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The paper describes the multibody formalism based on natural coordinates and modified state space that is suitable for real-time applications. The complex multibody systems include closed loops and thus result into DAE equations. Their simulation then usually requires iterative stabilization. The described multibody formalism has two important properties making it suitable for real-time applications. Firstly, it provides the stable solution of DAE equations for multibody systems with kinematical loops without necessity of iterations. Secondly, it consists of system matrices with simple expressions (constant, linear or quadratic terms) for their elements and thus it is very suitable for massive parallelization. The resulting computational complexity is growing only linearly with the number of DOFs despite any occurrence of kinematical loops and it is about 5 times smaller than the recursive multibody formalisms.  相似文献   

提出一种从单目像机拍摄的二维投影图像中恢复空间点三维坐标的简化算法.假定摄像机与空间中的一对平行线的位置关系已知,同时摄像机坐标系下平行线所在平面中的任意空间点在像平面中的投影也已知,通过射影几何可得图像坐标到目标点三维空间坐标的转换系数,即坐标转换因数,从而估计出三维空间点的坐标.实验中通过对人体行走轨迹进行估计来测试算法性能,结果表明算法简单有效,计算开销小.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of segmenting multiple rigid-body motions from point correspondences in multiple affine views. We cast this problem as a subspace clustering problem in which point trajectories associated with each motion live in a linear subspace of dimension two, three or four. Our algorithm involves projecting all point trajectories onto a 5-dimensional subspace using the SVD, the PowerFactorization method, or RANSAC, and fitting multiple linear subspaces representing different rigid-body motions to the points in ℝ5 using GPCA. Unlike previous work, our approach does not restrict the motion subspaces to be four-dimensional and independent. Instead, it deals gracefully with all the spectrum of possible affine motions: from two-dimensional and partially dependent to four-dimensional and fully independent. Our algorithm can handle the case of missing data, meaning that point tracks do not have to be visible in all images, by using the PowerFactorization method to project the data. In addition, our method can handle outlying trajectories by using RANSAC to perform the projection. We compare our approach to other methods on a database of 167 motion sequences with full motions, independent motions, degenerate motions, partially dependent motions, missing data, outliers, etc. On motion sequences with complete data our method achieves a misclassification error of less that 5% for two motions and 29% for three motions.  相似文献   

Navigation systems are a key element in a large variety of mobile platforms, where the correct knowledge of their position and attitude is essential in most applications. This paper focuses on the observability of linear motion quantities (position, linear velocity, linear acceleration, and accelerometer bias). It presents necessary and sufficient conditions, with a clear physical insight, for the observability of these variables in 3-D. The analysis provided is based on kinematic models, which are exact and intrinsic to the motion of a rigid-body, and different cases are presented depending on the assumptions made on the sensor suite that is available on-board.  相似文献   

Given an image sequence of a scene consisting of multiple rigidly moving objects, multi-body structure-and-motion (MSaM) is the task to segment the image feature tracks into the different rigid objects and compute the multiple-view geometry of each object. We present a framework for multibody structure-and-motion based on model selection. In a recover-and-select procedure, a redundant set of hypothetical scene motions is generated. Each subset of this pool of motion candidates is regarded as a possible explanation of the image feature tracks, and the most likely explanation is selected with model selection. The framework is generic and can be used with any parametric camera model, or with a combination of different models. It can deal with sets of correspondences, which change over time, and it is robust to realistic amounts of outliers. The framework is demonstrated for different camera and scene models. Most of the presented research was carried out while all three authors were at Monash University.  相似文献   

It is an exceptional success when multibody dynamics researchers Multibody System Dynamics journal one of the most highly ranked journals in the last 10 years. In the inaugural issue, Professor Schiehlen wrote an interesting article explaining the roots and perspectives of multibody system dynamics. Professor Shabana also wrote an interesting article to review developments in flexible multibody dynamics. The application possibilities of multibody system dynamics have grown wider and deeper, with many application examples being introduced with multibody techniques in the past 10 years. In this paper, the development of multibody dynamics is briefly reviewed and several applications of multibody dynamics are described according to the author’s research results. Simulation examples are compared to physical experiments, which show reasonableness and accuracy of the multibody formulation applied to real problems. Computer simulations using the absolute nodal coordinate formulation (ANCF) were also compared to physical experiments; therefore, the validity of ANCF for large-displacement and large-deformation problems was shown. Physical experiments for large deformation problems include beam, plate, chain, and strip. Other research topics currently being carried out in the author’s laboratory are also briefly explained. Commemorative Contribution.  相似文献   

