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便携式激光扫描三维形貌测量系统   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
介绍了基于双目立体视觉的便携式激光扫描三维形貌测量系统,该系统的测头部分安装了5个激光器,将 扫描速度提高了5倍,而且采用两个摄像机同时摄取扫描激光光条图像,避免了对投射激光的标定过程。根据立 体视觉原理,经图像匹配,可计算得到光条上所有点的空间位置和深度,即被测空间曲面的三维信息。阐述了非 接触三维形貌测量的原理和方法,试验结果证明了系统的可行性和适用性。  相似文献   

As the field of biomedicine continues to grow, so will the need for the quick and efficient manufacture of high-quality micro-textures, such as microfluidi  相似文献   

基于连续扫描方式的激光共焦扫描显微镜的研制   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
研发了一套基于连续扫描的激光共焦扫描显微镜(laser confocal scanning microscopy,LCSM)系统。该系统采用工作台连续运动方式实现扫描,提出了利用单次采集的数据滤除随机噪声的方法,避免了多帧取平均对成像速度造成的影响。实现连续扫描的关键在于解决工作台运动与数据采集的同步问题,利用采集卡有限采集模式,合理匹配工作台参数和采集参数,成功解决了这一问题。详细介绍了影响分辨率的因素,通过合理选取探测器针孔直径,取样间隔,确保了实现高分辨率的要求。系统利用Visual C#开发的控制平台,成功地对生物细胞进行了扫描成像。实验结果表明:基于连续扫描的LCSM具有较高的分辨率,生成的显微图像没有任何畸变,并且成像速度有了大幅度提高。  相似文献   

Bubble rising phenomenon is widely found in many engineering applications including stream generators in power plants. Many experimental and numerical researches have been performed to predict the dynamic behavior of the bubble rising process. Most simulations so far have focused on evolution behavior of the rising bubble itself. Rising bubbles could penetrate through the top free surface which makes the problem much more complicated in addition to the curvature effect on the interface. With top surface, satellite droplets may be generated near breakup region and entrained to rising velocity field. In this paper, the effect of top free surface on rising bubble has been numerically investigated. High-order tetra-marching level contour reconstruction method (LCRM), which is a hybridization of fronttracking and level-set methods has been used to track the gas-liquid interface explicitly. Effects of free surface on the interfacial shape and behavior after breakup are studied with different size and depth of the initial bubble. It has been found that the initial diameter of the bubble is the dominant factor controlling the satellite droplet formation.  相似文献   

基于菲涅耳波带板扫描全息术,提出了无运动卷积菲涅耳波带板扫描全息术.由于菲涅耳波带板扫描全息术经过二维电移台控制物体移动进行二维扫描,得到整个物体的扫描全息图,因此,它是通过物体的光强透过率函数与菲涅耳波带板的光强透过率函数的卷积得到物体的扫面全息图.这种方法的缺点是扫描时间长.无运动扫描全息术是根据几何光学的基本理论,无需物体的移动直接得到扫描全息图,大大缩短了扫描时间.  相似文献   

为了提高激光测量系统对工件表面特征的测量精度,减少数据处理中由于特征点云拟合选择对测量精度的影响,针对比较常见的两种表面特征提出了正确的拟合方式。从工件表面的实测数据出发,经过多次实验,结合表面测量特征的拟合原理,分析不同点云处理方法之间的差异,并给出了最适合该特征的拟合方式及其原因。实验表明,不同的点云拟合方式对特征测量的影响比较大,选择正确的拟合方式才能保证测量的准确性。  相似文献   

Direct numerical simulation of multiphase flow on fixed Eulerian grid became increasingly popular due to its simplicity and robustness. Some of the well-known methods include VOF, Level Set, Phase field, and Front Tracking method. Lately, hybridization of above methods gets its attention to overcome the disadvantages pertaining to each method. One hybrid approach developed by the author is the Level Contour Reconstruction Method (LCRM) which combines characteristics of both Front Tracking and Level Set method. Many engineering problems also contain complex geometry as boundary condition and proper representation of grid structure plays very important role for the successful outcomes. In this paper, an algorithm for handling arbitrary geometry inside fixed Eulerian computational domain with multiphase flow has been presented. Interface reconstruction between liquid and vapor phase has been performed outside of arbitrary solid boundary explicitly along with dynamic contact angle model. Sharp interface technique using ghost fluid point extrapolation method has been utilized for correct implementation of no-slip boundary condition at the wall. This paper was presented at the 7th JSME-KSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, Sapporo, Japan, October 2008. Seungwon Shin received his B.S. and M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Seoul National University, Korea, in 1995 and 1998, respectively. He then received his Ph.D. degree from Georgia Tech in 2002. Dr. Shin is currently a Professor at the School of Mechanical and System Design Engineering at Hongik University in Seoul, Korea. Dr. Shin’s research interests include computational fluid dynamics, multiphase flow, surface tension effect, phase change process.  相似文献   

