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(1) Intracellular recording of motoneurons of different hindlimb muscles: tibialis anterior (TA), gastrocnemius and soleus (GS), vastus crureus (Vast), posterior biceps and semitendinosus (PBSt), was carried out during the fictitious scratch reflex in decerebrate cats. (2) During the postural stage of the reflex, a depolarizaiton (3.8 mV on average) was observed in TA motoneurons accompanied by tonic discharge. No change of the membrane potential (MP) and no discharge were observed during this stage in GS, Vast and PBSt motoneurons. (3) In the rhythmical stage of the reflex, the MP of TA motoneurons changed only slightly during the 'long' (L) phase of the scratch cycle and remained at approximately the same level as during the postural stage. In this phase, motoneurons discharged at frequencies of 20-100 pps. In the 'short' (S) phase of the scratch cycle a strong repolarization occurred, the MP reached the same level as observed during resting conditons (MP0), and the discharge discontinued. (4) GS motoneurons were gradually depolarized during the second half of the L-phase. The depolarization reached its maximum (5.5 mV on average in relation to the MP0) on average in relation to the MP0) in the S-phase, and several action potentials were generated with intervals of 5-10 msec. Then, at the beginning of the L-phase, the motoneurons were repolarized and the MP reached the level of the MP0. The behavior of Vast motoneurons was essentially similar to that of GS motoneurons. (5) The PBSt motoneurons usually had two peaks of depolarization per cycle--in the S-phase and at the beginning of the L-phase. The maximal depolarization was 3.5 mV (on average). The motoneurons generated action potentials at one or both peaks of depolarization. (6) The possible organization of the central influences upon motoneurons of different muscles during scratching is discussed.  相似文献   

The male copulatory pattern uses muscles in the penis for erection and penile insertion, the lower trunk for pelvic thrusting, and the sex accessory organs for seminal emission. Organization of the nuclei controlling penile muscles is achieved through cell growth, dendritic arborization, and synaptogenesis, actions dependent on androgen but not estrogen. Testosterone (T) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) but not estradiol (E2), stimulate pelvic thrusting vigor by synchronizing discharge of motoneurons innervating pelvic muscles. Pelvic thrusting rhythmicity, regulated by spinal interneurons, is produced in female rabbits by E2 or T but not by DHT. Reflex contraction of the seminal vesicles, due to penile insertion, is facilitated by androgen presumably by its effect on preganglionic neurons of the hypogastric nerve, located in the dorsal commissural nucleus.  相似文献   

A group of 120 male workers, employed in copperworks (mean age = 41.5 years; mean exposure duration = 17,9 years) at workposts with the highest level of exposure to lead, were covered by the study. Blood levels of the following heavy metals were measured in all workers: Pb, Cd, Mn, Cu, Zn, Ca, Mg as well as concentrations of FEP and GSH, SOD activity in erythrocytes, parameters of lipid metabolism: total cholesterol, HDL2- HDL3-cholesterol, triglycerides, lipid peroxides (LPO), and lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) activity. Mean blood lead level accounted for 251,86 micrograms/l, and mean level of FEP was slightly above normal. That may indicate moderate lead deposits in smelters. Concentrations of other metals remained within normal limits. No significant disturbances in lipid metabolism were observed. Along with expected positive correlation between lead blood level and FEP, a significant negative correlation between lead and cholesterol levels as well as between FEP and serum cholesterol was found. Moreover, a significant negative correlation between FEP and serum LPO, as well as a significant positive correlation between concentration and HDL2-cholesterol level and between FEP concentration and SOD activity in erythrocytes were noted. We believe that unexpected outcome of our investigations could result from the adaptation of healthy smelters to the environmental conditions. It is assumed that further exposure could weak antioxidant mechanisms and lead, in consequence, to the manifestation of symptoms induced by harmful effect of free radicals.  相似文献   

