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In this study, we attempted to classify the methylotrophic yeasts based on diversities of alcohol oxidase (AOD), i.e. zymogram patterns and partial amino acid sequences. According to zymogram patterns for AOD, members of the methylotrophic yeasts separate into two major lineages, one group involving strains having a single AOD and the other group, including Pichia methanolica, Candida pignaliae and C. sonorensis, showing nine AOD isozymes. Based on partial amino acid sequences of AOD, the methylotrophic yeasts could be divided into five groups, and this classification agrees mostly with grouping based on 26S domain D1/D2 rDNA nucleotide sequences, except for some strains. Moreover, the strains having AOD isozymes constitute one group with P. trehalophila, P. glucozyma and Pichia sp. strain BZ159, although these strains are divided into two types, based on amino acid sequences of second AODs. On the other hand, these AOD isozymes consist of two subunits; the first subunits are induced not only by methanol but also by glycerol and pectin, although the second subunits are mainly induced by methanol. These data indicate that AOD isozymes and second AOD genes distribute widely in several methylotrophic yeasts in the natural environment, and second AOD genes may have evolved as methylotrophic genes that can adapt to the environmental conditions of higher methanol concentrations.  相似文献   

The methylotrophic yeast Pichia methanolica has nine multiple alcohol oxidase (AOD) isozymes, which can be detected on native electrophoretic polyacrylamide gel and are encoded by two genes, MOD1 and MOD2. The aim of this work is to reveal the physiological roles of these AOD subunits, especially that of Mod2p, encoded by the second AOD-encoding gene, MOD2. A strain expressing only MOD2 showed severe growth inhibition with a low concentration of methanol (0.1%), but its growth was restored with an increase in the methanol concentration (up to 3%). The expression of MOD2 using the CbAOD1 promoter in the Candida boidinii alcohol oxidase-depleted strain was more advantageous for methylotrophic growth with high methanol concentrations than that of MOD1. The expression of MOD2 was not observed under derepression conditions (0% methanol), and the expression level increased with an increase in the methanol concentration used for induction. The expression of MOD1 was observed under derepression conditions and was rather constant throughout the tested methanol concentration range. Therefore, the ratio of Mod2p to Mod1p in an active AOD octamer was proved to be mainly controlled by changes in the MOD2 mRNA level. These and other results show that Mod2p is a unique AOD subunit more adapted to methylotrophic growth with high methanol concentrations (3%) than Mod1p.  相似文献   

We describe a protein expression system in the methylotrophic yeast, Pichia methanolica. Methods for transformation and genetic manipulation of the organism were developed using an ade2 strain and the wild-type ADE2 gene. A vacuolar protease-deficient strain was constructed. Two genes encoding alcohol oxidases were found, yet a single isoform of alcohol oxidase was produced during methanol-fed fermentations. The promoter from this gene was used to drive expression. An integrating plasmid for the cytoplasmic expression of the 65 kDa isoform of human glutamate decarboxylase (human GAD65) was assembled. A strain harboring eight copies of this plasmid expressed enzymatically active human GAD65 at levels approaching 0·5 g/l. Identical amounts were made in Pichia pastoris. The recombinant GAD65 was purified to greater than 90% purity. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha, a host organism for the production of heterologous proteins, has been applied to produce the alpha-galactosidase from the plant Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (guar). The yeast/Escherichia coli shuttle expression vector used is based on the origin of replication of the endogenous 2 microns plasmid of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the LEU2 gene of S. cerevisiae for selection in H. polymorpha. In the expression vector, the alpha-galactosidase is controlled by the methanol-regulated promoter from the methanol oxidase gene, MOX, of H. polymorpha. The signal sequence of SUC2 (invertase) from the yeast S. cerevisiae, was used to ensure secretion of the alpha-galactosidase enzyme. After transformation and stabilization, the expression vector was stably integrated in the genome. The active alpha-galactosidase enzyme was efficiently secreted (greater than 85%) and after methanol induction, the expression level was 42 mg/l. Amino-terminal sequencing of the purified alpha-galactosidase enzyme synthesized by H. polymorpha showed that the S. cerevisiae invertase signal sequence was correctly processed by H. polymorpha. The secreted alpha-galactosidase was glycosylated and had a sugar content of 9.5%. The specific activity of the alpha-galactosidase produced by H. polymorpha was 38 U mg-1 compared to 100 U mg-1 for the guar alpha-galactosidase. Deglycosylation of the H. polymorpha alpha-galactosidase restored the specific activity completely.  相似文献   