A simple procedure was used to generate and decorate leather structures with different amounts from zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles to produce multifunctional leather structure by pulsed laser ablation method in liquid media based on changing the ablation time in just one-pot method. The impact of varying concentrations of ZnO nanoparticles embedded on the surface of leather on water resistance, water vapor permeability, mechanical characteristics, and UV-shielding efficiency was examined by different characterization techniques like X-ray diffraction, surface area, UV–visible spectroscopy, scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis. The results showed that the combination between the external functional groups of leather with ZnO nanoparticles was discovered. ZnO nanoparticles effectively coated the surface of leather tissue, as seen by SEM images, and their form a spherical morphology. Leather with ZnO nanoparticles added had the highest capacity to kill Escherichia coli bacteria, exceeding leather without modification and ZnO nanoparticles alone in 50-hr incubation. In addition, the incubation period had a substantial impact on the suppression of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria growth by leather samples.  相似文献   

The scanning multi-component pulsed laser deposition (PLD) method realizes uniform depositions of desired coatings by a modified pulsed laser deposition process, preferably with a femto-second laser-system. Multi-component coatings (single or multilayered) are thus deposited onto substrates via laser induced ablation of segmented targets. This is achieved via horizontal line-scanning of a focused laser beam over a uniformly moving target's surface. This process allows to deposit the desired composition of the coating simultaneously, starting from the different segments of the target and adjusting the scan line as a function of target geometry. The sequence and thickness of multilayers can easily be adjusted by target architecture and motion, enabling inter/intra layer concentration gradients and thus functional gradient coatings. This new, simple PLD method enables the achievement of uniform, large-area coatings. Case studies were performed with segmented targets containing aluminum, titanium, and niobium. Under the laser irradiation conditions applied, all three metals were uniformly ablated. The elemental composition within the rough coatings obtained was fixed by the scanned area to Ti-Al-Nb = 1:1:1. Crystalline aluminum, titanium, and niobium were found to coexist side by side at room temperature within the substrate, without alloy formation up to 600 °C.  相似文献   

扫描平面激光坐标测量系统校准方法的优化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍了一种基于旋转平面激光单站测角、多站交汇的坐标测量系统,并对其校准方法进行了优化.分析了系统的测角方式和多传感器交汇测量的特点,阐述了基于传统方法的单基站方位信息测量原理及系统结构,并提出了相应的单站结构参数和系统参数校准方法.针对转轴直线和光平面的特点,设计了配套附件并借助经纬仪标定了结构参数,同时通过接收器确定...  相似文献   

G.M. Clarke  T.R. Thomas 《Wear》1979,57(1):107-116
In the laser scanning analyser a laser beam is reflected from a rotating polygonal mirror so as to scan the workpiece surface at high speed, where it is again reflected into a photodetector which measures the reflected intensity. If the surface is rough, in addition to the specular reflectance the diffuse reflectance due to diffraction is measured as a function of the off-specular angle. In effect the system when used in this mode is a glossmeter which measures the optical properties of a section through the surface and is thus highly suitable for comparison with a stylus instrument. Experiments are described in which reflectance measurements on surfaces finished by various machining processes are compared with stylus roughness measurements. It is found that reflectance measurements are sensitive both to roughness and to the orientation of the lay. Reflectance measurements are found to vary as the average roughness and as the fourth power of the profile slope. There is no correlation with curvature and no evidence of the effect of longer surface wavelengths. There is some evidence that two different scattering mechanisms are involved. Possible applications of such a real-time non-contacting roughness measuring system are described.  相似文献   

一种改进的轮廓跟踪算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对轮廓数据在基于工业CT图像快速反求工程中的重要作用,详细分析了Freeman链码跟踪法,根据反求工程的具体要求,提出了一种改进的轮廓跟踪法和基于轮廓跟踪数据的优化方法.对具体的ICT图像进行了轮廓跟踪,抗干扰和数据优化等分析处理,其结果不但能正确跟踪到所需轮廓数据,而且明显精简了跟踪结果的数据量,对快速原型生产具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Laser scanning confocal microscopes are essential and ubiquitous tools in the biological, biochemical and biomedical sciences, and play a similar role to scanning electron microscopes in materials science. However, modern laser scanning confocal microscopes have a number of advantages for the study of materials, in addition to their obvious uses for high resolution reflected and transmitted light optical microscopy. In this paper, we provide several examples that exploit the laser scanning confocal microscope's capabilities of pseudo-infinite depth of field imaging, topographic imaging, photo-stimulated luminescence imaging and Raman spectroscopic imaging.  相似文献   

共聚焦激光扫描荧光显微镜扫描系统研制   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为适应三维光学微细加工及三维光学信息存储研究的需要,研制了共聚焦激光扫描荧光显微镜的工作台式扫描系统,扫描范围138μm×138μm.工作台采用压电陶瓷驱动器( PZT actuator)驱动的方式来获得高分辨率的位移,采用带柔性铰链的杠杆放大装置来获得较大的位移范围.描述了工作台的工作原理,并对其静态和动态性能进行了测试,实验表明这一扫描系统能很好的应用于共聚焦激光扫描荧光显微镜系统.  相似文献   

