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Multicast and broadcast services in WiMAX are downlink point-to-multipoint access services optimized for transmission of a common set of multimedia data packets to a group of users. This capability enables low-cost delivery of large volumes of popular contents (e.g., for video/audio streaming and file sharing) in a mobile network. The MCBCS framework in WiMAX allows multicast/broadcast of data in a radio channel that is time shared with unicast services. In a single-frequency network, where MCBCS transmissions are synchronized or coordinated across BSs in the designated service area, the mobile stations can use macro-space diversity to improve achievable data rates and also maintain service continuity and power saving across cells with minimal interaction with the network.  相似文献   

Resource scheduling and routing tree construction in WiMAX mesh centralized scheduling are not defined in the standard and thus are subject to extensive research. In this paper, we consider routing and scheduling in a WiMAX-based mesh network. We assume that nodes are not necessarily stationary, but rather mobile with a mobility that may yield to frequent topology changes (e.g., failure of existing links and creation of new transmission links). We model the joint routing and scheduling as an optimization problem whose objective is either to determine a minimum length schedule by maximizing spectrum spatial reuse or maximizing the network lifetime by routing around the less stable RF-links, while satisfying a set of (uplink/downlink) end-to-end demands. While solving the problem with the two objectives, we study the tradeoffs between these two objectives. We show that minimizing the schedule length forces the joint routing and scheduling problem to generate a routing tree and feasible transmission groups which favor higher spectrum spatial reuse (and hence higher system throughput), irrespective of the robustness of the selected transmission links. In addition, we show that maximizing the network stability or lifetime yields the selection of different routing trees and slot assignments which do not necessarily result in shorter schedule length. We perform numerical experiences where we compare the performances of our proposed models with respect to the network stability and resource spatial reuse.  相似文献   

徐大庆 《通信技术》2010,43(3):86-89
为了给移动用户提供最好的无所不在的无线宽带接入,不同无线网的融合是当前通信领域的热点研究。而切换管理又是解决无线网无缝融合的最具挑战性的问题。文中讨论了IEEE 802.11WLAN与IEEE 802.16e移动WiMAX网的融合与切换管理。描述其结构和应用场景,介绍了IEEE802.21,它为介质独立的异类网切换提供了一个信令框架,提出了如何使用IEEE802.21解决WLAN与移动WiMAX网之间的切换,并给出了详细的切换过程。说明了使用IEEE 802.21解决WLAN与移动WiMAX网之间的切换是可行有效的。  相似文献   

The support of voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services in next-generation wireless systems requires the coupling of mobility with quality of service. The mobile node can experience disruptions or even intermittent disconnections of an ongoing real-time session due to handovers. The duration of such interruptions is called disruption time or handover delay and can heavily affect user satisfaction. Therefore, this delay needs to be minimized to provide good-quality VoIP services. In this paper, the focus is on the network layer mobility, specifically on mobile Internet Protocols (MIPs), since they are natural candidates for providing mobility at layer 3. Using analytical models, the authors evaluate MIPv4, MIPv6, fast MIPv6 (FMIPv6), and hierarchical MIPv6 (HMIPv6) and compare their performances in terms of handover delay for VoIP services. To optimize the handover delay, the authors propose to use the adaptive retransmission timer described in this paper. The results obtained using the adaptive timer technique show that for a 3% frame error rate and a 128-kb/s channel, the handoff delay is about 0.075 s (predictive) and 0.051 s (reactive) for FMIPv6. It is around 0.047 s [intra-mobile anchor point (MAP)] and 1.47 s (inter-MAP) for HMIPv6, around 1 s for MIPv6, and 0.26 s for MIPv4  相似文献   