As a first step in a genetic approach towards understanding peroxisome biogenesis and function, we have sought to isolate mutants of the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha which are deficient in peroxisomes. A collection of 260 methanol-utilization-defective strains was isolated and screened for the ability to utilize a second compound, ethanol, the metabolism of which involves peroxisomes. Electron microscopical investigations of ultrathin sections of selected pleiotropic mutants revealed two strains which were completely devoid of peroxisomes. In both, different peroxisomal matrix enzymes were active but located in the cytosol; these included catalase, alcohol oxidase, malate synthase and isocitrate lyase. Subsequent backcrossing experiments revealed that for all crosses involving both strains, the methanol- and ethanol utilizing-deficient phenotypes segregated independently of each other, indicating that different gene mutations were responsible for these phenotypes. The phenotype of the backcrossed peroxisome-deficient derivates was identical: defective in the ability to utilize methanol but capable of growth on other carbon sources, including ethanol. The mutations complemented and therefore were recessive mutations in different genes.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe molecular characterization of the FLD1 gene, which encodes glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase (FLD), from the methylotrophic yeast Pichia methanolica. The P. methanolica FLD1 gene contains two exons corresponding to a gene product of 380 amino acid residues and a 225 bp intron, respectively, and its deduced amino acid sequence shows high similarity to those of Fld1ps from other methylotrophic yeasts (80-88%). In P. methanolica, FLD activity is mainly induced by methanol, and this induction is not completely repressed by glucose. Moreover, the expression of the PmFLD1 is strictly regulated, mainly at the mRNA level, its expression increasing with increasing methanol concentrations in the medium. These results suggest that FLD1 is involved in the detoxification of formaldehyde in methanol metabolism, and Fld1p coordinates the formaldehyde level in methanol-grown cells according to the methanol concentration on growth.  相似文献   

Techniques are described for the induction, isolation, and characterization of mutants of Hansenula polymorpha. In addition, techniques for controlled passage through the life cycle and genetic analyses, including complementation, tetrad and random spore analysis, have been developed and used to assign mutants to 62 complementation groups. We report that organism conforms to the expected genetics of a homothallic yeast and displays a Mendelian segregation of genes through meiosis. Preliminary mapping data are presented indicating linkage of three genes on a single linkage fragment. Enymatic analysis of methanol-non-utilizing mutants identified one class which is totally deficient in the key assimilatroy enzyme, dihydroxyacetone synthase.  相似文献   

Methyl formate synthesis during growth on methanol by methylotrophic yeasts has been considered to play a role in formaldehyde detoxification. An enzyme that catalyses methyl formate synthesis was purified from methylotrophic yeasts, and was suggested to belong to a family of alcohol dehydrogenases (ADHs). In this study we report the gene cloning and gene disruption analysis of three ADH-encoding genes in the methylotrophic yeast Candida boidinii (CbADH1, CbADH2 and CbADH3) in order to clarify the physiological role of methyl formate synthesis. From the primary structures of these three genes, CbAdh1 was shown to be cytosolic and CbAdh2 and CbAdh3 were mitochondrial enzymes. Gene products of CbADH1, CbADH2 and CbADH3 expressed in Escherichia coli showed both ADH- and methyl formate-synthesizing activities. The results of gene-disruption analyses suggested that methyl formate synthesis was mainly catalysed by a cytosolic ADH (CbAdh1), and this enzyme contributed to formaldehyde detoxification through glutathione-independent formaldehyde oxidation during growth on methanol by methylotrophic yeasts.  相似文献   

Methanol-inducible gene promoters in methanol-utilizing yeasts are used in high-level heterologous gene expression systems. Generally, expression of methanol-inducible genes is completely repressed by the presence of glucose. In this study we identified the MIG1 gene in Candida boidinii, which encodes a homologue of the glucose repressor Mig1p of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Disruption of the CbMIG1 gene had no growth effect on various carbon sources. Activation of the methanol-inducible AOD1 gene, which encodes alcohol oxidase, was increased in the early stage of methanol induction when cells of the CbMIG1-disrupted strain were transferred from glucose medium to methanol medium. Furthermore, CbMig1p tagged with yellow fluorescent protein was primarily localized in the nucleus of glucose-grown cells, but was diffuse in the cytosol of methanol-grown cells. This cytosolic diffusion in methanol-grown cells occurred in a CbMsn5p-dependent manner. These results suggest that CbMig1p is involved in negative regulation of methanol-inducible gene expression in C. boidinii.  相似文献   

