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为研究节点板厚度、节点板材质、是否设置抗剪键以及加载模式对铝合金板式节点滞回性能的影响,完成了4组共计8个试件平面外受弯的拟静力试验,对其变形特征、破坏模式、承载能力、延性以及耗能能力等进行了分析。结果表明:板式节点在平面外往复弯矩作用下的受力过程可以分为5个阶段,即弹性阶段、螺栓滑移阶段、孔壁承压阶段、承载力退化阶段和破坏阶段;通过破坏后试件的形态特征可归纳出节点的两种破坏模式分别为杆件破坏和节点板块状拉剪破坏,且破坏模式与节点板厚度和杆件翼缘厚度密切相关;由于螺栓滑移的影响,节点的滞回曲线不够饱满;综合对比试件的骨架曲线、位移延性系数和能量耗散系数,节点板较厚的铝合金板式节点具有更好的承载能力、变形能力和耗能能力。  相似文献   

正交异性钢桥面板的疲劳问题是目前研究的主要热点之一。该文针对国内钢桥面板顶板竖向加劲肋焊接接头的构造细节,通过振动型疲劳试验机开展了18个试件的弯曲疲劳试验,研究了普通角焊缝和熔透角焊缝在不同加载应力幅下的疲劳性能,分析了焊接接头的应力集中系数,并与有限元分析结果进行了对比,得到了普通角焊缝和熔透角焊缝焊接接头疲劳寿命大小;同时采用BS5400、JSSC、Eurocode 3以及我国钢结构设计规范(GB 50017—2003)规定的S-N曲线对试验结果的疲劳强度进行了评定。研究表明:钢桥面板竖向加劲肋焊接接头熔透角焊缝的疲劳性能总体上优于普通角焊缝,对我国钢桥面板竖向加劲肋焊接接头的开裂前的疲劳性能建议采用BS5400-F2的S-N曲线(35MPa)进行设计和评价;并且两者焊接接头的应力集中系数约为2.4左右,其中熔透角焊缝受到焊接工艺的影响其应力集中系数较大,须在焊接后对其进行焊趾表面处理,以进一步提高疲劳性能。  相似文献   

钢筋混凝土梁-墙直交节点弯矩传递比例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
要深入了解梁-墙平面外连接节点的受力性能,特别是发生"拉脱破坏"的原因,需要明确平面外弯矩在剪力墙临界截面上引起的弯矩和扭矩的传递比例。通过有限元计算,对影响剪力墙截面力分布和节点弯矩传递比例的主要因素,如梁、墙截面尺寸以及边界条件等进行了参数分析;在此基础上,利用简化模型推导了节点弯矩传递比例的理论计算公式,并进行了数值拟合;通过与分析结果和ACI无梁楼盖相关计算公式的对比发现,ACI公式明显低估了抗弯条带的弯矩传递比例。  相似文献   

This paper deals with experimental investigations to study the seismic behavior of thick-walled circular hollow section (CHS) X-joints subjected to out-of-plane bending (OPB). Important geometric parameters were varied in designing three full-scale joint specimens in order to evaluate their effect on connection behavior. Test results indicated that the failure modes and the connection efficiency of these joints significantly depended on the brace-to-chord thickness ratio τ and the brace-to-chord diameter ratio β. The tension fracture was identified as a critical failure mode for thick-walled X-joints with large β. CHS X-joints with larger β ratio were found to demonstrate better connection ductility and more satisfactory energy dissipating capacity than those joints with smaller β ratio under cyclic OPB loading. This observation was further verified by the proposed simplified analytical model results. Finite element (FE) analyses were performed to simulate the experimental behavior and facilitate the interpretation of the important test observations.  相似文献   

采用数值分析方法对X形圆钢管相贯节点的平面外受弯滞回模型进行研究。针对影响节点性能的主要几何参数,建立206个已校验的有限元模型进行参数分析,通过多元回归技术得出基于Menegotto-Pinto方程的节点平面外弯矩-转角曲线方程,以及平面外受弯滞回模型,经比较,与数值分析结果吻合较好。通过一个单层网格结构算例,验证了滞回模型的准确性和有效性。  相似文献   

