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OBJECTIVES: Platelets play an important role in the pathophysiologic mechanisms of preeclampsia. Our purpose was to investigate by means of flow cytometry to what extent platelets circulate in an activated state during normal pregnancy and whether this activation is more extensive in preeclampsia. STUDY DESIGN: Platelets in whole blood from 10 preeclamptic third-trimester pregnant women (highest diastolic blood pressure range 100 to 130 mm Hg, proteinuria range 0.59 to 11.5 gm/24 hr) and from 10 normotensive third-trimester pregnant controls were analyzed with the following activation markers: anti-P-selectin (alpha-granule secretion), anti-CD63 (lysosomal secretion), PAC-1 (monoclonal antibody against fibrinogen receptor conformation of the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa complex), anti-platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1, and annexin-V (a placental protein that binds to negatively charged phospholipids, present on the outside of the platelet plasma membrane after activation). The differences in surface antigen exposure between the two groups were determined by double-label flow cytometry. Flow cytometric data were analyzed in two ways: first, the percentages of activated platelets above a certain threshold compared with a nonpregnant control sample were determined, indicative for activation of a subpopulation of cells, and, second, the mean fluorescence intensities were determined, indicative of the mean surface antigen expression of the total platelet population. RESULTS: Analysis of the percentage of activated platelets proved most informative. With this analysis an enhanced platelet activation status was present in 4 of 10 normotensive patients and a more extensive platelet activation status in all 10 preeclamptic patients, as indicated by P-selectin (p = 0.008) and CD63 (p = 0.03) expression. Increased platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (p = 0.005) expression was also observed in preeclampsia. CONCLUSIONS: Flow cytometric analysis clearly indicated that platelets circulate in a more extensively activated state during preeclampsia than during normal pregnancy. The increased platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 expression in preeclamptic patients demonstrates that, besides alpha-granular and lysosomal release, other hitherto unknown mechanisms are involved. Platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 appears to be the best marker to distinguish preeclamptic patients from normotensive pregnant women. Only a subpopulation of the platelets appears to be activated.  相似文献   

Our study concerns the biological effects of abciximab (c7E3 Fab, ReoPro), a powerful new antiplatelet drug that blocks glycoprotein (GP) IIb-IIIa complexes. Samples were examined from 6 patients with coronary artery disease who received a bolus of abciximab followed by a 10- microg/min infusion for at least 18 hours before percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. Inhibition of ADP-induced PA was maximal for 4 patients but partial (79% and 53%) for 2 others during the infusion. Flow cytometry performed with monoclonal antibodies (PAC-1, AP-6, and F26) specific for the "activated" GP IIb-IIIa complex revealed large decreases in the expression of activation markers on platelets during therapy, but these decreases were less marked when inhibition of ADP-induced PA was incomplete. Residual aggregation was seen for all patients during the infusion when TRAP 14-mer peptide or thrombin was the stimulus. Unblocked GP IIb-IIIa complexes were detected on thrombin-stimulated platelets from the patients by immunoelectron microscopy performed using the monoclonal antibody AP-2. Unblocked GP IIb-IIIa complexes were also detected by flow cytometry when platelets preincubated for 1 hour in vitro with abciximab under saturating conditions were (1) incubated with TRAP 14-mer or (2) permeabilized with Triton X-100. In confirming interpatient variation in the platelet response to a standard dose of abciximab, our results also show that an uninhibited internal pool of GP IIb-IIIa complexes may mediate a residual response to strong agonists.  相似文献   

Although cortico steroids are effective anti-inflammatory agents in ameliorating asthma symptoms and bronchial hperreactivity, their mechanism of action is unknown. Interleukin (IL)-5 is known to play a key role in regulating eosinophil proliferation and activation. Therefore, we examined the changes of IL-5 mRNA expressions in PBMC semi-quantitatively with RT-PCR as well as serum ECP levels and MCH-PC20 values in asthmatics before and after being treated with corticosteroids. The results revealed that there were significant decrease in the level of IL-5 mRNA and serum ECP concentration after therapy (P < 0.05) and there was remarkable improvement in the values of MCH-PC20 and FEV1% (P < 0.05). It was also found that the changes of serum ECP levels or MCH-PC20 values were accompanied by a reduction in IL-5 mRNA expression (r = 0.5426 or 0.4857, P < 0.05). These results suggested that the therapeutic effects of corticosteroids in asthma may result from modulation of IL-5 gene expression with consequent inhibition of eosinophil activation.  相似文献   