Modeling mechanical systems in a manner that allows the models to be simulated quickly is vital in many fields, such as real-time simulation and control. Modeling these systems using their symbolic equations, rather than the more widely-used numerical methods, generally produces faster solution times. However, the number, complexity, and computational efficiency of these equations is highly dependent upon which coordinate set was used to model the system. Most coordinate selection methods established thus far are based on the assumption that minimizing the number of modeling coordinates will produce models with faster simulation times. This paper will show that this technique is not always valid and proposes a new technique of selecting a system’s coordinates based on a series of heuristics. A large part of these heuristics will be established by closely analyzing a specific technique used to formulate a system’s equations, and the effect each step of this formulation process will have on the complexity of the final system equations.  相似文献   

We investigated how the CIO's job has changed over the past years and found that the CIOs’ role has evolved to reflect both the firm's IS infrastructure and strategy. This has led to two versions of the role: an executive-level manager focused on the firm's strategy and processes, and a technical manager focused on minimizing costs by rationalizing and leveraging the existing IS infrastructure. The degree to which a firm has standardized its IS architecture infrastructure, and the degree to which IS enables core products, services, processes, or competitive advantage of the firm impact the nature of the role.  相似文献   

柔性三维坐标测量在工业现场测量有较多应用.分析多目标点透视成像原理的基础上,提出了点阵测头成像视觉坐标测量的概念,给出系统完整的三种数学模型及求解方法.设计了一种实用测头,基于单台面阵CCD摄像机实现由三种类型测头组成的视觉测量样机.在距离摄像机1 000 mm,样机进行实际测量,并与三坐标测量机的检测结果进行比对.测试结果表明在摄像机成像面平行的两个方向的测量精度高于摄像机轴向测量精度.  相似文献   

This study analysed natural press motions of the index, middle and ring fingers for ergonomic design of the positions and surface angles of the left, middle and right trackball buttons. Finger motions of 26 male participants for naturally pressing the trackball buttons were recorded after the participants adjusted the trackball buttons to their preferred locations for comfortable pressing. The natural positions of the finger pulps formed a symmetrically rainbow-shaped reach zone for the fingers. The natural press angles of the fingers’ motion trajectories to the vertical reference line ranged from 14.2° to 20.5°, suggesting an 18-degree surface from the horizontal line for the trackball buttons. Regression formulas (adjusted R2?=?0.90?±?0.07 and mean squared error?=?8.55?±?7.52?mm) were established to estimate the natural positions of finger pulps from hand segment lengths and joint angles for a population having different hand sizes from this study.

Relevance to industry  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the state estimation problem for the nonlinear kinematic equations of a rigid body observed under low-pass sensors. The problem is motivated from a walking robot application where inclinometers and gyros are the sensors used. We show that a non-local high gain observer exists for the nonlinear rigid-body kinematic equations and that it under a small angle assumption is possible to use one inclinometer only to estimate two angles.  相似文献   