Two-photon laser scanning microscopy (TPLSM) was used to directly measure glutathione (GSH) as its fluorescent glutathione S-bimane conjugate (GSB) in developing root hair cells (trichoblasts) and non-root hair cells (atrichoblasts) of intact Arabidopsis roots. In comparison to confocal microscopy, TPLSM showed more detail deep within the tissue with less signal attenuation. The total level of GSB labelling reached a plateau after 60 min in both trichoblasts and atrichoblasts, reflecting depletion of GSH. GSB was formed initially in the cytoplasm and was subsequently transported into the vacuole. The volume ratio of vacuole to cytoplasm was determined using the Cavalieri estimator of volume and used to calculate the amount of GSB per volume of cytoplasm in each cell type. At the end of the time-course the cytoplasmic concentration of GSB was 2.7 ± 0.5 m m ( n  = 5) in trichoblasts and 5.5 ± 0.8 m m ( n  = 5) in atrichoblasts. In trichoblasts this value represents the initial concentration of GSH in the cytoplasm. Labelling of roots with monochlorobimane (MCB) on ice led to the formation of GSB in the cytoplasm, but prevented vacuolar sequestration. After washing prelabelled roots and transfer to room temperature, vacuolar transport resumed. Although no free MCB was present the total amount of GSB in atrichoblasts increased further, indicating that the higher values recorded in the atrichoblasts might reflect additional symplastic transport and sequestration of GSB from neighbouring cells.  相似文献   

为了满足尖端制造领域中大部件的数字化钻孔与装配需求,利用线激光扫描仪和工业机械臂提出了基准孔自动检测与定位系统及方法.首先,对基准孔三维点云进行孔底点云插值补偿,采用双向梯度约束算法实现了基准孔的粗略边缘特征点提取;然后,针对提取的边缘特征点,采用基于角度判断的细化算法和基于平面拟合的压缩算法,实现了边缘特征点的精细化...  相似文献   

A new version of the method of direct multibeam laser writing of diffractive optical elements (DOE) is proposed and investigated. A writing area in the form of an array of focused light spots is formed by splitting the writing laser beam into multiple beams by using a Dammann grating and focusing of these beams in the plane of a moving carrier with a photosensitive material. Adjustment of the radial pitch of writing and correction of the uniformity of the beam intensity is carried out by tilting the Dammann grating and displacing it in the dispersion direction. In writing DOEs, the radial pitch of discrete displacement of the writing area with respect to the plane of the DOE is set equal to or multiple of the average radial distance between the radial projections of the centers of the focused light spots. This version provides improved performance and accuracy due to high-quality paralleling of the writing beam and the averaging effect in superimposed writing.  相似文献   

干涉型激光直写制作光学可变图像的优化方法   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
邵洁  陈林森 《仪器仪表学报》2003,24(6):626-628,646
分析了用干涉型激光直写技术制作光学可变图像的优点,为达到最佳图像质量和最短运行时间,针对不同类型的图像提出光刻轨迹按光栅取向连续曝光和控制光电开关的通断不连续曝光的两种优化运行式,并给出了实验比较结果。  相似文献   

Two-photon excitation laser scanning fluorescence microscopy (2p-LSM) was compared with UV-excitation confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscopy (UV-CLSM) in terms of three-dimensional (3-D) calcium imaging of living cells in culture. Indo-1 was used as a calcium indicator. Since the excitation volume is more limited and excitation wavelengths are longer in 2p-LSM than in UV-CLSM, 2p-LSM exhibited several advantages over UV-CLSM: (1) a lower level of background signal by a factor of 6–17, which enhances the contrast by a factor of 6–21; (2) a lower rate of photobleaching by a factor of 2–4; (3) slightly lower phototoxicity. When 3-D images were repeatedly acquired, the calcium concentration determined by UV-CLSM depended strongly on the number of data acquisitions and the nuclear regions falsely exhibited low calcium concentrations, probably due to an interplay of different levels of photobleaching of Indo-1 and autofluorescence, while the calcium concentration evaluated by 2p-LSM was stable and homogeneous throughout the cytoplasm. The spatial resolution of 2p-LSM was worse by 10% in the focal plane and by 30% along the optical axis due to the longer excitation wavelength. This disadvantage can be overcome by the addition of a confocal pinhole (two-photon excitation confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscopy), which made the resolution similar to that in UV-CLSM. These results indicate that 2p-LSM is preferable for repeated 3-D reconstruction of calcium concentration in living cells. In UV-CLSM, 0.18-mW laser power with a 2.φ pinhole (in normalized optical coordinate) gives better signal-to-noise ratio, contrast and resolution than 0.09-mW laser power with a 4.9-φ pinhole. However, since the damage to cells and the rate of photobleaching is substantially greater under the former condition, it is not suitable for repeated acquisition of 3-D images.  相似文献   

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