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Microgrids are a collection of distributed energy resources (DER) within a specific boundary, with a control system for their management and operations at the point of interconnection with the distribution utility. As microgrid concepts evolve, they are being applied to aggregations of DER outside boundaries with appropriate controls for operation with transmission and distribution utilities and participation in markets. This article marks this evolution and points towards the common functionalities of microgrid controllers and distributed energy management systems for integration of DER into transmission and distribution operations and markets.  相似文献   

The recent growth in distributed energy resources has raised issues of how to ensure that utilities recover allowed fixed costs for customer and distribution system services. This paper presents the issues related to DER in the context of both traditional cost-of-service and rate design methods, and economically efficient retail pricing. The objective is to clarify certain misconceptions and recommend retail pricing solutions.  相似文献   

We offer an economic framework for analyzing the compensation that DERs should receive for energy exported to the grid. This economic framework requires that the prices paid to DER owners be based upon the forward-looking, economic costs that their utility avoids when it buys the energy from the customer. We explain why this results in efficient ‘build or buy’ and ‘purchase and install’ decisions of the utility and DER customer, respectively.  相似文献   

This paper develops a multiperiod optimization model for an interconnected micro grid with hierarchical control that participates in wholesale energy market to maximize its benefit (i.e. revenues-costs). In addition to the operational constraints of distributed energy resources (DER) including both inter-temporal and non-inter-temporal types, the adequacy and steady-state security constraints of micro grid and its power losses are incorporated in the optimization model. In the presented model, DER are integrated into low voltage grid considering both technical and economical aspects. This integration as a micro grid can participate in wholesale energy market as an entity with dual role including producer and consumer based on the direction of exchanged power. The developed model is evaluated by testing on a micro grid considering different cases and the results are analyzed.  相似文献   

Ratiometric luminescence thermometry with trivalent lanthanide ions and their 4fn energy levels is an emerging technique for non-invasive remote temperature sen...  相似文献   

In this paper we examine how decision makers can more precisely assess the costs of disruptive weather events and the value of resilient distributed energy systems such as combined heat and power (CHP). CHP makes up a small percentage of the energy infrastructure in the United States despite its substantial efficiency and resilience benefits. In part this is because the resilience value of CHP is not fully accounted for in energy infrastructure project cost screenings. To capture this benefit in investment decisions, we propose a framework for a metric called the Distributed Energy Resource Resiliency Value (DERRV) and discuss how such a metric might be applied to CHP.  相似文献   

“双碳”战略背景下,电力系统面临着清洁化、高可靠、低成本的重大三角矛盾。针对多重不确定性复杂耦合的电力系统,安全可靠的灵活调节能力和绿色电力的弹性消纳裕度成为重要攻克方向。面向新型电力系统的聚合技术架构,使海量、灵活、分散且难观、难测、难控的灵活性“沉睡”资源得以唤醒调动,因其低成本、高弹性成为了新型电力系统的重要可调资源,是关键技术解决方案,但相关工作仍处于起步示范阶段。聚焦国内外灵活资源聚合辅助电力系统运行的典型技术应用场景,梳理了面向新型电力系统聚合技术架构的典型分类,并分析比较了其技术特征,给出了灵活资源参与电力系统运行的架构技术建设启示和发展建议,为我国构建以新能源为主体的新型电力系统提供重要技术支撑。  相似文献   

Due to the abundance of wind resources in its footprint and favorable energy policies and economics, the Midcontinent Independent System Operator has seen an increase of wind energy to its fuel mix since 2006. With over 11,000?MW under its control and 7000?MW on the generation interconnection queue, MISO has begun to act with respect to understanding what higher levels of variable renewable energy resources would mean for its system.  相似文献   

In one decade, Kansas renewable energy growth created more than $10 billion dollars in capital investment. A battle over building a new coal fired generating plant would become the catalyst for advancing wind energy. Thrust into the national spotlight, Kansas utilized a coal plant compromise to advance a renewable portfolio standard (RPS) that required state-regulated utility companies to invest in renewable energy. This effort ultimately led to Kansas becoming a leader in wind power development.  相似文献   

With the status quo unsustainable in the face of the widespread adoption of distributed generation, the authors propose a new method of metering, compensating and charging customers who own DG resources. The authors encourage separate and granular gross DG output measurement and compensation (plus potentially charges), whether DG is exported to the grid or consumed locally, preferably reflecting locational and temporal value. They analyze the costs and benefits of net metering and their proposed alternative.  相似文献   

Estimating the benefits of policies that improve the reliability of the electricity grid is challenging. This paper critically examines the Value of Lost Load (VoLL) literature and provides a framework to describe the complexity of measuring the costs of power outages. The VoLL metric, which is too often presented as a singular point estimate, influences electric reliability decision-making. This paper improves on prior work by clearly distinguishing applications of the VoLL metric between (1) cost-benefit analyses which inform centralized, reliability-enhancing infrastructure investments and (2) decentralized rationing decisions during times of electric supply shortage. Revealed preference approaches to VoLL estimation are introduced that offer attractive theoretical advantages over traditional estimation methods. The underlying uncertainty inherent to estimating the costs of power outages implies that cost-effectiveness analysis should remain a key tool for electric reliability decision-makers.  相似文献   

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