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Genetic and biologic observations suggest that pigs may serve as "mixing vessels" for the generation of human-avian influenza A virus reassortants, similar to those responsible for the 1957 and 1968 pandemics. Here we demonstrate a structural basis for this hypothesis. Cell surface receptors for both human and avian influenza viruses were identified in the pig trachea, providing a milieu conducive to viral replication and genetic reassortment. Surprisingly, with continued replication, some avian-like swine viruses acquired the ability to recognize human virus receptors, raising the possibility of their direct transmission to human populations. These findings help to explain the emergence of pandemic influenza viruses and support the need for continued surveillance of swine for viruses carrying avian virus genes.  相似文献   

An iterative Newton-Raphson method to solve the inverse admittivity problem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By applying electrical currents to the exterior of a body using electrodes and measuring the voltages developed on these electrodes, it is possible to reconstruct the electrical properties inside the body. This technique is known as electrical impedance tomography. The problem is nonlinear and ill conditioned meaning that a large perturbation in the electrical properties far away from the electrodes produces a small voltage change on the boundary of the body. This paper describes an iterative reconstruction algorithm that yields approximate solutions of the inverse admittivity problem in two dimensions. By performing multiple iterations, errors in the conductivity and permittivity reconstructions that result from a linearized solution to the problem are decreased. A finite-element forward-solver, which predicts voltages on the boundary of the body given knowledge of the applied current on the boundary and the electrical properties within the body, is required at each step of the reconstruction algorithm. Reconstructions generated from numerical data are presented that demonstrate the capabilities of this algorithm.  相似文献   

知识经济呼唤创新人才,而创新人才的培养只能靠创新教育.近年来,为适应创新教育和培养创新人才的要求,我校开设了大量公共选修课,“环境保护概论“就是其中的一门.下面结合笔者多年来对这一课程的教学实践及学生和课程的特点,谈谈问题情境教学法的应用与体会.……  相似文献   

It has been well-recognized that starvation in anorexia and bulimia nervosa causes endocrine disturbances. Such disturbances may help understand why many people with eating disorders cannot easily reverse their illness since people with eating disorders often enter a downward spiraling circle with malnutrition sustaining and perpetuating the desire for more weight loss and dieting. Symptoms, such as obsessions and dysphoric mood, and altered appetitive behavior, may be exaggerated by neuropeptide alterations and thus contribute to this downward spiral. While neuropeptide disturbances do not appear to be a permanent feature or cause or anorexia nervosa, these disturbances are strongly entrenched, and are not easily corrected by improved nutrition or short-term weight normalization. This suggests that therapy should be sustained for months after nutritional normalization.  相似文献   

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