The synaptic alterations induced in abducens motoneurons by the injection of 3 ng/kg of botulinum neurotoxin type A into the lateral rectus muscle were studied using ultrastructural and electrophysiological techniques. Motoneurons identified by the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase showed a progressive synaptic stripping already noticeable by four days post-injection which increased over the study period. By 35 days post-injection, the normal coverage of motoneurons by synaptic boutons (66.4 +/- 4.0%) significantly decreased to 27.2 +/- 4.0%. Synaptic boutons detached by a widening of the subsynaptic space but remained apposed by synaptic contacts and desmosomes to the motoneuron. Detachment did not affect equally flat and round vesicle-containing boutons. The control motoneuron had almost equal numbers of both types of boutons, but after 35 days post-injection the ratio of round to flat vesicle-containing boutons was 1.20 +/- 0.01. Synaptic boutons impinging on motoneurons showed signs of alterations in membrane turnover, as indicated by an increase in the number of synaptic vesicles and a decrease in the number of coated vesicles and synaptic vesicles near the active zone. Abducens motoneurons had a transient increase in soma size by 15 days that returned to normal at 35 days, but no signs of chromatolysis or organelle degeneration were seen. Accompanying the swelling of motoneurons, a 15-fold increase in the number of spines, very infrequent in controls, was observed. Spines located in the soma and proximal dendritic trunk received synaptic contacts from both flat and round vesicle-containing boutons that could be either partly detached or completely attached to the motoneuron. An increased turnover of the plasmatic membrane of the motoneuron was observed, as indicated by a four-fold increase in the number of somatic coated vesicles. Animals were implanted with bipolar electrodes in the ampulla of both horizontal semicircular canals for evoking contralateral excitatory and ipsilateral inhibitory postsynaptic potentials. Motoneurons were antidromically identified from the lateral rectus muscle. Synaptic potentials of vestibular origin were recorded in abducens motoneurons. In the period between two and six days post-injection, a complete abolition of inhibitory synaptic potentials was observed. By contrast, excitatory synaptic potentials remained, but were reduced by 82%. The imbalance between excitatory and inhibitory inputs to motoneurons induced a progressive increase of firing frequency within a few stimuli applied to the contralateral canal. Between 7 and 15 days post-injection, both excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials were virtually abolished and remained so up to the longest time checked (105 days). Some motoneurons recorded beyond 60 days post-injection showed signs of recovery of excitatory postsynaptic potentials. During the whole time-span studied, presynaptic wavelets were present, indicating no affecting of the conduction of afferent volleys to the abducens nucleus. Taken together, these data indicate that botulinum neurotoxin at high doses causes profound synaptic alterations in motoneurons responsible for the effects seen in the behavior of motoneurons recorded in alert animals.  相似文献   

Postsynaptic potentials evoked in motoneurons innervating m. posterior biceps and semitendinosus (PBSt) and m. triceps surae (GS) by low threshold afferents from various tail muscles located at the level of the second-third caudal vertebrae were investigated in the non-anesthetized and spinalized cat. Afferent inputs from tail muscles on both sides predominantly evoked depolarizing potential in PBSt motoneurons and hyperpolarizing potential in GS motoneurons. The findings suggest that in general, tail muscle afferents facilitate flexor and inhibit extensor hindlimb motoneurons through polysynaptic pathways, so that the pelvic girdle is kept in a low position to maintain the stability of the body irrespective of different movements or posture of the tail.  相似文献   

In the present work, we find that the elevation of extracellular K+ concentration promotes the survival of chick spinal cord motoneurons in vitro deprived of any neurotrophic support. This treatment induces chronic depolarization of the neuronal plasma membrane, which activates L-type voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels, resulting in Ca2+ influx and elevation of the cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration. Pharmacological reduction of intracellular free Ca2+ or withdrawal of extracellular Ca2+ reversed the effects of depolarization on survival. The intracellular Ca2+ response to membrane depolarization developed as an initial peak followed by a sustained increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration. The depolarizing treatment caused tyrosine phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) without involving tyrosine kinase receptor activation. The calmodulin antagonist W13 inhibited the survival-promoting effect induced by membrane depolarization but not the tyrosine phosphorylation of MAPK. Moreover, depolarization did not induce phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI-3K) phosphorylation in our cells, and the PI-3K inhibitor wortmannin did not suppress the survival-promoting effect of K+ treatment. These results suggest that calmodulin is involved in calcium-mediated survival of motoneurons through the activation of PI-3K- and MAPK-independent pathways.  相似文献   

