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陈政  尚楠  张翔 《电网技术》2021,45(1):198-207
容量市场是电力市场体系的重要组成部分,能起到补偿固定成本、激励电源投资、保障容量供应等作用,在美国PJM、英国等市场中都有广泛应用.然而以保障供给需要为主的机制设计,导致现有容量市场机制在高比例可再生能源场景应用中存在明显局限性,同时也无法兼顾能源转型发展等多政策目标调控需要.面向未来能源转型可持续发展需要,文章提出了...  相似文献   

陈政  张翔  马子明  戴晓娟  夏清  赵燃 《中国电力》2020,53(8):164-172
容量市场是维持未来电力平衡的重要交易品种,美国PJM等国外容量市场主要解决了未来容量供应可靠性和容量电量成本分离的问题,却面临未来容量预测不准确、市场难以有效均衡的问题。提出了基于供需多方互动、引入虚拟投机商的容量市场机制,通过不同市场主体之间的多方互动和投机商的投机套利行为,建立了消除不平衡预测偏差的市场校正机制,充分调动全社会的资源和智慧,引导电力供需长期有效均衡,降低市场风险。提出了容量市场和能量市场的衔接机制,以能量市场的资产利用率作为衡量容量市场中各主体中标容量有效性的度量,以激励相容的方式抑制市场主体在能量市场上动用市场力的冲动。  相似文献   

A review of the frequency regulation market practices of the ISO New England, PJM Interconnection, and Midcontinent ISO is presented here. Particular attention is given to market structure, resource eligibility, selection, market clearing and settlements. An overview of frequency regulating reserves and the capacity and performance components is provided. We find that the observed spread in historic market clearing prices can be explained by how each operator incorporates lost opportunity cost into their clearing formulation.  相似文献   

王冬明  李道强 《浙江电力》2010,29(10):50-53
通过详细分析美国电力工业发展数据,指出其20世纪60到70年代电力工业的高速发展奠定了美国电能市场的基础,但电能市场无法有效引导电源建设,埋下了电力供求失衡的隐患,也促使美国开始了容量市场建设的历程。介绍和分析了美国PJM电力容量市场,指出电力容量市场是有计划特色的市场,同时也处于不断完善过程中。提出了我国电力工业处于迅速发展过程,更应该建立符合我国实际的电力容量市场,用市场化的方式引导电力工业可持续发展的观点。  相似文献   

新能源大规模并网给电力系统调峰带来巨大挑战,在电源侧深调空间逐步用尽的背景下,亟需高效的市场化机制引导用户侧可控负荷主动参与新能源辅助消纳.文中提出一种负荷聚合商参与的源荷联动调峰辅助服务市场框架,通过构建两阶段决策模型以实现考虑源侧深度调峰的用户侧调峰资源的市场化供给.其中,负荷聚合商测算其签约用户的需求侧响应容量及成本,基于边际效用进行竞价投标;火电机组测算其机组深度可调节能力,基于边际成本进行竞价投标,系统运营商建立采用随机机会约束规划方法的出清模型,实现源荷联动调峰市场出清.此外,进一步对市场的交易流程、出清规则及调控手段等关键问题进行了分析及探讨,算例结果验证了所提市场框架的有效性.  相似文献   

In this research, a simulation model is proposed to study the impact of consumer response rate on capacity and production planning. Different generation technologies such as base-load generation technologies and intermittent renewable energy technologies are considered. The simulation results show that the impact of DR depends on market price, the degree of demand elasticity, and the marginal cost of generation. As the rate of consumer response increases, investment in peak generation capacity becomes economically infeasible.  相似文献   

南方部分500 kV主网架2008年冰雪灾害中受损分析与思考   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
2008年初,中国南方大部分地区出现强烈的低温雨雪凝冻天气,给电网的安全稳定运行和电力供应带来极大的影响和威胁。文中介绍了中国南方黔、桂、滇、粤等4省(自治区)电网受灾主要情况及特点,描述了其500kV主网架在此次冰雪灾害中受灾的主要过程,总结了电网主网架受灾的典型特征,然后从远距离大容量输电比例、电源规划与电网规划、500kV主网架输电走廊选取等方面分析了此次冰雪灾害中暴露出来的问题,并提出了500kV主网架在电源建设和电网结构等方面提高应对灾害能力的解决方案与建议。  相似文献   

Models formulated as complementarity problems have been applied previously to assess the potential for market power in transmission-constrained electricity markets. Here, we use the complementarity approach to simulate the interaction of pollution permit markets with electricity markets, considering forward contracts and the operating reserve market. Because some power producers are relatively large consumers of permits, there could be interaction between market power in the permits and energy markets. Market power in the energy market is modeled using a Cournot game, while a conjectured price response model is used in the permits market. An illustrative application is made to Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland Interconnection (PJM), which we represent by a 14-node dc load-flow model, and the USEPA Ozone Transport Commission NO/sub x/ Budget Program. The results show that forward contracts effectively mitigate market power in PJM energy market and both simulated solutions of perfect and Cournot (oligopoly) competition are a good approximation to actual prices in 2000, except that the Cournot model yielded higher peak prices. The NO/sub x/ market influences the Cournot energy market in several ways. One is that Cournot competition lowers the price of NO/sub x/ permits, which in turn affects on low- and high-emission producers differently. In general, because pollution permits are an important cost, high concentration in the market for such permits can exacerbate the effects of market power in energy markets.  相似文献   

