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The prevalence of prefabricated, portable classrooms (portables) for United States public schools has increased; in California, approximately one of three students learn inside portables. Limited research has been conducted on indoor air and environmental quality in American schools, and almost none in portables. Available reports and conference proceedings suggest problems from insufficient ventilation due to poor design, operation, and/or maintenance of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems; most portables have one mechanical, wall-mounted HVAC system. A pilot assessment was conducted in Los Angeles County, including measurements of integrated ventilation rates based on a perfluorocarbon tracer gas technique and continuous monitoring of temperature (T) and relative humidity (RH). Measured ventilation rates were low [mean school day integrated average 0.8 per hour (range: 0.1-2.9 per hour)]. Compared with relevant standards, results suggested adequate ventilation and associated conditioning of indoor air for occupant comfort were not always provided to these classrooms. Future school studies should include integrated and continuous measurements of T, RH, and ventilation with appropriate tracer gas methods, and other airflow measures. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Adequate ventilation has the potential to mitigate concentrations of chemical pollutants, particles, carbon dioxide, and odors in portable and traditional classrooms, which should lead to a reduction in reported health outcomes, e.g., symptoms of 'sick building syndrome', allergies, asthma. Investigations of school indoor air and environmental quality should include continuous temperature and relative humidity data with inexpensive instrumentation as indicators of thermal comfort, and techniques to measure ventilation rates.  相似文献   

The paper presents experimental results of the effect of ventilation systems in modern residential low-energy houses on thermal and humid conditions, heat consumption and perception of thermal comfort and air quality by their residents. Practical projects of modern residential houses with various ventilation systems which realize thermal, humid and psycho-physical comfort were worked out. To analyze the influence of ventilation systems on human comfort, results of questionnaires and comprehensive experimental measurements were taken into account. For measurements, 22 identical residential houses in Germany were chosen where 4 various ventilation systems were installed: gravitational (natural) ventilation, air heating system, mechanical ventilation with in- and out-leading air elements and a function of heat recovery and mechanical ventilation with single ventilators. The following parameters were measured in test units: relative air humidity, concentration of CO2 in the air, air temperature, consumption of electricity, gas and heat, working time of the window opening, working time of the mechanical ventilation and number of residents. Advantages and disadvantages of ventilation systems were outlined. Experimental results were evaluated. Relationships between ventilation systems and thermal comfort were discussed by taking into account opinions of house residents.  相似文献   

A series of ventilation, thermal and indoor air quality measurements were performed in 14 different dairy buildings in Estonia and Finland. The number of animals in the buildings varied from 30 to 600. Measurements were made all year round with ambient temperatures ranging between −40 °C and +30 °C. The results showed that microclimatic conditions in the dairy buildings were affected by the design of the building, outside temperature, wind, ventilation and manure handling method. The average inside air concentration of carbon dioxide was 950 ppm, ammonia 5 ppm, methane 48 ppm, relative humidity 70% and inside air velocity was 0.2 m/s. Although occasionally exceeded, the ventilation and average indoor air quality in the dairy buildings were mainly within the recommended limits.  相似文献   

Free-cooling by ventilation is one of the most energy efficient techniques for cooling. When ventilation is used for cooling, variable airflow rates should to be used in order to achieve comfortable room temperatures and to minimize the energy demand for mechanical ventilation. Thus, free-cooling, requires, obviously, the existence of a potential for cooling and needs control mechanisms for the airflow. In this study, the free cooling potential by ventilation for office buildings is evaluated by the free-running temperature. The free-running temperature approach is based on the energy balance of heat gains and losses. It is adapted to evaluate the potential for free cooling by ventilation of office buildings for which the gains through the walls are negligible as compared to the internal and solar gains. The free-running temperature of each office room considers solar and internal heat gains, outdoor temperature, indoor temperatures and ventilation air flow rates. The approach is applied to 14 office rooms in a passively cooled office building in Germany and is used to estimate the potential and to evaluate the total energy saving by free cooling by ventilation. The good fit between monitoring data and calculation procedure proves that the free cooling potential can be accurately estimated by using the difference between the comfort limits, i.e. the target value of the indoor temperature, and the free-running temperature.  相似文献   

