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The authors of a large number of Norwegian detective stories, particularly from the first part of this century, are occupied with neurologists and neurobiological problems. A survey of this literature shows. One Norwegian neurologist has written four detective stories. Not one single neurologist can be found as a detective hero. On the other hand there are numerous examples of the neurologist as a criminal or even a murderer. Neurological symptoms and signs (mostly functional pareses and epileptic fits) are used to construct the plot in other novels. The most striking finding is a detective story where the criminal is a neurobiologist, the plot is based on neurobiology and the author discusses neurological phenomena throughout the entire book.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The relationship between plasma homovanillic acid (pHVA) and schizophrenic symptoms has not been conclusively determined. We reexamine pHVA levels in a new sample of patients with emphasis on demographic variables and the drug-free period. METHODS: Plasma HVA levels were studied in 54 schizophrenic and schizoaffective-disordered, drug-free inpatients suffering from a psychotic exacerbation. RESULTS: A significant correlation was observed between pHVA levels and the number of inpatient drug-free days in the total sample, as well as the schizophrenic patient subsample. Further, pHVA was significantly and positively correlated with the duration of illness in the schizophrenic patient subsample. Plasma HVA correlations with behavior, as measured by Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale factors (anxiety/depression and hostility/suspiciousness), emerged only when considering schizophrenic patients drug-free for more than 2 weeks. No correlation was found between pHVA and the age of illness onset or the duration of the delay of treatment of the first psychotic episode. CONCLUSIONS: The effects of antipsychotic withdrawal on levels of pHVA in clinical populations may have to be examined and controlled for in future studies attempting to study the relationship between this metabolite and behavior in acutely ill, drug-free schizophrenic patients.  相似文献   

This study examined the rate of symptom improvement in patients receiving cognitive-behavioral group treatment for panic disorder in an outpatient clinic setting. Treatment was a standard program of 12 sessions that emphasized information, interoceptive and situational exposure, and cognitive restructuring, but also included diaphragmatic breathing and relaxation training as elements of treatment. Subjects were 37 patients selected from sequential admissions into an outpatient treatment program; all data were derived from ongoing quality assurance measures that are a standard part of clinical monitoring. Consequently, this study provides data not on the relative efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), but on rate of improvement and effectiveness of CBT for panic disorder in actual clinical practice. Patients achieved significant treatment gains on all panic disorder dimensions assessed, and the largest reduction in symptoms was during the first third of the treatment program, thereby challenging the notion that CBT delivers its gains slowly over time. Information on rats of symptom improvement is valuable for providing patients with accurate expectations about potential treatment benefits and for helping to maintain motivation during initial treatment sessions.  相似文献   

Special procedures were developed to investigate poisonous milk of lactating goats fed experimentally on aerial parts of the herb Euphorbia peplus L. In extracts of the milk, weakly irritant in the mouse-ear assay, three diterpene ester toxins were detected by techniques of high-performance liquid chromatography. They are of the ingenane structural type: Euphorbia factor Pel (ingenol 20-acetate 3-angelate), Euphorbia factor Pe2 (20-deoxyingenol 3-angelate) and Euphorbia factor Pe4 (20-deoxyingenol-6alpha,7alpha-epoxide 3-angelate). From goats milk collected 15 days after cessation of the experimental feeding period, extracts were completely free of diterpene ester toxins. The toxins polluting the milk are identical to diterpene ester entities occurring in the aerial parts of E. peplus. Of these, Euphorbia factors Pel and Pe2 are known as promoters of tumors of mouse skin. Apart from the toxic Euphorbia factors, the non-toxic parent alcohol ingenol was also detected in the milk. It is absent in the plant, and may have been generated metabolically from a certain portion of the toxic diterpene esters picked up by the goats from their fodder. The results presented here provide, for the first time, data for a novel interpretation of the locally high incidence of esophageal cancer observed in certain areas in the Caspian littoral of Iran, associated with a greater consumption of goat's (and sheep's) milk.  相似文献   

