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In this paper, the downlink capacity analysis of distributed antenna systems (DAS) with multiple receive antennas in Nakagami-m fading multicell environment is presented. According to the performance analysis, and using mathematical manipulation, we derive the probability density function (PDF) of the effective signal to interference plus noise ratio of the system. Based on the obtained PDF, an exact closed-form expression of DAS capacity is derived. This expression includes the existing capacity expression as a special case, and avoids the error in the latter. Thus, it can provide good theoretical performance evaluation for downlink DAS. Computer simulation shows that the theoretical analysis is in good agreement with simulation result. Moreover, the increase of receive antenna and/or Nakagami fading parameter m can improve the capacity effectively.  相似文献   

Wireless systems equipped with distributed antennas can provide enhanced data throughput as well as improved signal quality when appropriate cooperative transmission schemes among antennas are employed. In this paper, the performance of distributed antenna systems (DAS) under the influence of Rayleigh fading and log-normal shadowing effects is investigated for different cooperation strategies, and corresponding statistical distributions for both the signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) and the capacity are presented. Specifically, the ergodic capacity per remote antenna (RA) is determined when n RAs cooperatively transmit the desired signal to the target receiver, which is compared with the non-cooperative single-antenna transmission (SAT) case. Using the results, a preferable mode of operation for given geographic locations of the receiver is determined. We further propose to perform an adaptive operation between the cooperative and non-cooperative modes under the capacity maximization criteria, and quantify exact amounts of capacity gain over individual transmission modes.  相似文献   

针对分布式天线系统(DAS)的下行容量问题展开研究。首先建立了包含路径损耗、阴影衰落和瑞利衰落的复合信道模型;然后,基于该信道模型,分别对各态历经容量和中断容量进行了分析。考虑到小区内移动台的分布特点,在选择分集传输策略下,推导了各态历经容量和中断容量的近似解析表达式。仿真结果表明,所推导的2个近似解析表达式均能准确地评估分布式天线系统的系统性能。  相似文献   

Blind equalization in antenna array CDMA systems   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Multipath induced interchip-interference (ICI) alters waveforms of transmitted signals and presents a major obstacle to direct-sequence (DS) code-division-multiple-access (CDMA) communications. For systems with aperiodic pseudorandom (PN) spreading sequences, the primary way to counter fading is through employing RAKE receivers that enhance the signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) by combining multipath signals from the desired user. In this paper, we formulate a discrete-time model for antenna array CDMA systems and study the 2-D RAKE receiver problem by casting it into an optimum vector FIR equalizer design and estimation framework. A novel aspect of the present work is the full exploitation of the potential of 2-D RAKE receivers without requiring any detailed knowledge of the multipath channels  相似文献   

The reverse link capacity is obtained analytically for macro/microcellular code-division multiple-access (CDMA) systems operating in the same frequency band. The focuses are on the ratio of required receive power of the macrocell base station (BS) to that of the microcell BS and the tilt angle of the microcell antenna to increase the system capacity. The microcell-to-macrocell interference is derived in closed form by geometric approximation, and the macrocell-to-microcell interference is calculated on the divided regions of macrocell. The optimal tilt angle is obtained by defining the minimum interference tradeoff factor that maximizes the system capacity. It is shown that the system capacity increases remarkably with power ratio control in macro/microcellular environments. Also, the properly chosen antenna tilt angle adds more capacity, and enables the microcell users to save on the transmit power  相似文献   

针对分布式MIMO系统的圆形小区平均遍历容量展开研究.文章首先建立了包含快衰落、阴影衰落和路径损耗的复合衰落信道模型;然后,对分布式天线采用覆盖式(BT)传输策略,并在高信噪比条件下,导出给定移动台位置时,区上、下行点对点链路遍历容量表达式.最后,考虑移动台在小区内任意分布特点,进一步推导出小区平均遍历容量闭合近似表达式.仿真结果表明,所推导的近似表达式可很好的反应系统的实际性能.导的近似表达式可很好的反应系统的实际性能.  相似文献   

Zhang  N.B. Kang  G.X. Guo  Y.Y. Zhang  P. Gui  X. 《Electronics letters》2009,45(21):1079-1081
An adaptive transmitted distributed antenna (DA) selection strategy in distributed antenna systems (DAS) with limited feedback (LFB) beamforming is proposed. By maximising the upper bound of ergodic capacity in DAS with LFB beamforming, the proposed strategy can adaptively adjust the number of transmitted DAs. Simulation results show that the proposed strategy achieves greater ergodic capacity than the strategy with a fixed number of transmitted DAs.  相似文献   