The discharge characteristics that abducens motoneurons exhibit after paralysis of the lateral rectus muscle with botulinum neurotoxin type A were studied in the alert cat. Antidromically identified motoneurons were recorded during both spontaneous and vestibularly induced eye movements. A single injection of 0.3 ng/kg produced a complete paralysis of the lateral rectus muscle lasting for about 12-15 days, whereas after 3 ng/kg the paralysis was still complete at the longest time checked, three months. Motoneurons recorded under the effect of the low dose showed differences in their sensitivities to both eye position and velocity according to the direction of the previous and ongoing movements, respectively. These directional differences could be explained by post-saccadic adaptation of the non-injected eye in the appropriate direction for reducing ocular misalignment. Thus, backward and forward post-saccadic drifts accompanied on- and off-directed saccades, respectively. The magnitude of the drift was similar to the magnitude of changes in eye position sensitivity. The discharge of the high-dose-treated motoneurons could be described in a three-stage sequence. During the initial 10-12 days, motoneuronal discharge resembled the effects of axotomy, particularly in the loss of tonic signals and the presence of exponential-like decay of firing after saccades. In this stage, the conduction velocity of abducens motoneurons was reduced by 21.4%. The second stage was characterized by an overall reduction in firing rate towards a tonic firing at 15-70 spikes/s. Motoneurons remained almost unmodulated for all types of eye movement and thus eye position and velocity sensitivities were significantly reduced. Tonic firing ceased only when the animal became drowsy, but was restored by alerting stimuli. In addition, the inhibition of firing for off-directed saccades was more affected than the burst excitation during on-directed saccades, since in many cells pauses were almost negligible. These alterations could not be explained by adaptational changes in the movement of the non-injected eye. Finally, after 60 days the initial stages of recovery were observed. The present results indicate that the high dose of botulinum neurotoxin produces effects on the motoneuron not attributable to the functional disconnection alone, but to a direct effect of the neurotoxin in the motoneuron and/or its synaptic inputs.  相似文献   

Comparisons of the descending pathways of the motor, visual and limbic cortex in the cat revealed a number of structures in di- and mesencephalon that receive projections from all these fields. They are centrolateral (CL), paracentral (Pc), central medial (CeM) and centre median (CM), nuclei of the thalamus, zona incerta (ZI) and Forel's field H1 of the subthalamus, nucleus of the posterior commissure and anterior and posterior nuclei of the pretectum (Prt), stratum griseum intermedial and profundum of superior colliculus (CS), periaqueductal gray matter (GC) and pontine nuclei (NP). The projections from the striate field of the visual cortex to ventrobasal complex of the thalamus (VB) are shown. The results are discussed with recent data on the anatomy and physiology. A possible role of corticocortical and corticofugal fiber connections is dealt with.  相似文献   

1. The contractile properties of the motor units of the masseter and temporal muscles of human subjects were studied during voluntary isometric contractions, using a method previously employed to examine units of a small hand muscle. 2. Over the range of forces studied (0-6 kg), the units of both muscles were recruited in an orderly fashion, with a nearly linear relationship between the voluntary force at which units were recruited and their measured twitch tensions. 3. The range of contraction times (25-90 msec) was similar to that observed for the hand muscle. In some subjects it seemed that small units, recruited at low forces, exhibited shorter contraction times.  相似文献   