A dramatic expansion of the worldwide wind power capacity is underway which is critical to an effective mitigation of climate change. However, wind tower infrastructure is susceptible to extreme weather conditions such as tropical cyclones and thunderstorms. Under the context of global climate changes and intense weather events, it is imperative to assess the impacts of extreme conditions on the susceptibility of the global wind power with important implications on energy security and power system resilience. In this paper, we discuss the necessity and rationality of wind power deployment considering extreme weather perspectives on enhancing the global sustainability, security, economics, and resilience. We assess the vulnerability of wind power to extreme weather events under climate change and present the correlation of wind power proliferation, extreme weather events, and climate change issues. Our results indicate that, if extreme wind speed increases by 20% considering a 50-year return wind speed and load safety factor is changed from 1.35 to 1.7, the initial capital cost of wind unit installation by the end of this century could increase by about 12% because of the higher strength in tropical cyclones. In this period, upward lightning strike will be intensified due to the use of taller wind turbines and higher angular speed of blades. Also, additional storm surges and sea ices will potentially cause higher risks to inland and offshore wind tower structures and foundations because of the continuously rising sea levels. It is confirmed in our discussion that the proliferation of wind power generation would be beneficial despite its vulnerabilities by curbing the use of fossil-based power generation units, mitigating severe carbon emission, and reducing climatic changes and extreme weather events, which could also cause significant structural damages to wind turbines installations globally. The article concludes that it is vital in the scientific community to further analyze the relationship among global wind energy integration, extreme weather events, and climate changes, and for politicians to formulate a comprehensive energy policy strategy, as engineers continue to investigate the means of deploying additional inland and offshore wind farms and consider other types of renewable energy resources with a direct link with weather conditions, for a sustainable, economic, secure, and resilient energy production.  相似文献   

The world is witnessing increasing frequency of extreme events. The power system is the backbone critical infrastructure of our economy and is under treat of such events. The resilient power system is intended to cope with low probability, high risk extreme events including extreme natural disasters and man-made attacks. Realizing resilience in the power system has been an unprecedented mission. Equipped with today's smart grid technologies, power system can be rendered more resilient by the strategies taken before, during and after a disruptive event erupts. Based on a thorough review of existing works, we present the most-investigated problems and solving measures according to their application stage. In the preparation stage, innovative planning frameworks considering disaster scenarios are discussed; after the event, the system can alter the topology and integrate resource allocation to alleviate load shedding. The characteristics of different disasters are investigated to facilitate enhancing resilience. The review provides a summary of resilience strategies in the power system and can shed light to future research and application.  相似文献   

张玥  谢光龙  张全  韩新阳  朱瑞  张钧 《中国电力》2021,54(4):192-198,206
受极寒天气影响,2021年2月15日—19日美国得克萨斯州发生大停电事故,最多影响人口达450万人,得州电网进入三级紧急状态,最大切负荷2 000万kW,实时市场价格超过9 000美元/(MW·h)。依据得州电力可靠性委员会等机构的公开报告和数据,梳理事故过程,在提出的停电原因分析体系基础上,剖析该事故原因,并总结对中国电力发展的启示。应坚持发挥统一规划、统一调度、统一管理的体制优势,重视极端场景电力应急保障问题,构建适应高比例可再生能源和高比例电力电子装备电力系统的多元供给体系,筑牢能源电力安全物理基础,探索具有中国特色的电力市场模式。  相似文献   

2020年8月14日和15日,美国加州电网发生停电事故,共约81万人次受到停电影响。本文对该事故进行总结分析,为我国电网的安全稳定运行提供借鉴和参考。首先,对此次极端高温天气造成的切负荷和轮停事件进行介绍,分析总结造成该停电事故的主要原因,引入两个新能源反调峰特性的量化评估指标。其次,根据加州电网的实际,给出了针对该事故的短期及中长期应对措施。最后,结合此次停电事故所暴露的问题,从三个方面总结了对我国电网的启示,一是在电网规划及运行方面要建立考虑极端情况影响的电源规划机制,同时更加关注新能源快速发展过程中全省净用电负荷曲线变化特征;二是要优化电力市场建设;三是要提升电网柔性调控手段和能力。  相似文献   

