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The notion of a one-sided random context grammar is defined as a context-free-based regulated grammar, in which a set of permitting symbols and a set of forbidding symbols are attached to every rule, and its set of rules is divided into the set of left random context rules and the set of right random context rules. A left random context rule can rewrite a nonterminal if each of its permitting symbols occurs to the left of the rewritten symbol in the current sentential form while each of its forbidding symbols does not occur there. A right random context rule is applied analogically except that the symbols are examined to the right of the rewritten symbol. The paper demonstrates that without erasing rules, one-sided random context grammars characterize the family of context-sensitive languages, and with erasing rules, these grammars characterize the family of recursively enumerable languages. In fact, these characterization results hold even if the set of left random context rules coincides with the set of right random context rules. Several special cases of these grammars are considered, and their generative power is established. In its conclusion, some important open problems are suggested to study in the future.  相似文献   

This paper studies the nonterminal complexity of tree controlled grammars. It is proved that the number of nonterminals in tree controlled grammars without erasing rules leads to an infinite hierarchy of families of tree controlled languages, while every recursively enumerable language can be generated by a tree controlled grammar with erasing rules and at most nine nonterminals.  相似文献   

In one-sided forbidding grammars, the set of rules is divided into the set of left forbidding rules and the set of right forbidding rules. A left forbidding rule can rewrite a non-terminal if each of its forbidding symbols is absent to the left of the rewritten symbol in the current sentential form, while a right forbidding rule is applied analogically except that this absence is verified to the right. Apart from this, they work like ordinary forbidding grammars. As its main result, this paper proves that one-sided forbidding grammars are equivalent to selective substitution grammars. This equivalence is established in terms of grammars with and without erasing rules. Furthermore, this paper proves that one-sided forbidding grammars in which the set of left forbidding rules coincides with the set of right forbidding rules characterize the family of context-free languages. In the conclusion, the significance of the achieved results is discussed.  相似文献   

A left-forbidding grammar, introduced in this paper, is a context-free grammar, where a set of nonterminal symbols is attached to each context-free production. Such a production can rewrite a nonterminal provided that no symbol from the attached set occurs to the left of the rewritten nonterminal in the current sentential form. The present paper discusses cooperating distributed grammar systems with left-forbidding grammars as components and gives some new characterizations of language families of the Chomsky hierarchy. In addition, it also proves that twelve nonterminals are enough for cooperating distributed grammar systems working in the terminal derivation mode with two left-forbidding components (including erasing productions) to characterize the family of recursively enumerable languages.  相似文献   

In generalized one-sided forbidding grammars (GOFGs), each context-free rule has associated a finite set of forbidding strings, and the set of rules is divided into the sets of left and right forbidding rules. A left forbidding rule can rewrite a nonterminal if each of its forbidding strings is absent to the left of the rewritten symbol. A right forbidding rule is applied analogically. Apart from this, they work like any generalized forbidding grammar. This paper proves the following three results. (1) GOFGs where each forbidding string consists of at most two symbols characterize the family of recursively enumerable languages. (2) GOFGs where the rules in one of the two sets of rules contain only ordinary context-free rules without any forbidding strings characterize the family of context-free languages. (3) GOFGs with the set of left forbidding rules coinciding with the set of right forbidding rules characterize the family of context-free languages.  相似文献   

This paper establishes a workspace theorem in terms of regular-controlled (context-free) grammars. It proves that, if, for a regular-controlled grammar H, there is a positive integer k such that H generates every sentence yL(H) by a derivation in which every sentential form x contains at most (k−1)|x|/k occurrences of nonterminals that are erased throughout the rest of the derivation, where |x| denotes the length of x, then the language of H is generated by a propagating regular-controlled grammar. An analogical workspace theorem is demonstrated for regular-controlled grammars with appearance checking. The paper provides an algorithm that removes all erasing rules from any regular-controlled grammar (possibly with appearance checking) that satisfies the workspace condition above without affecting the generated language. In its conclusion, the paper points out a relationship of the workspace theorems to other areas of formal language theory.  相似文献   

Many rewriting systems with context-free productions and with controlled derivations have been studied. On one hand, these systems preserve the simplicity of applications of context-free productions and, on the other hand, they increase the generative power to cover more aspects of natural and programming languages. However, with λ-productions, many of these systems are computationally complete. It gives rise to a natural question of what are the simplest restrictions of the derivation process of context-free grammars to obtain the universal power. In this paper, we present such a simple restriction introducing so-called restricted context-free rewriting systems. These systems are context-free grammars with a function assigning a nonterminal coupled with + or − to each nonterminal. A production is applicable if it is applicable as a context-free production and if the symbol assigned to the left-hand side of the production is coupled with +, then this symbol has to appear in the sentential form, while if coupled with −, it must not appear in the sentential form. This restriction is simpler than most of the other restrictions, since the context conditions are assigned to nonterminals, not to productions, and their type is the simplest possible – a nonterminal.  相似文献   

Aho and Ullman give an algorithm in [1] for eliminating reductions of the form AB, where A and B are nonterminals, from a set of LR(k) parsing tables, thus increasing the speed of the parser and reducing its size. We present a modification of their algorithm and show that after reductions by AB have been eliminated, the symbols A and B can be equated and the associated columns of the parsing table merged, further reducing the size of the parser. The new set of tables parses according to an “abridged” grammar with fewer nonterminal symbols than the original. Finally, we give an algorithm which for certain LR(1) grammars constructs a set of LR(1) tables with no reductions by single productions, directly from the grammar.  相似文献   