The whole cell patch-clamp technique in combination with the slice preparation was used to investigate the electrophysiological properties of pigeon semicircular canal sensory and supporting cells. These properties were also characterized in regenerating neuroepithelia of pigeons preinjected with streptomycin to kill the hair cells. Type II hair cells from each of the three semicircular canals showed similar, topographically related patterns of passive and active membrane properties. Hair cells located in the peripheral regions (zone I, near the planum semilunatum) had less negative resting potentials [0-current voltage in current-clamp mode (Vz) = -62.8 +/- 8.7 mV, mean +/- SD; n = 13] and smaller membrane capacitances (Cm = 5.0 +/- 0.9 pF, n = 14) than cells of the intermediate (zone II; Vz = -79.3 +/- 7.5 mV, n = 3; Cm = 5.9 +/- 1.2 pF, n = 4) and central (zone III; Vz = -68.0 +/- 9.6 mV, n = 17; Cm = 7.1 +/- 1.5 pF, n = 18) regions. In peripheral hair cells, ionic currents were dominated by a rapidly activating/inactivating outward K+ current, presumably an A-type K+ current (IKA). Little or no inwardly rectifying current was present in these cells. Conversely, ionic currents of central hair cells were dominated by a slowly activating/inactivating outward K+ current resembling a delayed rectifier K+ current (IKD). Moreover, an inward rectifying current at voltages negative to -80 mV was present in all central cells. This current was composed of two components: a slowly activating, noninactivating component (Ih), described in photoreceptors and saccular hair cells, and a faster-activating, partially inactivating component (IK1) also described in saccular hair cells in some species. Ih and IK1 were sometimes independently expressed by hair cells. Hair cells located in the intermediate region (zone II) had ionic currents more similar to those of central hair cells than peripheral hair cells. Outward currents in intermediate hair cells activated only slightly more quickly than those of the cells of the central region, but much more slowly than those of the peripheral cells. Additionally, intermediate hair cells, like central hair cells, always expressed an inward rectifying current. The regional distribution of outward rectifying potassium conductances resulted in macroscopic currents differing in peak-to-steady state ratio. We quantified this by measuring the peak (Gp) and steady-state (Gs) slope conductance in the linear region of the current-voltage relationship (-40 to 0 mV) for the hair cells located in the different zones. Gp/Gs average values (4.1 +/- 2.1, n = 15) from currents in peripheral hair cells were higher than those from intermediate hair cells (2.3 +/- 0.8, n = 4) and central hair cells(1.9 +/- 0.8, n = 21). The statistically significant differences (P < 0.001) in Gp/Gs ratios could be accounted for by KA channels being preferentially expressed in peripheral hair cells. Hair cell electrophysiological properties in animals pretreated with streptomycin were investigated at approximately 3 wk and approximately 9-10 wk post injection sequence (PIS). At 3 wk PIS, hair cells (all zones combined) had a statistically significantly (P < 0.001) lower Cm (4.6 +/- 1.1 pF, n = 24) and a statistically significantly (P < 0.01) lower Gp(48.4 +/- 20.8 nS, n = 26) than control animals (Cm = 6.2 +/- 1.6 pF, n = 36; Gp = 66 +/- 38.9 nS, n = 40). Regional differences in values of Vz, as well as the distribution of outward and inward rectifying currents, seen in control animals, were still obvious. But, differences in the relative contribution of the expression of the different ionic current components changed. This result could be explained by a relative decrease in IKA compared with IKD during that interval of regeneration, which was particularly evident in peripheral hair cells. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED)  相似文献   

When isolated chloroplasts from mature pea (Pisum sativum) leaves were treated with digitonin under "low salt" conditions, the membranes were extensively solubilized into small subunits (as evidenced by analysis with small pore ultrafilters). From this solubilized preparation, a photochemically inactive chlorophyll - protein complex (chlorophyll alpha/beta ratio, 1.3) was isolated. We suggest that the detergent-derived membrane fragment from mature membranes is a structural complex within the membrane which contains the light-harvesting chlorophyll alpha/beta protein and which acts as a light-harvesting antenna primarily for Photosystem II. Cations dramatically alter the structural interaction of the light-harvesting complex with the photochemically active system II complex. This interaction has been measured by determining the amount of protein-bound chlorophyll beta and Photosystem II activity which can be released into dispersed subunits by digitonin treatment of chloroplast lamellae. When cations are present to cause interaction between the Photosystem II complex and the light-harvesting pigment - protein, the combined complexes pellet as a "heavy" membranous fraction during differential centrifugation of detergent treated lamellae. In the absence of cations, the two complexes dissociate and can be isolated in a "light" submembrane preparation from which the light-harvesting complex can be purified by sucrose gradient centrifugation. Cation effects on excitation energy distribution between Photosystems I and II have been monitored by following Photosystem II fluorescence changes under chloroplast incubation conditions identical to those used for detergent treatment (with the exception of chlorophyll concentration differences and omission of detergents). The cation dependency of the pigment - protein complex and Photosystem II reaction center interactions measured by detergent fractionation, and regulation of excitation energy distribution as measured by fluorescence changes, were identical. We conclude that changes in substructural organization of intact membranes, involving cation induced changes in the interaction of intramembranous subunits, are the primary factors regulating the distribution of excitation energy between Photosystems II and I.  相似文献   

