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提出一种多agent逻辑程序,每个agent具有一个相信算子,讨论了其不动点语义和操作语义,证明了两种语义之间的等价性.提出了一种基于多agent逻辑程序的协议验证方法,以一种多方非否认安全协议为例,对该协议进行了形式化描述,验证了其具有不可否认性.  相似文献   

It is argued that some symmetric structure in logic programs could be taken into account when implementing semantics in logic programming. This may enhance the declarative ability or expressive power of the semantics. The work presented here may be seen as representative examples along this line. The focus is on the derivation of negative information and some other classic semantic issues. We first define a permutation group associated with a given logic program. Since usually the canonical models used to reflect the common sense or intended meaning are minimal or completed models of the program, we expose the relationships between minimal models and completed models of the original program and its so-called G-reduced form newly-derived via the permutation group defined. By means of this G-reduced form, we introduce a rule to assume negative information termed G-CWA, which is actually a generalization of the GCWA. We also develop the notions of G-definite, G-hierarchical and G-stratified logic programs,  相似文献   

Preference logic programming (PLP) is an extension of logic programming for declaratively specifying problems requiring optimization or comparison and selection among alternative solutions to a query. PLP essentially separates the programming of a problem itself from the criteria specification of its solution selection. In this paper we present a declarative method for specifying preference logic programs. The method introduces a precise formalization for the syntax and semantics of PLP. The syntax of a preference logic program contains two disjoint sets of definite clauses, separating a core program specifying a general computational problem from its preference rules for optimization; the semantics of PLP is given based on the Herbrand model and fixed point theory, where how preferences affects the least Herbrand model of a logic program is interpreted as a sequence of meta-level mapping operations. In addition, we present an operational semantics based on a new resolution strategy and a memoized recursive algorithm for computing strictly stratified logic programs with well-formed preferences, and further show that the operational semantics of such a preference logic program is consistent to its declarative semantics.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new way of certifying assembly programs. Unlike previous program logics, we extract the control-flow information from the code and generate an intermediate trail between the specification and the real code. Trails are auxiliary specifications and treated as modules in the certification process. We define a simple modular program logic called trail-based certified assembly programming (TCAP) to certify and link different parts of a program using the corresponding trails. Because the control flow information in trails is explicit, the rules are easier to design. We show that our logic is powerful enough to prove partial correctness of assembly programs with features including stack-based abstractions and self-modifying code.We also provide a semantics for TCAP and prove that the logic is sound with respect to the semantics.  相似文献   

In the presence of taxonomic information, there often exists implicit implication among atoms in an interpretation domain. A general framework is proposed for the discussion of an appropriate semantics for declarative programs with respect to such implicit implication. It is first assumed that the implicit implication can be predetermined and represented by a preorder on the interpretation domain. Under the consequent constraint that every interpretation must conform to the implicit implication, an appropriate model-theoretic semantics as well as its corresponding fixpoint semantics for declarative programs is described. Based on Kostler et al.'s (1993) foundation of fixpoint with subsumption, it is shown that, it the implicit-implication relation is, in addition, assumed to be a partial order, then the meaning of a program can be determined more efficiently by application of an immediate-consequence operator which involves only reduced representations, basically consisting only of their maximal elements, of subsets of the interpretation domain  相似文献   


This paper presents a logic programming language of novel conception, called Reflective Prolog, which allows declarative metaknowledge representation and metareasoning. The language is defined by augmenting pure Prolog (Horn clauses) with capabilities of self-reference and logical reflection. Self-reference is designed as a quotation device (a carefully defined naming relation) which allows the construction of metalevel terms that refer to object-level terms and atoms. Logical reflection is designed as an unquotation mechanism (a distinguished truth predicate) which relates names to what is named, thus extending the meaning of domain predicates. The reflection mechanism is embodied in an extended resolution procedure which automatically switches the context between levels. This implicit reflection relieves the programmer from having to explicitly deal with control aspects of the inference process. The declarative semantics of a Reflective Prolog definite program P is provided in terms of the least reflective Herbrand model of P, characterized by means of a suitable mapping defined over the Herbrand interpretations of P. The extended resolution is proved sound and complete with respect to the least reflective Herbrand model. By illustrating Reflective Prolog solutions to an organic set of problems, and by discussing the main differences with respect to other approaches to logic metaprogramming, we show that the proposed language deploys, within its field of action, greater expressive and inferential power than those available till now. The interpreter of the language has been fully implemented. Because of its enhanced power, logic semantics and working interpreter, Reflective Prolog is offered as a contribution toward making the declarative approach of logic programming applicable to the development of increasingly sophisticated knowledge-based systems.  相似文献   

