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Traditional control charts, such as Hotelling’s T2, are effective in detecting abnormal patterns. However, most control charts do not take into account a time-varying property in a process. In the present study, we propose a parameter-less self-organizing map-based control chart that can handle a situation in which changes occur in the distribution or parameter of the target observations. The control limits of the proposed chart are determined by estimating the empirical level of significance on the percentile using the bootstrap method. Experimental results obtained by using simulated data and actual process data from the manufacturing process for a thin-film transistor-liquid crystal display demonstrate the effectiveness and usefulness of the proposed algorithm. 相似文献
In this paper, we propose a novel approach to generate the topology-preserving mapping of structural shapes using self-organizing maps (SOMs). The structural information of the geometrical shapes is captured by relational attribute vectors. These vectors are quantised using an SOM. Using this SOM, a histogram is generated for every shape. These histograms are treated as inputs to train another SOM which yields a topology-preserving mapping of the geometric shapes. By appropriately choosing the relational vectors, it is possible to generate a mapping that is invariant to some chosen transformations, such as rotation, translation, scale, affine, or perspective transformations. Experimental results using trademark objects are presented to demonstrate the performance of the proposed methodology. 相似文献
This paper examines problems, practical issues, and considerations in the design of knowledge-based expert systems. The state-of-the-art as represented by numerous systems in financial planning, accounting, and capital budgeting domains is summarized. 相似文献
Wavelets are used for the processing of signals that are non-stationary and time varying. The electromyogram (EMG) contains transient signals related to muscle activity. Wavelet coefficients are proposed as features for identifying muscle fatigue. By observing the approximation coefficients it is shown that their amplitude follows closely the muscle fatigue development. The proposed method for detecting fatigue is automated by using neural networks. The self-organizing map (SOM) has been used to visualize the variation of the approximation wavelet coefficients and aid the detection of muscle fatigue. The results show that a 2D SOM separates EMG signatures from fresh and fatigued muscles, thus providing a visualization of the onset of fatigue over time. The map is able to detect if muscles have recovered temporarily. The system is adaptable to different subjects and conditions since the techniques used are not subject or workload regime specific. 相似文献
Patent users such as governments, inventors, and manufacturing organizations strive to identify the directions in which new technology is advancing, and their goal is to outline the boundaries of existing knowledge. The paper analyzes patent knowledge to identify research trends. A model based on knowledge extraction from patents and self-organizing maps for knowledge representation is presented. The model was tested on patents from the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The experiments show that the method provides both an overview of the directions of the trends and a drill-down perspective of current trends. 相似文献
This study presents an image segmentation system that automatically segments and labels T1-weighted brain magnetic resonance (MR) images. The method is based on a combination of unsupervised learning algorithm of the self-organizing maps (SOM) and supervised learning vector quantization (LVQ) methods. Stationary wavelet transform (SWT) is applied to the images to obtain multiresolution information for distinguishing different tissues. Statistical information of the different tissues is extracted by applying spatial filtering to the coefficients of SWT. A multidimensional feature vector is formed by combining SWT coefficients and their statistical features. This feature vector is used as input to the SOM. SOM is used to segment images in a competitive unsupervised approach and an LVQ system is used for fine-tuning. Results are evaluated using Tanimoto similarity index and are compared with manually segmented images. Quantitative comparisons of our system with the other methods on real brain MR images using Tanimoto similarity index demonstrate that our system shows better segmentation performance for the gray matter while it gives average results for white matter. 相似文献
Progresses made on content-based image retrieval have reactivated the research on image analysis and a number of similarity-based methods have been established to assess the similarity between images. In this paper, the content-based approach is extended towards the problem of image collection summarization and comparison. For these purposes we propose to carry out clustering analysis on visual features using self-organizing maps, and then evaluate their similarity using a few dissimilarity measures implemented on the feature maps. The effectiveness of these dissimilarity measures is then examined with an empirical study. 相似文献