We have shown previously, using an animal model of relapse, that acute exposure to intermittent footshock stress induces reinstatement of heroin-taking behavior in rats. Here we report that in rats trained to self-administer cocaine, exposure to acute intermittent footshock stress induces reinstatement of cocaine-taking behavior after prolonged extinction sessions and after a 4- to 6-week drug-free period; an effect comparable to that induced by a priming injection of cocaine. Animals were initially allowed to self-administer cocaine HCl (1.0 mg/kg per infusion, i.v.) during one 3-h session/day for 12 days. Subsequently, extinction conditions were introduced by substituting saline for cocaine so that lever-pressing resulted in i.v. infusions of saline rather than of drug. Extinction conditions were maintained until animals made 15 responses or less in the 3 h, after which animals were given saline infusions at the start of each daily session to establish baseline responding of ten responses or less. Subsequently, animals were tested for reinstatement of responding for saline infusions following a non-contingent injection of cocaine (2.0 mg/kg, i.v.) and exposure to intermittent footshock (10 min, 0.5 mA, 0.5 s on, mean off period of 40 sec). After an additional 4- to 6-week drug-free period, tests for reinstatement were repeated. Reinstatement of cocaine-taking behavior was observed in both sets of tests in response to footshock and cocaine. These results extend previous reports from this laboratory that footshock stress is an effective stimulus for reinstatement of drug-taking behavior in the rat.  相似文献   

This study examined an abstinence-contingent voucher incentive program in opiate-dependent clients enrolled in outpatient drug-free (nonmethadone) treatment. Study participants were referred from local detoxification programs and randomly assigned to voucher (n=29) or no-voucher (n=23) conditions. Both groups received intensive cognitive-behavioral counseling; those in the voucher condition could earn up to $1,087.50 over 3 months for submitting urines negative for both opiates and cocaine. Voucher versus no-voucher groups did not differ significantly on mean days retained in treatment (35.9 vs. 39.3 days), mean number of opiate- and cocaine-negative urines submitted (8.3 vs. 6.2), longest duration of continuous abstinence (16.8 vs. 12.1 days), or percentage of participants abstinent for 4 weeks (20.7% voucher vs. 9% no voucher). Possible reasons for negative findings are discussed. Findings suggest that voucher programs must be better tailored to the clinical population and behavioral targets being addressed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Several Dutch penitentiaries, which have relatively severe drug-use related problems, experimented with drug-free detention treatment programs (DVA). These programs aim at controlling drug use by offering a therapeutic atmosphere and serve as linkage to detention posttreatment. In a Rotterdam jail (335 cells), ca. 10% were the DVA. Information was gathered from 86 male inmates who volunteered to enter the program, and 42 from other wings. After 1 year the drug-free detention group more actively searched and accepted treatment. No differences were found in drug use, recidivism, or physical, social, and psychological problems.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The authors sought to compare the degree of mood improvement after light treatment with mood improvement in the subsequent summer in patients with seasonal affective disorder. METHOD: By using the Seasonal Affective Disorder Version of the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, the authors rated 15 patients with seasonal affective disorder on three occasions: during winter when the patients were depressed, during winter following 2 weeks of light therapy, and during the following summer. They compared the three conditions by using Friedman's analysis of variance and the Wilcoxon signed ranks test. RESULTS: The patients' scores on the depression scale were significantly higher after 2 weeks of light therapy in winter than during the following summer. CONCLUSIONS: Light treatment for 2 weeks in winter is only partially effective when compared to summer. Further studies will be necessary to assess if summer's light or other factors are the main contributors to this difference.  相似文献   

