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音乐的立体声多轨录音 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
在音乐的立体声多轨录音中,大致有两种录音方式:同期录音和分期录音。同期录音是在同一时间里,对音乐的各个声部进行一次性的录音;分期录音就是在不同的时间里,对所有的音乐组成(器乐演奏、声乐演唱)进行多次性的录音。同期录音是传统的录音方式。大家都比较熟悉,下文主要介绍音乐的立体声多轨分期录音的程序和方法。1鼓机的编辑鼓机,即数字节奏编程器,它包括敲击键和各种打击乐音色和音响。在录音之前,需将打击乐部分用鼓机进行编辑,进入录音时,可使节奏声部既有较高的准确性,又能节省进拥时间,还可以通过鼓机的MIDI接口… 相似文献
移动多轨音乐录音系统是在普通PC电脑的硬件平台上,添置专业的硬件声卡,录音软件以及A/D转换卡搭建而成的本文详细介绍了系统的搭建和应用过程.经测试系统可以满足电视台大多数录音的要求,并且在应用中获得了满意的效果,其录音作品获得声音制作技术质量奖.该录音系统具有性价比高,系统稳定,配置灵活,操作维护方便等优点. 相似文献
全面介绍制作完成大型音乐会的电视录音优秀作品所采用的广播数字化音频技术,创新的录音工作理念,分析了演出实况的同期录音方法,录音技术与音乐艺术的融合,对电视录音作品音质评价的客观与主观的项目进行了说明。 相似文献
动态处理就是利用压缩/限幅器、噪声门和嘶声消除器等动态处理设备对声音信号电平进行控制。可以根据输入信号电平的实际情况,决定多大电平的信号可以通过,什么时候通过,通过多少等。无论是广播节目制作、电影或是电视录音等有关的工作,都需要进行各种各样的动态处理。下面以音乐制作中独唱、合唱声部,电声乐器声部,打击乐声部为例简述其动态处理技巧。1压缩/限幅处理1.1人声音轨在音乐的同期录音中压缩器一般首先用在人声主唱音轨上。在进行录音时,歌手往往要借助形体动作来激发声音表情这种身体移动会直接影响到声音的动态范… 相似文献
孙生和 《内蒙古广播与电视技术》1999,(1):39-43
此文论述了响旗的内在机理与外在因素,音乐录音与响度的关系,响度在音乐录音中的作用及重要性,以及音乐录音与响度相关的音量问题。尤为突出的是阐述了响度和音质的主观评价音乐节目的艺术质量相关的问题。这是较新的论述和论点,从而为我们更加深入地研究响度提供了一些信息,同时提出了对响度进行改善的一些措施,使我们对响度有了更深一步的了解和认识。 相似文献
浅谈厅堂对音乐录音的影响曾昭玢中央台文艺部室内声学是一门古老而现代的学科,发展较快,只有声学专家或有较深知识的有关人才方能有深刻的了解和研究,一般录音师和相应专业的管理人员很难全面掌握这一学科。但在实践中却可以感受到室内声学特性对表演艺术和录音产生的... 相似文献
由于交换机种类繁多,目前各局可能都会呈现多种交换机并存的现象,这就要求各交换机平台之间要有很好的配合。德兴市电信局市话有两种机型:S1240、CC08。某次,在听信号音方面出现故障。一、故障现象我局S1240空号用户(即INTCP=DENI用户)作为被叫,若主叫为S1240本交换机用户,则主叫能听到空号提示音;若主叫为CC08机用户,则主叫不能听到空号提示音。跟踪观察7号信令,发现CC08收到SST信号(专用信号音)。二、处理过程起初认为是S1240交换机送出的SST信令不对,但查阅相关资料确认并没有错。1.仔细查阅S1240交换机本方数据。命令及… 相似文献
电台在制作录播节目时,如何保证各音源的电平一致还是一个问题.本文通过介绍英夫美迪公司的多轨录制软件DAW,使电台主持人可以方便地掌握录制电平标准的方法. 相似文献
The system described here was developed in order to record the pseudorandom scan television signal developed by Deutsch. The objective was to investigate the possibility of recording a 200 kHz video signal on a 1/4 in tape running at 15 in/s. The difficulties which arise in such a task are two-fold: 1) bandwidth limitations of the recorder; and 2) flutter and skew of the recorder. Since a tape recorder at this speed has a bandwidth of about 45 kHz, time-division multiplexing was used to reduce the signal into low-frequency signals. The problem is to reassemble the signals at playback. This is a difficult task since these signals are shifted in time randomly by flutter and skew. Experiments disclose that the skew is linearly distributed across the tape; therefore, by knowing this time shift between two tracks at any instant, the position of the appropriate sample at any other track can be predicted. For skew and flutter compensation purposes two reference signals are recorded on the two outer tracks of the tape. The phaseshift of the reference signals at playback is used as a measure for the skew prediction system for each track. Thus the video signals are sampled at the correct value. In order to reassemble the samples in the correct time sequence, they are stored in analog memory cells. The memory cells are read out with the aid of an oscillator which is in turn synchronized with flutter. The deflection waveforms are also generated synchronous with this oscillator. 相似文献