Theophylline has been shown by several investigators to attenuate the late asthmatic response (LAR) to inhaled allergen, suggesting that it has anti-inflammatory or immunomodulatory properties. We have, therefore, undertaken a double-blind, placebo-controlled study to examine the effects of low-dose theophylline on bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and blood T-lymphocyte profile and activation in asthmatics following antigen challenge and the development of a LAR. Peripheral blood and BAL samples were obtained from 17 subjects with mild atopic asthma before and after 6 weeks of treatment with either oral theophylline or placebo. The mean serum theophylline concentration achieved was 6.6 micrograms.mL-1, which is below the currently accepted therapeutic range. Following theophylline therapy, there was a significant decrease in the number of BAL lymphocytes compared to placebo. On flow cytometric analysis of BAL cells, a significant loss of CD3+ T-lymphocytes, comprising both CD4+ and CD8+ subsets, was demonstrated. Moreover, there was a decrease in the number of BAL CD4+ T-cells expressing the activation marker very late activation antigen-1 (VLA-1), and an apparent reduction in human leucocyte antigen-DR (HLA-DR). Correspondingly, this was accompanied in the blood by an elevation in the proportion of activated CD4+ T-lymphocytes, in particular those expressing HLA-DR. These findings provide further evidence that theophylline has an anti-inflammatory action in asthma.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To predict spinal cord ischemia after endovascular stent graft repair of descending thoracic aortic aneurysms, temporary interruption of the intercostal arteries (including the aneurysm) was performed by placement of a novel retrievable stent graft (Retriever) in the aorta under evoked spinal cord potential monitoring. METHODS: From February 1995 to October 1997, endovascular stent graft repair of descending thoracic aortic aneurysms was performed in 49 patients after informed consent was obtained. In 16 patients with aneurysms located in the middle and distal segment of the descending aorta, the Retriever was placed temporarily before stent graft deployment. The Retriever consisted of two units of self-expanding zigzag stents connected in tandem with stainless steel struts. Each strut was collected in a bundle fixed to a pushing rod, and the stent framework was lined with an expanded polytetrafluoroethylene sheet. The Retriever was delivered beyond the aneurysm through a sheath and was retracted into the sheath 20 minutes later. A stent graft for permanent use was deployed in patients whose predeployment test results with the Retriever were favorable. Evoked spinal cord potential was monitored throughout placement of the Retriever and stent grafting until the next day. RESULTS: The Retriever was placed in 17 aneurysms in 16 patients. There were no changes in amplitude or latency of evoked spinal cord potential records obtained before or during Retriever placement. After withdrawal of the Retriever, all aneurysms were excluded from circulation immediately after permanent stent grafting. There were no changes in evoked spinal cord potential, nor were neurologic deficits seen after stent graft deployment in any patient. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that predeployment testing with the Retriever under evoked spinal cord potential monitoring is promising as a predictor of spinal cord ischemia in candidates for stent graft repair of thoracic aortic aneurysms.  相似文献   

We describe an infant with severe eventration of the right diaphragm and pulmonary hypoplasia who presented like a newborn with congenital diaphragmatic hernia complicated by persistent pulmonary hypertension. Surgical correction while on extracorporeal life support was unsuccessful due to attachments of the liver which prevented reduction into the abdominal cavity and our inability to distinguish the true defect from complete agencies of the right hemidiaphragm. At autopsy the pulmonary remnant and the fibrous membrane separating it from the liver were identified.  相似文献   