PurposeThe purpose of this study was to explore posture deviation variability caused by load carriages depending on natural posture imbalance to provide information about a carrying habit exaggerating an individual's posture imbalance. All people exhibit some imbalance from the standard anatomical pose which assumes alignment with the frontal and median planes. In this study natural posture imbalance is the starting point for determining posture deviation which is posture imbalance resulting from an activity, carrying an item.MethodsSeventeen female participants, 19–37 years old, were recruited from university staff, faculty members, and students. Participants were each scanned wearing their own underwear (bra and panties) in: (a) the anatomical pose (P1) face forward and feet placed at shoulder width without carrying an item, (b) carrying a backpack (P2), (c) carrying a shoulder bag on the right shoulder (P3R) and the left shoulder (P3L), (d) carrying a bag cross-body with a strap placed on the left shoulder to place the weight at the hip level on the right side (P4R) and the strap and handbag placed in the opposite direction (P4L), and (e) carrying a bag with the right hand (P5R) and the left hand (P5L). The bag weight was approximately 10% of a participant's body weight. Five body angles were obtained in each scanning position (eight positions total) for all participants and statistical analyses were conducted for posture assessment. Three statistical test methods were used: (a) Paired t-test to determine posture changes in each loaded position compared to natural posture in P1. (b) Paired t-test to identify differences of the degree of posture changes between right-side load (R) and left-side load (L) positions to determine a posture deviation tendency with asymmetrical load carriages. (c) Bivariate (Pearson) correlation test to examine how natural posture imbalance and posture deviation co-vary.Results(a) Asymmetrical load positions exhibited greater changes on shoulder and spine posture than a symmetrical load position, exhibiting obvious changes in P3 and P4 rather than P5. (b) The degrees and directions of posture deviation resulting from an asymmetrical load carriage varied depending on those of an individual's natural posture imbalance. When a participant exhibited great posture imbalance in P1, significant differences of posture deviation on the shoulder and spine between R and L positions were observed in P3 and P4. (c) Significant correlations between natural posture imbalance and posture deviation resulting from load carriages were found for most body angles.ConclusionsPeople need to be aware of their natural posture imbalance and try to avoid carrying heavy handbags or any type of carriages making their posture imbalance worse to prevent possible further distortion.Relevance to IndustryAlthough this study used handbags and a backpack as the load carrying devices, the way a person carries a load of any type is relevant in many industries and in the military.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of stabilizing a fully-actuated rigid body. The problem is formulated by considering the natural configuration space for rigid bodies, the Special Euclidean group SE(3). The proposed solution consists of a landmark-based controller for force and torque actuation that guarantees almost global asymptotic stability of the desired equilibrium point. As such the equilibrium point is asymptotically stable and only a nowhere dense set of measure zero lies outside its region of attraction. The controller uses velocity measurements and the position coordinates of a collection of landmarks fixed in the environment. As an additional feature, the control law is designed so as to verify prescribed bounds on the actuation.  相似文献   

Planning rigid body motions using elastic curves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper tackles the problem of computing smooth, optimal trajectories on the Euclidean group of motions SE(3). The problem is formulated as an optimal control problem where the cost function to be minimized is equal to the integral of the classical curvature squared. This problem is analogous to the elastic problem from differential geometry and thus the resulting rigid body motions will trace elastic curves. An application of the Maximum Principle to this optimal control problem shifts the emphasis to the language of symplectic geometry and to the associated Hamiltonian formalism. This results in a system of first order differential equations that yield coordinate free necessary conditions for optimality for these curves. From these necessary conditions we identify an integrable case and these particular set of curves are solved analytically. These analytic solutions provide interpolating curves between an initial given position and orientation and a desired position and orientation that would be useful in motion planning for systems such as robotic manipulators and autonomous-oriented vehicles.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider dynamic equations of nonholomic systes in terms of pseudo-coordinates which appear in the general theory of rigid body. Especially, the rotator kinematics and dynamics in nonholonomic coordinates is presented. Besides, using the appropriate methods of the differential geometry and theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras a simplification of motion equations in the tangent space is obtained.  相似文献   

本文是对至今已连续发表25年的中国图像工程年度文献综述系列的概括回顾。近25年来,为了使国内广大从事图像工程研究和图像技术应用的科技人员能够较全面地了解图像工程研究和发展的现状,能够有针对性地查询有关文献,并向期刊编者和作者提供有用的参考,笔者每年都对上一年度图像工程的相关文献进行统计和分析。25年间,该综述系列从国内15种有关图像工程重要期刊所发行的共2 964期上所发表的65 040篇学术研究和技术应用文献中,选取出15 856篇属于图像工程领域的文献,并根据各文献的主要内容将其分别归入图像处理、图像分析、图像理解、技术应用和综述评论5个大类,然后进一步分入23个专业小类,并在此基础上分别进行各期刊各类文献的统计和分析。此次回顾,除汇总了25年的统计分类情况,还着重对一些主要的研究方向进行了分析和讨论。这样,不仅可从中了解最近四分之一个世纪图像工程相关文献的发表情况,还可以提供全面和可信的各研究方向发展趋势的信息。  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3-D) images are perceived as images that float in front of the screens of 3-D displays. Users should be able to interact with these images instantaneously and accurately in applications where their bodies actually seen by them interact with the images. However, conventional techniques using just binocular disparity are too slow and inaccurate. Therefore, we propose a new technique where the visually perceived positions of images are obtained from the body movements of users. The feasibility of this technique was evaluated in an experiment using the positions obtained from users as they reached out to touch the images. These positions were closer to the visually perceived positions of the images than those calculated from binocular disparity. These findings demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed technique for 3-D interactive applications.  相似文献   

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