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金凌芳  刘建军 《机电工程》2016,(9):1154-1158
为了解决某大型钢结构厂生产加工的焊件通过人工推车输送到达工位的问题,设计了运输车呼叫系统,通过该系统能有效地将焊件自动输送到达所呼叫的工位。基于PLC核心控制技术,对控制系统进行软、硬件设计,根据控制要求和电气设计相关规定,设计电气控制系统原理图,PLC接口地址分配表,以实例分析了七段数码管限流电阻计算方法,并提供系统主要元器件明细表;设计系统主程序流程图和相关功能程序,并通过触摸屏仿真实现软件功能测试,再通过现场安装调试及生产运行。研究结果表明:该控制系统完全达到控制要求,且系统稳定可靠,控制灵活方便,提高了生产效率。  相似文献   

车辆的转向特性与阿卡曼转向原理的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对车辆的转向原理、转向特性及阿卡曼转向几何原理进行分析,并论述车辆转向特性与道路交通安全的关系.提出转向原理与特性是驾驶员和行人应掌握的科学常识.  相似文献   

针对当前日益严峻的环境问题,基于两轮自平衡车在体积、灵活性方面的优势,提出一种两轮自平衡电动系统.在硬件方面,以STM32作为主控芯片,利用传感器对两轮车的加速度、旋转角速度等进行测量,并通过IR2111芯片对电机进行驱动;在软件方面,利用卡尔曼滤波对采集到的倾角信号进行处理,同时引入PID控制思想对两轮自平衡车进行控制.最后通过仿真得到比较稳定和均匀的PID控制波形,从而验证了设计方法的可行性.  相似文献   

田原嫄  崔高健  黄银花 《机械》2004,31(12):1-4
引进了智能汽车的新概念,并重点对ITS系统,智能汽车的结构装置加以分析。  相似文献   

基于模糊自整定PID的电动汽车驱动控制系统的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在以转子磁场定向的电动汽车驱动用异步电动机矢量控制的基础上,采用模糊自整定PID控制的方法,使PID的参数随着系统控制性能的变化进行在线调整以克服系统的非线性和时变性对系统的不利影响.仿真结果表明,采用模糊自整定PID控制的电动汽车异步电动机驱动系统具有良好的调速性能.  相似文献   

针对传统PID控制算法在电磁导航智能车舵机偏差处理中存在比例、积分、微分参数一经确定,不能在线调整,不具有自适应能力的缺点,提出了将PID神经元网络( PIDNN)控制器及其算法应用到智能车的舵机控制系统中来对传统PID控制进行改进。 PIDNN控制系统不依赖智能车舵机的数学模型,能够根据控制效果在线训练和学习,调整网络连接权重值,最终使系统的目标函数达到最小来实现智能车的舵机控制。仿真测试表明,PIDNN控制系统的响应快,无超调,无静差,与传统PID控制算法相比,大大提高了智能车舵机控制系统的性能。  相似文献   

针对我国沙害地区埋沙铁路干线的紧急疏通问题,在具有集沙、刮沙、传沙及扬沙等功能的液压轨道除沙机试验样机的机械结构和液压系统原理设计基础上,对PLC控制系统原理图进行了设计.通过在安装有模拟器(GX-Developer)的计算机上编程与调试,验证了该样机控制原理的可行性,为开发轨道除沙机提供了理论与实施基础.  相似文献   

汪洋  项占琴 《机电工程》2007,24(7):82-84
应用系统辨识方法对轮式移动机器人转向系统的数学模型进行了研究.首先对系统施加合适的输入信号,记录系统的输出信号,并进行试验建模,最后推导出被控对象的数学模型.经过验证,辨识模型能够反映实际系统的特性,这种辨识方法是研究轮式移动机器人转向系统特性的一种可行方法.  相似文献   

Existing research on the traction control system(TCS) mainly focuses on control methods, such as the PID control, fuzzy logic control, etc, aiming at achieving an ideal slip rate of the drive wheel over long control periods. The initial output of the TCS (referred to as the torque base in this paper), which has a great impact on the driving performance of the vehicle in early cycles, remains to be investigated. In order to improve the control performance of the TCS in the first several cycles, an algorithm is proposed to determine the torque base. First, torque bases are calculated by two different methods, one based on states judgment and the other based on the vehicle dynamics. The confidence level of the torque base calculated based on the vehicle dynamics is also obtained. The final torque base is then determined based on the two torque bases and the confidence level. Hardware-in-the-loop(HIL) simulation and vehicle tests emulating sudden start on low friction roads have been conducted to verify the proposed algorithm. The control performance of a PID-controlled TCS with and without the proposed torque base algorithm is compared, showing that the proposed algorithm improves the performance of the TCS over the first several cycles and enhances about 5% vehicle speed by contrast. The proposed research provides a more proper initial value for TCS control, and improves the performance of the first several control cycles of the TCS.  相似文献   

为提高纯电动汽车制动时的再生制动能量回收率与汽车起步加速的动力性能,通过比较各种再生制动能量回收方案与储能方式,提出了在纯电动汽车的蓄电池回收制动能量的基础上加设液压制动能量回收系统。应用PID控制,在ECE-15循环工况下进行了仿真,并分析了整车的动力性能与能量的回收利用率。研究结果表明,在纯电动汽车上利用液压再生制动系统能够显著地提高整车的起步加速能力,并增加汽车的续驶里程28%左右。  相似文献   

充分考虑到运输机器人的工程实用性,对运输机器人的潜在故障进行分析。分别围绕运输机器人对人及其他动物的安全性问题、运输机器人自身的安全性问题进行深入研究,提出解决方案。对运输机器人安全和控制系统进行集成,提出基于安全性的行为控制策略。  相似文献   

