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采用电光调制器产生光毫米波的全双工通信光纤无线通信系统 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
实验研究了一种采用单个电光调制器产生光毫米波的方法和相应的全双工无线通信系统。在中心站采用电混频器产生电毫米波,然后再利用电光制器产生双边带信号。利用光交错复用器将中心载波和双频一阶边带信号分离。双频一阶边带用于产生2倍射频信号的光毫米波,而中心光载波用来作为上行链路的光载波。实验显示采用频率为20GHz射频信号产生光毫米波的频率为40GHz,而且将下行链路和上行链路中2.5Gbit/s的数据在单模光纤中传输距离达20km,而功率代价均小于0.5dB。 相似文献
DWDM optical millimeter-wave generation for radio-over-fiber using an optical phase modulator and an optical interleaver 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Jianjun Yu Zhensheng Jia Lei Xu Lin Chen Ting Wang Gee-Kung Chang 《Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE》2006,18(13):1418-1420
We have proposed and experimentally demonstrated a novel scheme to generate a dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM) optical millimeter-wave source by using an optical phase modulator and an optical interleaver. The stability of the DWDM optical millimeter wave generation is largely improved because we use an optical phase modulator without a dc-bias controller and an optical interleaver is subsequently employed to suppress the optical carrier of the DWDM source, which is not as temperature sensitive as a fiber Bragg grating. Moreover, the limitation of chromatic dispersion is greatly reduced due to avoiding the generation of higher order sidebands via driving the phase modulator with optimized RF signal. 相似文献
提出一种采用单个光相位调制器(OPM)和光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)滤波器产生四倍频光载毫米波的双向光纤无线通信(ROF)系统。在中心站(CS),系统采用基带信号与射频(RF)信号混频后去驱动OPM,以产生抑制一阶边带的多边带光信号。在基站(BS),利用FBG滤波器将信号的重复频率增至4倍。实验结果显示,经过40km光纤传输后,下行链路信号的眼图清晰可见,功率代价小于1.6dB。本文方案中,由于没有额外增加激光源使得基站结构进一步简化,同时四倍频技术降低了RF信号的频率,系统成本大大降低。 相似文献
提出了一种产生载波抑制-差分相移键控(OCS-DPSK)光载毫米波的光纤无线系统.建立了OCS-DPSK光载毫米波的产生和传输链路模型,分析了光纤色散的影响,并通过仿真实验验证了系统的可行性.实验结果表明,重复频率为30GHz的OCS-DPSK光载毫米波调制2.5Gb/s基带信号经80km光纤传输后,眼图清晰可见,功率代价为3.7dB. 相似文献
基于相位调制器倍频技术产生56 GHz毫米波的光载无线通信系统 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
提出并实验研究了一种基于光相位调制器(PM)倍频技术产生56GHz毫米波的光载无线通信(RoF)系统。在中心站,通过28GHz射频(RF)信号驱动PM产生了56GHz光毫米波,并将下行的2.8Gb/s开关键控(OOK)信号调制到该光载波上,然后经过20km标准单模光纤(SSMF)传输至基站,最后由天线进行发射。用户终端接收后,采用相干解调恢复出基带信号。实验结果表明,56GHz光载毫米波信号经SSMF传输20km后其功率代价小于1dB,通过无线方式传输1.1m后其功率代价小于2.5dB。 相似文献
Griffin R.A. Salgado H.M. Lane P.M. O'Reilly J.J. 《Lightwave Technology, Journal of》1999,17(12):2480-2487
We consider the performance of a hybrid radio-over-fiber distribution system with a remote phase-locked loop (PLL) providing the local oscillator for upconversion to millimeter (mm)-wave frequencies. The reference signal for the PLL is transmitted together with digitally modulated subcarriers over a fiber link, allowing centralization of radio processing. Through analysis and simulation, we identify the relationship between the phase noise requirement for the PLL and the data capacity of the fiber link. For a practical link, we provide an upper limit on system capacity for transmission of 16 quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) subcarriers 相似文献
为了克服光纤无线(ROF)系统中色散对光载波抑制(OCS)调制光毫米波信号传输的影响,提出一种改进的OCS调制方案。使用双驱动马赫-曾德尔调制器(MZM),通过调整两路输入射频信号相位、基带信号增益和直流偏置电压将2.5Gbit/s数据信号仅调制到(OCS)信号的一个边带上传输。理论分析表明,与传统OCS调制光毫米波信号产生方案相比,本文方案解决了色度色散引起的码元走离问题,大大增加了传输距离。仿真实验结果表明,经过110km光纤传输后信号的眼图仍然十分清晰,在BER=10-10条件下,信号经过20、40和60km光纤传输后的功率代价分别为0.78、1.7和1.9dB。 相似文献
