plane is independent of the crack length. Finally, a yield criterion is proposed for the cracked structure. This criterion is an extent of the Von-Mises yield criterion to the problem of the cracked structure. The proposed criterion matches almost perfectly the results obtained from the FEM. The evolution of the yield surface of the cracked structure in a (T, KI) plane was also studied for a few loading schemes. These results should develop a plasticity model for the cracked structure taking into account the effect of the T-stress. 相似文献
Mode I cracks subjected to large T-stresses 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
There are several criteria for predicting brittle fracture in mode I and mixed mode loading. In this paper, the modified maximum tangential stress criterion originally proposed for mixed mode loading, is employed to study theoretically brittle fracture for mode I cracks. In particular, the effect of the non-singular term of stress, often known as the T-stress, on the angle of initiation of fracture and the onset of crack growth is explored. The T-stress component of the tangential stress vanishes along the crack line. Therefore, it is often postulated for linear elastic materials that the effect of T-stress on mode I brittle fracture can be ignored. However, it is shown here that the maximum tangential stress is no longer along the line of initial crack when the T-stress exceeds a critical value. Thus, a deviation in the angle of initiation of fracture can be expected for specimens having a large T-stress. It is shown that the deviation angle increases for larger values of T-stress. Theoretical results show that the apparent fracture toughness decreases significantly when a deviation in angle occurs. Earlier experimental results are used to corroborate the findings. The effect of large T-stresses is also explored for a crack specimen undergoing moderate scale yielding. The elastic-plastic investigation is conducted using finite element analysis. The finite element results reveal a similar deviation in the angle of maximum tangential stress for small to moderate scale yielding. 相似文献
The interfacial fracture in bimaterial and functionally graded material (FGM) under impact loading conditions is investigated using experimental and numerical techniques that are valid for both type of interfaces. Experiments are conducted on epoxy based specimens in three point bend configuration and the complex SIF is measured using an electrical strain gage mounted close to the crack-tip. A complementary two-dimensional finite element simulation is performed using tup force and support reactions as input tractions, and the SIF-time history is determined using a displacement extrapolation technique. The experimentally determined SIF-histories match closely with numerical simulation up to the time of fracture initiation. The test results show that the mode-mixity remains nearly constant through out the test in both the materials, and the mixity values correspond to their respective static counterparts. The general dynamic response of the bimaterial and FGM specimens in terms of impact load, support reaction and the magnitude of complex SIF are comparable, and the mode-mixity is the parameter that distinguishes the graded interface from the bimaterial case. 相似文献
Fatigue crack growth experiments were performed on surface cracked tensile specimens of Inconel 718 at 400 °C. The loading was carried out at constant as well as at variable amplitude. The experimental results for the mean growth rate were compared with predictions based on data obtained from testing of compact tension specimens. Both nominal data as well as data corrected from measured crack closure were used in the predictions. The corrected data provided much better predictions than the nominal ones indicating that the level of crack closure during the testing of the surface cracked specimens was much lower than in compact tension specimens. 相似文献
Numerical integration of weight functions tends to be computationally inefficient because of the singularity in a typical weight function expression. An alternative technique has been developed for surface and corner cracks, which greatly improves both efficiency and accuracy of KI estimates. Exact analytical solutions for the weight function integral are obtained over discrete intervals, and then summed to obtain the stress intensity factor. The only numerical approximation in this approach is the way in which the variation in stress between discrete known values is treated. Closed-form weight function integration methods are presented for three approximations of the stress distribution: (1) constant stress over each integration interval, (2) a piecewise linear representation, and (3) a piecewise quadratic fit. A series of benchmark analyses were performed to validate the approach and to infer convergence rates. The quadratic method is the most computationally efficient, and converges with a small number of integration increments. The piecewise linear method gives good results with a modest number of stress data points on the crack plane. The constant-stress approximation is the least accurate of the three methods, but gives acceptable results if there are sufficient stress data points. 相似文献
Y. D. LEE R. C. McCLUNG G. G. CHELL 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》2008,31(11):1004-1016
This paper summarizes the development of an efficient stress intensity factor (SIF) solution scheme applicable to a corner crack (CC) in a rectangular section subjected to arbitrary stressing on the crack plane. A general bivariant weight function (WF) formulation developed previously for a CC in a plate was extended to address a CC at a hole. Two supplemental algorithms were developed to achieve a substantial reduction in the computational time necessary for practical application. The new SIF solution scheme was validated by comparison with more than 180 three‐dimensional (3D) boundary element (BE) solutions. 相似文献
S. Maaløe 《International Journal of Fracture》2001,110(2):155-173
The shape of a tapered crack is more alike cracks in brittle materials than an elliptical crack. The deformation and stress fields for a tapered crack are therefore estimated for hydrostatic pressure and tensional stress by applying the method of complex potentials. The stress fields for the tapered and elliptical cracks are quite similar, which suggests that the elliptical crack can be used as a model for the stress fields for cracks in general. However, the tapered crack has a larger tensional stress at the crack tip, which show that fracture propagation occur at lower applied stresses than for the elliptical crack. A tapered shape of fluid filled fractures can account for their discontinuous propagation. The discontinuous fracture propagation is observed in a large scale by volcanic eruptions where the fracture propagation generates seismic activity. 相似文献
T. N. WILLIAMS J. C. NEWMAN Jr P. M. GULLETT 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》2011,34(4):250-259
The purpose of this paper is to calculate and develop equations for crack–surface displacements for two‐symmetric cracks emanating from a circular hole in an infinite plate for use in strip‐yield crack‐closure models. In particular, the displacements were determined under two loading conditions: (1) remote applied stress and (2) uniform stress applied to a segment of the crack surface (partially loaded crack). The displacements were calculated by an integral‐equation method based on accurate stress–intensity factor equations for concentrated forces applied to the crack surfaces and those for remote applied stress or for a partially loaded crack surface. A boundary‐element code was also used to calculate crack–surface displacements for some selected cases. Comparisons made with crack–surface displacement equations previously developed for the same crack configuration and loading showed significant differences near the location where the crack intersected the hole surface. However, the previous equations were fairly accurate near the crack‐tip location. Herein an improved crack–surface displacement equation was developed for the case of remote applied stress. For the partially loaded crack case, only numerical comparisons were made between the previous equations and numerical integration. A rapid algorithm, based on the integral‐equation method, was developed to calculate these displacements. Because cracks emanating from a hole are quite common in the aerospace industry, accurate displacement solutions are crucial for improving life‐prediction methods based on the strip‐yield crack‐closure models. 相似文献