Cell‐free extract prepared from methanol‐grown cells of the methylotrophic yeast Pichia methanolica showed nine multiple alcohol oxidase (AOD) bands on active staining in native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Their molecular basis was investigated and two AOD‐encoding genes, MOD1 and MOD2, were cloned from P. methanolica genome. When the two genes were expressed in a heterologous host, an alcohol oxidase‐depleted strain of Candida boidinii(aod1Δ strain), both MOD1 and MOD2 partially complemented growth defect of the host strain on methanol. While expression of either MOD1 or MOD2 in C. boidinii aod1Δ strain gave a single AOD band corresponding to the band with the largest and smallest mobility among the nine AOD bands, respectively, co‐expression of MOD1 and MOD2 resulted in multiple band formation. Mixed oligomerization of Mod1p and Mod2p in vitro also gave nine multiple bands. From these results, we concluded that the nine multiple forms of AOD observed on native–PAGE represent two homo‐octamers and seven hetero‐octamers of Mod1p and Mod2p. Using this zymogram analysis, we also found that Mod1p was preferably produced at low methanol concentrations in the media, while Mod2p was produced at higher methanol concentrations. This shows distinct regulatory features of the two AOD‐encoding genes in this methylotrophic yeast. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the present study using Pichia methanolica, it was found that expressions of methanol-metabolic enzymes were strictly regulated by the presence of oxygen, and that induction of alcohol oxidase (AOD) isozymes was completely dependent on oxygen concentrations. A proportion of AOD-isozyme species responded to oxygen conditions, e.g. in a low oxygen condition, Mod1p was dominant, but with an increase in the oxygen concentration, the ratio of Mod2p increased. The K(m) value of Mod1p for oxygen was ca. one-seventh lower than that of Mod2p (0.47 and 3.51 mM, respectively). This shows that Mod1p is suitable at low oxygen concentrations and Mod2p at high oxygen concentrations. Also, zymogram changes for AOD isozymes were observed by inhibition of respiratory chain activity. These indicated that P. methanolica has the ability to recognize oxygen conditions and the respiratory chain should participate in the sensor for available oxygen. These facts indicate that there is organelle crosstalk between mitochondria and peroxisomes through nucleus gene regulation in order to control the consumption balance of available oxygen between the mitochondrial respiratory chain and peroxisomal AODs.  相似文献   

The effect of various carbon compounds on the synthesis of alcohol oxidase in a medium with methanol was studied in the wild type strain of Pichia pinus as well as in gcr1 and ecr1 mutants defective in glucose and ethanol repression of methanol metabolic enzymes, respectively. Compounds repressing the synthesis of alcohol oxidase in the wild type strain were divided into four groups. Repression of alcohol oxidase by compounds of the first group (glucose, fructose, mannose, galactose, L -sorbose and xylose) was impaired only in the gcr1 mutant and that by compounds of the second group (ethanol, acetate, 2-oxoglutarate and erythritol) only in the ecr1 mutant. Repression by compounds of the third group (malate, dihydroxyacetone) was not impaired in both these regulatory mutants and that by compounds of the fourth group (succinate, fumarate, L -arabinose, sorbitol, salicin, xylitol and cellobiose) was partially reduced in both gcr1 and ecr1 strains. Mutation gcr1 causes a significant decrease in phosphofructokinase activity. It also led to a six- to seven-fold increase in intracellular pools of glucose-6-phosphate and fructose-6-phosphate and to a two-fold decrase in the intracellular pool of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate. In ecr1 strains, a decrese in 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase activity accompanied by an increae in activities of NAD- and NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenases and NAD- and NADP-dependent glutamate dehydrogenases was demonstrated. The intracellular pool of 2-oxoglutarate was increased 2·5-fold in ecr1 strains. Genes GCR1 and ECR1 are not linked. The mechanisms of catabolite repression of alcohol oxidase in methylotrophic yeasts are discussed.  相似文献   

关于啤酒酵母产生苯乙醇的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苯乙醇具有玫瑰风味,是清酒和葡萄酒等酒精饮料中的重要风味化合物。利用啤酒酵母生产风味物质的原理即为利用酶或微生物将前体物苯丙氨酸转化为食品风味苯乙醇。在啤酒酵母中芳香族氨基酸生物合成主要受DAHP合成酶、分支酸合成酶、分支酸变位酶L—苯丙氨酸形成苯乙醇的途径中,对于苯丙氨酸,α—酮酸脱氢酶起主要作用。(孙悟)  相似文献   

