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在应对气候变化、建筑形式和功能发展以及数字化变革的大环境下,结构工程不断面临新的挑战,迫切需要发展相应的设计理论与设计方法。在设计过程中结构设计与建筑设计是前后相承、相互关联而又互有影响的关系。在回顾了过往的结构设计表达形式后,认为新的设计场景下的结构设计工作将从计算机辅助设计走向人机合作设计范式,并提出了适合此范式的结构设计表达框架,即结合参数化几何和结构体系元参数,以有向无环图为基本数据结构建立的参数化模型。这种表达框架既可以描述对结构体系自上而下分解的一般设计过程,也可以引入自下而上的涌现式创新设计,并且进一步与结构设计及优化算法结合,带来强大的工作能力。介绍了这种参数化的设计表达在北京中信大厦、北京某办公楼和拉萨贡嘎机场新航站楼屋顶结构设计中的应用。  相似文献   

This paper challenges the current limited use of computers in design and proposes the Component-Based Paradigm as an all encompassing model for building representation. The paradigm introduces the concept of a single three-dimensional computer-based model for the design process and explores the development of reasoning tools in a component modeling environment.  相似文献   

金勇 《南方建筑》2004,(2):60-64
技术美学已从现代主义初期的“机器美学”走向更为复杂和人性化的美学范畴,当今的技术表现作为技术在建筑美学领域的体现,已具有更为广泛的内涵。本尝试从室内环境出发,具体分析技术表现形态特征,并作出了生命力判断和若干发展趋向的结论。在理论和实证研究的基础上,章提出了技术表现的创作对策并给出创作实例。  相似文献   

从理性的起源走向辩证的终极——读《辩证的城市》有感   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王湘君 《新建筑》2002,(3):65-69
理论和实践的发展总是相辅相成,O·M·安格斯在《辩证的城市》一书中以自身的实践阐明了指导其实践的理论,即在认同城市多样性的基础上,理性地分解设计要素,通过两条对策———“场所的互补”和“层的叠加”来获得符合地域、文脉、经济等多种因素的辩证的城市设计。  相似文献   

Architectural representation encompasses the means used to describe architectural entities. This discipline has long been under constant change due to architects' ever-present desire for innovation. Algorithmic design (AD) is currently making its way into the plethora of representation methods that integrate the architect's day-to-day work tools. However, it provides its fair share of controversy and hardship as it goes. This paper assesses whether AD is suitable as a representation method for architectural design by making a systematic analysis of this medium as a contemporary representation method. Specifically, we investigate (1) its birth and evolution as a means of representation, (2) the characteristics that make it simultaneously appealing and off-putting to the architectural community, (3) the influence of technological evolution and education on its proliferation, and (4) its capacity to represent design problems in comparison to the currently predominant means of digital architectural representation, that is, computer-aided drafting and building information modeling.  相似文献   

渥然居接待中心(售楼处)位于台北新生南路紧邻台湾大学的文教住宅区内。在这样的人文环境中,即使是接待中心这样纯粹的商业产品,也不得不收藏起过多的功利色彩,平添一分中产阶级追求的物质之外某种自然平和的美学格调。  相似文献   

针对MOOC学习缺乏深度的现象,提出了面向MOOC的知识可视化视觉表征与建模设计.剖析了MOOC学习缺乏深度的主要问题和信息加工的内在要求,厘清了知识可视化、表征、建模等基本概念;在借鉴了视觉传播取向和信息论视角的知识表征基础上,提出了面向MOOC的视觉表征框架;在此框架下,分别从语义、语用、语法信息三要素着手,阐释了具体的分析方法.在语义上,基于Bloom教学目标分类法确定知识的类型、提取过程和表征方法;在语用上,陈述了信息有效传达的基本原则;在语法上,介绍了具体的结构模型和可视化方法.实践证明,MOOC的学习者在表征框架下,能增强认知联结、拓展广度、增加深度,从而满足深度学习的诉求.  相似文献   

Throughout history, design values have always underlined a given architectural style. The manner architects and architectural critics distinguish between them varies from that of the public. In fact a style well perceived by civil society was read as pathological by architectural academia. This paper examines the values and perceptions of contemporary architecture by architects and civil society. Through qualitative methodology, a project by each of the following leading contemporary architects-Renzo Piano, Norman Foster and Rem Koolhaas-was analyzed. The selected designs, all commissioned not more than a decade ago, vary in locations from Malta to Lebanon to India. The study concludes that design values and perceptions of architecture as read by members of the architectural profession do not tally with those of the public. The emphasis by architects is on the aesthetic whilst non-architects focus on the utilitarian dimension. Furthermore, the rhetorical language which architects use is not read as such by the public. The assessment of the public is based on the existential reality which they experience. The perception of civil society matters; it is at the core of architectural design values.  相似文献   