During the winter of 2017, the eastern continental United States experienced an extreme weather event resulting in below average temperatures and consistently overcast skies. This event, referred to as a bombogenesis or “Bomb Cyclone” (BC), is one of a handful of extreme weather events experienced in the U.S. in recent years in which signif- icant strain is placed on U.S. electric interconnections. A U.S. Department of Energy study summarizing the impact of the BC indicated that coal and fuel oil/dual-firing plants provided sufficient reserves to prevent severe electricity shortages which would have otherwise resulted in significant widespread outages in the Eastern Interconnect (EI). A large regional transmission organization issued several responses to address the report’s concern regarding fuel supply security, highlighting the importance of timely fuel supply policy, and initiating a cross-institutional conversation to this end. The resultant policy conversations are not unique to the EI and generalizations are therefore of great interest to stakeholders in the western United States; a similar analysis is used to investigate the impact of a BC-like event placing strain of similar magnitude on the Western Interconnect, while introducing a resilience metric associated with the storability of fuel.  相似文献   

光伏发电是新型能源体系的重要组成部分,“十四五”期间我国光伏发电装机规模快速增长。光伏发电与天气强相关,随机性和波动性强,高比例光伏并网加大了电力系统平衡难度。通过详细分析高温天气下光伏发电出力特性,指出高温天气下光伏发电具有较高的日间顶峰能力,基于可信容量分析论证了提高极端高温天气下光伏发电参与电力平衡的合理性。最后计算验证了提高极端高温天气下光伏发电可信容量可降低日间电力平衡缺口,给出了光伏参与电力平衡的相关建议。  相似文献   

在"碳中和"及"碳达峰"的背景下,高比例可再生能源电力系统将成为未来电力系统发展的一个重要趋势,同时外界极端环境日趋多变多发,电力系统随机因素日益增加,将对系统的经济、安全、稳定运行产生重大影响,需要根据随机因素的不同特征研究分析其对系统的影响以及应对的措施.从随机变量以及描述方程的角度,将电力系统随机问题分为随机稳态...  相似文献   

风电的随机性和间歇性使得供电成本大大增加,风电并网加剧了系统的供需矛盾。在电力市场环境下,用户的用电需求可以对价格进行响应,帮助电网更好地消纳风电。根据这一特性,建立了基于需求响应的含风电电源规划模型,考虑了可变负荷的同时段和跨时段响应特性,并在模型中加入了CO2排放强度和风电备用容量约束。通过仿真计算得到各电源的发电容量情况。实验结果验证了模型的合理性,表明需求响应的引入可以提高风电渗透率,同时降低供电成本。  相似文献   

小型火电机组的竞标模式研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
小型火电机组具有建设周期短、运行维护简单,启停迅速、适合系统调峰等优点,但其效率低下、污染严重、发电成本高等缺点也十分明显。该文针对小火电机组的特点,结合国家环保能源政策,对电网的用电成本构成及小型火电机组的发电成本进行了分析,提出了分批、分区竞标的发电侧竞标模型,为小火电机组参与市场竞标提供了适当的算法。该模型有效地解决了输电阻塞和高峰时段功率缺额问题,实现了利用市场杠杆淘汰落后机型的目标,在保证经济性的同时充分体现了市场公平。此外,由于在算法中加入了发电成本横向比较手段,从而限制了发电厂商的市场投机行为。数字仿真的结果表明本算法是有效可行的。  相似文献   

美国PJM电力市场及其对我国电力市场化改革的启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
美国PJM控制区(位于美国东北部的一个区域电力系统)的电力市场运作是北美建立竞争区域电力市场的典范,其成功经验值得中国借鉴。文中总结了美国PJM电力市场的发展过程、市场组织结构和市场交易机制,分析了其成功的几大因素,并针对中国特点提出:为了保征电力系统的安全运行和电力市场的有效运作,中国的电力市场交易应该以合同交易为主,随着市场需求发展多种交易类型,通过制定有效的市场规则减少市场操纵力,同时应建立明确的供电责任机制。  相似文献   

电力用户电压暂降问题分析与仿真   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
电压暂降事件给用户带来巨大的经济损失.全面分析用户的电压暂降事件,得出导致用户电压质量问题的原因,从而获得解决用户电压暂降问题的方法.分析用户电压暂降事件的类型、地点、发生时间和与天气的关系,并与供电局调度记录对比,以了解用户面I临的主要电压问题和产生的原因.通过建立用户的供电模型,对各种故障情况进行仿真分析,获得不同故障地点对用户电压的影响程度,指出供电区域内的输电网故障是引发用户电压质量事件的主要原因,并分析区域内的薄弱环节,有针对性地为解决用户电压暂降问题和提高用户供电质量提供决策依据.  相似文献   

电力市场下可靠性电价与可靠性市场的研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
着重研究了系统的备用容量与发电可靠性和用电可靠性之间的关系以及不同发电可靠性条件下的发电可靠性电价和不同用电可靠性条件下的用电可靠性电价的确定。提出了满足个性化可靠性需求的交易模式,即由电网公司根据负荷的预计分布规律与备用市场价格确定在不同备用与供电可靠性条件下的备用电源计划安排,从而得到备用电源的费用及单位负荷功率的可靠性电价;电力用户根据自身的用电负荷特征及电网公司公布的可靠性电价申报供电可靠性要求;电网公司根据发电厂机组的可靠性水平确定系统需要增加的备用容量,进而确定发电厂的可靠性电价。  相似文献   

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