The variable refrigerant volume (VRV) air conditioning system needs to be operated in conjunction with a ventilation system, because the VRV system cannot provide any fresh air. The common ventilation unit used with the VRV system is the heat recovery ventilation (HRV) unit. In this study, a new ventilation unit, a self-regenerating heat pump desiccant (HPD) unit, was introduced and the characteristics of the HPD unit was experimentally investigated over a wide range of operating conditions in a field performance test. In addition, the energy saving contribution of the HPD and HRV units to the VRV system was compared. It was found that the HPD unit maintained the target indoor humidity ratio of 10 g/kg throughout the cooling season resulting in a better indoor thermal comfort than the HRV unit. Besides, it was found that the outdoor unit of the VRV system consumed 26.3% less energy for the operation in conjunction with the HPD unit as compared to the operation in conjunction with the HRV unit.  相似文献   

In cold climates, mechanical ventilation systems with highly efficient heat recovery will experience problems with condensing water from the extracted humid indoor air. If the condensed water changes to ice in the heat exchanger, the airflow rate will quickly fall due to the increasing pressure drop.  相似文献   

Stratum ventilation has been proposed to cope for elevated indoor temperatures. Air speed, temperature and CO2 concentration of a stratum ventilated office are investigated experimentally. The data obtained under well defined conditions and therefore can be used for validating numerical models. Thermal comfort conditions and ventilation efficiency are studied based on the experimental results of four experimental cases. Thermal comfort indices, i.e. PMV, PPD and PD are calculated from measured data. The values of these indices are found to satisfy the requirements of ISO 7730, CR 1752-1998 and ASHRAE 55-2010. In terms of thermal comfort, the two cases with supply air temperature of 21 °C are found to perform better compared with the two cases with supply air temperature of 19 °C. For all the cases, the ventilation effectiveness is close to 1.5. This ventilation method could therefore be expected to provide indoor air quality in an efficient way.  相似文献   

In heating mode, fresh air is still essential for a chilled panel system in order to ensure the indoor air quality. In this paper, a chilled ceiling panel system was designed and built in a typical office room. The thermal environment and thermal comfort in the room were fully measured and evaluated by using the Fanger's PMV-PPD model and the standard of ISO 7730 respectively, when room was heated in two modes, one of which is the chilled panel heating mode and the other of which is the combined heating mode of chilled panel and supply air. The research results indicate that in the combined mode, ceiling ventilation improves the general thermal comfort and reduces the risk of local discomfort. Under the condition of same general thermal comfort, the heating supply upper limit of chilled panel can be increased by 12.3% because of air mixing effect caused by introduction of air ventilation.  相似文献   

Limiting heat losses during ventilation of indoor building spaces has become a basic aim for architects, particularly since the oil crisis of 1970. Much experience has been gained in terms of ventilation of indoor spaces. Nevertheless, due to the complex applications, attempts to create a theoretical base for solving the problems related to the issue are limited, especially determining the minimum ventilation period required within a designated space. In this paper we have approached this matter, both theoretically and experimentally. The conclusion we reached was that controlled ventilation of spaces through vent holes that successively open and close at regular time intervals can limit the excessive circulation of air masses, which in turn limits heat losses.  相似文献   

Model scale fire tests were performed in tunnels with varying tunnel widths and heights in order to study the effect of tunnel cross-section and ventilation velocity on the heat release rate (HRR) for both liquid pool fires and solid fuel fires. The results showed that for well ventilated heptane pool fires, the tunnel width nearly has no influence on the HRR whilst a lower tunnel height clearly increases the HRR. For well ventilated solid fuel fires, the HRR increases by approximately 25% relative to a free burn test but the HRR is not sensitive to either tunnel width, tunnel height or ventilation velocity. For solid fuel fires that were not well ventilated, the HRRs could be less than those in free burn laboratory tests. In the case of ventilation controlled fires the HRRs approximately lie at the same level as for cases with natural ventilation.  相似文献   

A sustainable and environmentally responsible building concept aims at a high workplace comfort, a significantly reduced heating and cooling demand, a high-efficient plant system, and the use of renewable energy sources to condition the built environment. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the heating and cooling concepts of 11 low-energy buildings in terms of energy use, efficiency and occupant thermal comfort. All buildings investigated employ environmental energy sources and sinks – such as the ground, ground water, rainwater and the ambient air – in combination with thermo-active building systems. A limited primary energy use of about 100 kWhprim/(m2neta) as a target for the complete building service technology (HVAC and lighting) was postulated for all buildings presented. With respect to this premise, a comprehensive long-term monitoring in high time resolution was carried out for two to five years, with an accompanying commissioning of the building performance. Measurements include the useful heating and cooling energy use, auxiliary energy use for the hydraulic system, as well as end and primary energy use, occupant thermal comfort and local meteorological conditions. A new methodology is proposed for a holistic approach to the evaluation of heating and cooling concepts, which not only considers the occupants thermal comfort, but also the useful energy consumption and the efficiency of the generation, distribution and delivery of heating and cooling energy.  相似文献   