张敏  毛健  黄桂东  姬中伟  冯浩  彭金龙 《食品工业科技》2012,33(20):342-345,350
清酒酿酒酵母是清酒生产过程中的关键微生物,发酵过程中逐渐积累的酒精会对酵母细胞产生毒害作用,从而抑制了细胞的生长代谢和更高浓度酒精的形成。因此,对酵母细胞酒精耐受机理的研究,为筛选、构造高产酒精和高酒精耐受性酵母菌种提供理论基础。本文从细胞壁、细胞膜、热休克蛋白、贮藏性糖类、氨基酸等方面阐述酵母细胞酒精耐受机理,并在细胞生理学的基础上分析清酒酵母具有较高的酒精产率和相对较差的酒精耐受性的原因。  相似文献   

比较了产朊假丝酵母、毕赤酵母、面包酵母和啤酒酵母培养过程中细胞壁甘露聚糖的合成与释放特性。结果表明:四种酵母的甘露聚糖合成均为生长偶联型;不同类型酵母的甘露聚糖合成能力差异显著(p<0.05),合成能力最强的啤酒酵母细胞壁甘露聚糖含量最高可达0.62g/L发酵液,而合成能力最弱的毕赤酵母仅为0.47g/L发酵液。四种酵母的甘露聚糖最大释放量均出现对数生长中期,并且不同类型酵母释放效率差异较大,最高值毕赤酵母甘露聚糖释放量达到了0.27g/L发酵液,最低值啤酒酵母仅有0.15g/L发酵液。乙醇显著刺激四种酵母的甘露聚糖释放(p<0.05),其中对产朊假丝酵母的影响最显著且在5%乙醇浓度下,与对照相比,其甘露聚糖释放量和释放率分别大幅提高了152%和120%。   相似文献   

通过利用能量为100MeV/u C12的重离子束对酿酒酵母进行辐照处理,再经筛选得到1株产酒能力高的菌株,结果表明,突变株表现出较好的遗传性状,对温度的耐受性也有所提高,利用诱变菌株进行发酵,酒精度达到10.3°。  相似文献   

The importance of the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD) in the metabolic switch from normotrophic to methylotrophic conditions was studied in the facultative methylotrophic yeast Candida boidinii. Copper adaptation was performed to qualify C. boidinii as a suitable cellular system to study the effect of induction of CuZnSOD, and other biochemical components along the copper detoxification system, on methanol adaptation. Copper adaptation results in the induction of CuZnSOD peroxidase activity as well as of glutathione. The effects at the metabolic level of exposure to both copper and methanol were also studied: the results suggest that the effect on antioxidant enzyme levels as a function of the change of trophic condition are predominant with respect to the effects of copper administration. Thus, the methanol-dependent induction of such enzymes is likely to provide a sufficient protection for the cells against toxic effects depending on copper administration. Administration of copper under methylotrophic conditions decreases the growth rate in spite of the high levels of antioxidant enzymes that are elicited by copper treatment. The adaptation to methanol metabolism was studied alsoafter methanol-independent induction of CuZnSOD, glutathione and catalase levels, obtained by exposure to high copper concentrations in glucose-containing medium. The metabolic changes induced by copper are persistent over several re-inoculations in normo-cupric glucose medium, thus allowing the study of the glucose-to-methanol switch on cells exhibiting high levels of antioxidant enzyme activities. Under such conditions the lag time observed during the transition from normotrophic to methylotrophic conditions is strongly reduced.  相似文献   

对真核表达系统Hansenula,Candida,Torulopsis和Pichia甲基营养酵母的生理特性、基因整合、糖基化、载体设计及其在生产与研究中的应用进行了综述,表明该系统表达外源基因具有经济合理、安全可靠、表达蛋白可以翻译后修饰等优点,是一类极具发展潜力和广泛应用的真核表达系统.  相似文献   

吴华昌  肖辰  邓静  谭文其 《中国酿造》2012,31(3):111-115
为获得乙醇耐受性较高的酵母菌,通过富集培养,从白酒窖池的酒糟中分离筛选出一株耐18%vol乙醇浓度的菌株A2。其最适生长温度为32℃,最适pH值为4.5。通过正交试验得出A2的最优发酵条件为葡萄糖浓度20%(w/v),温度34℃,pH值为4.5。发酵72h后,发酵液酒精浓度达到9.5%vol。  相似文献   

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