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We propose a novel approach to cross-lingual language model and translation lexicon adaptation for statistical machine translation (SMT) based on bilingual latent semantic analysis. Bilingual LSA enables latent topic distributions to be efficiently transferred across languages by enforcing a one-to-one topic correspondence during training. Using the proposed bilingual LSA framework, model adaptation can be performed by, first, inferring the topic posterior distribution of the source text and then applying the inferred distribution to an n-gram language model of the target language and translation lexicon via marginal adaptation. The background phrase table is enhanced with the additional phrase scores computed using the adapted translation lexicon. The proposed framework also features rapid bootstrapping of LSA models for new languages based on a source LSA model of another language. Our approach is evaluated on the Chinese–English MT06 test set using the medium-scale SMT system and the GALE SMT system measured in BLEU and NIST scores. Improvement in both scores is observed on both systems when the adapted language model and the adapted translation lexicon are applied individually. When the adapted language model and the adapted translation lexicon are applied simultaneously, the gain is additive. At the 95% confidence interval of the unadapted baseline system, the gain in both scores is statistically significant using the medium-scale SMT system, while the gain in the NIST score is statistically significant using the GALE SMT system.  相似文献   

刘鹏远  赵铁军 《软件学报》2009,20(5):1292-1300
为了解决困扰词义及译文消歧的数据稀疏及知识获取问题,提出一种基于Web利用n-gram统计语言模型进行消歧的方法.在提出词汇语义与其n-gram语言模型存在对应关系假设的基础上,首先利用Hownet建立中文歧义词的英文译文与知网DEF的对应关系并得到该DEF下的词汇集合,然后通过搜索引擎在Web上搜索,并以此计算不同DEF中词汇n-gram出现的概率,然后进行消歧决策.在国际语义评测SemEval-2007中的Multilingual Chinese English Lexical Sample Task测试集上的测试表明,该方法的Pmar值为55.9%,比其上该任务参评最好的无指导系统性能高出12.8%.  相似文献   

Natural languages are known for their expressive richness. Many sentences can be used to represent the same underlying meaning. Only modelling the observed surface word sequence can result in poor context coverage and generalization, for example, when using n-gram language models (LMs). This paper proposes a novel form of language model, the paraphrastic LM, that addresses these issues. A phrase level paraphrase model statistically learned from standard text data with no semantic annotation is used to generate multiple paraphrase variants. LM probabilities are then estimated by maximizing their marginal probability. Multi-level language models estimated at both the word level and the phrase level are combined. An efficient weighted finite state transducer (WFST) based paraphrase generation approach is also presented. Significant error rate reductions of 0.5–0.6% absolute were obtained over the baseline n-gram LMs on two state-of-the-art recognition tasks for English conversational telephone speech and Mandarin Chinese broadcast speech using a paraphrastic multi-level LM modelling both word and phrase sequences. When it is further combined with word and phrase level feed-forward neural network LMs, a significant error rate reduction of 0.9% absolute (9% relative) and 0.5% absolute (5% relative) were obtained over the baseline n-gram and neural network LMs respectively.  相似文献   

In this work, we present an extension of n-gram-based translation models based on factored language models (FLMs). Translation units employed in the n-gram-based approach to statistical machine translation (SMT) are based on mappings of sequences of raw words, while translation model probabilities are estimated through standard language modeling of such bilingual units. Therefore, similar to other translation model approaches (phrase-based or hierarchical), the sparseness problem of the units being modeled leads to unreliable probability estimates, even under conditions where large bilingual corpora are available. In order to tackle this problem, we extend the n-gram-based approach to SMT by tightly integrating more general word representations, such as lemmas and morphological classes, and we use the flexible framework of FLMs to apply a number of different back-off techniques. In this work, we show that FLMs can also be successfully applied to translation modeling, yielding more robust probability estimates that integrate larger bilingual contexts during the translation process.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce the backoff hierarchical class n-gram language models to better estimate the likelihood of unseen n-gram events. This multi-level class hierarchy language modeling approach generalizes the well-known backoff n-gram language modeling technique. It uses a class hierarchy to define word contexts. Each node in the hierarchy is a class that contains all the words of its descendant nodes. The closer a node to the root, the more general the class (and context) is. We investigate the effectiveness of the approach to model unseen events in speech recognition. Our results illustrate that the proposed technique outperforms backoff n-gram language models. We also study the effect of the vocabulary size and the depth of the class hierarchy on the performance of the approach. Results are presented on Wall Street Journal (WSJ) corpus using two vocabulary set: 5000 words and 20,000 words. Experiments with 5000 word vocabulary, which contain a small numbers of unseen events in the test set, show up to 10% improvement of the unseen event perplexity when using the hierarchical class n-gram language models. With a vocabulary of 20,000 words, characterized by a larger number of unseen events, the perplexity of unseen events decreases by 26%, while the word error rate (WER) decreases by 12% when using the hierarchical approach. Our results suggest that the largest gains in performance are obtained when the test set contains a large number of unseen events.  相似文献   