Room ventilation is a well studied field, whereby ventilation is either mechanically driven or reliant on buoyancy forces driven by thermal gradients. In office spaces, where occupant comfort is important, the latter (termed displacement ventilation) is sometimes used. In many existing studies, computational methods used to simulate ventilation cases use a number of general engineering assumptions. These can include neglecting heat transfer through the walls, assuming that internal radiative transfer is negligible, or by modelling radiative sources as additional heat loads. In this study, these assumptions are systematically examined by selectively modelling certain phenomena in the simulations. In this way, the accuracy and suitability of such assumptions can be examined with reference to previous experimental work. The variation of radiative absorptivity upon the vertical temperature profile has also been investigated in order to determine the contribution of thermal re-distribution by surface radiation alone, and in addition to radiative participation from the air.  相似文献   

This paper develops a novel modelling approach for ventilation flow in tunnels at ambient conditions (i.e. cold flow). The complexity of full CFD models of flow in tunnels or the inaccuracies of simplistic assumptions are avoided by efficiently combining a simple, mono-dimensional approach to model tunnel regions where the flow is fully developed, with detailed CFD solutions where flow conditions require 3D resolution. This multi-scale method has not previously been applied to tunnel flows. The low computational cost of this method is of great value when hundreds of possible ventilation scenarios need to be studied. The multi-scale approach is able to provide detailed local flow conditions, where required, with a significant reduction in the overall computational time. The coupling procedures and the numerical error induced by this new approach are studied and discussed. The paper describes a comparison between numerical results and experimental data recorded within a real tunnel underlining how the developed methodology can be used as a valid design tool for any tunnel ventilation system.This work sets the foundations for the coupling of fire-induced flows and ventilation systems where further complexities are introduced by the hot gas plume and smoke stratification.  相似文献   

This paper reports on ongoing work toward implementing a predictive control approach for buildings systems for ventilation, lighting, and shading. The main objective of this method is the optimized control of multiple devices toward usage of passive cooling and natural lighting. In this way, control options (various opening positions of windows, shades, etc.) are generated and computationally assessed using a combination of option space navigation via genetic algorithms and numeric simulation. Simulationsgestütztes Konzept zur Regelung und Steuerung von Lüftungs‐, Beleuchtungs‐ und Verschattungseinrichtungen. Im vorliegenden Artikel wird über laufende Arbeiten zur Entwicklung eines prädiktiven Konzepts zur Regelung und Steuerung von Lüftungs‐, Beleuchtungs‐ und Verschattungssystemen in Gebäuden berichtet. Dabei geht es im Wesentlichen um die Optimierung der Regelung und Steuerung von Einrichtungen zur verstärkten Nutzung von passiver Kühlung und natürlicher Beleuchtung. Auf diese Weise werden Optionen zur Regelung und Steuerung (z. B. unterschiedliche Öffnungspositionen für Fenster und Sonnenschutz, usw.) erzeugt und digital beurteilt, wobei eine Kombination aus Optionsraum‐Navigation (anhand genetischer Algorithmen) und numerischer Simulation zur Anwendung kommt.  相似文献   

This field study of 37 small and medium commercial buildings throughout California obtained information on ventilation rate, temperature, and heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) system characteristics. The study included seven retail establishments; five restaurants; eight offices; two each of gas stations, hair salons, healthcare facilities, grocery stores, dental offices, and fitness centers; and five other buildings. Fourteen (38%) of the buildings either could not or did not provide outdoor air through the HVAC system. The air exchange rate averaged 1.6 (s.d. = 1.7) exchanges per hour and was similar between buildings with and without outdoor air supplied through the HVAC system, indicating that some buildings have significant leakage or ventilation through open windows and doors. Not all buildings had sufficient air exchange to meet ASHRAE 62.1 Standards, including buildings used for fitness centers, hair salons, offices, and retail establishments. The majority of the time, buildings were within the ASHRAE temperature comfort range. Offices were frequently overcooled in the summer. All of the buildings had filters, but over half the buildings had a filter with a minimum efficiency reporting value rating of 4 or lower, which are not very effective for removing fine particles. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Most U.S. commercial buildings (96%) are small- to medium-sized, using nearly 18% of the country's energy, and sheltering a large population daily. Little is known about the ventilation systems in these buildings. This study found a wide variety of ventilation conditions, with many buildings failing to meet relevant ventilation standards. Regulators may want to consider implementing more complete building inspections at commissioning and point of sale.  相似文献   

