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For given ε > 0 and a given continuous set-valued mapping tZ(t), t ∈ [t 0, θ], where Z(t) ⊂ ℝ n is a compact and convex set for every t ∈ [t 0, θ], a differential inclusion is constructed such that the Hausdorff distance between the attainable set of the constructed differential inclusion at the instant of time t and Z(t) is less than ε for every t ∈ [t 0, θ]. The right-hand side of the defined differential inclusion is affine with respect to the phase state vector and satisfies certain conditions which guarantee the existence and extendability of solutions. The solution of the problem is based on the existence of convex extensions of the affine-type convex compact set-valued mappings.   相似文献   

Stability of differential inclusions defined by locally Lipschitz compact valued mappings is considered. It is shown that if such a differential inclusion is globally asymptotically stable, then, in fact, it is uniformly globally asymptotically stable (with respect to initial states in compacts). This statement is trivial for differential equations, but here we provide the extension to compact- (not necessarily convex-) valued differential inclusions. The main result is presented in a context which is useful for control-theoretic applications: a differential inclusion with two outputs is considered, and the result applies to the property of global error detectability.  相似文献   

The configuration of fuel, air, and cooling water paths is one of the major factors that influence the performance of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC). In order to investigate the effects of these factors, a quasi-three-dimensional dynamic model of a PEMFC has been developed. For validation, simulation results are compared with experimental data in one-flow configuration case and show good agreement with the experimental cell performance data. Five different flow configurations are then simulated to systematically investigate the effects of fuel, air, and cooling channel configuration on the local current and species distribution. Voltage and power vs. current density for five different configurations are compared. The type 1 configuration, which has a fuel–air counter flow and an air-coolant co-flow, has the highest performance in all ranges of current density because the membrane remains the most hydrated. When the operating current density increases, the effects of temperature on membrane hydration slightly decrease. It is confirmed that fuel cell performance improves with increased humidity until flooding conditions appear. An interesting result shows that it is possible to lower the fuel cell operating temperature to improve fuel cell hydration, which in turn improves cell performance. In addition, the different flow configurations are shown to have an effect on the pressure losses and local current density, membrane hydration, and species mole fractions. These results suggest that the model can be used to optimize the flow configuration of a PEMFC.  相似文献   

差示光度法测定钼铁中钼量的研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出在生产实践中采用差示光度法快速测定钼铁中含钼量。方法利用稀硝酸及过氧化氢分解试样,在硫酸介质中,铜盐、亚铁等催化剂存在下,使用还原剂抗坏血酸把钼(VI)还原到钼(V),使钼(V)与硫氰酸根离子形成稳定的橙红色络合物[MoO(SCN)5]2-,借此进行差示光度测定。  相似文献   

In this study, fin efficiency of convective straight fins with temperature-dependent thermal conductivity is solved using a simulation method called the Differential Transformation Method (DTM). The concept of differential transformation is briefly introduced, and then we employed it to derive solutions of nonlinear equation. The obtained results from DTM are compared with those from the exact and numerical solution to verify the accuracy of the proposed method. The results reveal that the Differential Transformation Method can achieve suitable results in predicting the solution of such problems. After this verification, we analyze the effects of some physical applicable parameters in this problem such as thermo-geometric fin parameter and thermal conductivity parameter.  相似文献   

Naoto Takeno   《Geothermics》2000,29(2):349
The Uenotai geothermal area is located in southern Akita prefecture of northern Honshu Island. The Uenotai geothermal system is a liquid-dominated system with a central zone of aquifer boiling. The two-phase reservoir has evolved from liquid in the natural state due to exploitation. Gas composition of the vapor phase in the reservoir is nearly in equilibrium and correlates with the vapor fraction in the reservoir and with discharging steam quality. The marginal part of the Uenotai system has cooled with the drop in ground-water level. The chemical characteristics of the geothermal water indicate mixing of the immature high Cl source water with conductively heated or steam-heated shallow water or surface water, as well as boiling and steam gain.  相似文献   