In Japan, fatigue through-thickness cracks have been reported in some steel bridges. Some of the cracks originate due to the effects of out-of-plane bending. In order to perform more efficient maintenance to prevent fatigue damages, it is essential to identify the crack propagation behavior of through-thickness cracks due to stress resulting from out-of-plane bending. The stress intensity factor for through-thickness cracks resulting from bending is an important factor for the assessment crack propagation behavior and has previously been determined by making the assumption that the crack front shape is straight in the thickness direction. However, the actual crack front is curved under the stresses of out-of-plane bending. In this paper, in order to identify the propagation behavior of through-thickness cracking due to out-of-plane bending, a fatigue test on through-thickness cracked plate was carried out. Furthermore, the stress intensity factor along curved crack front was investigated via finite element analysis on a test specimen.  相似文献   

Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets have been used to strengthen steel structures to enhance fatigue life. However there is very limited information on the influence of temperatures on the fatigue strengthening efficiency. This paper describes an investigation on the behavior of cracked steel plates strengthened with CFRP at different temperatures. Firstly, through cylinder coupon tests, mechanical properties of the resin were found to vary at different temperatures, especially when the temperature exceeds the glass transition temperature Tg. Secondly, three cracked bare steel plates and five cracked steel plates strengthened with high modulus CFRP sheets were tested under fatigue loading at different temperatures. The results prove the effectiveness of CFRP strengthening technology to increase fatigue life when the temperature ranges from −40 °C up to 60 °C. It is concluded that the variation of temperature has an obvious influence on properties of the resin, leading to influence on fatigue life. Finally, the existing analytical method to predict fatigue lives of CFRP strengthened steel plates at ambient temperature was modified by considering the temperature effect. Experimental and theoretical results are compared and reasonable agreement is achieved. The influence of the number of CFRP layers and CFRP modulus is also found based on the proposed analytical method.  相似文献   

采用相贯节点的圆钢管结构广泛应用于大跨度网格结构中,对于具有一定抗弯刚度的连接,节点将受到弯矩作用。介绍了两个不同几何参数的X型厚壁圆钢管相贯节点试件的平面外受弯滞回性能试验,结合数值分析,对节点承载能力和变形能力进行了研究。结果表明:在合理的几何参数和焊缝质量保证下,厚壁圆钢管相贯节点平面外受弯的承载力较高;厚壁圆钢管相贯节点在支主管径比β较大时节点易发生主管壁拉剪断裂破坏;在支主管径比β较大时延性等抗震性能较好,β较小时延性等抗震性能较差。  相似文献   

受弯圆弧拱平面外稳定承载力分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为建立压弯钢拱平面外稳定承载力设计方法,对承受弯矩作用的受弯圆弧拱的稳定承载力进行系统研究,考察弯矩对其面外稳定的影响。采用有限元分析方法,考虑截面形式、初始几何缺陷、残余应力、矢跨比、拱脚条件及端弯矩比例的影响。首先针对均匀正弯矩作用,基于正则化长细比给出了焊接工形截面、焊接箱形截面及热轧圆管截面拱的平面外稳定曲线;之后对于不同比例的端弯矩作用下不均匀受弯情况,提出了平面外稳定承载力计算的等效正则化长细比法和等效弯矩系数法,为压弯圆弧拱设计方法的建立奠定基础。研究表明:采用正则化长细比,均匀正弯矩作用下圆弧拱的平面外稳定系数可采用与直梁类似的平面外稳定曲线;不等端弯矩作用的情况需引入等效正则化长细比或等效弯矩系数,以考虑弯矩梯度和负弯矩作用的影响;提出的两种平面外稳定承载力计算方法与大挠度弹塑性有限元分析结果吻合较好。  相似文献   