实验研究了一种基于相位调制器(PM)并级联强度调制器(IM)实现40 GHz毫米波传输正交频分复用(OFDM)信号的光纤无线通信(ROF)系统。在中心站,采用20 GHz的射频(RF)信号驱动PM,调节驱动信号的强度,使输出的信号经光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)滤除中心载波后再送入IM。2.5 Gbit/s的OFDM信号直接调制在光毫米波上,经过50 km标准的单模光纤(SSMF)传输到基站。在基站,光调制信号经光电转换器(PD)转换成电调制信号,再与RF信号混频,恢复出基带OFDM信号。实验结果表明,在无色散补偿、误码率(BER)为10-3的条件下,下行链路中2.5 Gbit/s的OFDM信号经光纤传输50 km后,其功率代价小于1 dB,而且信号的星座图依然较好。 相似文献
Kawanishi T. Sakamoto T. Shinada S. Izutsu M. 《Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE》2004,14(12):566-568
We investigated stability and phase noise of V-band millimeter-wave generated by using a hybrid integrated reciprocating optical modulator consisting of a pair of fiber Bragg gratings and a LiNbO/sub 3/ optical phase modulator. The amplitude fluctuation of generated millimeter-wave was less than 1% without using feedback stabilization technique. Phase noise of the millimeter-wave was -74.3 dBc/Hz at 10-kHz offset. 相似文献
A duplex radio-over-fiber (RoF) link with a novel scheme to generate 60-GHz millimeter (mm)-wave using 20 GHz double sideband (DSB) optical mm-wave with signal carried only by its optical carrier is investigated. In the RoF downlink, the modulation frequency to generate the DSB optical mm-wave is reduced greatly. The theoretical analysis and numerical simulation show that this scheme cannot only eliminate the code form distortion caused by the time shifting of the sidebands, but also reduce the influence of the fading effect as the DSB optical mm-wave signal is transmitted along the fiber. Based on the scheme, the duplex RoF link with the frequency up- (down-) conversion of the down- (up-) link mm-wave signal is built and the uplink transmission performance is analyzed theoretically. 相似文献
R. K. Mains I. Mehdi G. I. Haddad 《Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves》1989,10(6):595-620
Oscillations from resonant-tunneling diodes have been observed up to 200 GHz, and theoretical estimates predict that device performance should extend into the THz range. This paper addresses the issue of the ultimate frequency response and power generation capability of these devices. Techniques recently developed to solve the time-dependent Schrödinger equation are used to predict the rf power vs. frequency obtainable from resonant-tunneling diode oscillators, based on the calculated small-signal response. Factors limiting the rf power output from these devices are presented. Also, recently obtained dc experimental results for the In.53Ga.47As-InxAl1-xAs heterostructure material system grown on InP are presented. Using a quasi-static approximation, the rf power available from these devices under large-signal conditions is estimated. 相似文献
We investigated reciprocating optical modulation (ROM) for millimeter-wave generation. The system was composed of an optical phase modulator and a pair of optical filters. A lightwave modulated by V-band millimeter waves was obtained from a 5-GHz electric signal. The spectrum linewidths of the generated 60-GHz millimeter wave was smaller than 300 Hz. By using mode-coupling equations, the spectra of the output lightwave were theoretically calculated. It was shown that the spectra depend on the optical path length between the two optical filters, so that harmonic generation and mixing with baseband signals can be obtained simultaneously. Intensity modulation of the generated millimeter wave was demonstrated by applying a baseband signal to the modulator without using another electric or optical modulator. 相似文献