The differential characteristics of paleo-fluids and their influence on the properties of coal reservoirs in Panxian and Zhijin areas were investigated by use of the data from experiments and drill wells. The results show that two generations of fluid activity related to hydrocarbon generation can be identified in these areas. The type of paleo-formation water indicates that the coal-bearing formation in Zhjin area is more favorable for hydrocarbon preservation than that of Panxian area. Under the influence of the paleo-fluid, the coal reservoirs in Zhijin area have poor pores connectivity, which are unfavorable to the output of coalbed methane.  相似文献   

Synthetic fluid inclusion logging is a new tool to measure temperatures and sample fluids in high-temperature geothermal wells. Fluid in the microcracks of a crystal can be trapped in inclusions through healing. Fluid inclusions in quartz, for example, can be synthesized easily in geothermal boreholes and can be used as long as the host crystal is stable (e.g. α-quartz is stable up to 573°C). This technique can be applied to high-temperature geothermal wells where conventional temperature measurement methods are not feasible. Cracked crystals of quartz, soaked in silica-saturated solutions in gold or platinum capsules mounted on containers, are placed in a geothermal borehole. Geothermal fluid enters the microcracks in the crystals at the selected sampling depths, and inclusions containing ambient fluid are formed through crack healing. Trapping temperatures of fluid inclusions in quartz are determined by microthermometry using a heating stage with pressure corrections. Other cracked crystals mounted in containers with rupture disks are used for fluid sampling. The first borehole experiment was conducted at WD-1, a deep research hole drilled in the Kakkonda geothermal field, northeast Japan, from September to October 1994 (24 days). Results from the experiment confirmed that temperatures measured from fluid inclusions are consistent with borehole temperatures measured by conventional logging tools.  相似文献   

The effect of the equivalence ratio on the stability and dynamics of a premixed flame in a planar micro-channel with a step-wise wall temperature profile is numerically investigated using the thermo-diffusive approximation. To characterize the stability behavior of the flame, we construct the stability maps delineating the regions with different flame dynamics in the inlet mass flow rate m   vs. the equivalence ratio ?? parametric space. The flame stability is analyzed for fuels with different diffusivity by changing the Lewis numbers in the range 0.3?LeF?1.40.3?LeF?1.4. On the other hand, the Lewis number of the oxidizer is kept constant and equal to unity LeO=1LeO=1. Our results show that, for very diffusive fuels, the stability of the flame varies significantly with the equivalence ratio, transitioning from stable flames for lean mixtures to highly unstable flames when ?>1?>1. As the fuel Lewis number approaches unity, the stability behavior of the flame for lean and rich mixtures becomes more similar to give, in the equidiffusional case LeF=1LeF=1, a symmetric stability map around the stoichiometric mixture ?=1?=1. In all cases considered, the most stable flames are always found around the stoichiometric mixtures ?=1?=1, when the flame instabilities are completely suppressed for very diffusive fuels LeF<1LeF<1, or are reduced to a narrow range of inflow velocities for fuel Lewis numbers equal or greater than unity.  相似文献   


Based on the generalized thermoelastic diffusion theory with fractional order derivative, the dynamic response of an infinite thermoelastic medium with a spherical cavity is investigated. The thermoelastic and diffusive properties of the medium are assumed to be temperature-dependent, and the medium is subjected to a thermal shock and a chemical potential shock at the inner surface of the spherical cavity simultaneously. The governing equations of the problem are formulated and then solved by Laplace transform together with its numerical inversion. The distributions of the non-dimensional temperature, displacement, radial stress, concentration and chemical potential are obtained and illustrated graphically. In calculation, the effects of the fractional order parameter and the temperature-dependent properties on the variations of the considered variables are presented and discussed in detail. The results show that the fractional order parameter and the temperature-dependent properties significantly influence the variations of all the considered variables. The present investigation may be valuable in heat and mass transfer, waste disposal or petroleum engineering, etc.  相似文献   