The use of baboons as a model for the study of allo- and xenotransplantation has become increasingly important, but there are few studies on the basic immunological responses in baboons that might be relevant for a rejection reaction. In present study, the cell-surface phenotype, cytokine-induced activation and growth, and cytotoxicity of baboon and human natural killer (NK) and lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells were compared. A panel of murine monoclonal antibodies specific for human cell-surface markers expressed on lymphocytes was used to compare relevant baboon and human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL). Baboon PBL were 52.1+/-2.9% CD8+, 18.5+/-2.2% CD16+, 3.0+/-0.5% CD25+, and 5.5+/-1.8% CD69+. The corresponding proportions in humans were 23.8+/-7.1%, 12.8+/-3.2%, 4.5+/-1.0%, and 2.3+/-1.1%. In contrast to human PBL, less than 1% of baboon lymphocytes expressed CD56, CD57, and CD122 (interleukin [IL]-2Rbeta). Baboon lymphocytes showed NK cytotoxic activity against the human K562 and CEM cell lines, which was comparable to human NK activity. Depletion of baboon CD16+ or CD8+ cells led to dramatic decreases in NK cytotoxicity, and removal of both subsets completely abrogated NK activity. Incubation of baboon lymphocytes with human recombinant IL-2 for 1 week led to the appearance of CD56+ cells (11.3+/-2.8%). Most of the baboon CD56+ cells induced in culture were in S and G2 phases of cell cycle. Both baboon and human IL-2-activated lymphocytes were highly cytotoxic against the human LAK-sensitive cell line Daudi. Depletion of baboon CD8+ but not CD56+ cells significantly decreased LAK activity. These studies revealed differences in the NK system of humans and baboons that should be taken into consideration when analyzing immune responses to allo- and xenotransplantation in baboons.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that platelet activation is present in hypertension, we measured plasma markers beta thromboglobulin and soluble P-selectin in hypertensive patients and normotensive controls. Both markers were raised in the patients (P < 0.05), and in a subgroup of patients, beta thromboglobulin was reduced with successful treatment of hypertension with the ACE inhibitor quinapril. We suggest that reversible platelet activation is present in hypertension. This may be a contributing factor to the link between this risk factor and the development of thrombotic disease such as stroke.  相似文献   

The relationship of hay fever symptoms and changes in the number of circulating basophils was studied in 12 subjects clinically sensitive only to ragweed and in 10 nonatopic subjects before, during, and after the ragweed season. Total white blood counts, absolute basophil counts, and symptom scores were recorded twice weekly from mid-June through October, 1974, and compared with the ragweed pollen count. The results indicated that the absolute and relative number of basophils were significantly elevated (p less than 0.001) in the hay fever group when symptoms occurred. As the symptom score of the allergic group increased during the ragweed season, the number of basophils also increased, only to decrease to control values when symptoms subsided. The basophil counts of the atopic group were significantly higher than those of the nonatopic group during the control periods. The nonatopic group also showed a significant elevation of basophils during the ragweed season, but to a much lesser extent than the atopic group. It is concluded that: (1) subjects with symptomatic hay fever have a significantly elevated absolute and relative basophil count which correlates with the exacerbation and remission of symptoms; (2) nonatopic subjects also have a small but significant elevation of basophils during the ragweed season; and (3) the elevation of basophils in the atopic group during symptoms is significantly greater than in the nonatopic group during the ragweed season.  相似文献   

The myocardial concentration of many cardioactive drugs has been identified as an important determinant of their short-term effects in previous studies. Although sotalol is frequently administered via short-term intravenous injection, no previous studies had sought to correlate its uptake by the heart with its various effects. We determined the time course of short-term uptake of d,l-sotalol by human myocardium in vivo and investigated the relation between myocardial content of sotalol and the short-term hemodynamic, electrocardiographic, and electrophysiologic effects of the drug. Sixteen patients received a 20-mg intravenous bolus of sotalol at the time of diagnostic cardiac catheterization. Myocardial content of d- and l-sotalol (by using a paired transcoronary sampling technique) and the short-term hemodynamic and electrophysiologic effects of the drug were determined < or = 20 min after injection. Myocardial accumulation of sotalol was not enantioselective, proceeded very rapidly (maximal at 0.74 +/- 0.10 min, representing 2.05 +/- 0.45% of the total injected dose), and was not significantly influenced by left ventricular systolic function or the extent of coronary artery disease. Approximately one third of peak myocardial content was still present 17.5 min after sotalol administration. Maximal effects of the drug (reduction in spontaneous heart rate, p < 0.005; reduction in maximal rate of LV pressure increase (LV+dP/dtmax, p < 0.005); and prolongation of PR intervals, p < 0.02) were delayed by approximately 10 min relative to maximal myocardial sotalol content. The significant prolongation of AH intervals (p < 0.01) and atrioventricular nodal effective refractory periods (p < 0.0002) that was observed was also maximal 10 min after administration of sotalol. Thus a consistent delay between myocardial sotalol content and the short-term effects of the drug was observed. In conclusion, the accumulation of both d- and l-sotalol by the human myocardium is more rapid than that of any other agent studied to date, with considerable hysteresis between myocardial drug uptake and subsequent cardiac effects.  相似文献   