The semantics of static deductive databases is well understood based on the work in logic programming. In the past decade, various methods to incorporate update constructs into logic programming and deductive databases have been proposed. However, there is still no consensus about the appropriate treatment of dynamic behavior in deductive databases. In this paper, we propose a language called DatalogU, which is a minimal but powerful extension of Datalog with updates to base relations. DatalogU allows the user to program set-oriented complex database transactions with concurrent, disjunctive and sequential update operations in a simple and direct way. It has a simple and intuitive declarative semantics that naturally accounts for set-oriented updates in deductive databases.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a new generic scheme CFLP풟, intended as a logical and semantic framework for lazy Constraint Functional Logic Programming over a parametrically given constraint domain 풟. As in the case of the well known CLP풟 scheme for Constraint Logic Programming, 풟 is assumed to provide domain specific data values and constraints. CFLP풟 programs are presented as sets of constrained rewrite rules that define the behavior of possibly higher order and/or non-deterministic lazy functions over 풟. As a main novelty w.r.t. previous related work, we present a Constraint Rewriting Logic CRWL풟 which provides a declarative semantics for CFLP풟 programs. This logic relies on a new formalization of constraint domains and program interpretations, which allows a flexible combination of domain specific data values and user defined data constructors, as well as a functional view of constraints. This research has been partially supported by the Spanish National Projects MELODIAS (TIC2002-01167), MERIT-FORMS (TIN2005-09207-C03-03) and PROMESAS-CAM (S-0505/TIC/0407).  相似文献   

Minker and Perlis [15] have made the important observation that in certain circumstances, it might be desirable to prevent the inference of A when A is in the finite failure set of a logic program P. In this paper, we investigate the model-theoretic aspects of their proposal and develop a Fitting-style [5] declarative semantics for protected completions of general logic programs (containing function symbols). This extends the Minker-Perlis proposal which applies to function-free pure logic programs. In addition, an operational semantics is proposed and it is proven to be sound for existentially quantified positive queries and negative ground queries to general, canonical protected logic programs. Completeness issues are investigated and completeness is proved for positive existential queries and negative ground queries for the following classes of programs: (1) function-free general protected logic programs (the Minker-Perlis operational semantics apply to function-free pure protected logic programs), (2) pure protected logic programs (with function symbols) and (3) protected general logic programs that do not contain any internal variables (though they may contain function symbols).  相似文献   

Declarative representations of multiagent systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper explores the specification and semantics of multiagent problem-solving systems, focusing on the representations that agents have of each other. It provides a declarative representation for such systems. Several procedural solutions to a well-known test-bed problem are considered, and the requirements they impose on different agents are identified. A study of these requirements yields a representational scheme based on temporal logic for specifying the acting, perceiving, communicating, and reasoning abilities of computational agents. A formal semantics is provided for this scheme. The resulting representation is highly declarative, and useful for describing systems of agents solving problems reactively  相似文献   

Du  W. Wadge  W.W. 《Software, IEEE》1990,7(3):78-89
A three-dimensional spreadsheet design based on intensional logic is proposed. Intensional logic is concerned with assertions and other expressions whose meaning depends on an implicit context. The intensional spreadsheet is a declarative spreadsheet with a simple formal semantics called intensional semantics. It is expected to be suitable for a wide range of applications and for various users, including those who have had conventional programming experience. As an example of using the intensional 3-D spreadsheet, the formalization of a systolic algorithm for matrix multiplication is considered  相似文献   

Recent proposals for multi-paradigm declarative programming combine the most important features of functional, logic and concurrent programming into a single framework. The operational semantics of these languages is usually based on a combination of narrowing and residuation. In this paper, we introduce a non-standard, residualizing semantics for multi-paradigm declarative programs and prove its equivalence with a standard operational semantics. Our residualizing semantics is particularly relevant within the area of program transformation where it is useful, e.g., to perform computations during partial evaluation. Thus, the proof of equivalence is a crucial result to demonstrate the correctness of (existing) partial evaluation schemes.  相似文献   

The notion of uniform closure operator is introduced, and it is shown how this concept surfaces in two different areas of application of abstract interpretation, notably in semantics design for logic programs and in the theory of abstract domain refinements. In logic programming, uniform closures permit generalization, from an order-theoretic perspective, of the standard hierarchy of declarative semantics. In particular, we show how to reconstruct the model-theoretic characterization of the well-known s-semantics using pure order-theoretic concepts only. As far as the systematic refinement operators on abstract domains are concerned, we show that uniform closures capture precisely the property of a refinement of being invertible, namely of admitting a related operator that simplifies as much as possible a given abstract domain of input for that refinement. Exploiting the same argument used to reconstruct the s-semantics of logic programming, we yield a precise relationship between refinements and their inverse operators: we demonstrate that they form an adjunction with respect to a conveniently modified complete order among abstract domains.  相似文献   