In the future Wireless Internet, mobile nodes will be able to choose between providers offering competing services at a much finer granularity than we find today. Rather than months, service contracts may span hours or minutes. Connectivity, however, is just one of many possible services. Providers will begin to offer network and application-level services targeted at improving the overall wireless experience of the user. Determining the best path through the various networks will require accurate information describing which services are being offered by each provider. In this paper, we model the process of propagating this information as an instance of a distributed, hierarchical cache. Access routers actively discover and collect information about the immediate network neighborhood on behalf of mobile nodes. Mobiles fill their own caches through queries to their local access routers, and then employ the cached information to make informed, intelligent handover decisions. Through simulation, we show that high cache hit rates at the mobile node can be achieved even when the discovery process at the access router is incomplete. In comparison to static and centralized approaches, our dynamic approach requires less configuration and maintenance, avoids single points of failure, and provides a scalable solution that spans administrative domains. Robert C. Chalmers received his B.S. in Computer Science from the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona in 1997, and his M.S. in 2003 from the University of California in Santa Barbara. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the University of California in Santa Barbara where his main research interests focus around leveraging intelligence within the network. Particularly, he has studied multicast and its effect on resource utilization, as well as how to provide services for small, mobile devices in edge networks. He was awarded the Ericsson Fellowship in 2001 and is currently a Eugene Cota-Robles Fellow. Govind Krishnamurthi received an M.S. (Electrical Engineering) and Ph.D. degree (Computer Engineering) from the University of Washington and the Iowa State University, in 1997 and 1999 respectively. He spent the summer of 1995 as an intern at Bellcore, Morristown, NJ. He is a recipient of the Research Excellence Award from the Iowa State University for his Ph.D. thesis. Since the summer of 1999 he has been a Senior Research Engineer at the Nokia Research Center, Boston, MA. He has authored several publications and holds 3 patents. His current interests deal with QoS, location based services and security issues in IP based wireless networks. Kevin C. Almeroth earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1997. He is currently an associate professor at the University of California in Santa Barbara where his main research interests include computer networks and protocols, multicast communication, large-scale multimedia systems, and performance evaluation. At UCSB, Dr. Almeroth is a founding member of the Media Arts and Technology Program (MATP), Associate Director of the Center for Information Technology and Society (CITS), and on the Executive Committee for the University of California Digital Media Innovation (DiMI) program. In the research community, Dr. Almeroth is on the Editorial Board of IEEE Network, has co-chaired NGC 2000, Global Internet 2001, NOSSDAV 2002, and MMNS 2002; has served as tutorial chair for several conferences, and has been on the program committee of numerous conferences. Dr. Almeroth is serving as the chair of the Internet2 Working Group on Multicast, and is a member of the IETF Multicast Directorate (MADDOGS). He is also serving on the advisory boards of several startups including Occam Networks, NCast, Hidden Footprint, and the Santa Barbara Technology Incubator.  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - In Mobile WiMAX, a Base Station (BS) delivers security keys to Mobile Stations (MSs) through a key distribution scheme to guarantee security and access control....  相似文献   

移动WiMAX作为移动和固定宽带网络融合的宽带无线解决方案,具有宽频无线接入技术和灵活的网络结构,在宽带移动网络的演进过程中必将发挥重要的作用。研究了移动WiMAX采用的无线技术,介绍了波束形成、空时编码和空间复用技术,分析了具有自适应MIMO转换技术的自适应智能天线系统,为了保证边缘用户的连接质量,引入了有别于传统频率复用技术的部分频率复用技术,最后简单介绍了移动WiMAX支持的多播和广播业务。  相似文献   

移动IP是移动WiMAX核心网络中的关键技术.本文分别从Client Mobile IP(CMIP)和ProxyMobile IP(PMIP)两种方式阐述移动IP在移动WiMAX网络中的实现原理,并对这两种方式进行了比较分析,最后从移动WiMAX网络运营的角度,对移动IP的具体实现进行了探讨并提出建议.  相似文献   

Mobile WiMAX是对固定WiMAX的修订,增加了支持移动性的能力.完完全全成为一种移动通信技术.在当前几种3G技术体制纠缠不清,3G市场发展不明朗的今天,Mobile WiMAX能够得到如此关注是与其本身的技术优势和市场拓展策略分不开的.  相似文献   

Location-based services have become a requisite feature for most wireless networks. There are two primary use cases: newer applications such as navigation, tracking of assets and personnel, and Points of Interest lookup, and emergency services (e.g., E911), where the user's location is reported to the public safety answering point from which emergency responders are dispatched. Within this space of applications, location accuracies ranging from less than 5 m to hundreds of meters may be acceptable, depending on the specific use case. This article presents the end-to-end framework for location-based services in WiMAX technology, including both the mobile managed location approach with minimal network support as well as different network managed location solutions with assistance from mobile stations.  相似文献   