Abstract: Can community organizing and community development be practiced in combination through community development corporations (CDCs)? While community organizing and community development have complementary goals, they are based on potentially contradictory worldviews and occupy potentially contradictory social structural locations. Whether the two strategies can be combined in a single organization without causing severe disruption is questionable. A three‐year historical and comparative case study of CDCs involved in the Toledo Community Organizing Training and Technical Assistance Program shows the challenges faced by CDCs attempting to combine organizing and development. The analysis traces changes in the program and the CDCs through honeymoon, conflict, and resolution stages. Of the three CDCs that began the program, one dropped out early, another continued organizing as long as the program continued but then ended its organizing efforts, and a third continued its organizing efforts. The analysis confirms the dialectical relationship between community organizing and community development, showing how the two continuing CDCs differed in their contradictive management strategies.  相似文献   

Generative design systems coupled with objective functions can be efficiently explored through the use of stochastic optimization algorithms, such as genetic algorithms. The first step in implementing genetic algorithms is to define a representation, that is, the data structure representative of the genotype space and its mathematical relation to the data of the phenotype space — the variables of the real problem. This can be a hard task, particularly if the design system contains dependency between variables. This paper presents a general representation, which enables the use of standard variation operators, allows defining both continuous and discrete variables from a single type of gene and is easily adaptable to different problems, with a larger or smaller number of variables. This representation was created to solve the representation problem in the design system for Frank Lloyd Wright's prairie houses, a shape grammar that was converted into a parametric design system.  相似文献   

Time and resource restrictions limit the architect's design scope. Computational design methods can offer support to overcome these limitations. Design exploration has been a long-established task in computational-aided generative design. However, conventional objective- and performance-based systems have restrictions pertaining to the exploration scope. Without a quasi-global cognition of the conceptual design space, the exploration scope is bound to be limited. This paper is a proposal for an epistemic shift toward the interpretation of conceptual design space per se. This topic receives limited attention in the current literature due to the scarcity of interpretation tools. Using a customized large-scale architectural image database with high-level visual diversity and latent data space coverage, this paper serves as a first attempt to investigate the possibilities of leveraging disentangled representation learning to structurally interpret architectural conceptual design space in both supervised and unsupervised manner. Various schemes of supervised disentanglement are tested, with analytical comparisons indicating discrepant structural traits of different latent spaces. The unsupervised interpretation scheme shows the preliminary capability of automatic feature disentanglement. Our long-term objective is to offer designers a broader spectrum of creative design through innovative design systems.  相似文献   

面对光怪陆离的、碎片化的晚期资本主义现实,晚期马克思主义者运用马克思主义的辩证方法,在对资本主义的具体批判过程中,特别强调了辩证法的历史性、实践性和否定性,倡导要以辩证的态度处理复杂的理论和实践问题,从而在新的时代条件下坚持和发展了马克思主义辩证法的基本精神。  相似文献   

A method for the simulation of fluctuating wind velocity time histories based on a combination of time series models and existing expressions for longitudinal, lateral, and vertical turbulence spectra is outlined. Related expressions for calculating the integral scale of turbulence, xLu, are presented. Calculated values of xLu using this method are close to those obtained by conventional methods from various field data.  相似文献   

How has the impetus to standardise diverged and interacted with the impulse to customise over time? Architect and architectural historian Martin Bressani , who is Professor and Director at the School of Architecture at McGill University in Montreal, describes how until the late Medieval period the fabric of Western towns remained highly customised. This was a situation that was only overturned with the consolidation of absolute monarchy and the desire to create ceremonial backdrops, which demonstrated ‘classical regularity’ on a grand scale. The path towards standardisation and Modernism, though, remained in no way linear; Modernism being at least in part a response to the monumental, but overtly bourgeois ornamental forms of Baron Hausmann's Second Empire Paris.  相似文献   

丁佳  黄振宇 《浙江建筑》2011,28(7):51-53,57
通过对自然辩证法中人类与环境协调、可持续发展的理论到理念的分析与阐释,并结合绿色建筑在该理念指导下充分利用自然条件、节约使用能源以及采用绿色建材等的实际情况,体现出自然辩证法思想在绿色建筑的设计思想中特有的哲学价值。  相似文献   

结合园林水景多变的状态、多变的感官感受、多变的意境特征,对排比、通感、夸张、引用、比拟五种修辞手法在水景营造中的应用技巧进行了探讨,指出在水景的营造中适宜地运用修辞手法可使水景设计更加合理、动人,从而提高景观品质。  相似文献   

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