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We describe herein the use of a 2H-labeling strategy to achieve specific assignments of considerably overlapped cross peaks in the 1H-NMR spectrum of a DNA trinucleotide repeat sequence. Our strategy focuses on site-specific 2H-labeling of base moieties to simplify the NMR spectral regions which contain the major portion of the structural information. To achieve efficient preparation of 2H8- or 2H6-labeled DNA and RNA nucleosides and nucleotides, the existing synthetic and purification procedures were significantly improved. Our experiments demonstrate that pyrimidine H6 deuteration reactions may be carried out using non-deuterated base reagents with DMSO-d6 as a 2H donor. These reactions are simple and economic to perform and produce base deuterated nucleosides and nucleotides in high yield. The 2H-labeled residues have been incorporated into oligonucleotides with minor modifications of the existing reaction conditions. Using the homologous CGG repeat sequence, d(CGG)5, as an example, the effectiveness of the site-specific base deuteration strategy is demonstrated. In the otherwise extensively overlapped spectra of d(CGG)5, 2H-labeling has permitted unambiguous identification of a sequential connectivity at a central CG step and confirmation of several other NOE assignments. This information is critical for elucidation of the structure and the folding of the CGG repeat sequences and will contribute to the intensive effort to understand the mechanisms of triplet expansion, which has been implicated in the development of a number of hereditary neurodegenerative diseases. In addition to the two dimensional spectral simplification in a key spectral region using site-specific 2H8/2H6-labeling, the potential applications of the prescribed strategy in homonuclear three dimensional experiments are also discussed.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Peptide and protein structures are determined daily using NMR spectroscopy. Assignment of the NMR spectra is an important step within the procedure and is usually the limiting one. Computer-aided assignment tools should be user friendly with open architecture to communicate with other programs involved in the structure determination. RESULTS: Here we present an interactive NMR assignment module which provides numerous graphic tools for the user. The module is composed of a database management system-handling peaks, spins and spin-systems. The assignment information is maintained as a set of interrelated associative arrays, which serve as generic high-level data structures. The module is developed in the macro language embedded in the Gifa NMR processing program (Pons et al. , J. Biomol. NMR, 8 , 445-452, 1996). This provides the user with a consistent interface, a set of sophisticated tools, and an easily extendible and customizable environment. AVAILABILITY: The program is available on request from the authors. The Gifa package can be accessed at: ((http://www.cbs. univ-montp1.fr/GIFA)) CONTACT: Marc-Andre.Delsuc@cbs.univ-montp1.fr  相似文献   

15N-Labeled de-(232-248)-bacteriorhodopsin [BR(1-231)] was solubilized in 1:1 chloroform-methanol solvent mixture that contained 1.0 M 2HCO2N2H4 and mimic membrane medium. Resonances in the 1H-15N heteronuclear multiple-quantum coherence (HMQC) spectrum of BR (1-231) were assigned using the data of two- and three-dimensional NMR experiments. Of 117 cross-peaks present in the 1H-15N HMQC spectrum, 98 were assigned to residues in 1-75 and 193-231 segments of the protein. Almost all cross-peaks that correspond to the 76-192 segment were absent in the HMQC spectrum (except for six cross-peaks from the side chains and 14 cross-peaks from the backbone). Deuterium exchange rates of amide protons and cross-peaks of nuclear Overhauser effect helped to localize helices A (residues 8-30), B (residues 40-65), and G (residues 198-226). The periodicity in the rates of deuterium exchange of NH protons of helices A, B, and G was explained by the compact arrangement of these helices in the protein globule. The broadening of signals from six residues in helix G, which, according to the electron cryomicroscopy model of bacteriorhodopsin, is in contact with the NMR-unobservable bundle of helices CDEF, indicates specific interactions of the helices in BR(1-231). These data suggest that BR(1-231) solubilized in an organic medium has a spatial structure similar to that in the electron cryomicroscopy model of BR.  相似文献   

The NMR assignment of 13C, 15N-labeled proteins with the use of triple resonance experiments is limited to molecular weights below approximately 25,000 Daltons, mainly because of low sensitivity due to rapid transverse nuclear spin relaxation during the evolution and recording periods. For experiments that exclusively correlate the amide proton (1HN), the amide nitrogen (15N), and 13C atoms, this size limit has been previously extended by additional labeling with deuterium (2H). The present paper shows that the implementation of transverse relaxation-optimized spectroscopy ([15N,1H]-TROSY) into triple resonance experiments results in several-fold improved sensitivity for 2H/13C/15N-labeled proteins and approximately twofold sensitivity gain for 13C/15N-labeled proteins. Pulse schemes and spectra recorded with deuterated and protonated proteins are presented for the [15N, 1H]-TROSY-HNCA and [15N, 1H]-TROSY-HNCO experiments. A theoretical analysis of the HNCA experiment shows that the primary TROSY effect is on the transverse relaxation of 15N, which is only little affected by deuteration, and predicts sensitivity enhancements that are in close agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   

