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A gas chromatographic method utilizing thermal desorption of Tenax TA and sol-gel sorbent traps has been developed and validated for the analysis of trace explosive vapor with negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometric detection. Sorbent tubes were packed with Tenax TA and sorbent particles prepared in-house by the sol-gel process. Thermal desorption was performed within a split/splitless injection port with minimal instrument modification. Performance was characterized by relative thermal desorption recovery, precision (reproducibility), linearity of the calibration, and method detection limits. Method validation was performed with a series of dinitrotoluenes, dinitrobenzene, trinitrotoluene, trinitrobenzene, two aminodinitrotoluenes, three nitroesters, and two nitramines. The performance of Tenax TA and the sol-gel sorbents is evaluated based on the method validation data. The method was applied to the analysis of trace explosive vapor collected and concentrated with sol-gel solid sorbent traps from the headspace of a smokeless gunpowder sample.  相似文献   

New phosphorylated microbial metabolites referred to as phosphoantigens activate immune responses in humans. Although these molecules have leading applications in medical research, no direct method allows their rapid and unambiguous structural identification. Here, we interfaced online HPAEC (high performance anion-exchange chromatography) with ESI-ITMS (electrospray ionization ion trap mass spectrometry) to identify such pyrophosphorylated molecules. A self-regenerating anion suppressor located upstream of electrospray ionization enabled the simultaneous detection of pyrophosphoester by conductimetry, UV and MS. By HPAEC-ITMS and HPAEC-ITMS2, a single run permitted characterization of reference phosphoantigens and of related structures. Although all compounds were resolved by HPAEC, MS enabled their detection and identification by [M-H]- and fragment ions. Isobaric phosphoantigen analogues were also separated by HPAEC and distinguished by MS2. The relevance of this device was demonstrated for phosphoantigens analysis in human urine and plasma. Furthermore, identification of natural phosphoantigens by automatically generated 2D mass spectra from nano-ESI-ITMS is presented. This last technique permits the simultaneous performance of molecular screening of natural phosphoantigen extracts and their identification.  相似文献   

The alternate operation of nanoelectrospray ionization and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization, using a common atmosphere/vacuum interface and ion path, has been implemented to facilitate ion/ion reaction experiments in a linear ion trap-based tandem mass spectrometer. The ion sources are operated in opposite polarity modes whereby one of the ion sources is used to form analyte ions while the other is used to form reagent ions of opposite polarity. This combination of ion sources is well-suited to implementation of experiments involving multiply charged ions in reaction with singly charged ions of opposite polarity. Three analytically useful ion/ion reaction types are illustrated: the partial deprotonation of a multiply protonated protein, the partial protonation of a multiply deprotonated oligonucleotide, and electron transfer to a multiply protonated peptide. The approach described herein is attractive in that it enables both single proton-transfer and single electron-transfer ion/ion reaction experiments to be implemented without requiring major modifications to the tandem mass spectrometer hardware. Furthermore, a wide range of reactant ions can be formed with these ionization methods and the pulsed nature of operation appears to lead to no significant compromise in the performance of either ion source.  相似文献   

