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康亮 《园林》2003,(11):49-49
品种特性:藿香蓟为菊科多年生草本,原产热带美洲。‘Artist’是新一代的扦插育苗品种;与传统的播种育苗相比具有优势;对气候的适应性强,尤其是耐热性;生长势旺盛,生长周期短,易获得良好株形的植株;分枝性强,多花性使其应用更加广泛,除花坛布置,还可以益栽,组合盆栽。栽培要点:1~3月份,扦插育苗,注意品种有专利保护。生根上盆后宜生长在阳光充足,通风良好的环境,生长温度为14~16℃,后期约4周左右宜降  相似文献   

康亮 《园林》2004,(9):35-35

叶剑秋 《园林》2004,(12):44-44
品种特性 穗花婆婆纳归玄参科,婆婆纳属,原产亚洲湿带地区和北欧。多年生草本,株高20-40厘米,整株被毛。枝条直立或斜展,丛生性强。单叶对生、长圆形至窄卵状披针形,叶缘有细锯齿。总状花序,小花筒状唇形花冠,小花密集,花色蓝紫为主,有白、桃红、雪青、浅蓝等品种,花期夏秋。可用于绿地花境,也可切花观赏。  相似文献   

康亮 《园林》2004,(7):33-33
品种特性袋鼠花为Heamodoraceas科、袋鼠花属,原产澳洲的西南部。多年生草本,具有较短的根茎,株高40~120厘米。枝叶丛生状,叶披针状条形,叶色灰绿。顶生总状花序,唇形花冠,酷似袋鼠爪;花茎常有  相似文献   

吴波立 《园林》2004,(11):44-44
品种特征。钓钟柳系玄参科,钓钟柳属,原产南美洲的墨西哥,多年生草本,可作一二年生花卉,株高60-90厘米。枝条直立,丛生性强,基部常木质化,单叶对生,卵形窄卵状披针形,叶缘有细锯齿。圆锥状总状花序。小花钟状唇形花冠,上唇2裂,下唇3裂,花朵略下垂;花色丰富,粉红、红色、紫色、雪青、浅蓝等;花期春夏,可用绿地花境,也可切花观赏。  相似文献   

康亮 《园林》2002,(3):9-9
植物材料。银白合果芋、洋常春藤、彩叶草。操作步骤;(1)将一丛银白合果芋种植于金色高脚器皿的左侧作为主体。(2)在器皿的右后侧种植一株高度适中的彩叶草,紫红色的叶片可增加色彩的变化。  相似文献   

康亮 《园林》2004,(8):35-35

吴波立 《园林》2004,(5):51-51
植物材料和器皿南天竹、花毛茛、紫罗兰、细裂雪叶菊、石竹、英石、紫砂盆。布局设计作品用紫砂盆作器皿,构图以英石、南天竹为主体,草花可随季节变化而调换,以花毛茛、紫罗兰、石竹构成不等边三角形。色彩搭配用黄色花毛茛配红色石竹、浅玫瑰红色紫罗兰,形成层次变化,并在紫砂盆沿四周种植白色的细裂雪叶菊,既增添色彩层  相似文献   

庞伟星 《园林》2004,(3):29-29
植物材料大莺歌凤梨、蟆叶秋海棠、细裂雪叶菊、欧洲报春、吊竹梅。布局设计与作品分析选用竹制花篮作器具,使作品具回归自然的感觉;大莺歌凤梨为主体,营造热情,高贵的气氛,辅以蟆叶秋海棠,以软、皱褶的圆形叶与大莺歌凤梨刚劲的形态作对比,中间植细裂雪叶菊,起到缓冲、调和的作用,  相似文献   

神话蕴含着原始先民对文化生活的认识,体现了不同民族对客观世界的主观感知,记录了特定历史时期的民族文化传统和价值取向。中国少数民族神话中的射日月母题是流传较为广泛的一类神话母题,在各民族文化相互影响与吸收下,该类母题在传承过程中也发生了变化。采用比较分析的方法对射日月神话的背景、原因、人物、过程、结果及延续环节展开阐述,可帮助人们把握射日月母题的基本规律,挖掘口传资料和文本内部所蕴含的民族心理和文化信息。  相似文献   

为研究马鞭草的化学成分,采用硅胶、C_(18)反相硅胶、sephadex LH-20等色谱技术与制备薄层色谱分离纯化,并根据理化性质与波谱数据鉴定分离化合物的结构.从马鞭草全草中分离得到7个化合物,分别鉴定为戟叶马鞭草苷(1)、香叶木素(2)、8-羟基-柚皮素-4'-甲基醚(3)、甘草素(4)、二氢咖啡酸丙酯(5)、2-(3,4-二羟基苯基)-乙醇乙酸酯(6)、2-羟基-3-甲氧基蒽醌(7).除化合物1外,所有化合物均为首次从本种植物中发现.  相似文献   