Pharmacologic and methodologic advances over the last decade have resulted in a body of information implicating serotonin as a mediator in the genesis of pre-eclamptic hypertension. Platelets contain the largest storage of serotonin in peripheral blood and have the ability to take up this amine from surroundings, store and release it by several mechanisms. Plasma and platelet serotonin concentrations and platelet serotonin uptake have been measured in 8 non-pregnant women, 12 normal pregnant women and 8 women with severe pre-eclampsia. Plasma serotonin concentration was significantly higher in severely preeclamptic women, compared with age and gestation matched normal pregnant women. In addition, plasma serotonin concentration was directly related to systolic and diastolic blood pressure with severity of the syndrome. Furthermore, platelet serotonin concentration in women with pre-eclampsia was significantly higher than in non-pregnant controls, but it was not significantly different from the normal pregnant women. Moreover, serotonin is effectively taken up by platelets through a saturable transport process. The calculated apparent Km for serotonin uptake process did not differ significantly among non-pregnant women, normal pregnant women and women with pre-eclampsia. However, Vmax values were significantly higher in women with pre-eclampsia than in the normotensive pregnant women. As the actions of serotonin in the periphery could be terminated primarily by active uptake system by platelets and placenta, significant alterations in the rate of transport could result in physiologically significant changes in serotonin levels. These data raise the possibility that abnormal regulation of transporter function is involved in the etiology of pre-eclampsia.  相似文献   

Our study investigated the effect of the antithrombotic drug clopidogrel (75 mg/d for 7 days) on the ultrastructure of platelet aggregates induced by ADP or 2-methylthio-ADP (2-MeS-ADP) in citrated platelet-rich plasma and examined the activation state of the GP IIb/IIIa complexes. Results were compared with those obtained for patient M.L., who has a congenital disorder characterized by a reduced and reversible platelet response to ADP. When untreated normal platelets were stimulated with high-dose ADP, electron microscopy revealed large and stable aggregates often surrounded by a layer of what appeared to be degranulated platelets. The reversible aggregates of platelets from subjects receiving clopidogrel or from patient M.L. did not show this layer. Electron microscopy showed that in both situations, the aggregates were composed of loosely bound platelets with few contact points. Immunogold labeling of ultrathin sections of Lowicryl-embedded aggregates formed by ADP or 2-MeS-ADP showed a much decreased platelet surface staining by (1) a polyclonal anti-fibrinogen antibody and (2) AP-6, a murine anti-ligand-induced binding site monoclonal antibody specific for GP IIb/IIIa complexes occupied with fibrinogen. Similar findings were seen after disaggregation, when many single platelets were present that showed no signs of secretion. Flow cytometry confirmed that the number of ligand-occupied GP IIb/IIIa complexes was much lower on platelets stimulated with ADP or 2-MeS-ADP after clopidogrel treatment. As expected from previous studies, ADP-induced platelet shape change and Ca2+ influx were unaffected by clopidogrel. These results agree with the hypothesis that platelet activation by ADP is biphasic and highlight a receptor-induced activation pathway affected by clopidogrel (or congenitally impaired in patient M.L.) that is necessary for the full activation of GP IIb/IIIa and the formation of stable macroaggregates.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional, two-part model of the foot, for use in a simulation of human gait, is presented. Previous simulations of gait have not included the foot segment (e.g. Siegler et al., 1982, J. Biomechanics 15, 415-425) or have fastened it to the ground (e.g. Onyshko and Winter, 1980, J. Biomechanics 13, 361-368). A foot model based on viscoelastic elements (e.g. Meglan, 1991, Ph.D. thesis, Ohio State Univ.), allows more freedom of movement and thus models the physical system more closely. The current model was developed by running simulations of the foot in isolation from just before heel contact to just after toe-off. The driving inputs to the simulation were the resultant ankle joint forces and moments taken from a gait analysis. Nine linear, vertically oriented spring/damper systems, positioned along the midline of the foot were used to model the combined viscoelastic behaviour of the foot, shoe and floor. Associated with each vertical spring/damper system were two orthogonally placed, linear, horizontal dampers used to provide the shear components of the ground reaction force. Torques at the metatarsal-phalangeal joint were supplied by a linear, torsional spring and damper. Control about the vertical axis and the long axis of the foot was achieved by the use of linear, torsional dampers. The predicted kinetic and kinematic values are very similar to those taken from the gait analysis. The model represents an improvement over previous work because the transition from swing to stance was smooth and continuous without the foot being constrained to any specific trajectory.  相似文献   