Currently, proton-transfer reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) allows for quantitative determination of volatile organic compounds in real time at concentrations in the low ppt range, but cannot differentiate isomers or isobaric molecules, using the conventional quadrupole mass filter. Here we pursue the application of linear quadrupole ion trap (LIT) mass spectrometry in combination with proton-transfer reaction chemical ionization to provide the advantages of specificity from MS/MS. A commercial PTR-MS platform composed of a quadrupole mass filter with the addition of end cap electrodes enabled the mass filter to operate as a linear ion trap. The rf drive electronics were adapted to enable the application of dipolar excitation to opposing rods, for collision-induced dissociation (CID) of trapped ions. This adaptation enabled ion isolation, ion activation, and mass analysis. The utility of the PTR-LIT was demonstrated by distinguishing between the isomeric isoprene oxidation pair, methyl vinyl ketone (MVK) and methacrolein (MACR). The CID voltage was adjusted to maximize the m/ z 41 to 43 fragment ratio of MACR while still maintaining adequate sensitivity. Linear calibration curves for MVK and MACR fragments at m/ z 41 and 43 were obtained with limits of detection of approximately 100 ppt, which should enable ambient measurements. Finally, the PTR-LIT method was compared to an established GC/MS method by quantifying MVK and MACR production during a smog chamber isoprene-NO x irradiation experiment.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid means of enzyme kinetic analysis was achieved using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and a one-point normalization factor. The model system used, glutathione S-transferase from porcine liver, is a two-substrate enzyme catalyzing the conjugation of glutathione with a variety of compounds containing an electrophilic center. An internal standard that is structurally similar to the product was added to the reaction quench solution, and a single-point normalization factor was used to determine the product concentration without the need of a calibration curve. Kinetic parameters, such as Km, Vmax and Ki (for thyroxine), obtained by electrospray mass spectrometry agreed with those obtained from traditional UV-vis spectroscopy, and competitive vs noncompetitive inhibition reactions could be delineated via mass spectrometry. These results suggest that our method can be applied to enzymatic processes in which spectrophotometric or spectrofluorometric assays are not feasible or when the relevant substrates do not incorporate chromophores or fluorophores. This new method is competitive with traditional UV assays in that it is facile and it involves very little analysis time.  相似文献   

This article describes the strange behavior of the widely used herbicide metolachlor under chemical ionization conditions in a hybrid source ion trap mass spectrometer in gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) coupling. With the use of ammonia as the reagent gas, metolachlor provides a chlorinated ion at m/z 295/297, almost as abundant as the protonated molecule at m/z 284/286, which cannot be isolated to perform tandem mass spectrometry (MS(n)) experiments. Curiously, this ion at m/z = M + 12 is not observed for the herbicides acetochlor and alachlor, which present very similar chemical structures. The chemical structure of the m/z 295/297 ions and the explanation of the observed phenomenon based on the metastable behavior of these ions were elucidated on the basis of experiments including isotopic labeling and modifications of the operating conditions of the ion trap mass spectrometer. This work allows one to give new recommendations for an optimized use of hybrid source ion trap mass spectrometers.  相似文献   

Negative ion chemical ionization was carried out using a quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer with selected reactant negative ions, primarily injected from a homemade dual EI/CI external ion source. Hence, selective ion/molecule reactions were provided according to the reaction time, which induce a greater control over bimolecular ionization mechanisms than in conventional a high-pressure ion source combined with beam instruments, where several competitive ionization processes take place mainly due to source conditions (e.g., temperature, pressure, and repeller). By selecting the reactant ions, ion/molecule reactions were specifically produced (i.e., charge exchange, proton transfer, nucleophilic substitution, and/or alpha-beta elimination) with several organic target compounds. Gas-phase reactivity of phosphorus- and nitrogen-containing compounds (such as phosphonates as representative for chemical warfare agents and phosphorothionates, phosphorodithionates, and triazines for pesticides) as well as dinitro aromatic compounds (for pesticides) has been explored, in the present work, to ensure further unambiguous detection.  相似文献   

The analytical performance of an atmospheric pressure sampling, multiple-channel, high-throughput mass spectrometer was investigated using samples of a variety of types. The instrument, based on an array of cylindrical ion traps, was built with four independent channels and here is operated using two fully multiplexed channels (sources, ion optics, ion traps, detectors) capable of analyzing different samples simultaneously. Both channels of the instrument were incorporated within the same vacuum system and operated using a common set of control electronics. A multichannel electrospray ionization source was assembled and used to introduce samples including solutions of organic compounds, peptides, and proteins simultaneously into the instrument in a high-throughput fashion. Cross-talk between the channels of the instrument occurred in the detection system and could be minimized to 1-2% using shielding between detector channels. In this initial implementation of the instrumentation, an upper mass/charge limit of approximately 1300 Th was observed (+13 charge state of myoglobin) and unit mass/charge resolution was achieved to approximately 800 Th. The rather limited dynamic range (2-3 orders of magnitude for low-concentration analytes) is due to cross-talk contributions from more concentrated species introduced into a different channel. Analysis of mixtures of alkylamines and peptides is demonstrated, but analysis of mixtures with a wide spread in mass/charge ratios was not possible due to mass discrimination in the ion optics. Further refinement of the vacuum system and ion optics will allow the addition of more channels of parallel mass analysis and facilitate applications in fields such as proteomics and metabolomics.  相似文献   

