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In this paper, the influence of the residual compressive stresses induced by roller burnishing on fatigue crack propagation in the fillet of notched round bar is investigated. A 3D finite element simulation model of rolling has allowed to introduce a residual stress profile as an initial condition. After the rolling process, fatigue loading has been applied to three‐point bending specimens in which an initial crack has been introduced. A numerical predictive method of crack propagation in roller burnished specimens has also been implemented. It is based on a step‐by‐step process of stress intensity factor calculations by elastic finite element analyses. These stress intensity factor results are combined with the Paris law to estimate the fatigue crack growth rate. In the case of roller burnished specimens, a numerical modification concerning experimental crack closure has to be considered. This method is applied to three specimens: without roller burnishing, and with two levels of roller burnishing (type A and type B). In all these cases, the computational finite element predictions of fatigue crack growth rate agree well with the experimental measurements. The developed model can be easily extended to crankshafts in real operating conditions.  相似文献   

Fatigue crack propagation rates in centre-crack-typed transverse butt-welded joints were measured at a constant stress intensity factor range obtained by decreasing the applied and mean loads on test specimens. The propagation rate was maintained constant except at extremely compressed stress ratios. Fatigue crack propagation properties under compressive loading were found to be similar to those under tensile loading. Only under highly compressive cycling did crack propagation rates decrease.  相似文献   

Laser beam butt welds in Al‐alloys are very narrow and are accompanied by steep residual stress gradients. In such a case, how the initial crack orientation and the distance of the notch tip relative to the weld affect fatigue crack propagation has not been investigated. Therefore, this investigation was undertaken with two different crack orientations: along the mid‐weld and perpendicular to the weld. Fatigue crack propagation ‘along the mid‐weld’ was found to be faster in middle crack tension specimens than in compact tension specimens. For the crack orientation ‘perpendicular to the weld’, the relative distance between the notch tip and the weld was varied using compact tension specimens to generate either tensile or compressive residual stresses near the notch tip. When tensile residual stresses were generated near the notch tip, fatigue crack propagation was found to be faster than that in the base material, irrespective of the difference in the initial residual stress level and whether the crack propagated along the mid‐weld or perpendicular to the weld. In contrast, when compressive weld residual stresses were generated near the notch tip, fatigue crack arrest, slow crack propagation, multiple crack branching and out of plane deviation occurred. The results are discussed by considering the superposition principle and possible practical implications are mentioned.  相似文献   

Previous papers have shown ΔKRP to be a useful parameter describing fatigue crack propagation behavior, where ΔKRP is an effective stress intensity factor range corresponding to the excess RPG load (re-tensile plastic zone's generated load) in which the retensile plastic zone appears under the loading process. In this paper, the relationship between ΔKRP and the zone size ( ) (which is smaller between the tensile plastic zone at maximum load and the compressive plastic zone at minimum load) was investigated using a crack opening/closing simulation model so as to consider a physical meaning of ΔKRP. As a result, it becomes clear that ΔKRP dominates the zone size where fatigue damage mostly occurs. This result supports the following crack propagation equation
where C and m are material constants.Simulation and fatigue crack propagation tests were then carried out for compact tension (CT), center cracked tension (CCT) and four points bend (4PB) specimens under constant amplitude loading to obtain C and m values for HT-50 steel. Fatigue crack propagation tests were also carried out under constant amplitude loading using CCT specimens with residual stress distribution due to flame gas heating at the center line or edge lines. The T specimen introduced tensile residual stress at the tip of a notch, and the C specimen introduced compressive residual stress. It therefore becomes clear that tensile residual stress leads to a decrease in RPG load, while compressive residual stress leads to increase in RPG load, and that the simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental RPG load. It also becomes clear that simulated crack growth curve using the simulated and the above equation is in good agreement with the experimental curve. It is understood that tensile residual stress creates only a slight increase in crack propagation rate and compressive residual stress create a big decrease a crack propagation rate.  相似文献   