Volatile anaesthetics cause changes in the membrane resting potential of central neurons. This effect probably arises from actions on neuronal ion channels, but may also involve alterations in the ion composition of the extracellular space. Since glial cells play a key role in regulating the extracellular ion composition in the brains of mammals, we analyzed the effects of halothane, isoflurane and enflurane on the membrane conductances and ion channels of cultured cortical astrocytes. Astrocytes were dissociated from the neocortex of 0-2-day old rats and grown in culture for 3-4 weeks. Anaesthetic-induced changes in the membrane potential were recorded in the whole cell current-clamp configuration of the patch-clamp technique. We further studied the effects of halothane and enflurane on single ion channels in excised membrane patches. At concentrations corresponding to 1-2 MAC (1 MAC induces general anaesthesia in 50% of the patients and rats), membrane potentials recorded in the presence of enflurane, isoflurane and halothane did not differ significantly from the control values. At higher concentrations, effects of enflurane and halothane, but not of isoflurane, were statistically significant. Single-channel recordings revealed that halothane and enflurane activated a high conductance anion channel, which possibly mediated the effects observed during whole cell recordings. In less than 10% of the membrane patches, volatile anaesthetics either increased or decreased the mean open time of K+-selective ion channels without altering single-channel conductances. In summary, it seems unlikely that the actions of volatile anaesthetics described here are involved in the state of general anaesthesia. Statistically significant effects occurred at concentrations ten times higher than those required to cause half-maximal depression of action potential firing of neocortical neurons in cultured brain slices. However, it cannot be excluded that the changes observed in the membrane conductance of cortical astrocytes disturb the physiological function of these cells, thereby influencing the membrane resting potential of neurons.  相似文献   