Self-organizing maps have a bearing on traditional vector quantization. A characteristic that makes them more closely resemble certain biological brain maps, however, is the spatial order of their responses, which is formed in the learning process. A discussion is presented of the basic algorithms and two innovations: dynamic weighting of the input signals at each input of each cell, which improves the ordering when very different input signals are used, and definition of neighborhoods in the learning algorithm by the minimal spanning tree, which provides a far better and faster approximation of prominently structured density functions. It is cautioned that if the maps are used for pattern recognition and decision process, it is necessary to fine tune the reference vectors so that they directly define the decision borders. 相似文献
In upcoming years, the strategies for maintenance, traceability, management and operation of productive processes will demand the use of novel information and communication technologies. Supervisory systems in these new scenarios will have to be able to integrate large volumes of information and knowledge coming both from local and remote points of large processes. These systems will therefore require new tools for management and integration of information and knowledge. In this work, the authors present an internet-based remote supervision system of industrial processes that incorporates powerful data and knowledge visualization tools based on self-organizing maps (SOM). This architecture adds an intermediate layer (database) to the well-known client and server layers, that isolates the client part from the industrial process, allowing to incorporate the required data management and neural network processing tasks. Remote users have access to advanced information visualization tools based on SOM, including both static visualizations, such as component planes or distance maps, and dynamical ones, such as residuals and state trajectory, allowing the interpretation of knowledge extracted by the SOM as well as the analysis and detection of possible abnormal conditions. This architecture has been validated through the supervision of an industrial pilot plant. 相似文献
Effective multilingual information filtering is required to alleviate users burden of information overload resulting from the increasing flood of multilingual textual content available extensively over the World-Wide Web. This paper proposes a content-based self-organizing approach to multilingual information filtering using fuzzy logic and the self-organizing map. This approach screens and evaluates multilingual documents based on their semantic contents. Correlated multilingual documents are disseminated according to their corresponding themes or topics, thus enabling language-independent content-based information access efficiently and effectively. A Web-based multilingual online news-filtering system is developed to illustrate how the approach works. 相似文献
In this article, self-organizing-map-based video object segmentation is proposed, assuming that either Y-quantification or HSV-quantification can be systematically selected. Given a video sequence, the value of the probability density function for each component value is calculated according to a kernel estimation at the first frame. Some areas randomly chosen from the background are then examined, using each component value, to judge whether or not they include the target object. The quantification is determined so that the frequency of occurrence of false extractions can be reduced. The data presented to the maps are generated based on the selected quantification. Experimental results show that the proposed method recognizes the target object well. 相似文献
In this paper, the optimal process parameters of a wave soldering process were defined. The optimization was performed in respect to soldering quality by minimizing a cost function describing the total repairing cost of a wave-soldered printed circuit board (PCB). The data analysis stages were as follows. First, the process data were coded into inputs for a self-organizing map (SOM). Next, a function for the repairing cost was constructed and used to find the optimal map neurons. At the last phase, the optimal parameters were approximated on the basis of the reference vectors of the optimal neurons. The results showed clearly potential in the optimization of the wave soldering process, especially in the visualization of the optimal process conditions. Therefore, it would be useful to exploit the method more widely in the electronics industry. 相似文献
To make visualization of high-dimensional data more accurate, we offer a method of approximating two-dimensional Kohonen maps lying in a multiple-dimensional space. Cubic parametric spline-based least-defect surfaces can be used as an approximation function to minimize approximation errors. 相似文献
Neural Computing and Applications - Bio-inspired computing principles are considered as a source of promising paradigms for fault-tolerant computation. Among bio-inspired approaches, neural... 相似文献