针对焊丝高速层绕时放线线速度失配收线线速度,导致张力波动过大的问题,提出一种前馈-串级的速度跟踪PID控制方法.通过分析层绕机的机械结构,得到浮动辊的速度与张力波动的关系,进而总结出张力控制的实质是速度跟踪控制问题的结论.这种前馈-串级的速度跟踪控制方法,是通过控制浮动辊的位置间接地对张力进行控制,同时闭环控制放线电机的转速,实现放线线速度快速跟踪收线线速度.线速度测量采用了基于速度预估的M法.实验表明在放线电机高速转动,收线线速度有较大阶跃变化时,放线线速度能够快速跟踪收线线速度,调节时间不超过0.32 s,对张力有很好的控制效果.  相似文献   

针对折臂式高空车自动化控制程度较低的问题,以某型号18 m折臂式高空作业车为研究对象,应用机器人学理论,通过建立其运动学模型,实现了作业平台的轨迹跟踪控制,为最终实现折臂式高空车常用工况下的自动控制打下基础.为解决折臂式高空车臂架液压系统控制精度低,控制存在滞后问题,建立了臂架液压系统的数学模型,针对该模型设计自整定模糊PID控制系统,在MATLAB/Simulink环境下,对控制系统进行仿真验证,仿真结果表明,加入自整定模糊PID控制器后,臂架系统的响应速度增加,稳态误差消除,跟随能力加强.  相似文献   

建立了车辆两自由度非线性动力学模型及包含悬架刚度立方非线性的运动微分方程,运用Runge-Kutta方法求出了被动悬架与半主动悬架系统对水泥路面、搓板路面、卵石路、鱼鳞坑路4种路谱的响应,采用模拟计算法得出车身竖直振动加速度的均方根值,并将被动悬架与半主动悬架系统的响应进行比较,在振动舒适度改进的同时,悬架弹簧的变形量增大,因此应该合理选择系统参数为汽车的动态设计提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

研究电动汽车电机驱动控制系统对电动汽车电力驱动技术具有重要意义。研究对电机驱动控制器控制系统进行了设计。主要包括根据电动汽车对动力源的要求,分析电机的几种主要调速策略,并对电动汽车电机驱动控制策略进行了选择;根据所选用电机特性,建立了电机驱动控制系统的控制模型,并确定了该控制系统的结构组成;在完成了增量式PI控制算法的实现的基础上,利用工程正定法选定了系统PI控制主要参数参数,并设计了控制系统的主控制程序。  相似文献   

The existing research of the active suspension system(ASS) mainly focuses on the different evaluation indexes and control strategies. Among the different components, the nonlinear characteristics of practical systems and control are usually not considered for vehicle lateral dynamics. But the vehicle model has some shortages on tyre model with side-slip angle, road adhesion coefficient, vertical load and velocity. In this paper, the nonlinear dynamic model of lateral system is considered and also the adaptive neural network of tire is introduced. By nonlinear analysis methods, such as the bifurcation diagram and Lyapunov exponent, it has shown that the lateral dynamics exhibits complicated motions with the forward speed. Then, a fuzzy control method is applied to the lateral system aiming to convert chaos into periodic motion using the linear-state feedback of an available lateral force with changing tire load. Finally, the rapid control prototyping is built to conduct the real vehicle test. By comparison of time response diagram, phase portraits and Lyapunov exponents at different work conditions, the results on step input and S-shaped road indicate that the slip angle and yaw velocity of lateral dynamics enter into stable domain and the results of test are consistent to the simulation and verified the correctness of simulation. And the Lyapunov exponents of the closed-loop system are becoming from positive to negative. This research proposes a fuzzy control method which has sufficient suppress chaotic motions as an effective active suspension system.  相似文献   

阐述了某港口粮食仓储运输系统的结构、功能和计算机监控系统的设计方法,建立了基于PROFIBUS现场总线的监控网络,重点介绍了组态控制技术在大型仓储运输系统中的应用。  相似文献   

A control scheme to improve machining accuracy by means of an acoustic emission root mean square (AErms) signal measured on-line during diamond turning is proposed. Preliminary experiments have verified a correlation between a machining error and measured AErms. Based on the correlation, a control algorithm to apply a compensation signal to a position feedback control loop, named the position and AE dual feedback control scheme is proposed. Machining tests using a diamond turning machine controlled with a PC-based open architecture controller showed that the proposed control scheme accomplishes 20% reduction of machining error compared to conventional position feedback control. Machining tests using new and worn diamond tools showed that an on-line tool-wear recognition is possible using the AE feedback control system.  相似文献   

A fuzzy logic based controller applied to a simple magnetic suspension is presented in this paper. The simple electromagnet-ball system and the contactless optical position measurement system are developed as a physical model of the magnetic suspension. A nonlinear mathematical model is presented and linearized. This model has been used to design a discrete linear PID controller with optimal parameters. The physical real-time model was constructed in order to compare the performance of the linear discrete PID controller and the proposed fuzzy logic based PID controller. The decomposed fuzzy PID controller has proportional, integral, and derivative separate parts which are tuned independently. When testing it becomes clear that the decomposed fuzzy PID controller gives better performance over a typical operational range than a traditional linear PID controller.  相似文献   

数控车削加工仿真系统的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以数控车削加工过程仿真为对象,综合产品参数建模技术、优化方法、计算机图形学及计算机动画技术等,开发出"数控车削加工仿真系统".通过VRML建立虚拟数控车床的三维实体模型、机床运动模型来仿真数控车床的操作、加工过程,提供了真实感较强的虚拟操作加工的检测及培训环境.  相似文献   

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