1. The temporal features and strength of recurrent facilitatory potentials were examined in pairs of lumbosacral motoneurons that were separated by a known distance and were identified by antidromic stimulation of muscle nerves. One motoneuron was stimulated by injecting depolarizing current pulses, and responses were recorded in the second motoneuron. The distance between motoneurons in pairs was also measured to assess the spatial distribution in strength of recurrent facilitation in motor pools. All motoneurons in these pairs innervated muscles that act as hip or ankle extensors. 2. Recurrent facilitatory potentials were found frequently among motoneurons innervating the hindlimb extensor muscles examined. Several categories of recurrent facilitatory responses were identified. One category was composed of facilitation responses that followed an inhibition response. A second category was composed of facilitation responses that were not preceded by a significant inhibition and consisted of a monophasic response. There was a considerable range of latencies in this category. 3. Responses in which recurrent facilitatory potentials were preceded by recurrent inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (RIPSPs) among close motoneuron pairs demonstrated an inverse correlation between the durations of the facilitatory and the inhibitory phases. In addition, the duration of inhibition responses without facilitation was longer on average, than the duration of inhibitory responses that were followed by facilitation. It was suggested that recurrent facilitation may restrict the time course of RIPSPs. 4. In contrast to the topographic distribution of RIPSPs described in the previous report, amplitudes of monophasic facilitations were directly correlated with the distance separating motoneurons in pairs, rather than inversely correlated as was the case for RIPSP amplitudes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The numbers and sizes of nerve fibres to the dorsal neck muscles, splenius, complexus and biventer cervicis have been examined in the cat. The total number of fibres is unusually high as is the content of sensory fibres (estimated as the loss of fibres after ganglionectomy). The fibre spectra of these sensory nerves has an unusually large number of fibres in the group II and III range (3-7 mum) and differs markedly in this way from other muscle nerves. The motor fibres contain a high proportion (64-99%) in the gamma fibre size range. Large motor fibres are absent in the nerves to biventer cervicis (a slow muscle). The ratio of unmyelinated to myelinated fibres in neck muscle nerves is similar to that in hind legs at about 2.5:1.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare motor and sensory capabilities for fusion of vertical disparities at different angles of horizontal vergence in healthy humans. METHODS: Eye movements were recorded from both eyes of 12 healthy subjects using three-axis search coils. The stimulus was a cross (+) (3.4 x 3.2 degrees , vertically and horizontally, respectively) presented to each eye with a stereoscopic display. Vertical disparities were introduced by adjusting the vertical position of the cross in front of one eye. The disparity was increased in small increments (0.08 degrees ) every 8 seconds. Viewing was defined as "near" if there was a horizontal disparity that elicited 6 degrees to 15 degrees convergence, depending on the subject's capability for horizontal fusion; viewing was defined as "far" at 1 degrees convergence. Maximum motor (measured), sensory (stimulus minus motor), and total (motor plus sensory) vertical fusion were compared. RESULTS: In 9 (75%) of 12 subjects the maximum total vertical fusion was more in near than in far viewing. The three who did not show this effect had relatively weak horizontal fusion. For the entire group, the motor component differed significantly between far (mean, 1.42 degrees ) and near (mean, 2.13 degrees). Total vertical fusion capability (motor plus sensory) also differed significantly between far (mean, 1.68 degrees ) and near (mean, 2.39 degrees ). For the sensory component there was no difference between between far (mean, 0.268 degrees ) and near (mean, 0.270 degrees ). As vertical disparity increased in a single trial, however, there was a small gradual increase of the contribution of the sensory component to vertical fusion. CONCLUSIONS: Vertical fusion capability usually increases with convergence. This increase is caused primarily by an increase in the motor component. There is a gradual but small increase in the sensory component as target disparity slowly increases.  相似文献   

Restenosis after successful coronary angioplasty (PTCA) occurs in 25-35% of all procedures. To date, most pharmacologic strategies have failed to reduce the restenosis rate significantly. However, recent studies have suggested a potential benefit of dietary supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil) on restenosis following PTCA. The benefit of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on the incidence of coronary artery restenosis following elective PTCA was assessed in 212 consecutive patients (41 female, 171 male). Following a successful angioplasty, 204 patients received a dietary supplementation with either nine capsules containing fish oil (3.15 g omega-3 fatty acids) or nine placebo capsules containing olive oil. Treatment was started immediately after PTCA and maintained over 4 mon. Compliance was assessed by analysis of lipid fatty acids prior to angioplasty and at 4 mon follow-up. The angiographically determined incidence of restenosis (stenosis diameter > 50%) was 31.2% per lesion in patients receiving fish oil and 33.7% in patients receiving olive oil. Gross progression of coronary artery disease in vessels not subjected to angioplasty was 17% and 16%, respectively. In conclusion, low dose fish oil supplementation begun on the day of a successful coronary angioplasty failed to demonstrate any effect on coronary artery restenosis.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to determine the consequences of Zn2+ deficiency on the gestational process. The study was conducted on adult Wistar virgin female rats fed isocaloric diets containing 16% protein and different Zn2+ concentrations, i.e., 2 ppm (severe restriction), 6 ppm (moderate restriction), and 20 ppm (control). Rats received the diets and water ad libitum for 7, 14 or 21 days before mating and throughout pregnancy. Survival of dams and pups decreased with increasing Zn2+ restriction and with time of exposure to the deficient diet. Mean survival rate for control dams and pups was 100%, whereas severe restriction (2 ppm for 21 days premating and during pregnancy) resulted in survival rates of 25% and 0 for dams and pups, respectively. Dam and pup survival rates for moderate restriction (6 ppm) for the same period were 83% and 72%, respectively. These results indicate the importance of Zn2+ before and during pregnancy and show that Zn2+ deficiency causes metabolic alterations which impair normal reproductive processes.  相似文献   

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