Li FA  Wu MC  Her GR 《Analytical chemistry》2006,78(15):5316-5321
A four-channel multiplexed electrospray capillary electrophoresis interface has been developed. This new interface permits up to four capillary electrophoresis columns to be sampled sequentially by means of a stepper motor and a notched rotating plate assembly, which at any instant occludes all but a single sprayer. In this design, four sheath liquid electrospray probes are oriented in a circular array situated 90 degrees relative to one another. The rotating metal disk, which contains a one-quarter notch, is mounted to the stepper motor assembly and is located between the sprayers and the entrance aperture of an ion trap mass spectrometer. By using the data acquisition signal from the ion trap mass spectrometer, the scan event is synchronized with the rotation of the metal disk. With this device, four discrete sample streams can be simultaneously analyzed, resulting in a 4-fold increase in analytical throughput.  相似文献   

An ion drift-chemical ionization mass spectrometry (ID-CIMS) technique has been developed to detect and quantify trace gases, including volatile organic compounds and inorganic species. The trace species are chemically ionized into positive or negative product ions with a well-controlled ion-molecule reaction time. The ID-CIMS method allows for quantification of the trace gases without the necessity of performing calibrations with authentic standards for the trace gases. Demonstrations of the ability of ID-CIMS to accurately quantify isoprene and HNO3 in a laboratory setting are presented. The results illustrate that the ID-CIMS technique facilitates detection and quantification of organic and inorganic species in laboratory kinetic investigations and field measurements.  相似文献   

Zencak Z  Reth M  Oehme M 《Analytical chemistry》2003,75(10):2487-2492
The use of dichloromethane/methane reagent gas mixtures is described as an alternative to conventional electron capture negative ionization for the determination of polychlorinated n-alkanes (PCAs). A nearly exclusive formation of [M + Cl]- adduct ions was observed suppressing the generation of other fragment ions. The resulting enhanced selectivity and sensitivity lowered quantification limits to 3 ng for a technical PCA mixture and 10.5-13.5 pg for single congeners. Response factors for congeners of different degrees of chlorination varied by not more than a factor of 2. Interferences from other polychlorinated compounds present in environmental samples such as toxaphene or chlordanes were suppressed by a factor of 5 or more. The technique was applied for the determination of the composition of technical PCA mixtures as well as for the analysis of PCAs in North Sea dab liver.  相似文献   

Electron impact ionization has several known advantages; however, heated filament electron sources have pressure limitations and their power consumption can be significant for certain applications, such as in field-portable instruments. Herein, we evaluate a VUV krypton lamp as an alternative source for ionization inside the ion trap of a mass spectrometer. The observed fragmentation patterns are more characteristic of electron impact ionization than photoionization. In addition, mass spectra of analytes with ionization potentials higher than the lamp's photon energy (10.6 eV) can be easily obtained. A photoelectron impact ionization mechanism is suggested by the observed data allowed by the work function of the ion trap electrodes (4.5 eV), which is well within the lamp's photon energy. In this case, the photoelectrons emitted at the surface of the ion trap end-cap electrode are accelerated by the applied rf field to the ring electrode. This allows the photoelectrons to gain sufficient energy to ionize compounds with high ionization potentials to yield mass spectra characteristic of electron impact. In this manner, electron impact ionization can be used in ion trap mass spectrometers at low powers and without the limitations imposed by elevated pressures on heated filaments.  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds released from the biosphere are known to have a large impact on atmospheric chemistry. Field instruments for the detection of these trace gases are often limited by the lack of instrument portability and the inability to distinguish compounds of interest from background or other interfering compounds. We have developed an automated sampling and preconcentration system, coupled to a lightweight, low-power cylindrical ion trap mass spectrometer. The instrument was evaluated by measuring isoprene concentrations during a field campaign at the University of Michigan Biological Station PROPHET lab. Isoprene was preconcentrated by sampling directly into a short capillary column precooled without the aid of cryogens. The capillary column was then rapidly heated by moving the column to a preheated region to obtain fast separation of isoprene from other components, followed by detection with a cylindrical ion trap. This combination yielded a detection limit of approximately 80 ppt (parts per trillion) for isoprene with a measurement frequency of one sample every 11 min. The data obtained by the automated sampling and preconcentration system during the PROPHET 2005 campaign were compared to those of other field instruments measuring isoprene at this site in an intercomparison exercise. The intercomparisons suggest the new inlet system, when coupled with this ion trap detector, provides a viable field instrument for the fast, precise, and quantitative determination of isoprene and other trace gases over a variety of atmospheric conditions.  相似文献   