The paper mainly studies the sum-rate performance of limited feedback (LFB) block-diagonalization (BD) in multi-user distributed antenna system (DAS). As the channel state information (CSI) fed back to base station (BS) is limited, multi-user interference (MUI) is caused inevitably because of the quantization error. Considering the influence of the MUI to the capacity of DAS, we propose a parameter of effective sum-rate ratio (ESRR) to denote the capacity offset under the condition of the BS can get perfect CSI and limited CSI first, then we confirm that the approximated ESRR is very close to actual ESRR got through simulations. After that, based on the approximated ESRR, an adaptive minimum bit feedback scheme which can effectively reduce the overhead of feedback channel and the complexity of the system is proposed. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

码分多址接入(CDMA)技术可以灵活地支持无线多媒体业务传输。该文分析了多小区环境下CDMA系统上行链路的多媒体业务容量,主要讨论了用户最大发射功率约束条件在不同用户激活因子情况下对系统容量的影响。分析和计算结果表明用户最大发射功率约束使系统的容量有所降低。  相似文献   

CDMA系统智能天线盲自适应波束形成   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
给出了基于最大化信号对干扰和噪声的功率比(MSINR)准则的盲自适应波束形成在线递推算法,旨在提高DS-CDMA系统中智能天线的性能.将MSINR准则转化为一种新的等价的无约束准则函数,通过最大化此准则函数来在线估计最优波束形成向量.算法直接利用了DS-CDMA系统解扩前和解扩后的观测信号,无须训练序列.通过在线迭代估计,降低了计算波束权值的复杂度.不同通信环境中的仿真结果表明,该算法具有较高的估计精度和很好的抗多址干扰能力.  相似文献   

首先建立了包含快衰落、阴影衰落和路径损耗的复合衰落信道模型,对分布式天线采用覆盖式(BT)传输策略,推导出给定移动台位置的小区下行点对点链路误符号率表达式。并在高信噪比条件下,通过给出移动台在小区的任意分布图,推导出小区下行平均误符号率的近似闭合表达式。仿真结果表明,所推导的近似表达式可很好地反应系统的实际性能。  相似文献   

首先建立了包含快衰落、阴影衰落和路径损耗的复合衰落信道模型,对分布式天线采用覆盖式(BT)传输策略,推导出给定移动台位置的小区下行点对点链路误符号率表达式.并在高信噪比条件下,通过给出移动台在小区的任意分布图,推导出小区下行平均误符号率的近似闭合表达式.仿真结果表明,所推导的近似表达式可很好地反应系统的实际性能.  相似文献   

张帅  潘鹏  王璀 《电信科学》2020,36(11):79-88
在采用频分双工的通信系统中,基站通常需要用户反馈信道状态信息以进行预编码。对于分布式阵列系统,由于多个接入节点布置在小区的不同位置,用户与小区内不同接入节点之间的信道条件不同。当用于反馈信道状态信息的资源受限时,需要对反馈比特的分配方法进行优化,从而提高系统的整体性能。在多用户分布式阵列系统中,采用基于距离阈值的接入节点选择方法,并在此基础上结合随机矢量量化码本的量化特性以及泰勒展开法,对系统量化容量损失进行推导,并给出了近似表达式。基于该表达式,提出了反馈比特分配方法,与其他的分配方法相比,不限制用户选择的接入节点数目使本文的方法更加具有普遍性。仿真结果显示,在反馈资源有限的情况下,提出的策略优于传统的等比特分配方案,可以获得较好的性能。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new downlink transmit antenna processing (TAP) technique for code division multiple access (CDMA) equipped with multiple transmit antennas. In order to find the weight vectors for downlink signals, a minimum mean square error (MMSE) performance criterion is used. Since the multiuser interference is taken into account in the calculation of the weighting vectors for TAP, the proposed method is a multiuser downlink TAP method. It is assumed that the downlink channels are known by the downlink TAP. For given channel conditions, the optimal weight vectors are found with a closed-form expression under both flat and frequency-selective fading channel assumptions.  相似文献   