Obridko I. Ginosar R. 《Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, IEEE Transactions on》2006,14(9):1043-1047
In battery-operated portable or implantable digital devices, where battery life needs to be maximized, it is necessary to minimize not only power consumption but also energy dissipation. Typical energy optimization measures include voltage reduction and operating at the slowest possible speed. We employ additional methods, including hybrid asynchronous dynamic design to enable operating over a wide range of battery voltage, aggregating large combinational logic blocks, and transistor sizing and reordering. We demonstrate the methods on simple adders, and discuss extension to other circuits. Three novel adders are proposed and analyzed: a 2-bit pass transistor logic (PTL) adder and two dynamic 2-bit adders. Circuit simulations on a 0.18-mum process at low voltage show that leakage energy is below 1%. The proposed adders achieve up to 40% energy savings relative to previously published results, while also operating faster 相似文献
随着多轨录音技术以及数字音频技术的发展,人声处理拥有了越来越多的方法与技巧.从最佳音色范围的界定、人声录制方法解析、传声器角度的调节应用三个方面具体阐述录音技术中对人声处理的方法. 相似文献
针对传统的同步教学模式忽视学生个性和差异性,制约学生学习主动性和自觉性的问题,本文进行了动态分层异步教学方法研究与实践。这种研究性教学方法遵循因材施教原则组织教学,使教学动态分层化。我们构建了异步教学结构,实现了学生学习自主化与教师指导异步化。实践表明,这种教学模式可以促进学生创新能力的提高。 相似文献
A. Harb Y. Hu M. Sawan A. Abdelkerim M.M. Elhilali 《Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing》2004,39(1):39-54
In this paper, we describe a low-power low-voltage CMOS very low signal acquisition analog front-end of sensor electronic interfaces. These interfaces are mainly dedicated to biomedical implantable devices. In this work, we focus on the implantable bladder controller. Since the nerve signal has very low amplitude and low frequency, it is, at first fed to a low-voltage chopper amplifier to reduce the flicker (1/f) noise and then amplified with a programmable gain high CMRR instrumentation amplifier. This is followed by an analog signal processing circuit to rectify and bin-integrate (RBI) the amplified signal. The resulting RBI is then converted to digital and transferred to the implant's central processor where information about bladder can be extracted. The numerous analog modules of the system have been implemented in CMOS 0.35 μm, 3.3 V technology. The design, simulation and measurement results of the proposed interface are presented. At supply voltage of 2.2 V the power dissipation is less than 1.4 mW, the input equivalent noise is 56 nV/ $\sqrt {{\text{Hz}}} $ and the error in RBI calculation is less than 0.15%. 相似文献
为了解决视频信号处理SoC中处理器与众多接口驱动处于异步多时钟域可能产生的亚稳态问题,分析了亚稳态产生的原因,研究了格雷码、同步器、FIFO技术,结合VLIW视频信号处理SoC的结构,设计了FIFO和帧缓存存储模块,实验结果表明提出的方案可保证SoC中处理器和接口驱动间稳定的数据通信.而不会发生亚稳态现象. 相似文献