Summary An extended LR(k) (ELR(k)) grammar is a context free grammar in which the right sides of the productions are regular expressions and which can be parsed from left to right with k symbol look-ahead. We present a practical algorithm for producing small fast parsers directly from certain ELR(k) grammars, and an algorithm for converting the remaining ELR(k) grammars into a form that can be processed by the first algorithm. This method, when combined with previously developed methods for improving the efficiency of LR(k) parsers, usually produces parsers that are significantly smaller and faster than those produced by previous LR(k) and ELR(k) algorithms.  相似文献   

Context-free grammars are widely used for the simple form of their rules. A derivation step consists of the choice of a nonterminal of the sentential form and of an application of a rule rewriting it. Several regulations of the derivation process have been studied to increase the power of context-free grammars. In the resulting grammars, however, not only the symbols to be rewritten are restricted, but also the rules to be applied. In this paper, we study context-free grammars with a simpler restriction where only symbols to be rewritten are restricted, not the rules, in the sense that any rule rewriting the chosen nonterminal can be applied. We prove that these grammars have the same power as random context, matrix, or programmed grammars. We also present two improved normal forms and discuss the characterization of context-sensitive languages by a variant using strings of length at most two instead of symbols.  相似文献   

Long-range word order differences are a well-known problem for machine translation. Unlike the standard phrase-based models which work with sequential and local phrase reordering, the hierarchical phrase-based model (Hiero) embeds the reordering of phrases within pairs of lexicalized context-free rules. This allows the model to handle long range reordering recursively. However, the Hiero grammar works with a single nonterminal label, which means that the rules are combined together into derivations independently and without reference to context outside the rules themselves. Follow-up work explored remedies involving nonterminal labels obtained from monolingual parsers and taggers. As of yet, no labeling mechanisms exist for the many languages for which there are no good quality parsers or taggers. In this paper we contribute a novel approach for acquiring reordering labels for Hiero grammars directly from the word-aligned parallel training corpus, without use of any taggers or parsers. The new labels represent types of alignment patterns in which a phrase pair is embedded within larger phrase pairs. In order to obtain alignment patterns that generalize well, we propose to decompose word alignments into trees over phrase pairs. Beside this labeling approach, we contribute coarse and sparse features for learning soft, weighted label-substitution as opposed to standard substitution. We report extensive experiments comparing our model to two baselines: Hiero and the known syntax augmented machine translation (SAMT) variant, which labels Hiero rules with nonterminals extracted from monolingual syntactic parses. We also test a simplified labeling scheme based on inversion transduction grammar (ITG). For the Chinese–English task we obtain performance improvement up to 1 BLEU point, whereas for the German–English task, where morphology is an issue, a minor (but statistically significant) improvement of 0.2 BLEU points is reported over SAMT. While ITG labeling does give a performance improvement, it remains sometimes suboptimal relative to our proposed labeling scheme.  相似文献   

Leftist grammars are characterized in terms of rules of the form a → ba and cd → d, without distinction between terminals and nonterminals. They were introduced by Motwani et al. [13], where the accessibility problem for some general protection system was related to these grammars. This protection system was originally proposed in [4] and [15] in the context of Java virtual worlds. The accessibility problem is formulated in the form "Can object p gain (illegal) access to object q by a series of legal moves (as prescribed by the policy)?" The membership problem for leftist grammar is decidable [13], which implies decidability of the accessibility problem for the appropriate protection system. We study relationships between language classes defined by various types of leftist grammars and classes of the Chomsky hierarchy. We show that general leftist grammars can define languages which arenot context free, answering in the negative a question from [13]. Moreover, we study some restricted variants of leftist grammars and relate them to regular, deterministic context-free, and context-free languages.  相似文献   

Two grammatical characterizations of the bounded regular languages are presented: one in terms of graph grammars, the other using string grammars. First it is shown that a class of state graphs recognizing the bounded regular languages can be generated by a particular second-order contextfree graph grammar. Next we call uniquely recursive a right-linear (string) grammar having at most one right-recursive production for each of its nonterminals. It is then established that the class of languages generated by uniquely recursive, sequential right-linear grammars is exactly the bounded regular languages. Some comments on the relationship between string and graph grammars are made.  相似文献   

Polynomial Time Learnability of Simple Deterministic Languages   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ishizaka  Hiroki 《Machine Learning》1990,5(2):151-164
This paper is concerned with the problem of learning simple deterministic languages. The algorithm described in this paper is based on the theory of model inference given by Shapiro. In our setting, however, nonterminal membership queries, except for the start symbol, are not permitted. Extended equivalence queries are used instead. Nonterminals that are necessary for a correct grammar and their intended models are introduced automatically. We give an algorithm that, for any simple deterministic language L, outputs a grammar G in 2-standard form, such that L = L(G), using membership queries and extended equivalence queries. We also show that the algorithm runs in time polynomial in the length of the longest counterexample and the number of nonterminals in a minimal grammar for L.  相似文献   

Summary To improve the readability of a grammar it is common to use extended context free grammars (ECFGs) which are context free grammars (CFGs) extended with the repetition operator (*), the alternation operator (¦) and parentheses to express the right hand sides of the productions. The topic treated here is LR-parsing of ECFGs. The LR(k) concept is generalized to ECFGs, a set of LR-preserving transformations from ECFGs to CFGs is given and finally it is shown how to construct LR-parsers directly from ECFGs.  相似文献   

This paper proves that every recursively enumerable language is generated by a scattered context grammar with no more than four nonterminals and three non-context-free productions. In its conclusion, it gives an overview of the results and open problems concerning scattered context grammars and languages.  相似文献   

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