A trivariate maximum entropy distribution of significant wave height, wind speed and the relative direction is proposed here. In this joint distribution, all the marginal variables follow modified maximum entropy distributions, and they are combined by a correlation coefficient matrix based on the Nataf transformation. The methods of single extreme factors and of conditional probability are presented for the joint design of trivariate random variables. The corresponding sampling data about significant wave heights, wind speeds and the relative directions from a location in the North Atlantic is applied for statistical analysis, and the results show that the trivariate maximum entropy distribution is sufficiently good to fit the data, and method of conditional probability can reduce the design values efficiently.  相似文献   

Kashif Ishaque 《Solar Energy》2011,85(9):2349-2359
To accurately model the PV module, it is crucial to include the effects of irradiance and temperature when computing the value of the model parameters. Considering the importance of this issue, this paper proposes an improved modeling approach using differential evolution (DE) method. Unlike other PV modeling techniques, this approach enables the computation of model parameters at any irradiance and temperature point using only the information provided by the manufacturer’s data sheet. The key to this improvement is the ability of DE to simultaneously compute all the model parameters at different irradiance and temperature. To validate the accuracy of the proposed model, three PV modules of different types (multi-crystalline, mono-crystalline and thin-film) are tested. The performance of the model is evaluated against the popular single diode model with series resistance Rs. It is found that the proposed model gives superior results for any irradiance and temperature variations. The modeling method is useful for PV simulator developers who require comprehensive and accurate model for the PV module.  相似文献   

Due to problems such as pores on surface-treated coatings, the corrosion resistance of pure titanium bipolar plates for proton-exchange membrane fuel cells can be further improved by increasing the corrosion resistance of pure titanium by using differential speed-rolling (DSR); however, these materials have not yet reached the standard requirements of bipolar plates (corrosion current density icorr<103 nA·cm?2). In this work, the corrosion resistance of pure titanium was improved by optimizing the DSR process while the strength was maintained. The best corrosion resistance of the DSR pure titanium was achieved when the roller speed ratio was 2, while icorr was 429 nA·cm?2 in a solution of 0.5 M H2SO4 and 2 mg/L HF at room temperature. The formability of the DSR pure titanium for bipolar plates was verified. The optimal holding pressure range was 6.8–7.0 kN.  相似文献   

ARMA based approaches for forecasting the tuple of wind speed and direction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Short-term forecasting of wind speed and direction is of great importance to wind turbine operation and efficient energy harvesting. In this study, the forecasting of wind speed and direction tuple is performed. Four approaches based on autoregressive moving average (ARMA) method are employed for this purpose. The first approach features the decomposition of the wind speed into lateral and longitudinal components. Each component is represented by an ARMA model, and the results are combined to obtain the wind direction and speed forecasts. The second approach employs two independent ARMA models – a traditional ARMA model for predicting wind speed and a linked ARMA model for wind direction. The third approach features vector autoregression (VAR) models to forecast the tuple of wind attributes. The fourth approach involves employing a restricted version of the VAR approach to predict the same. By employing these four approaches, the hourly mean wind attributes are forecasted 1-h ahead for two wind observation sites in North Dakota, USA. The results are compared using the mean absolute error (MAE) as a measure for forecasting quality. It is found that the component model is better at predicting the wind direction than the traditional-linked ARMA model, whereas the opposite is observed for wind speed forecasting. Utilizing VAR approaches rather than the univariate counterparts brings modest improvement in wind direction prediction but not in wind speed prediction. Between restricted and unrestricted versions of VAR models, there is little difference in terms of forecasting performance.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of non-uniform distribution of the air inlet flow rate and change of air flowing direction on the thermal stress of a solid oxide fuel cell stack with cross-flow configuration. This study considers three patterns of air inlet flow rate in the transverse direction of each stack, and five patterns of air inlet flow rate in the stacking direction. The software package for simulation is reliable through an accuracy comparison, and it analyzes the current density, temperature, and thermal stress distribution of a SOFC stack with 20 layers. The results show that the progressively increasing profile of the air inlet flow rate along the x direction drops the cell thermal stress of a SOFC unit. Moreover, the non-uniform profile of air inlet flow rate in the stacking direction affects the position of the region with high thermal stress of the SOFC stack, and changing flow direction of the air obviously drops down the thermal stress without affecting the power generation of the SOFC stack.  相似文献   