In keyword spotting from handwritten documents by text query, the word similarity is usually computed by combining character similarities, which are desired to approximate the logarithm of the character probabilities. In this paper, we propose to directly estimate the posterior probability (also called confidence) of candidate characters based on the N-best paths from the candidate segmentation-recognition lattice. On evaluating the candidate segmentation-recognition paths by combining multiple contexts, the scores of the N-best paths are transformed to posterior probabilities using soft-max. The parameter of soft-max (confidence parameter) is estimated from the character confusion network, which is constructed by aligning different paths using a string matching algorithm. The posterior probability of a candidate character is the summation of the probabilities of the paths that pass through the candidate character. We compare the proposed posterior probability estimation method with some reference methods including the word confidence measure and the text line recognition method. Experimental results of keyword spotting on a large database CASIA-OLHWDB of unconstrained online Chinese handwriting demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel regression framework to model both the translational equivalence problem and the parameter estimation problem in statistical machine translation (SMT). The proposed method kernelizes the training process by formulating the translation problem as a linear mapping among source and target word chunks (word n-grams of various length), which yields a regression problem with vector outputs. A kernel ridge regression model and a one-class classifier called maximum margin regression are explored for comparison, between which the former is proved to perform better in this task. The experimental results conceptually demonstrate its advantages of handling very high-dimensional features implicitly and flexibly. However, it shares the common drawback of kernel methods, i.e. the lack of scalability. For real-world application, a more practical solution based on locally linear regression hyperplane approximation is proposed by using online relevant training examples subsetting. In addition, we also introduce a novel way to integrate language models into this particular machine translation framework, which utilizes the language model as a penalty item in the objective function of the regression model, since its n-gram representation exactly matches the definition of our feature space.  相似文献   

In this article, the first public release of GREAT as an open-source, statistical machine translation (SMT) software toolkit is described. GREAT is based on a bilingual language modelling approach for SMT, which is so far implemented for n-gram models based on the framework of stochastic finite-state transducers. The use of finite-state models is motivated by their simplicity, their versatility, and the fact that they present a lower computational cost, if compared with other more expressive models. Moreover, if translation is assumed to be a subsequential process, finite-state models are enough for modelling the existing relations between a source and a target language. GREAT includes some characteristics usually present in state-of-the-art SMT, such as phrase-based translation models or a log-linear framework for local features. Experimental results on a well-known corpus such as Europarl are reported in order to validate this software. A competitive translation quality is achieved, yet using both a lower number of model parameters and a lower response time than the widely-used, state-of-the-art SMT system Moses.  相似文献   

Recent efforts to develop new machine translation evaluation methods have tried to account for allowable wording differences either in terms of syntactic structure or synonyms/paraphrases. This paper primarily considers syntactic structure, combining scores from partial syntactic dependency matches with standard local n-gram matches using a statistical parser, and taking advantage of N-best parse probabilities. The new scoring metric, expected dependency pair match (EDPM), is shown to outperform BLEU and TER in terms of correlation to human judgments and as a predictor of HTER. Further, we combine the syntactic features of EDPM with the alternative wording features of TERp, showing a benefit to accounting for syntactic structure on top of semantic equivalency features.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop an approach called syntax-based reordering (SBR) to handling the fundamental problem of word ordering for statistical machine translation (SMT). We propose to alleviate the word order challenge including morpho-syntactical and statistical information in the context of a pre-translation reordering framework aimed at capturing short- and long-distance word distortion dependencies. We examine the proposed approach from the theoretical and experimental points of view discussing and analyzing its advantages and limitations in comparison with some of the state-of-the-art reordering methods.In the final part of the paper, we describe the results of applying the syntax-based model to translation tasks with a great need for reordering (Chinese-to-English and Arabic-to-English). The experiments are carried out on standard phrase-based and alternative N-gram-based SMT systems. We first investigate sparse training data scenarios, in which the translation and reordering models are trained on a sparse bilingual data, then scaling the method to a large training set and demonstrating that the improvement in terms of translation quality is maintained.  相似文献   