A sequential assignment protocol for proteins was developed using heteronuclear 3D NMR. The protocol consists of an amino acid type recognition algorithm and a primary sequence mapping algorithm. The former measures the similarity between each detected spin pattern and 20 standard amino acid coupling patterns. Both chemical shift and topologically likeness are considered. The mapping algorithm uses the amino acid type information to direct detected polypeptides to proper position onto protein primary sequence. The assignment protocol can be applied to spin systems generated by many different approaches. We designed a few computer programs to derive a protein's backbone and side chain spin systems using heteronuclear 3D NMR. The results was then input to the sequential assignment protocol. All of the algorithms were tested on NMR data of a 90-residue N-domain of chicken skeletal troponin-C.  相似文献   

A mixed general linear model analysis of the development of sleep-wake states was conducted on 37 high-risk preterm infants and replicated with a second cohort of 34 infants. Most dependent variables showed significant development over the preterm period: active sleep decreased, and active waking, quiet waking, and the organization of active sleep and quiet sleep increased over the preterm period in both cohorts. The amount of quiet sleep also increased over age, but this change was significant only for Cohort 1. Seven infant characteristics used as covariates had only minor effects. There were no significant differences in the developmental trajectories (slopes) of the two cohorts. The amounts of four variables differed between cohorts: Cohort 2 infants had less sleep-wake transition, more active sleep, less active sleep without REM, and more regular quiet sleep. These findings suggest that developmental patterns of sleep wake states are stable enough in the preterm period that deviant individual patterns might be used to identify infants with neurological problems.  相似文献   

The function of social calls emitted by foraging bats has received little study. Here we use observations of free-ranging greater spear-nosed bats, Phyllostomus hastatus, and field playbacks to determine whether audible, broad-band 'screech' calls attract mates, warn conspecifics or influence access to food. Five lines of evidence suggest that screech calls enable adult females from the same roosting group to fly together from the day roost to feeding sites. (1) Seasonal differences in diet influenced the rate of screech calling recorded outside the cave roost, as well as how often bats departed together. Bats called more often and flew in larger groups when feeding on a concentrated resource, balsa, Ochroma lagopus, flowers, in winter than on more dispersed Cecropia peltata fruit in spring. (2) Observations of bats flying outside the cave, in flyways and at feeding sites indicated that screech calls occurred more often when bats flew in groups than alone. (3) Females from the same roosting group were netted at the same feeding site, sometimes simultaneously, several kilometres from the cave. (4) Calling colour-marked adult females outside the cave were joined by a female group member, both on initial departures and on second foraging trips, more often than non-calling bats. (5) Playbacks attracted conspecifics at roost and feeding sites. Screech calls appear to function as contact calls that recruit and coordinate foraging among group members. We postulate that females benefit from foraging with unrelated roost-mates because they can defend feeding sites more effectively. Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

The RNA elements that are required for replication of defective interfering (DI) RNA of the JHM strain of mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) consist of three discontinuous genomic regions: about 0.46 to 0.47 kb from both terminal sequences and an internal 58-nucleotide (nt)-long sequence (58-nt region) present at about 0.9 kb from the 5' end of the DI genome. The internal region is important for positive-strand DI RNA synthesis (Y. N. Kim and S. Makino, J. Virol. 69:4963-4971, 1995). We further characterized the 58-nt region in the present study and obtained the following results. (i) The positive-strand RNA structure in solution was comparable with that predicted by computer modeling. (ii) Positive-strand RNA secondary structure, but not negative-strand RNA structure, was important for the biological function of the region. (iii) The biological function had a sequence-specific requirement. We discuss possible mechanisms by which the internal cis-acting signal drives MHV positive-strand DI RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The IR-spectra of normal and deuterated gelatin samples were studied. The 3300 cm-1 band is determined by the valence vibrations of the peptid bond NH-groups, OH-groups of oxyproline and structural water. The 1280-1220 cm-1 bands cannot be intepreted for gelatin as amide III; their appearance is caused by the skeleton vibrations. The 1460 cm-1 band is not Amide II in gelatin, it is associated with the deformation vibrations in free methyl groups of the amino acid residues. The effect of OH-groups of hydration water forming the intramolecular hydrogen bond is displayed by 1670 cm-1 band. Disappearance of the 1560 and 1530 cm-1 bands with deuterating and appearance of the 1580 cm-1 band may evidence for a structural transition of the gelatin molecule from one conformation to another, is more ordered, conformation.  相似文献   