Colchicine is a microtubule depolymerizing agent used extensively in the study of cytoskeleton-dependent cell functions. In studying the possible functional interaction between the GABA(A) receptor and the cytoskeleton, we found that colchicine inhibits GABA(A) receptor function by mechanisms independent of microtubule depolymerization. Human GABA(A) receptor alpha1beta2gamma2L subunits were co-expressed in Xenopus oocytes and the effects of colchicine on GABA(A) receptor function was assessed using the two-electrode voltage-clamp technique. Co-application of GABA (10 microM) with colchicine (100 microM) resulted in a 59.9% inhibition of GABA-gated chloride currents. This effect was instantaneous in onset with no pre-incubation required and reversed within seconds. Other depolymerizing agents, such as nocodazole (20 microM) and vinblastine (200 microM), did not affect GABA(A) receptor function using the same co-application protocol used with colchicine. The polymerizing agent taxol (10-50 microM) did not affect colchicine inhibition of the GABA responses and did not itself alter GABA-gated chloride currents. The inhibitory effect of colchicine was present under conditions in which the oocyte microtubules had been depolymerized by cold temperature. These results indicate that colchicine inhibits the GABA(A) receptor via mechanisms unrelated to microtubule depolymerization. To further examine the inhibitory effect of colchicine on the GABA response, GABA (10-3000 microM) concentration-response curves were performed in the absence or presence of various concentrations of colchicine (30-300 microM). In the presence of colchicine, the GABA concentration-response curve was shifted to the right in a parallel fashion. A Schild plot of this data yielded a linear slope indicating that colchicine acts as a competitive antagonist at the GABA binding site. We conclude that colchicine is a competitive antagonist at the GABA(A) receptor and that studies using colchicine to examine the functional interaction between GABA(A) receptors and microtubules should be interpreted with caution.  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested that time spent in treatment is the most important predictor of therapeutic community treatment outcomes. Although level divisions or treatment stages represent the basic structure for segmenting responsibility and authority within traditional therapeutic communities, the relationship of this treatment component to treatment outcome has not previously been investigated. AIM: To test the hypothesis that higher treatment level attainment, more time spent in treatment and additional time spent within a treatment level has a linear association with improvements at outcome. DESIGN: Retrospective quasi-experimental. PARTICIPANTS: Four hundred and twenty-seven ex-residents, stratified according to their highest level of treatment in the Melbourne Odyssey House therapeutic community between 1984 and 1988 were targeted for follow-up and 60% were successfully located and interviewed an average of 5.6 years after their first Odyssey entry. Analysis of official records of methadone treatment, convictions and incarcerations demonstrated no post-treatment differences comparing those interviewed with those not interviewed. MEASUREMENTS: Drug use, criminal involvement and employment. FINDINGS. Although both level attainment and time spent in treatment had a linear relationship to improved outcomes, level attainment was a better predictor of outcomes at treatment exit. An unexpected finding was that those who had spent the median time or longer in particular levels demonstrated worse outcomes on official conviction records and on self-reports of employment compared to those remaining for less than the median time. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that it may be level progress rather than simply time spent in treatment that best explains improved functioning following exit from the therapeutic community.  相似文献   