The emerging broadband wireless access technology based on IEEE 802.16 is one of the most promising solutions to provide ubiquitous wireless access to the broadband service at low cost. This paper proposes an efficient uplink bandwidth request-allocation algorithm for real-time services in Mobile WiMAX networks based on IEEE 802.16e. In order to minimize bandwidth wastage without degrading quality of service (QoS), we introduce a notion of target delay and propose dual feedback architecture. The proposed algorithm calculates the amount of bandwidth request such that the delay is regulated around the desired level to minimize delay violation and delay jitter for real-time services. Also, it can increase utilization of wireless channel by making use of dual feedback, where the bandwidth request is adjusted based on the information about the backlogged amount of traffic in the queue and the rate mismatch between packet arrival and service rates. Due to the target delay and dual feedback, the proposed scheme can control delay and allocate bandwidth efficiently while satisfying QoS requirement. The stability of the proposed algorithm is analyzed from a control-theoretic viewpoint, and a simple design guideline is derived based on this analysis. By implementing the algorithm in OPNET simulator, its performance is evaluated in terms of queue regulation, optimal bandwidth allocation, delay controllability, and robustness to traffic characteristics.  相似文献   

陶静  许艺瀚 《通信技术》2015,48(5):579-581
下一代移动网络(NGMN)倾向于融合多个无线接入技术(RATs)来为用户提供无处不在的访问服务。而作为一个无处不在系统,能够有一个解决方案来支持日益流行的视频应用程序也是至关重要的。由于移动视频应用程序的高带宽要求和对延迟敏感的特点,如何让移动视频应用程序在不同的RATs之间进行无缝切换并保证服务质量(QoS)是我们面临的一个挑战。为了加快实现在异构网络中提供无缝视频流服务,通过运用IEEE 802.21规定的媒体独立信息服务的服务器提出了一种移动端发起-网络端控制的移动网络切换方案。仿真结果表明,该方案在丢包率、延迟和峰值信噪比等方面提高了性能。  相似文献   

唐宁  陈尧 《无线电工程》2010,40(4):7-10
分析了WiMAX的市场定位和在专网领域发展的机会。由于WiMAX技术具有容量大、速率高、部署灵活、移动性强以及成本低等多种优势,可提供话音、图像、数据和视频等丰富的多媒体通信业务,非常适合于各种行业的专网建设,在电力、教育、建筑、能源、金融和应急通信等多个领域具有广阔的市场发展前景。通过在专网领域的不断积累和完善,可使WiMAX技术在市场竞争中占据一定的份额,培养一定的客户群,为其未来的进一步发展奠定基础。  相似文献   

移动WiMAX的发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
RupertBaines 《电子设计应用》2005,(11):16-16,18,20,22
尽管目前的WiMAX市场存在一些泡沫成分,但其重要性却不可否认。而WiMAX框架的标准化,将有助于推动固定无线市场在多次无效起跑后的新发展。它可以让设备厂商使用现成的集成电路,并把成本降低至可以实现批量部署的水平上。目前全球20亿蜂窝电话用户中有许多处在没有固定网络的区域,从而为WiMAX提供了巨大的市场契机——向全球数以亿计无法获得有线或者DSL接入的用户提供宽带接入。虽然WiMAX的设计目标是通过只选用IEEE802.16标准的一个子集来最大限度保证互操作性,但它仍然包含了范围极宽的不同选项,每一种选项都对应于略有差异的…  相似文献   

IEEE802.16e又称为移动WiMAX技术,包含很多优秀的无线通信传输技术。介绍了802.16e的评估背景,详细阐述了评估的参数设计,并对评估结果进行了分析。  相似文献   