A method was developed to determine nine N-nitrosamines in wastewater on the basis of solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography mass spectrometry using a linear ion trap-orbitrap hybrid instrument at high mass resolution. Analytes and five deuterated internal standards were preconcentrated by solid-phase extraction. Positive electrospray ionization resulted in protonated molecular ions of all nitrosamines. One to three product ions were formed by collision-induced dissociation or higher energy C-trap dissociation. The signal intensity of the product ions differed up to a factor of 3 between the two techniques. The molecular ions were usually used for quantification, because of the better sensitivity, and the product ions for confirmation. An actual mass resolving power of 25 000-40 000 ensured a sufficient selectivity to distinguish all molecular and product ions from interfering background ions. Only for N-nitrosomorpholine was a coeluting isobaric molecular ion detected in wastewater samples, which, however, formed different product ions. The mass accuracy was between -12 ppm at m/z 55 and 0 ppm at m/z 205 and did not change for more than 5 ppm over a sample sequence of 20 h analysis time. The optimized method allowed quantifying nine N-nitrosamines in drinking water and wastewater samples down to method detection limits of 0.3-3.9 ng/L at instrumental detection limits of 2-14 pg on column. Recoveries over the whole method were between 75 and 125% for six compounds, but considerably lower for three compounds, probably due to strong matrix effects causing a signal suppression of up to 95% in wastewater samples. N-Nitrosodimethylamine and N-nitrosomorpholine were the most abundant compounds (3-22 ng/L) in samples from two wastewater treatment plants, another four nitrosamines (N-nitrosopyrrolidone, -piperidine, -diethylamine, and -dibutylamine) were also detected. Our study demonstrates that the LTQ Orbitrap is a powerful instrument to quantify low molecular weight compounds at the picogram level in complex matrixes with both a high sensitivity and selectivity.  相似文献   

A rectilinear ion trap (RIT) mass analyzer was incorporated into a mass spectrometer fitted with an electrospray ionization source and an atmospheric pressure interface. The RIT mass spectrometer, which was assembled in two different configurations, was used for the study of biological compounds, for which performance data are given. A variety of techniques, including the use of a balanced rf, elevated background gas pressure, automatic gain control, and resonance ejection waveforms with dynamically adjusted amplitude, were applied to enhance performance. The capabilities of the instrument were characterized using proteins, peptides, and pharmaceutical drugs. Unit resolution and an accuracy of better than m/z 0.2 was achieved for mass-to-charge (m/z) ratios up to 2000 Th at a scan rate of approximately 3000 amu/(charge.s) while reduced scan rates gave greater resolution and peak widths of less than m/z 0.5 over the same range. The mass discrimination in trapping externally generated ions was characterized over the range m/z 190-2000 and an optimized low mass cutoff value of m/z 120-140 was found to give equal trapping efficiencies over the entire range. The radial detection efficiency was measured as a function of m/z ratio and found to rise from 35% at low m/z values to more than 90% for ions of m/z 1800. The way in which the ion trapping capacity depends on the dc trapping potential was investigated by measuring the mass shift due to space charge effects, and it was shown that low trapping potentials minimize space charge effects by increasing the useful volume of the device. The collision-induced dissociation (CID) capabilities of the RIT instrument were evaluated by measuring isolation efficiency as a function of mass resolution as well as measuring peptide CID efficiencies. Overall CID efficiencies of more than 60% were easily reached, while isolation of an ion with unit resolution at m/z 524 was achieved with high rejection (>95%) of the adjacent ions. The overall analytical capabilities of the ESI-RIT instrument were demonstrated with the analysis of a mixture of pharmaceutical compounds using multiple-stage mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