Gender differences in the development of thrombotic diseases have been described in numerous clinical settings. Enhanced platelet reactivity in both sexes is associated with the development of vascular thromboses. Because activation of platelet GPIIb-IIIa receptors is a central event in thrombus formation, we examined GPIIb-IIIa function in normal male and female volunteers. Using flow cytometry, we quantitated gender differences in the number of binding sites for FITC-labeled fibrinogen (FITC-FGN) and FITC-labeled PAC-1 antibody (FITC-PAC-1). Washed platelets were incubated with either FITC-FGN or FITC-PAC-1 and activated with either ADP or thrombin receptor activating peptide (TRAP) prior to cytometric acquisition of data. The dissociation constant for FITC-FGN was the same in both sexes (approx. 1.6 x 10(-7)M), however, the number of GPIIb-IIIa receptors per platelet capable of binding fibrinogen was significantly greater in women than men in response to 2 microM ADP (16,319 +/- 1871 vs 9669 +/- 1994, p = 0.02), 20 microM ADP (39,951 +/- 4711 vs 25,948 +/- 4953, p = 0.05) and 50 microM TRAP (39,236 +/- 3965 vs 21,848 +/- 4159, p = 0.007). Similarly, the number of GPIIb-IIIa receptors capable of binding PAC-1 in response to ADP and TRAP was 50% to 80% greater in women than men. Binding experiments using specific anti-GPIIb-IIIa monoclonal antibodies (P2 and 10E5), as well as quantitative Western blotting experiments, showed no gender difference in the total number of GPIIb-IIIa molecules expressed. Analysis of data from female subgroups demonstrated an association of GPIIb-IIIa reactivity with menstrual phase. We conclude that GPIIb-IIIa receptors on platelets from premenopausal women are more "activatable" than those on platelets from young men. Variations in the serum concentrations of estrogens and/or progestins may modulate GPIIb-IIIa function.  相似文献   

Mimics recapitulating the structural features of tRNAs are involved in biological processes other than ribosome-dependent protein synthesis. A knowledge of the rules underlying the architecture and function of tRNAs allows the design of non-natural mimics. The study of these mimics sheds light upon links between replication, translation and metabolic pathways, leads to biotechnological applications, and provides experimental and conceptual tools for the exploration of primordial evolutionary processes.  相似文献   

Patients with antiphospholipid syndrome, whether primary or secondary to systemic lupus erythematosus, may have thrombocytopenia. Their antibodies to anionic phospholipids might bind to phospholipids on the platelet wall but anionic phospholipids are asymmetrically located in the inner leaflet. In addition, antibodies to anionic phospholipids may require beta 2 glycoprotein I (beta 2GPI) as a cofactor in order to bind to phospholipids. In turn, beta 2GPI has high affinity for anionic phospholipids. Loss of this asymmetry occurs upon platelet activation and could thus permit such antibody-beta 2GPI-platelet interaction. We studied this by flow cytometry using purified beta 2GPI-FITC labelled and similarly labelled affinity-purified polyclonal antibodies to cardiolipin or phosphatidylserine (aPL) obtained from sera of patients with primary antiphospholipid syndrome. Five percent of resting platelets were bound by aPL in the presence of beta 2GPI. Such binding increased when we activated platelets with various agonists, reaching 31% with the concurrent use of thrombin and the calcium ionophore A23187. Platelet activation resulted in the expression of GMP140 but this did not correlate with aPL binding. This probably reflects that the expression of GMP140, which depends on their secretion of alpha granules, has different agonist responses and occurs at different times than do microvesicle formation and expression of prothrombinase activity which coincide with the loss of phospholipid asymmetry on the platelet wall. When we studied the binding of purified beta 2GPI we also found that it binds preferentially to activated platelets and that it seems to be a prerequisite for the binding of aPL onto them. Our findings indicate that aPL from patients with antiphospholipid syndrome may bind to activated platelets through beta 2GPI.  相似文献   

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