This paper deals with experimental investigations to study the seismic behavior of circular hollow section (CHS) KK-connections used in steel tubular structures. Cyclic out-of-plane bending (OPB) loading patterns were varied in testing two full-scale specimens in order to evaluate their effect on connection behavior. Test results indicated that the strength efficiency of these connections significantly depended on the loading patterns. CHS KK-connections under alternate opening and closing out-of-plane bending (AOCO) developed more satisfactory levels of ductility and energy dissipation than that under alternate clockwise aligned and counter-clockwise aligned out-of-plane bending (ACCO), although the final failure modes for both showed similar fracture initiated from the chord wall. This observation was further verified by the proposed simplified analytical model results. Finite element (FE) analyses were performed to simulate the experimental behavior and facilitate the interpretation of the important test observations. Additionally, it was found that the energy dissipation due to the ductile chord crack propagation could be utilized effectively to some extent for earthquake resistance.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the behaviour of square concrete-filled steel tubular (CFT) beam-columns subjected to biaxial moment. Nine tests on beam-columns are reported here under a combined loading of constant axial load and cyclic lateral load applied at varying angles to the axis of the cross-section, referred to as ‘diagonal’ loading. The specimens were prepared in order to evaluate the influence of different parameters on the overall structural response, their ductility and their energy dissipation ability; the parameters included the effects of axial load ratio, width-to-thickness ratio, concrete compressive strength, slenderness ratio and load angle on the moment strength. The experimental results indicate that the ductility and energy dissipation ability of biaxially loaded square CFT columns decrease with increasing the axial load ratio. Their ductility and energy dissipation ability was also observed to decrease as the concrete compressive strength increased while the ductility was barely affected by the load angle. An increase in the load angle of biaxially bent square CFT beam-columns led to a slight decrease of the moment strength. Both EC4 and AIJ code provisions were shown to predict with reasonable accuracy the moment strength capacity observed in the tests, while the ACI-predicted moment strength gave to slightly conservative values. On the other hand, the LRFD code provisions greatly underestimated their moment strength.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the results of experimental studies on damaged reinforced concrete beams repaired by external bonding of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite laminates to the tensile face of the beam. Two sets of beams were tested in this study: control beams (without CFRP laminates) and damaged and then repaired beams with different amounts of CFRP laminates by varying different parameters (damage degree, CFRP laminate width, concrete strength class). All beams were tested in four-point bending over a span of 1800 mm. The tests were carried out under displacement control. The most investigated parameter in this experimental study is damage degree (ratio between pre-cracked load and load capacity of control beam). Repairing damaged RC beams with externally bonded CFRP laminates were successful for different degrees of damage. The observed failure modes were peeling off and interfacial debonding. These failure modes depend only on the laminate width.The results indicate that the load capacity and the rigidity of repaired beams were significantly higher then those of control beam for all tested damage degrees. The authors remarked that for a load capacity improvement, reinforcement with a CFRP having about a half width of the beam is satisfactory. Finally, the contribution of CFRP laminates on the load capacity and rigidity of repaired RC beams is significant for any concrete strength class.  相似文献   

The high strength to weight ratio and high stiffness to weight ratio of stiffened plates find wide application in aircraft structures, ship structures, offshore oil platforms and lock gates. The strength and stability of stiffened plates is highly influenced by openings and initial imperfections. The main objective is to study the behaviour of stiffened steel plates with openings up to collapse and to trace the post-peak behaviour under axial and out-of-plane loads. Four stiffened steel plates with a square opening were fabricated for testing. Angle sections were used as stiffeners. Imperfections in the plate, stiffener and overall imperfection of the whole panel were measured. All fabricated panels were tested to failure. A finite element (FE) model was developed for the analysis of stiffened plates with initial imperfections and validated with the test results. Parametric studies were conducted using the developed FE model, and interaction curves and equations were developed for the design of stiffened plates with initial imperfections and openings. The interactive effect for stiffened panels with a square opening was found to be linear, with proportional reduction of the ultimate axial load carrying capacity due to the constant out-of-plane load.  相似文献   

文章首先通过单调加载试验研究胶合木梁柱螺栓钢填板节点在弯剪复合作用下的转动性能,随后基于Johanson屈服模型提出胶合木梁柱钢填板螺栓节点在弯剪复合作用下的极限承载力和节点刚度的计算方法;同时提出节点弯矩转角曲线的理论预测模型.理论计算与试验结果相比具有较高的准确性.最后,基于节点承载力的理论计算方法分析节点抗剪承载...  相似文献   