In this paper, two new methods for edge detection in multispectral images are presented. They are based on the use of the self-organizing map (SOM) and a grayscale edge detector. With the 2-dimensional SOM the ordering of pixel vectors is obtained by applying the Peano scan, whereas this can be omitted using the 1-dimensional SOM. It is shown that using the R-ordering based methods some parts of the edges may be missed. However, they can be found using the proposed methods. Using them it is also possible to find edges in images which consist of metameric colors. Finally, it is shown that the proposed methods find the edges properly from real multispectral airplane images. The size of the SOM determines the amount of found edges. If the SOM is taught using a large color vector database, the same SOM can be utilized for numerous images. 相似文献
In this paper, a three-layer force-directed self-organizing map is designed to resolve the circuit placement problem with arbitrarily shaped rectilinear modules. The proposed neural model with an additional hidden layer can easily model a rectilinear module by a set of hidden neurons to correspond the partitioned rectangles. With the collective computing from hidden neurons, these rectilinear modules can correctly interact with each other and finally converge to a good placement result. In this paper, multiple contradictory criteria are accounted simultaneously during the placement process, in which, both the wire length and the module overlap are reduced. The proposed model has been successfully exploited to solve the time consuming rectilinear module placement problem. The placement results of real rectilinear test examples are presented, which demonstrate that the proposed method is better than the simulated annealing approach in the total wire length. The appropriate parameter values which yield good solutions are also investigated. 相似文献
Knowledge and Information Systems - This paper proposes schemes for automated and weighted self-organizing time maps (SOTMs). The SOTM provides means for a visual approach to evolutionary... 相似文献
This paper describes the development of an expert system in gearing design application. The knowledge in this design field is vast and involves selection of appropriate data from large amounts of engineering standards data available in engineering catalogues and design handbooks. Experts very oftens have different opinions in determining the design solution. The theme of the work is to organise, systemise, conserve and spread this knowledge relating to gearing design and configuration. There is a large number of design parameters involved in gearing design. The design of gears also requires an iterative approach to optimize these design parameters that govern the kinematic, as well as the strength performance. Owing to the complex combinations of these aspects, conventional design office practice tends to become complicated and time consuming. Hence, in this piece of work, attempts are made to formulate a design system capable of designing a required type of gear and its configuration under a specified set of working conditions. The main features of the expert gearing design system are the use of semantic nets in representing the objects, a frame-based data acquisition and representation system, and production rules in representing the domain-specific knowledge base. The system provides a very user-friendly interface through the use of an expert system development tool Prolog. While Prolog is used to set up the various databases and the inference engine, the detail gear design calculations are performed by C. It is found that the communication between these two language media is excellent in terms of performance and efficiency. 相似文献
A prototype dual-purpose expert system for automatic preliminary shape synthesis of structural components has been developed. The developed prototype is intended to emulate the conceptual-design/preliminary-redesign phases of the engineering design process. The dual purpose of this expert system is to generate preliminary designs which can be used either for basic engineering or as an initial solution to an optimization scheme. Both design phases have been modularized and developed under adequate computational shells. Heuristics are applied in the conceptual design phase to produce an initial definition of the geometric domain. A set of rules was programmed into the inference mechanism for the redesign phase. These rules focus on molding the geometric domain. Modules requiring heuristic support are implemented in a LISP/KEE TM environment, those which are computer intensive being C subroutines. The two-dimensional problems of a fillet in a tension bar and of a connecting link are used to illustrate the system. This is part of an ongoing project at the Center for Computer Aids for Industrial Productivity (CAIP) in New Jersey. 相似文献
A multilayer hierarchical self-organizing map (HSOM) is discussed as an unsupervised clustering method. The HSOM is shown to form arbitrarily complex clusters, in analogy with multilayer feedforward networks. In addition, the HSOM provides a natural measure for the distance of a point from a cluster that weighs all the points belonging to the cluster appropriately. In experiments with both artificial and real data it is demonstrated that the multilayer SOM forms clusters that match better to the desired classes than do direct SOM's, classical k-means, or Isodata algorithms. 相似文献