The evolution and the spreading of wireless access technology and the consequent increase of user mobility will make handover procedures critical for the provision of Quality of Service in the next generation wireless Internet. Often, layer 3 handovers are supposed to be driven by access layer procedures. In this way, the movement detection delay can be reduced, but at the expenses of making the Mobile IP protocol dependent of lower layer implementations. Furthermore, this approach may not be effective when users roam among heterogeneous networks. Nevertheless, movement detection algorithms, which operate at the Mobile IP layer, imply appreciable delays, usually intolerable for real time services.In this paper, we propose a Mobile IP handover scheme based on a novel movement detection algorithm at layer 3, able to timely manage migrations by exploiting advertisements losses, combined with a two-timers mechanism.We analyze the performance of our algorithm in terms of handover delay and throughput, and we show that our solution is able to decrease the movement detection delay as much as 47% with respect to other literature solutions that pursue similar approaches. In addition, this feature implies also higher values of the throughput seen by the TCP layer.This work has been carried out in the framework of the FIRB Project PRIMO, co-financed by the Italian Ministry for Education, Higher Education and Research (MIUR).Nicola Blefari Melazzi received his Laurea degree in Electrical Engineering in 1989, magna cum laude with publication of his thesis, and earned the Dottore di Ricerca (Ph.D.) in Information and Communication Engineering in 1994, both at the University of Roma La Sapienza, Italy. In 1993 he joined the University of Roma Tor Vergata, as an Assistant Professor. From 1998 to 2002 he has been an Associate Professor at the University of Perugia. In 2002 he came back to the University of Roma Tor Vergata as a Full Professor of Telecommunications.Dr. Blefari-Melazzi has been involved in consulting activities and research projects, including standardization and performance evaluation work. His research projects have been funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, by the Italian National Research Council, by industries, by the European Union and by the European Space Agency. He also reviewed research proposals and research projects.Dr. Blefari-Melazzi served as reviewer, TPC member, session chair and guest-editor to IEEE conferences and journals.His research interests include the performance evaluation, design and control of broadband integrated networks, wireless LANs and satellite networks. He is also conducting research on multimedia traffic modeling, mobile and personal communications, quality of service guarantees and real time services support in the Internet.Mauro Femminella received his Laurea degree in Electronic Engineering in 1999, magna cum laude with publication of his thesis, and earned the Ph.D. degree in Electronic Engineering in 2003, both at the University of Perugia, Italy. He was Consulting Engineer for the University of Perugia, and for the consortia CoRiTel and RadioLabs. Actually he holds a position as contract researcher at the Department of Information and Electronic Engineering at the University of Perugia.He was involved in a number of research projects co-funded by the European Union (programs ACTS and IST), by the Italian Ministry for Education, Higher Education and Research (MIUR), and by the European Space Agency (ESA).He is co-author of a number of papers in international conferences and journals.His research interests focus on design and performance evaluation of satellite networks, content delivery networks, IP quality of service and IP mobility.Fabio Pugini received his laurea degree (M.S.) in Electronic Engineering (magna cum laude) in 2000 from University of Rome La Sapienza. He was with the INFOCOM Dept. of the same University during 2001 and 2002 as Ph.D. student in Computer Science. His main research interests regarded Mobility issues and QoS provision in IP networks. He was consulting engineer for the DIEI Department of the University of Perugia and was involved in the following European Projects: SUITED, WHYLESS.COM, FIFTH. In 2002 he received his M.B.A. degree from University of Rome Tor Vergata. He worked as a system analyst in MBDA Missile Defense Systems and currently he is with McKinsey & Company as a Junior Associate.  相似文献   

随着WiMAX技术和产业链的成熟,WiMAX仍然没有寻找到一个全球统一的可用频段,这使得WiMAX很难在全球市场获得突破,更加难以形成规模效应。在这种情况下,WiMAX阵营决定加入ITU-R的3G及4G标准,无疑使WiMAX与现有各个3G技术将展开全面的竞争。目前,移动WiMAX产业仍然不算成熟,但商用进程却在逐步加快。最值得关注的仍然是移动WiMAX今后在移动通信技术领域中的地位。移动WiMAX已经不满足定位于3G的补充技术,而是直接与其进行正面交锋,这给今后的移动通信市场格局增加了很多变数,尤其是很多设备厂商在发展3G的同时也涉足于WiMAX产业,而运营商也将在众多移动通信技术中进行选择。  相似文献   

The success and growth of Internet-based services has profoundly impacted the global economies, as well as the ways people communicate and their lifestyles. With ever increasing demands for accessing the Internet via mobile devices, the focus of next-generation mobile wireless technology development is to enable and efficiently deliver broadband mobile multimedia and Internet services to users. The communication industry is making big strides in the design of next-generation broadband mobile networks which are poised to enormously increase the value of the Internet and its usage by bringing the Internet to users as opposed to having users go to the Internet.  相似文献   

移动WiMAX和其他3G标准的混合组网及其切换新策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从发展趋势、开放的无线结构角度,推出了WiMAX与其他3G标准的组网结构,开放有效,安全透明.推出的WiMAX与3G的垂直切换新策略及其流程,减少了切换中断时间,达到了实际上的无缝漫游与信息数据的零丢失.  相似文献   

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