Interest in finding out passive ways to keep the variation in the indoor climate within the comfort zone is gaining in popularity. One possible solution is the use of the moisture-buffering property of materials. In this study, the effects of the ventilation system and moisture-buffering properties of the building fabric on the stability of the indoor temperature and humidity are analysed by means of long-term field measurements. Indoor climate measurements were carried out in 170 detached houses (248 rooms). Temperature and relative humidity were measured continuously in bedrooms and living rooms at one-hour intervals over a one-year period. In general, it may be concluded that in this study, the ventilation had a greater effect on the indoor climate than the properties of the building fabric. The dampening effect of hygroscopic materials was remarkably less in the field measurements than it was in simulations in different studies. This indicates that completely non-hygroscopic and fully hygroscopic houses do not exist in reality. The hygroscopic mass of furniture, textiles, etc. is probably a factor that plays a significant role in indoor humidity, as do real air change rates, including window airing. Simulation tools need to be modified in order to be able also to handle furniture, textiles, and books, etc.  相似文献   

The paper presents a field study of occupants’ thermal comfort and residential thermal environment conducted in an urban and a rural area in Hunan province, which is located in central southern China. The study was performed during the cold winter 2006. Twenty-eight naturally ventilated urban residences and 30 also naturally ventilated rural residences were investigated. A comparative analysis was performed on results from urban and rural residences. The mean thermal sensation vote of rural residences is approximately 0.4 higher than that of urban residences at the same operative temperature. Thermal sensation votes calculated by Fanger’s PMV model did not agree with these obtained directly from the questionnaire data. The neutral operative temperature of urban and rural residences is 14.0 and 11.5 °C, respectively. Percentage of acceptable votes of rural occupants is higher than that of urban occupants at the same operative temperature. It suggests that rural occupants may have higher cold tolerance than urban occupants for their physiological acclimatization, or have relative lower thermal expectation than urban occupants because of few air-conditioners used in the rural area. The research will be instrumental to researchers to formulate thermal standards for naturally ventilated buildings in rural areas.  相似文献   

Thermal comfort conditions in residential buildings vary according to the designs, modifications of the house and adaptations of the occupants. The purpose of this paper is to examine thermal performance of terrace housing in tropical climate by exploiting internal courtyard. A case study of a terrace house was chosen, where field measurement was conducted during a three-day recording in naturally ventilated spaces of the house. Results from field measurement were used to develop a baseline model for computational experiment. Subsequently, the effects of introducing an internal courtyard on thermal comfort performance of the building were investigated using ECOTECT software. The results from simulation analysis indicate that, applying internal courtyard in the terrace house will improve natural ventilation and thermal comfort in spaces with openings to the outside environment. It shows that the influence of the internal courtyard on the thermal condition has a strong reliance on the envelop openings. This study suggests that the internal courtyard of a terrace house can affect improvements in thermal conditions of the courtyard's surrounding spaces, provided sufficient and efficient openings with shading devices are suitably incorporated.  相似文献   

Abstract Thermal comfort and air quality were studied in three multi-family buildings located in urban environments. Measurements of air velocities close to the supply devices are presented along with measurements of CO, TVOC, NO and NO2. In addition, particle measurements were carried out to check the filter efficiency in one of the buildings (SI) which is specially designed for people with allergy problems. The total air change rate for this building is higher than for normal residential buildings and three different types of air filter are installed in the ventilation system. The results of the thermal comfort measurements in the buildings vary considerably. For two of the buildings thermal comfort can be regarded as acceptable, but can be further improved. The selection and location of the air inlet devices in the third building are not acceptable. The monitoring of the contaminants outdoors and indoors was carried out for diurnal periods. The measured contaminants outside building S1 show good correlation between each other, and the concentrations of gases and particles were considerably lower in the supply air than in the outdoor air outside the apartment where the measurements were made. The importance of not taking samples over too short a period of time is also shown.  相似文献   

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