Scenarios, roadmaps and similar foresight methods are used to cope with uncertainty in areas with long planning horizons, such as energy policy, and research into the future of hydrogen energy is no exception. Such studies can play an important role in the development of shared visions of the future: creating powerful expectations of the potential of emerging technologies and mobilising resources necessary for their realisation.  相似文献   

The volume method is used to evaluate the productive potential of unexploited and minimally exploited geothermal fields. The distribution of PCO2 in shallow groundwaters delimits the geothermal fields. This approach is substantiated by the good correspondence between zones of high CO2 flux, and the areal extension of explored geothermal systems of high enthalpy (Monte Amiata and Latera), medium enthalpy (Torre Alfina) and low enthalpy (Viterbo). Based on the data available for geothermal fields either under exploitation or investigated by long-term production tests, a specific productivity of 40 t h−1 km−3 is assumed. The total potential productivity for the recent volcanic areas of Latium is about 28 × 103 t h−1, with 75% from low-enthalpy geothermal fields, 17% from medium-enthalpy systems, and 8% from high-enthalpy reservoirs. The total extractable thermal power is estimated to be 2220–2920 MW, 49–53% from low-enthalpy geothermal fields, 28–32% from medium-enthalpy systems, and 19–20% from high-enthalpy reservoirs.  相似文献   

通过哈尔滨泛亚食品机械有限公司(原哈尔滨酿造食品机械厂)多年来在研制开发酿造食品机械、豆制品加工机械的过程中,坚持按照市场需求创新、坚持技术工艺创新、坚持按照“三化”原则创新的实践,研制开发各种类型的豆制品加工机械,特别是外形美观、功能齐全、性能优良、操作方便的豆腐系列加工机械和豆腐生产设备机械化自动控制的做法和体会。  相似文献   

The elastic-plastic behavior of the polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) Nafion is characterized via monotonic and cyclic uniaxial tension testing as a function of strain rate, temperature, and hydration. Dynamic mechanical analysis shows that, under dry (30%RH) conditions, the material begins to transition from the glassy to the rubbery state at 75 °C, with a glass transition of 105 °C. DMA reveals the fully hydrated state to be significantly more compliant than the dry state, with a glass transition beginning at 40 °C. Large strain monotonic tensile tests find the rate-dependent stress-strain behavior to be highly dependent on temperature and hydration. The dry state transitions from an elastic-plastic behavior at 25 ° C to an increasingly more compliant behavior and lower yield stress as temperature is increased through the glass transition, until exhibiting a rubbery-like behavior at 100 °C. At 25 °C, the stress-strain behavior remains elastic-plastic for all hydrated states with the stiffness and yield stress decreasing with increasing hydration. Increasing hydration at all temperatures acts to decrease the initial elastic stiffness and yield stress. Unloading from different strains reveals the elastic-plastic nature of the behavior even for the elevated temperature and hydrated states. Cyclic loading-unloading-reloading excursions to different strains show significant nonlinear recovery at all strains past yield with a highly nonlinear reloading behavior which rejoins the initial loading path. A micromechanically motivated constitutive model consisting of an intermolecular resistance in parallel with an elastic network resistance is shown to be capable of capturing the rate, temperature, and hydration dependence of the monotonic stress-strain behavior. The intermolecular resistance captures the local intermolecular barriers to initial elastic deformation and also captures the thermally activated nature of yield; these intermolecular barriers are modeled to decrease with increasing temperature and hydration, in particular mimicking the reduction in these barriers as the material approaches and enters the glass transition regime, successfully capturing the strong temperature and hydration dependence of the stress-strain behavior. The highly nonlinear post-yield unloading and reloading suggest the development of a back stress during inelastic deformation which aids reverse plastic flow during unloading. Inclusion of a back stress which saturates after reaching a critical level provides an ability to capture the highly nonlinear cyclic loading stress response. Hence, the proposed model provides the capability to describe the complex evolution of stress and strain that occurs in PEM membranes due to the constrained hygrothermal cyclic swelling/deswelling characteristic of membranes in operating fuel cells.  相似文献   

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