A gas chromatography/mass spectrometry method using selected ion monitoring with negative ion detection and methane chemical ionization was employed to quantitate a marker for bacterial peptidoglycan, D-alanine, in mammalian tissues. D-Alanine originating from bacterial peptidoglycan was obscured by substantial amounts of D-alanine generated by racemization from L-alanine present in tissue protein. To overcome this problem, samples were enzymatically treated and hydrolyzed in deuterated hydrochloric acid. Newly formed D-alanine derived from protein was labeled with deuterium and bacterial D-alanine remained unlabeled, enabling differentiation by the molecular weight increase. Butyl heptafluorobutyryl derivatives of the D- and L-amino acids were separated on a fused silica capillary column coated with Chirasil-val. The amounts of bacterial D-alanine found in livers of arthritic rats were consistent with previously reported levels of other carbohydrate-derived markers for bacterial peptidoglycan-polysaccharide complexes.  相似文献   

Ding WH  Tsai PC 《Analytical chemistry》2003,75(8):1792-1797
This work describes a modified method to analyze alkyltrimethylammonium chlorides (ATMACs) in river water samples. The proposed method involves adding solid potassium iodide to water sample (pH adjusted to 10.0) as a counterion to enhance the extraction of ATMAC residues by dichloromethane liquid-liquid extraction. The iodide-ATMA+ ion pairs were demethylated to their corresponding nonionic alkyldimethylamines (ADMAs) by thermal decomposition in a GC injection port. The corresponding ADMAs were then identified and quantitated by gas chromatography/ion trap mass spectrometry (GC/MS) in electron impact and low-pressure positive ion chemical ionization (PICI) modes. A relatively high abundance of ADMAs was detected at a demethylation temperature above 300 degrees C in the injection port. Experimental results indicate that the proposed method is precise and sensitive in ATMACs analysis and allows quantitation at < or = 0.01 microg/L in 500 mL of the water samples. The enhanced selectivity of quasi-molecular ion chromatograms of C12-C18-ADMA, obtained using methanol PICI-MS, enables ATMAC residues to be identified at trace levels in environmental samples. Recovery of the ATMACs in various spiked water samples ranged from 70 to 94% while RSD ranged from 3 to 12%. The concentrations of total measured ATMAC residues in river water samples ranged from nondetectable to 1.24 microg/L.  相似文献   

Hou K  Xu W  Xu J  Cooks RG  Ouyang Z 《Analytical chemistry》2011,83(5):1857-1861
A new sampling wand concept for ion trap mass spectrometers equipped with discontinuous atmospheric pressure interfaces (DAPI) has been implemented. The ion trap/DAPI combination facilitates the operation of miniature mass spectrometers equipped with ambient ionization sources. However, in the new implementation, instead of transferring ions pneumatically from a distant source, the mass analyzer and DAPI are separated from the main body of the mass spectrometer and installed at the end of a 1.2 m long wand. During ion introduction, ions are captured in the ion trap while the gas in which they are contained passes through the probe and is pumped away. The larger vacuum volume due to the extended wand improves the mass analysis sensitivity. The wand was tested using a modified hand-held ion trap mass spectrometer without additional power or pumping being required. Improved sensitivity was obtained as demonstrated with nano-electrospray ionization (ESI), atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI), and low temperature plasma (LTP) probe analysis of liquid, gaseous, and solid samples, respectively.  相似文献   

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