This paper presents an abstract semantics that uses information about execution paths to improve precision of data flow analyses of logic programs. The abstract semantics is illustrated by abstracting execution paths using call strings of fixed length and the last transfer of control. Abstract domains that have been developed for logic program analyses can be used with the new abstract semantics without modification.  相似文献   

This paper proposes to specify semantic definitions for logic programming languages such as Prolog in terms of an oracle which specifies the control strategy and identifies which clauses are to be applied to resolve a given goal. The approach is quite general. It can be applied to Prolog to specify both operational and declarative semantics as well as other logic programming languages. Previous semantic definitions for Prolog typically encode the sequential depth-first search of the language into various mathematical frameworks. Such semantics mimic a Prolog interpreter in the sense that following the "leftmost" infinite path in the computation tree excludes computation to the right of this path from being considered by the semantics. The basic idea in this paper is to abstract away from the sequential control of Prolog and to provide a declarative characterization of the clauses to apply to a given goal. The decision whether or not to apply a clause is viewed as a query to an oracle which is specified from within the semantics and reasoned about from outside. This approach results in simple and concise semantic definitions which are more useful for arguing the correctness of program transformations and providing the basis for abstract interpretations than previous proposals.  相似文献   

Lawry's label semantics for modeling and computing with linguistic information in natural language provides a clear interpretation of linguistic expressions and thus a transparent model for real‐world applications. Meanwhile, annotated logic programs (ALPs) and its fuzzy extension AFLPs have been developed as an extension of classical logic programs offering a powerful computational framework for handling uncertain and imprecise data within logic programs. This paper proposes annotated linguistic logic programs (ALLPs) that embed Lawry's label semantics into the ALP/AFLP syntax, providing a linguistic logic programming formalism for development of automated reasoning systems involving soft data as vague and imprecise concepts occurring frequently in natural language. The syntax of ALLPs is introduced, and their declarative semantics is studied. The ALLP SLD‐style proof procedure is then defined and proved to be sound and complete with respect to the declarative semantics of ALLPs. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study a new semantics of logic programming and deductive databases. Thepossible model semantics is introduced as a declarative semantics of disjunctive logic programs. The possible model semantics is an alternative theoretical framework to the classical minimal model semantics and provides a flexible inference mechanism for inferring negation in disjunctive logic programs. We also present a proof procedure for the possible model semantics and show that the possible model semantics has an advantage from the computational complexity point of view.This is a revised and extended version of the paper [36] which was presented at the Tenth International Conference on Logic Programming, Budapest, 21–25 June 1993.  相似文献   

This paper surveys complexity, degree of uncomputability, and expressive power results for logic programming. Some major decision problem complexity results and other results for logic programming are also covered. It also proves several new results filling in previous gaps in the literature. The paper considers seven logic programming semantics: the van Emden-Kowalski semantics for definite (Horn) logic programs; the perfect model semantics for stratified and for locally stratified logic programs; and the two- and three-valued program completion semantics, the well-founded semantics, and the stable semantics, all for normal logic programs, under skeptical inference. The main results concern expressibility and query complexity/uncomputability in five contexts: for propositional logic programs, for first order logic programs with infinite Herbrand universes on their Herbrand universes (a closed domain assumption), for first order logic programs with infinite Herbrand universes on those universes extended with infinitely many new elements (an open domain assumption), and for logic programs without function or constant symbols evaluated over varying extensional databases (DATALOG-type results, data complexity results only) under both closed and open domain assumptions. Several of the open domain assumption results are new to this paper. Other results surveyed are (1) results about the family of all stable models of a program and (2) decision questions about when a logic program has nice properties with respect to a semantics (e.g., a unique stable model). One decision result, for well-founded semantics, is new to this paper.Work supported in part by NSF grant IRI-8905166.  相似文献   

To relate operational semantics of logic programs to its declarative semantics, we have to rely on SLD-trees. But this form of operational semantics does not make it easy to relate execution behaviour to program structure. The reason is that the traversal of SLD-trees decomposes in a way that is different from the decomposition (which is by disjunction and conjunction) of programs. We propose SLD-contours, a variant of SLD-trees, that are, like programs, built up out of simpler components by means of disjunction and conjunction. The traversal of SLD-trees carries over to the traversal of SLD-contours in such a way that the trace events of the Box Model (Try, Succeed, Retry, Fail) are reproduced in the same way as during the execution of the program. ThusSLD-contours relate the trace more closely to the program than SLD-trees. SLD-contours specify the trace more completely than the Box Model does.  相似文献   

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