In most statistical machine translation (SMT) systems, bilingual segments are extracted via word alignment. However, there is a need for systematic study as to what alignment characteristics can benefit MT under specific experimental settings such as the type of MT system, the language pair or the type or size of the corpus. In this paper we perform, in each of these experimental settings, a statistical analysis of the data and study the sample correlation coefficients between a number of alignment or phrase table characteristics and variables such as the phrase table size, the number of untranslated words or the BLEU score. We report results for two different SMT systems (a phrase-based and an n-gram-based system) on Chinese-to-English FBIS and BTEC data, and Spanish-to-English European Parliament data. We find that the alignment characteristics which help in translation greatly depend on the MT system and on the corpus size. We give alignment hints to improve BLEU score, depending on the SMT system used and the type of corpus. For example, for phrase-based SMT, dense alignments are required with larger corpora, especially on the target side, while with smaller corpora, more precise, sparser alignments are better, especially on the source side. Avoiding some long-distance crossing links may also improve BLEU score with small corpora. We take these conclusions into account to modify two types of alignment systems, and get 1 to 1.6 % relative improvements in BLEU score on two held-out corpora, although the improved system is different in each corpus.  相似文献   

We describe a new framework for distilling information from word lattices to improve the accuracy of the speech recognition output and obtain a more perspicuous representation of a set of alternative hypotheses. In the standard MAP decoding approach the recognizer outputs the string of words corresponding to the path with the highest posterior probability given the acoustics and a language model. However, even given optimal models, the MAP decoder does not necessarily minimize the commonly used performance metric, word error rate (WER). We describe a method for explicitly minimizing WER by extracting word hypotheses with the highest posterior probabilities from word lattices. We change the standard problem formulation by replacing global search over a large set of sentence hypotheses with local search over a small set of word candidates. In addition to improving the accuracy of the recognizer, our method produces a new representation of a set of candidate hypotheses that specifies the sequence of word-level confusions in a compact lattice format. We study the properties of confusion networks and examine their use for other tasks, such as lattice compression, word spotting, confidence annotation, and reevaluation of recognition hypotheses using higher-level knowledge sources.  相似文献   

wordlattice是与词图(wordgraph)结构类似但是结构没有词图致密的在小任务语音识别的情况下较为常见的一种中间输出结构,给出了在wordlattice结构上的语音识别置信度估计的一种算法。以lattice结构中的连接弧作为计算单元,给出了利用前后向算法高效计算lattice中每个弧的词后验概率及以其为基础计算每个词的置信度的算法。  相似文献   

面向机器辅助翻译的汉语语块自动抽取研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文提出了一种统计和规则相结合的语块抽取方法。本文使用Nagao串频统计算法进行基于词语的串频统计,进一步分别利用统计方法、语块边界过滤规则对2-gram到10-gram语块进行过滤,得到候选语块,取得了令人满意的结果。通过实验发现,在统计方法中互信息和信息熵相结合的方法较单一的互信息方法好;在语块边界规则过滤方法中语块左右边界规则和停用词对语块抽取的结果有较大影响。实验结果表明统计和过滤规则相结合的方法要优于纯粹的统计方法。应用本文方法,再辅以人工校对,可以方便地获取重复出现的多词语块。在机器辅助翻译系统中,使用现有的语块抽取方法抽取重复的语言单位,就可以方便地建设翻译记忆库,提高翻译的工作效率。  相似文献   

This paper explores the interaction between a language model’s perplexity and its effect on the word error rate of a speech recognition system. Much recent research has indicated that these two measures are not as well correlated as was once thought, and many examples exist of models which have a much lower perplexity than the equivalent N -gram model, yet lead to no improvement in recognition accuracy. This paper investigates the reasons for this apparent discrepancy. Perplexity’s calculation is based solely on the probabilities of words contained within the test text; it disregards the probabilities of alternative words which will be competing with the correct word within the decoder. It is shown that by considering the probabilities of the alternative words it is possible to derive measures of language model quality which are better correlated with word error rate than perplexity is. Furthermore, optimizing language model parameters with respect to these new measures leads to a significant reduction in the word error rate.  相似文献   

Broadcast news LM adaptation over time   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The exponent of a word is the quotient of its length over its smallest period. The exponent and the period of a word can be computed in time proportional to the word length. We design an algorithm to compute the maximal exponent of all factors of an overlap-free word. Our algorithm runs in linear-time on a fixed-size alphabet, while a naive solution of the question would run in cubic time. The solution for non-overlap-free words derives from algorithms to compute all maximal repetitions, also called runs, occurring in the word.We also show there is a linear number of occurrences of maximal-exponent factors in an overlap-free word. Their maximal number lies between 0.66n and 2.25n in a word of length n. The algorithm can additionally locate all of them in linear time.  相似文献   

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