An equilibrium‐based, weighted least‐squares algorithm is developed to reconstruct the complete residual stress field tensor throughout the specimen volume using a limited set of residual stress measurements and a priori boundary conditions. Using a set of residual stress data acquired by neutron diffraction over a limited region of an AA2024‐T351 friction‐stir‐welded specimen, the method is used to reconstruct the complete residual stress tensor field. Results indicate that (1) the algorithm is robust and effective in quantifying the complete residual stress field throughout the region of interest; (2) appropriate smoothing parameters are readily obtained so that the reconstructed, complete residual stress field accurately reflects the experimental measurements and (3) the resulting residual stress field is in self‐equilibrium.  相似文献   

Crack growth rate versus crack length curves of heavily overloaded parent material specimens and fatigue crack propagation curves of friction‐stir‐welded aluminium samples are presented. It is shown that in both cases the residual stresses have a strong effect on the crack propagation behaviour under constant and variable amplitude loading. As a simplified engineering approach, it is assumed in this paper, that in both cases residual stresses are the main and only factor influencing crack growth. Therefore fatigue crack propagation predictions are performed by adding the residual stresses to the applied loading and by neglecting the possible effects of overloading and friction stir welding on the parent material properties. For a quantitative assessment of the residual stress effects, the stress intensity factor due to residual stresses Kres is determined directly with the so‐called cut‐compliance method (incremental slitting). These measurements are particularly suited as input parameters for the software packages AFGROW and NASGRO 3.0, which are widely used for fatigue crack growth predictions under constant and variable amplitude loading. The prediction made in terms of crack propagation rates versus crack length and crack length versus cycles generally shows a good agreement with the measured values.  相似文献   

Roller burnishing involves a local plastic deformation on the surface that permits the fatigue strength of structures to be increased. Crack propagation is delayed by the introduction of compressive residual stresses. In this way, the process is particularly useful in the presence of stress concentrators, for example in the fillets of crankshafts or in notched shafts. Crack propagation in round bars has been widely investigated, experimentally and numerically. However, the aim of the present work is to study roller burnished notched shafts (whose groove approaches the fillets of crankshafts) loaded in three‐point bending. Experimentally, a sequence of destructive interrupted tests has been performed to obtain the crack kinetics and shapes during fatigue life. Thus, the beneficial influence of roller burnishing has been confirmed on both crack initiation and propagation. Some cracks were even stopped by compressive residual stresses. Otherwise, the crack shape observed was very original : cracks propagated first at the edge of the coupon and then, into the depth of the shaft. Multicracking and crack closure have been pointed out and appear to be of great importance.  相似文献   

In this research, both residual and applied stresses are converted to stress intensity factors independently and combined using the superposition principle. The fatigue crack propagation rates are predicted. Experiments using two different loading modes, constant applied stress intensity factor (SIF) range, and constant applied load modes are done for samples with and without initial tensile residual stresses. The samples with initial tensile residual stresses exhibit accelerations of the crack propagation rates. The results show that the weight function method combined with the three-component model provides a good prediction of fatigue crack propagation rates in tensile residual stress fields.  相似文献   

The conditions determining the fatigue fracture mechanism in quenched and tempered steel are discussed with reference to fatigue crack propagation mechanism (FCPM) maps. Criteria for the change from one fatigue mechanism to another are presented.  相似文献   

By taking into account the effect due to the finiteness of the specimen's size, stochastic fatigue crack propagation processes are investigated on the basis of a Markov approximation method. Since the limiting property proved by Koiter causes a particular kind of singularity on the governing equation, the so-called death point must be introduced into the range of finite crack size. In the present study, the Fokker-Planck equation in a generalized sense is derived for such a particular case, and the influence of the specimen's size on the statistical properties of the residual life of the component is clarified by the use of numerical calculations.  相似文献   

Although there are a great number of numerical studies focused on the numerical simulation of crack shape evolution, a deeper understanding is required concerning the numerical parameters and the mathematical modelling. Therefore, the objectives of the paper are the study of the influence of numerical parameters, particularly the radial size of crack front elements and the magnitude of individual crack extensions, the mathematical modelling of crack propagation regimes, and the linking of crack shape changes with K distribution. A relatively simple through-crack geometry, the CT specimen, was studied and the numerical model was validated with experimental results with a good agreement. The K distribution along crack front was found to be the driving force for shape variations. Shape variations were found to be one order of magnitude lower than K variations.  相似文献   