Using a transmit antenna array (TAA), the downlink beamforming is able to improve the performance of wireless communication systems. We propose a semiblind downlink beamforming method based on channel reciprocity of the wireless channels for code-division multiple-access (CDMA) systems equipped with TAA. In the proposed semiblind method, it is shown that the feedback delay can result in performance degradation under a time-varying fading channel environment. Hence, the performance of the semiblind method is satisfactory only when the maximum Doppler frequency is low or the feedback delay is not significant. To overcome this difficulty, the channel prediction is considered. Using the channel predictor, the semiblind method can provide a reasonable performance for a moderate maximum Doppler frequency (about a few hundred hertz). For theoretical performance analysis, upper, and lower bounds of the bit error probability under a fading channel environment are derived  相似文献   

In this paper, based on the imperfect channel state information (CSI), a cross layer design (CLD) scheme is developed for distributed antenna system (DAS) by combining adaptive modulation (AM) at the physical layer and automatic repeat request (ARQ) at the data link layer. The performance of DAS with CLD is investigated over composite fading channel which considers large-scale path loss and small-scale Rayleigh fading. With the performance analysis, the probability density function of the estimated signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is derived, and then, the switching thresholds under a target packet error rate constraint are further derived. According to these results, and using numerical calculation, the closed form analytical expressions of average packet error rate and spectrum efficiency of DAS with CLD are, respectively, achieved, which will provide better evaluation way for the DAS performance. To decrease the performance loss caused by the conventional single estimation in the presence of imperfect CSI, the multi-estimation method is proposed to increase the system performance by exploiting previous channel estimation information. Numerical results corroborate our theoretical analysis, and the simulation is in consistence with the theoretical result. Moreover, the system performance can be increased by decreasing the estimation error and/or path loss. Especially, the multi-estimation method can enhance the performance effectively and enable the system to tolerate large estimation errors.  相似文献   

Antenna location design for generalized distributed antenna systems   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A squared distance criterion for antenna location design in generalized distributed antenna systems (GDAS) is proposed to maximize the cell averaged ergodic capacity. The criterion requires the antenna port locations minimize the expectation of the squared distance between a randomly distributed user and the nearest antenna port. This is equivalent to codebook design in vector quantization. For uniform user distribution, we can easily derive analytical expressions for antenna locations. For more general user distribution, we can obtain numerical results using the codebook design algorithm. Applying the proposed criterion to circular-layout GDAS with uniform user distribution and linear cell with non-uniform user distribution, we achieve near optimal performance.  相似文献   

Transmission bit rates are optimized for two-class traffic in variable spreading gain code-division multiple-access systems with antenna arrays. In an array antenna system, the interference levels experienced by the users belonging to different beams are not the same. Thus, it is not efficient to allocate the same rates to all the data users even though they belong to a cell. Considering this, an optimum rate allocation scheme is proposed for delay-tolerant data users. Additionally, we also propose the optimum rate allocation scheme for voice and data users when a packet scheduling scheme is considered. Numerical results show that, in array antenna systems, the proposed schemes considerably outperform the conventional scheme designed for omniantenna systems.  相似文献   

We investigate multiuser signal detection with a base-station antenna array for a synchronous DS-CDMA uplink using nonorthogonal codes in Rayleigh fading channels. We have developed a new formulation for a spatial-temporal decorrelating detector using the maximum-likelihood criteria. The detector is shown to be near-far resistant. We propose to implement the spatial-temporal decorrelating receiver iteratively by applying the space-alternating generalized expectation-maximization (SAGE) algorithm. Simulation results show that the SAGE-based decorrelating receiver significantly outperforms the conventional single-user receiver and with performance close to that of a spatial-temporal decorrelating receiver with known channel parameters. We have observed that adding base-station antennas can actually improve convergence of the proposed iterative receiver  相似文献   

A receiver of simple structure for antenna array CDMA systems   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In code division multiple access systems, the two-dimensional (2-D) RAKE structure had been proposed using multiple antennas to increase the capacity. It consists of multiple fingers of a beamformer and a correlator. In this paper, we consider a simpler receiver structure. We only use one finger, which consists of one pair of spatial and temporal filters to combine signals. It is shown that the performance of the receiver system is comparable with that of the 2-D RAKE receiver. Furthermore, it is observed that the proposed receiver and the 2-D RAKE receiver have limited near-far resistance by the generation of the space domain due to antenna arrays  相似文献   

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