This paper investigates the fatigue behaviour of defected steel beams retrofitted with three different methods, i.e., welding, welding and bonding with CFRP plates or CFRP woven sheets laminated via a wet lay-up process. Two different types of CFRP materials and two types of epoxies were selected in this study. An initial cut was made on the tensile flange in the mid span of each beam. Different failure modes were observed for beams retrofitted with CFRP plates and CFRP sheets. It was found that one layer of CFRP plate and epoxy strengthening system can extend the fatigue life of steel beams about 7 times comparing with beams repaired with solely welding method, while the fatigue life was extended abound 3 times for beams strengthened with 4 layers of CFRP woven sheets. Mean S–N curves were obtained based on the test data, that can be used to predict the fatigue life of steel beams retrofitted with similar CFRP materials. The crack propagation rate was measured using strip strain gauges. The CFRP plates showed better performance in resisting crack propagation than CFRP sheets under fatigue loading conditions. The relationship between the maximum stress and the crack propagation rate could be used to predict the crack length of beams retrofitted with similar CFRP strengthening systems.  相似文献   

以6根实腹式型钢混凝土梁弯扭试验研究为基础,利用有限元软件ABAQUS进行数值模拟分析。数值模拟得到的扭矩-扭率曲线以及极限扭矩与试验结果吻合良好,验证了所建模型分析型钢混凝土梁弯扭全过程数值模拟方法的可行性,进而探讨了不同因素对构件极限扭矩的影响规律。结果表明,试件极限扭矩随着弯扭比的增大而减小,随着配箍率、配钢率的增大而提高。  相似文献   

为研究外贴CFRP板对锈蚀钢板疲劳性能的影响,开展16个CFRP板加固锈蚀钢板试件的疲劳拉伸试验,研究锈蚀程度、CFRP刚度、CFRP预应力度、端部锚固及疲劳应力幅对CFRP板加固锈蚀钢板疲劳破坏模式、疲劳寿命及裂纹扩展规律的影响。研究结果表明,外贴CFRP板可以显著提升锈蚀钢板疲劳寿命,对质量损失率为9.38%、13.39%、16.61%及21.24%的锈蚀钢板,端部锚固条件下双面粘贴CFRP板加固试件疲劳寿命相对于未加固试件分别提高了18.4倍、9.3倍、8.9倍及11.4倍;加固方式对疲劳加固效果影响显著,端部锚固可以有效延缓黏结界面失效,增大CFRP板加固刚度或采用预应力加固均可显著降低裂纹扩展速率。  相似文献   

实际工程中,盾构隧道纵向弯矩和轴力可能同时存在,若按传统的纯弯等效抗弯刚度计算可能会带来较大误差。考虑轴力和弯矩共同作用对纵向弯曲变形的影响,提出5种弯曲模式,在经典的志波模型的基础上,建立盾构隧道纵向等效抗弯刚度计算模型,基于该模型开发了计算程序,以成都地铁3号线盾构隧道为实例,对其纵向等效抗弯刚度和管环张开量随轴力和弯矩的发展规律进行分析,并讨论弯曲模式的实用判别方法,求出变形过程的临界弯矩,最后给出纵向弯曲变形为线性和非线性的内力条件。研究发现:盾构隧道纵向变形随弯矩的发展过程可按轴力分为4类,各过程下管环张开量和等效抗弯刚度随弯矩的发展规律十分不同;轴力对等效抗弯刚度有显著影响,一般呈现压弯纯弯拉弯的规律。研究成果可应用于盾构隧道结构纵向力学分析、抗弯刚度分析等方面。  相似文献   

利用自行设计的加载装置,对不同冻融次数下的碳纤维增强复合材料CFRP-高强混凝土界面性能进行研究。研究表明:随着冻融次数的增加,双面剪切试验荷载-端部滑移曲线不能再用对数函数很好地表达,极限荷载降低较为明显,但是对剥离荷载没有较大影响;应变分布规律逐渐发生了改变,界面延性逐渐降低,界面的安全系数无法得到保证。  相似文献   

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