Forty-three patients with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and 44 patients with panic disorder (PD) were given a standardized interview about thoughts and images during times of anxiety. The two groups differed significantly regarding the ideational content of anxiety. GAD patients experienced more thoughts focusing on themes of mental catastrophes and other catastrophes when suffering from anxiety or anxiety attacks, while PD patients mostly described the theme of physical catastrophes. Only 34% (n = 30) of the total sample reported experiencing images when feeling anxious/having panic. For PD patients (70%) onset of anxiety or panic attacks was precipitated by somatic symptoms (a physical feeling). GAD patients reported that onset of anxiety was precipitated by all three alternatives given: a physical feeling (42%), anxious thoughts (37%), or "it all came at once" (21%). The implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and conduct disorder (CD) comorbidity is associated with substance use and deviance severity in 395 adolescents with alcohol use disorder. Thirty percent of the adolescents had high ADHD symptom counts, and 73% had 3 or more CD symptoms. ADHD-CD was associated with nonalcohol substance use disorder, drinking levels, and CD severity, but in general substance use was not uniquely elevated or problematic among the comorbid cases. In general, CD and CD severity were more important. The findings did not differ between boys and girls, revealing that in a treatment sample of adolescents, ADHD-CD comorbidity may need to be assessed and treated, but it is not broadly indicative of severity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Evidence for a diagnostic distinction of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and conduct disorder (CD) is reviewed, and alternative conceptualizations and definitions for the 4th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) are considered. Studies suggest that CD and ODD are strongly and developmentally related but clearly different. Factor analyses indicate that distinct covarying groups of ODD and CD symptoms can be identified, but certain symptoms relate to both (particularly mild aggression and lying). Age of onset for ODD is earlier than for most CD symptoms. Nearly all youths with CD have a history of ODD, but not all ODD cases progress to CD. The disorders demonstrate the same forms of parental psychopathology and family adversity but to a greater degree for CD than for ODD. Alternative conceptualizations for the disorders are presented for further study before the introduction of the DSM-IV. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM–IV; American Psychiatric Association, 1994) specifies a developmental relationship between oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and conduct disorder (CD). Evidence for this link is mixed, however, and recent studies suggest that different symptom dimensions in ODD may have different outcomes. The authors examined links between ODD, CD, and their young adult outcomes in the Great Smoky Mountains Study (E. J. Costello et al., 1996), a longitudinal data set with over 8,000 observations of 1,420 individuals (56% male) covering ages 9–21 years. ODD was a significant predictor of later CD in boys but not in girls after control for comorbid CD and subthreshold CD symptomatology. Transitions between ODD and CD were less common than anticipated, however, particularly during adolescence. The authors examined characteristics and outcomes of children with pure ODD, pure CD, and combined CD/ODD. Alongside many similarities in childhood and adolescent correlates, key differences were also identified: CD largely predicted behavioral outcomes, whereas ODD showed stronger prediction to emotional disorders in early adult life. Factor analysis identified irritable and headstrong dimensions in ODD symptoms that showed differential prediction to later behavioral and emotional disorders. Overall, the results underscore the utility of retaining separate ODD and CD diagnoses in DSM–V. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article has made a number of points that assert what is today a minority position within the fields of MPD/DID and BPD. We hope our views will stimulate attempts by others to rethink their positions and test our assertions, so that issues surrounding these two disorders can be sharpened. For the sake of the clarity of future work, we summarize in outline form the essence of our viewpoint. 1. BPD and MPD/DID have similar appearing symptoms, such as identity problems, unstable affect modulation, self-destructive behaviors, chaotic impulse control, and troubled interpersonal relationships, but they have decisive differences in underlying dynamics, process, and structure. 2. DSM tends to blur these two disorders by its emphasis on phenomenology over inner structure, thus fostering misleading conclusions when DSM criteria are used to test for comorbidity or overlap between BPD and MPD/DID. 3. BPD and MPD/DID are both described dynamically as using the defense of splitting, but we contend that the splitting in each disorder is fundamentally different from the splitting in the other. BPD uses a polarization form of splitting, whereas MPD/DID uses ego splitting or identity division. 4. Both disorders partake in the process of dissociation, but the quality of dissociation in BPD is a "low-tech" spaced out type, whereas that of MPD/DID is a "high-tech" waking dream. 5. BPD structure is also "low tech," with polarization of self, object, and relationship. MPD/DID structure is "high tech," with heavily symbolic, highly nuanced variations of self, object, and relationship. 6. Although both conditions have etiologic elements of trauma, BPD has a larger degree of developmental deficiency, with a failure to complete the task of entering a repression hierarchy of defenses. MPD/DID, by use of primary process-linked symbolic dissociation, is able to continue development to the repression hierarchy, although at a profound cost of simultaneous suspension of reality testing. BPD patients suffer from the rigid use of too few defenses; MPD/DID patients suffer from the obsolete use of too many defenses. 7. BPD patients grow up in homes in which overtly expressed aggression is more tolerated, or at least more openly experienced. MPD/DID patients grow up in homes in which the fact of aggression is kept a secret. This has consequences for the formation of psychic structure in each disorder.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Recent research has suggested that body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is part of the spectrum of obsessive-compulsive disorders. In order to determine the extent of similarity for psychopathology measures, patients diagnosed with BDD were compared to a group of patients diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) on obsessionality, compulsivity, overvalued ideas, depression, and anxiety. Results indicate that BDD patients are similar to OCD patients for measures of obsessionality and compulsivity when BDD symptoms are assessed as such. BDD and OCD patients were also similar for measures of depression, and state and trait anxiety. OCD patients had higher levels of anxiety when measuring common physical symptoms associated with this affective reaction. BDD patients had higher levels of overvalued ideas, but fewer obsessive and compulsive symptoms. Overall, the results suggest that BDD is a variant of OCD, with special considerations given to degree of belief conviction (overvalued ideas.  相似文献   

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