A new technique is presented and investigated systematically which generates optical signals at millimeter-wave repetition rates from a semiconductor laser, without the need for an intracavity saturable absorber. Optical pulses are generated from a long-cavity semiconductor laser with a repetition rate equal to its cavity resonant frequency by injecting short optical pulses at one of the cavity resonance subharmonics. A rate-equation model is proposed to explain the mechanism of this subharmonic optical injection method. Optical pulses with repetition rates of 35 and 56 GHz are generated using the proposed scheme from a semiconductor laser with a distributed Bragg reflector and a Fabry-Perot laser diode, respectively. The performance of the generated pulses is also evaluated in terms of detected RF power at the repetition frequencies, the subharmonic suppression ratio, phase noise, and timing jitter as a function of frequency detuning, injected optical power, laser bias current, and, finally, the subharmonic number. It is found that the generated optical pulses exhibit large subharmonic suppression ratio (>17 dB), large locking ranges >400 MHz, low levels of phase noise (~-93 dBc/Hz@10 kHz) and timing jitter (<0.41 ps over 100 Hz to 10 MHz), and large tolerance to variations in operating parameters 相似文献
Chun-ning HOU Yu-feng SHAO Xiao LIU Xi ZHENG Xin-ying Li Jun-wen ZHANG Wu-liang FANG Nan CHI 《中国邮电高校学报(英文版)》2009
In this paper, we analyze the sideband performance of millimeter-wave (mm-wave) generated by the optical carrier suppression (OCS) method. Through adjusting the direct current (DC) bias of the Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZM), we study the output optical signal powers at different orders bands, and the DC bias tolerance while the value of the carrier suppression ratio is not lower than 10 dB. The separated right sideband is modulated by 5 Gbit/s data, and then combined with the left sideband. The generated millimeter wave optical signal is transmitted over 20 km standard single mode fiber (SMF), and the received power penalty is only 0.28 dB. 相似文献
A full-duplex radio-over-fiber system based on optical carrier suppression and reuse 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Zhensheng Jia Jianjun Yu Gee-Kung Chang 《Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE》2006,18(16):1726-1728
We have experimentally demonstrated a full-duplex radio-over-fiber system using a single light source at central station (CS). Optical carrier suppression modulation scheme was employed to generate 40-GHz optical millimeter wave and up-convert the baseband signal simultaneously at CS for downlink transmission while the same optical carrier was reused at base station for uplink connection. The bidirectional full-duplex 2.5-Gb/s data was successfully transmitted over 40-km standard single-mode fiber (SMF-28) for both upstream and downstream channels with less than 2-dB power penalty. This system shows simple cost-efficient configuration and good performance over long-distance delivery. 相似文献
提出了一种新的基于并联的双平行马赫曾德尔调制器(Dual parallel Mach Zehnder modulator,DPMZM)结构的光生毫米波方案,该方案无需滤波器即可产生高质量的16倍频毫米波。通过适当调节DPMZM下臂上的马赫曾德尔调制器(Mach Zehnder modulator,MZM)的偏置电压,可以灵活控制光的零阶边带的幅度;通过调节DPMZM上臂上MZM的调制系数和直流偏压,可以抑制奇次谐波;然后通过适当调节两DPMZM之间的相移,可以得到仅有±8阶边带的光谐波,后经光电探测器(Photo detector,PD)拍频得到高质量的16倍频毫米波信号。对16倍频毫米波产生的原理进行了详细分析,并通过仿真对方案的可行性进行了验证,光载波抑制比(Optical sideband suppression ratio,OSSR)为30.3 dB,RF杂散抑制比(Radio frequency spurious sideband suppression ratio,RFSSR)为23.5 d B。 相似文献