目的:建立宽叶缬草挥发油中有效成分乙酸龙脑酯的气相色谱测定法。方法:色谱条件为DB-WAX毛细管色谱柱(0.32mm×25m),程序升温60℃10℃/min→120℃6℃/min→140℃10℃/min→230℃(5min),分流比为30∶1,FID检测器,内标为萘。结果:乙酸龙脑酯在0.016~0.250mg范围内呈线性关系(r=0.99999),加样平均回收率为104.85%。结论:建立的方法简便、灵敏、易操作,为宽叶缬草植物资源的开发利用奠定基础。  相似文献   

对于高校教师住宅物业管理,物业管理公司实施专业化管理模式,才能够为教师的科研工作提供有效的后勤保障,保障教职工的日常生活。因此,本文主要对我国高校教师住宅管理中存在的问题进行分析,并探讨出建立高校教师住宅物业管理模式的有效策略。  相似文献   

目的:建立不同海拔生长的宽叶缬草挥发油指纹图谱,分析其主要成分及含量差异。方法:采用GC对不同海拔生长宽叶缬草的挥发油进行检定,应用相似度评价系统对所得的不同海拔生长的宽叶缬草GC指纹图谱进行分析。结果:通过GC指纹图谱分析,可见不同海拔生长宽叶缬草主要组分基本相同,但其相对含量有差异;高海拔的宽叶缬草与模式指纹图谱内在化学成分和含量更为接近些;4批样品中乙酸龙脑酯的含量有显著性差异,随海拔的升高,乙酸龙脑酯的含量逐渐增加。结论:相对于低海拔,高海拔生境更适于宽叶缬草成长及有效成分的积累。  相似文献   

This study was carried out to evaluate the microbiological accumulation capability of the demosponge Spongia officinalis var. adriatica. Six microbiological parameters were researched in two sampling periods in the water and in reared sponge samples coming from sites with different degrees of microbial contamination: an off-shore fish farm displaced off the Apulian coast (Southern Adriatic Sea) and a no-impacted area displaced into the Marine Protected Area of Porto Cesareo (Apulian coast-Ionian Sea). We detected the density of culturable heterotrophic bacteria by spread plate on marine agar, total culturable bacteria at 37 degrees C on Plate Count Agar and vibrios on thiosulphate-citrate-bile-sucrose-salt (TCBS) agar. Total and fecal coliforms as well as fecal streptococci concentrations were detected by the MPN method. Bacterial densities were always higher in the sponge homogenates compared with the corresponding seawater in the sampling points and in both sampling periods. As regard vibrios, total culturable bacteria at 37 degrees C and fecal streptococci concentrations, the highest values were observed in the sponge samples coming from the off-shore fish farm during the summer period. The ability of Spongia officinalis var. adriatica to accumulate the microbial pollution indicators suggests that this species can be employed as a bioindicator for monitoring water quality.  相似文献   

A study on the filtering activity has been carried out on reared specimens of the demosponge Spongia officinalis var. adriatica coming from an off-shore farm displaced off the Apulian coast (Ionian Sea). The experience was carried out under laboratory conditions, by using natural seawater collected from the sponge environment. The study demonstrates a high efficiency of the sponge in removing bacteria. Bacterial concentration significantly decreases in presence of the sponge, with a marked drop after 2 h from the start of the experience. The maximum clearance rate was 210 ml h(-1) g(-1) DW at 60 min. Retention efficiency reached the highest value of 61% at 120 min. The bacterial density removed by the S. officinalis filtering activity was 12.3 +/- 1.8 x 10(4) cells ml(-1) corresponding to a biomass of about 11.7 +/- 1.4 microg Cl(-1). The sponge fed preferentially large- and medium-size bacteria, whereas the small ones are fed after the removal of the largest size categories. The results obtained suggest that S. offcinalis is a suitable species for marine environmental bioremediation.  相似文献   

The developmental changes in the concentration of 8 essential and non-essential heavy metals (Ag, Cd, Cu, Co, Fe, Pb, V, Zn) in the tissues (digestive gland, cuttlebone and whole animal) of the common cuttlefish Sepia officinalis collected in the bay of the river Seine were monitored from the end of the embryogenesis until the adult reproductive stage. Compared to embryos, juveniles after hatching displayed much higher concentrations of Ag, Cu, Fe and Zn, suggesting an efficient incorporation from seawater. Conversely, the amounts of Cd, Pb and V in hatchlings remained constant suggesting that these metals are barely bioavailable for juveniles. Once the juveniles start to feed, the digestive gland appears to play a major role in the storage of all metals. After only one month of benthic life, the digestive gland already contains up to 90% of the total metal body burden, indicating that it plays a major role in the storage and presumed detoxification of the selected metals. Metal concentrations in the digestive gland increase in a logarithmic fashion with age during the entire life of cuttlefish, except for Ag, which decreases as soon as cuttlefish migrate to open sea. This strongly suggests that (1) Ag is excreted from the digestive gland in relation to presumably lower exposure in less contaminated environments compared to coastal waters and (2) the digestive gland of cephalopods could be a very good indicator of Ag contamination in the marine environment.  相似文献   

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