Recent studies have illustrated a predominant role of the residual stress on the fatigue crack growth in friction stir welded joints. In this study, the role of the residual stress on the propagation of fatigue cracks orthogonal to the weld direction in a friction stir welded Ti‐6Al‐4V joint was investigated. A numerical prediction of the fatigue crack growth rate in the presence of the residual stresses was carried out using AFGROW software; reasonable correspondence between the predictions and the experimental results were observed when the effects of residual stress were included in the simulation.  相似文献   

A method for evaluating the cumulative damage resulting from the application of cyclic stress (or strain) sequences of varying amplitude is presented. Both the crack initiation and propagation stages of the fatigue failure process are included. The development is based on the concept of plastic strain energy dissipation as a function of cyclic life. The damage accumulated at any stage is evaluated from a knowledge of the fatigue limit in the initiation phase and an ‘apparent’ limit obtained through fracture mechanics for the propagation phase. The proposed damage theory is compared with two-level strain cycle test data of thin-walled specimens, and is found to be in fairly good agreement.  相似文献   

Surface fatigue crack propagation is the typical failure mode of engineering structures. In this study, the experiment on surface fatigue crack propagation in 15MnVN steel plate is carried out, and the crack shape and propagation life are obtained. With the concept of ‘equivalent thickness’ brought into the latest three‐dimensional (3D) fracture mechanics theory, one closure model applicable to 3D fatigue crack is put forward. By using the above 3D crack‐closure model, the shape and propagation life of surface fatigue crack in 15MnVN plates are predicted. The simulative results show that the 3D fracture mechanics‐based closure model for 3D fatigue crack is effective.  相似文献   

Fatigue crack propagation tests have been carried out under various load conditions. Hysteresis loops denoting the relationship between load and strain at the crack tip are obtained by using local compliance measurement. Crack growth acceleration, delayed retardation and non‐propagation phenomena are investigated by considering the variation of hysteresis loop expansion and hysteresis loop tail. Based on the physical meaning of hysteresis loops, two types of crack closure are ascertained and the effect of crack closure on fatigue crack propagation is studied. Results show that change of the effective amplitude of the stress intensity factor at the crack tip is the reason that crack propagation rates vary.  相似文献   

An overview of our research performed during the last 15 years is presented to improve the understanding of fatigue crack propagation mechanisms. The focus is devoted to ductile metals and the material separation process at low and intermedial crack propagation rates. The effect of environment, short cracks, small‐scale yielding as well as large‐scale yielding are considered. It will be shown that the dominant intrinsic propagation mechanism in ductile metallic materials is the formation of new surface due to blunting and the re‐sharpening during unloading. This process is affected by the environment, however, not by the length of the crack and it is independent of large‐ or small‐scale yielding.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to assess the very-high-cycle fatigue (VHCF) behaviour of a magnesium alloy (ZK60). Results indicate that the fatigue crack initiates from an area consisting of many distributed facets, while the region of early crack propagation is characterised by parallel traces, based on a fractographic analysis. The significant differences in morphology around the crack initiation area result from the interaction between the deformation twinning and the plastic zone at the crack tip. In addition, the fatigue crack propagation rate around the crack initiation site is also estimated based on a modified Murakami model. It is found that the formation stage for the fatigue crack is of great importance to the fatigue failure mechanism in the VHCF regime.  相似文献   

The fatigue life prediction model based on crack propagation from micro-structural features is derived and presented for planar and randomly oriented Discontinuous Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites (DRMMCs). The model contains the influence of micro-structural properties such as aspect ratio, volume fraction of particle/fibre and constraint between particle and the matrix. The effect of residual thermal stresses generated within the matrix during development of composite is considered. The particle/fibre plays a dominant role in the development of the cyclic plastic zone size ahead of the crack tip; moreover, it enhances the cyclic plastic deformation characteristics of DRMMC. The theoretical model-based evaluations for low cycle fatigue in DRMMCs are within the proximity of the experimental results.  相似文献   

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