Carrageenan was used to study inflammation-induced changes in spinal nociception and its brain stem modulation in the pentobarbitone-anesthetized rat. Carrageenan was administered intraplantarly into one hindpaw 2 h before the start of electrophysiological single unit recordings of wide-dynamic range (WDR) neurons of the spinal dorsal horn. Carrageenan produced a significant leftward shift in the stimulus-response function for mechanical stimuli, whereas that for noxious heat stimuli was short of statistical significance. Conditioning electrical stimulation in the rostroventromedial medulla (RVM) significantly attenuated noxious heat-evoked, but not mechanically evoked, responses to spinal dorsal horn WDR neurons in the control (contralateral) side. However, in the carrageenan-treated side RVM stimulation had no significant effect on mechanically or noxious heat-evoked responses. Following direct spinal administration of neuropeptide FF (NPFF), noxious heat-evoked responses, but not mechanically evoked responses, were attenuated by RVM-stimulation also in the carrageenan-treated side. This selective NPFF-induced enhancement of brain stem-spinal inhibition was not reversed by naloxone. The results indicate that carrageenan-induced inflammation significantly changes the response properties of spinal nociceptive neurons and their brain stem-spinal modulation. During inflammation, NPFF in the spinal cord produces a submodality-selective potentiation of the antinociceptive effect induced by brain stem-spinal pathways, independent of naloxone-sensitive opioid receptors.  相似文献   

This paper reports a new NMR technique: selective long-range DEPT. The result obtained showed that the technique can be used to assign NMR signal of 13C, 15N and 31P nuclei, and connect the spin systems separated by quaternary carbon or heteroatom. This paper deals mainly with applying the technique for determining the glycosidation position in aglycone moiety and sequence of sugar moiety in a natural glycoside.  相似文献   

The pH dependence of methyl proton chemical shifts of acetate, acetoacetate, N-acetyl-L-aspartate (NAA), and N-acetyl-L-aspartyl-L-glutamate (NAAG) were studied from pH 3 to pH 9. Only slight shifts of acetoacetate, NAA, and NAAG methyl signals were observed, whereas the acetate signal was largely shifted as a result of the titration of its acidic function. At pH 4.7, acetate and NAA methyl signals overlapped, whereas at more acidic pH, the acetate signal appeared downfield when compared to that of NAA. Results are discussed in terms of spectra misinterpretation risks linked to uncontrolled sample pH, on the one hand, and in terms of pH control and contamination by exogenous acetate during perchloric acid cell extract preparation, on the other.  相似文献   

A new subfamily of KH-domain-containing RNA-binding proteins is encoded by genes that are conserved from yeast to humans. Mutations with interesting developmental phenotypes have been identified in Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila and mouse. It is hypothesized that these bifunctional proteins provide a rich source of interesting molecular information about development and define a new cellular pathway that links signal transduction directly to RNA metabolism.  相似文献   

Complete 1H and 13C NMR assignments, determined by one- and two-dimensional homo- and hetero-nuclear experiments, are reported for the antigenic capsular polysaccharide (CPS) from Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 9N (S9 in American nomenclature). Distance constraints derived from 1D NOE difference experiments were combined with energy minimisation (simulated annealing) and molecular dynamics (MD) calculations to determine the most favoured conformation of S9 in aqueous solution at 70 degrees C. NOE values simulated for several static conformational models using the NOEMOL program did not correlate well with experimental values, whereas time averaged interproton distances calculated from 500 ps of restrained MD (using the Tropp formalism to account for rapid internal mobility) were in close agreement with experimentally derived distance estimates.  相似文献   

Strategies to obtain the NMR assignments for the HN, N, CO, Calpha and Cbeta resonance frequencies for the human class mu glutathione-S-transferase GSTM2-2 are reported. These assignments were obtained with deuterated protein using a combination of scalar and dipolar connectivities and various specific labeling schemes. The large size of this protein (55 kDa, homodimer) necessitated the development of a novel pulse sequence and specific labeling strategies. These aided in the identification of residue type and were essential components in determining sequence specific assignments. These assignments were utilized in this study to characterize the structure and dynamics of the carboxy-terminal residues in the unliganded protein. Previous crystallographic studies of this enzyme in complex with glutathione suggested that this region may be disordered, and that this disorder may be essential for catalysis. Furthermore, in the related class alpha protein extensive changes in conformation of the C terminus are observed upon ligand binding. On the basis of the results presented here, the time-averaged conformation of the carboxyl terminus of unliganded GSTM2-2 is similar to that seen in the crystal structure. NOE patterns and 1H-15N heteronuclear nuclear Overhauser enhancements suggest that this region of the enzyme does not undergo motion on a rapid time scale.  相似文献   

The recognition and cleavage of tRNAPhe and the TAR RNA of HIV-1 by metallopeptides of the general form Ni(II).Xaa-Gly-His (where Xaa is Gly, Lys, or Arg) were investigated. The results of RNA cleavage analyses suggest that KHSO5- or magnesium monoperoxyphthalate-activated metallopeptides (1) induce nucleobase damage which requires aniline acetate for complete RNA strand scission and (2) selectively target the loops of stem-loop structures of the above-named substrates. In targeting RNA loop regions, the metallopeptides may be sensitive to intraloop structural features, including the overall structural environment of the loop itself and possibly the presence of intraloop hydrogen bonding. Overall, these results suggest that the metallopeptides interact selectively within a loop, in a fashion reminiscent of many RNA binding proteins, instead of targeting RNA single-stranded character alone. These observations further suggest a possible metallopeptide-based strategy for the molecular recognition of native RNA structures and insight with regard to the general features available for ligand binding site discrimination.  相似文献   

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